Although Zhu Zhu's role has been reduced as much as possible, because the adults are all very serious, Xiao Tuanzi is also very nervous, fearing that something will go wrong.

Now that the performance was finally over, there were no problems. Tuanzi immediately collapsed into his father's arms. He felt that Zhuzhu was tired and wanted to slow down. He felt that Zhuzhu was great and wanted to act coquettishly.

The important ministers in the court, a group of old foxes, are all very old, and their senses are particularly obvious. The presbyopia caused by reading a lot is no longer blurred, and the backache and back pain are all gone. It is like being in their prime again.

So each one of them smiled like a big chrysanthemum and looked straight this way, looking for a chance to talk. As soon as Tuanzi caught his eye, they immediately trotted all the way, wishing they could jump over to him: "Your Highness, your name is Veteran?"

Tuanzi waved his hands in panic: "No, Zhuzhu doesn't!"

Several old men jumped over one after another. Tuanzi was so frightened that he turned around on the spot and hid his little fleshy face in his father's arms.

Prince Duan touched her little phoenix crown and asked Sheng Minglin to take her down and change her clothes and hair style. The child's skin was delicate, leaving a red mark on her forehead. Sheng Minglin rubbed it slowly for her, and the dumplings were stretched out. With little effort, she reached under his official hat and rubbed it for him.

At this time, everyone was in a low mood and wanted to shout a lot, but they couldn't let it go at the palace banquet, so they were all a little absent-minded.

Palace banquets in the Dasheng Royal Family are always simple. Everyone didn't know how to eat tonight, so they became even simpler. It ended soon and they couldn't wait to leave the palace. Everyone couldn't help but start talking to each other. The more they talked, the louder and louder they became. Big, very excited.

Emperor Mingxi laughed when he heard this voice, hugged Zhuzhu and took a sip: "Okay, you guys can go back too."

The prince took the person over and gave him a kiss: "Jiuzhu Bei'er, see you next year."

Tuanzi nodded fiercely: "Mingqian...see you next year! Siguoguo, by next year, Zhuzhu will be four years old! He has the same surname as Siguoguo!"

The prince smiled and nodded without correcting her.

Maybe Zhuzhu doesn't know his name at all. He is called Fourth Brother here.

Tuanzi reluctantly hugged Qiguoguo again, and he also hugged the eldest prince, as well as the unfamiliar fifth and eighth princes. Everyone said "see you next year."

Prince Duan and others returned to Prince Duan's Mansion. Prince Duan personally invited the old prince over and stayed together in the main courtyard.

As soon as the old prince entered the door, everyone couldn't help but be surprised. After Shen Lingjue arranged the people on duty, he hurried in and saw his grandfather playing in the sandbox with Prince Duan. Suddenly he felt that something was wrong, and he called out tentatively: " grandfather?"

The old man smiled and nodded: "Jue'er."

He looked at him and smiled for a while: "Jue'er has grown up too. He's pretty good. He's better than your father!"

Looking into each other's eyes, Shen Lingjue burst into tears. She turned around quickly, took a few deep breaths, and suppressed them.

Yes, the patient will also benefit. My grandfather has been confused for so long, and now he is suddenly better...He, although he is not very accomplished now, he has already become an official and became a military attache. Sometimes he will I was talking to my grandfather, thinking to myself, my grandfather would be happy, right?
Until now, when I heard my grandfather say this with my own ears... my heart felt sour and sweet at the same time, and I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.

It is very comfortable to stay up late in Prince Duan's Mansion. There are wine and food on the table. There are many tables and sitting and sleeping places in the room. There are all kinds of hot and cold food and fruit snacks. You can sit wherever you want and eat whatever you want.

Prince Duan and the old prince were playing on the sand table and practicing military exercises. Zhuzhu, her beautiful brother and the big tiger lined up and walked around among the various furnitures, picking things to eat. She took a bite, her beautiful brother took a bite, and fed the big tiger. The tiger takes a bite, then lets the beautiful brother throw it high, and gives Shanda Mingfeng a bite.

Sheng Minglin pulled Shen Lingjue and Lu Wuqi to play with the promotion chart, while looking up from time to time to look at his sister.

