After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 578: The British Lord expands the territory during his reign

With Zhu Zhuchao's serious "help", everyone was laughing and joking, and it took a long time to sort out the money.

After finishing sorting, Zhuzhu tilted her head and looked at it for a long time: "There are so many people with all their money lying on the ground in debt, how come there are so few people when they line up?"

"Because wealth is not disclosed, it means that money cannot be seen by others!" Princess Duan waved her fan and looked aside, and pointed casually: "So you see, a lot of money is hidden behind the scenes, you can only You saw the money on the first one, isn’t it missing?”

Tuanzi suddenly realized: "How cool!"

Then she grabbed a pile and started to divide the money seriously: "Mom, Jie Zhang looks good, here it is for you! Guo Guo! Jie Zhang looks good, here it is for you! Beautiful Guo Guo, here it is for you! Star Guo Guo... Lulu!"

Today's banknotes come from various banks, with different colors, patterns, and seals. Some are flashy and come in several colors. In Zhuzhu's mind, these are the most beautiful and valuable.

When I saw something that looked good, I immediately separated it. When I saw something that didn’t look good, I casually put it aside... and then it fell to the ground.

Sheng Minglin had no choice but to follow his sister to pick up the money.

This stack was 100 taels. After all the banknotes were used up, the heads had not yet been divided. When Tuanzi saw that his father was not there yet, he hurriedly picked and picked again and began to divide the [-] taels: "Daddy's... Grandpa's... Sister Litchi, here it is. One for you!"

Lychee smiled and accepted it.

Princess Duan immediately returned to her table, picked out some good-looking ten-tael silver notes, and said to Zhuzhu: "Zhuzhu, my dear, my mother will use this good-looking one to exchange your bad-looking ones, okay?" ah?"

She pointed at the ones worth a thousand taels and the one worth 1 taels.

Tuanzi was very grateful, with little stars in his eyes: "Thank you, mother! Mother is ready!" She exchanged it with her happily.

Princess Duan smiled and took it back and asked someone to put it into Zhuzhu's exclusive small box.

Tuanzi, who didn't realize that his property had shrunk on the spot, continued to lie there and divide the beautiful money: "Jie Zhang gives to Si Guo Guo, Jie Zhang gives to Qi Guo Guo, Qin Guo Guo, Tang Jiu Jiu, Mr. Baobao...Jie Zhang Zhang is given to the emperor's aunt, and Zhang is given to the emperor's uncle... The big idea is Guoguo, the small meaning is Jiji, Fengfeng Guoguo..."

Sheng Minglin listened to her talk more and more, including Sister Dajing and Sister Jing, and smiled: "Zhuzhu, the brothers and sisters outside don't need to give them money, just give it to the people in your own family." , this is Zhuzhu’s own money. Sharing it with the emperor’s uncle and his wife is a sign of filial piety, sharing it with his brothers and sisters is a sign of friendship, and sharing it with his servants is a reward. But generally, there is no need to give money to friends. Because they and Zhuzhu I make friends because Zhuzhu is smart and cute, not because Zhuzhu is rich..."

Tuanzi nodded suddenly.

Then Princess Duan sponsored her a bunch of cute little sachets and asked her to stuff her banknotes into them to give away.

Sheng Minglin secretly changed the bill for her to a slightly larger one, otherwise it would be awkward to give the emperor ten taels of silver.

After finally dividing it up, Sheng Minglin sorted out the remaining money for her and asked the lychees to be put away for her. He grabbed his sister and helped her wash her hands carefully.

Now, the hot springs in the Imperial Palace, the East Palace, and Prince Duan's Mansion have all been put in place and the bamboo pipes have been connected. Although the craftsmen have been troubled for a long time to cover up the ugly bamboo pipes, now, each main courtyard has its own hot springs at any time. Warm water is available everywhere, making it convenient to wash hands, face and bathe.

After washing, Zhuzhu started to yawn.

But it was New Year's Eve after all, and even children wanted to stay up until midnight for good luck, so the brothers put on their outer robes, hugged her and went out to play for a while. Prince Duan, his wife and the old man also followed.

As soon as I went out, the yard was filled with lanterns of all kinds, and the stars were dotted like the night sky.