Princess Duan was settling accounts aside, but no one else was allowed to watch.

Then she called: "Yan Qing Yan Qing!"

Prince Duan responded, and Princess Duan asked the maid to bring it to him: "Your account for this year is one thousand six hundred and sixty taels."


Then Princess Duan called again: "Minglin Minglin!"

Sheng Minglin hurried over and said to Princess Duan: "This is your account, 310, two or three dollars, count it carefully." Sheng Minglin: "..."

Sheng Minglin fell down laughing, took it away obediently, and then really fell on the table to count.

Princess Duan said again: "Brother Zhao!"

Huo Chenzhao walked over with a smile and said to Princess Duan: "You have two portions, one is the pills made in your shop, and the other is the dividends from the prescription. The total is a difference of two yuan, which is three thousand, six hundred and fifty six taels. I’ve put it all together for you, take it and take it!”

Huo Chenzhao looked at Sheng Minglin and took it over while holding back a smile.

Then not long after, Princess Duan called out again: "Zhuzhuzhuzhu!"

Tuanzi was very interested and immediately ran over, holding a bowl in his two little hands, waiting to split the money.

Princess Duan bent down and said to her: "Baby, you really have a lot, but as for the sugar maker, you said you would give it to your father. We people in the world keep our word, don't you think so? So this You can only look at a portion of the money, and I will share it with your father."

Tuanzi wondered whether he understood or not, and nodded cutely: "Oh!"

Princess Duan said again: "The remaining money on the map is quite a lot. The amount given to you is 880 taels. The money on the buttons is less, and the buttons are only more than 70 taels. The banknotes, silver and accounts are all Inside,"

She casually said and put the two bags in her hands: "You must have taken it. My mother and I have settled the score. After taking it away, if the count is wrong, my mother will not admit it!"

Silly Tuanzi nodded obediently and smiled at her: "Oh! A few of them!"

Everyone laughed, but Princess Duan and Tuanzi were very serious. Tuanzi immediately found an open space with two bags in his arms, threw them on the ground, and waved to people: "Xingxing Guoguo, Lulu, and Lao Grandpa, you don’t have any money to share, come and help Zhuzhu count the money, Zhuzhu will give you half!”

Shen Lingjue laughed and actually went over to help count the money, and Lu Wuqi also shamelessly went over.

Sheng Minglin divided the money he shared into two, gave 100 taels to his father and 100 taels to his mother with a smile, then put the 100 taels into his sister's money pile, leaving only 12 taels for himself, and then looked for I got a warm mat, lifted my sister onto the mat, and sat down to help my sister count the money.

Huo Chenzhao followed his example and counted out 1000 taels of silver notes. He came over and gave it to Princess Duan with a smile: "Shen Zhao should also be filial to my aunt."

Princess Duan smiled and nodded: "Good boy!"

Huo Chenzhao gave another 1000 taels to Prince Duan: "Shen Zhao, honor your uncle and drink tea."

Prince Duan also accepted it with a smile.

Then he also put 1000 taels into Zhuzhu's money pile, and put the rest into his sleeve.

Huo Chenzhao was not poor. He had a medicine garden and a medicine shop. The money was for the prescriptions in Zhuzhu Chuan's book, not for him to make them himself. He did not dare to take credit. He only kept the medicine for his own shop. Money is convenient for subsequent turnover. This is also my own style, and I am not deliberately generous.

Then he also sat down and helped Zhuzhu count the money.

Princess Duan gave her some pieces, and her brother with obsessive-compulsive disorder put them all together. Zhuzhu was helping blindly, putting ten taels of silver notes into 100 taels at every turn, and the people next to her could only take them out for her. It's such a simple game, and a group of people are having fun playing it.

Prince Duan smiled when he saw them from a distance: "They are all a bunch of vulgar people. Counting money is not as fun as playing."

Princess Duan glanced sideways at him, and Prince Duan immediately answered: "Follow me, I am just a common man who loves money as much as his life."

The old prince was delighted: "You kid, you've been like this since you were young, afraid of your wife!"

Prince Duan: "..."

In front of the child, can you save some face for me? (End of chapter)

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