The medicine-haired puppet has been prepared in the courtyard. The boss hung a cylinder on the wood. As soon as the masters came over, the servants lit the fuse. The fuse quickly went up with a stream of flames, and the cylinder then crashed down. Inside was In a set of plays, the little figures turned and swayed in the firelight, and the sparks continued to fall. It took more than a quarter of an hour to slowly burn out, and then there was another crash, falling to the second level, and another set of plays.

There are stories in every layer, Zhuzhu looked up with her little face and watched with gusto. It took almost an hour after the whole medicine-haired puppet was played.

Everyone went back into the house and ate something more. Finally, after midnight, Zhuzhu fell asleep, and the adults continued to sit and talk.The next day was the big court meeting. The adults left early in the morning, but Zhuzhu could still sleep until she woke up naturally.

Although she stayed up very late yesterday, Zhuzhu woke up not too late. When she woke up, all the servants in the house came to say hello and said in unison: "Master, have a prosperous New Year and may you have a long life."

Tuanzi said happily: "You are also lucky and blessed!"

She waved to her brothers at the door: "Guo Guo, beautiful Guo Guo, Xing Guo Guo, you are all auspicious! You are all blessed!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "I wish you a happy New Year, Zhuzhu. You will become more smart, beautiful and cute this year!"

The few of them chatted about auspicious words for a long time. While talking, Li Zhi dressed her up.

Today everyone is dressed very festively. Even Big Tiger and Shanda Weifeng have changed into red vests and red cloaks. As soon as they go out, the house is full of blessing characters, couplets, window grilles, and even the small door where Shanda Weifeng enters and exits has couplets pasted on it. , all red.

Zhuzhu is red from head to toe, even the little tassel on her head is New Year's red, and there is a red dot on her forehead. She really looks like a happy baby.

Sheng Minglin waited until Zhuzhu finished her breakfast before carrying her over and looking at the system's New Year's specials.


There are tens of thousands of auspicious commemorative coins, priced at 666 points, with a limit of one purchase.

The material is steel core plated with copper alloy, one inch and two inches in diameter, pure round shape without holes.

Sheng Minglin first took out one and looked at it. In his hand, it actually had some weight.

This thing was called a commemorative coin in later generations, and now it is called spending money, which is a kind of play money that is unofficially made and cannot be circulated. It is also called Weisheng money, and this kind of money can also be called Jiyu money.

This coin has the character "Sheng", the country's name, on the front, and the outline of a map on the bottom, with "Made on the first day of the first lunar month of the ninth year of Mingxi" underneath.

On the back is a small bead with a hair bun and a small tassel, holding a national flag in his hand. There is a semicircle on the whole pattern with the small words "God-given auspiciousness and prosperity will last forever".

The whole coin is glittering with gold and extremely delicate. Even the coin's circle has small words: "The British Lord reigned to open up the territory", "The foreign guests will serve all the people and return to their hearts", "The king is upright and the ministers are virtuous, the sea is clear", "The country is stable and the grain is abundant" .There is a small blank space in the middle of every eight characters, which looks like a pattern when touched in the hand.

The patterns on both sides are all protruding, and every word and every stroke is extremely clear. Although the little girl only has a little bit of it, her face is clearly distinguishable, and even her hair is cute.

It is so exquisite, much more exquisite than jewelry. It cannot be cast nowadays. It can be collected and can be passed down to future generations.

There are only tens of millions of people in Da Sheng now, and tens of millions of them can be sold at a high price. When everyone uses real gold and silver that can be circulated to buy such commemorative coins that will not be used for circulation, it will naturally end the problems caused by the previous Da Sheng treasure banknotes. of inflation.

Sheng Minglin admired it back and forth for a long time, explaining it to Zhuzhu while admiring it, and then said to Zhuzhu: "A few more."

Tuanzi nodded, and with a crash, the entire tiger mat was covered with money, which shocked the big tiger.

Zhuzhu sat on a pile of golden money, looked around, and let out a sigh of satisfaction. Then she touched the money and began to divide it. One person was given one to each person. Everyone took it in their hands, turning it over and over, looking at it carefully. Tsk-tsk in admiration.

After everyone watched for a while, Huo Chenzhao said: "Zhuzhu, I also have a little thing for you." (End of Chapter)

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