Chapter 68 One bowl plus one spoon

When Sheng Minglin saw him like this, he was so angry.

Why is it that there is such a person in this world, and it makes people worry if he doesn’t get along with Tuanzi!Is it even more worrying if it is combined?
At least he still remembered that the other party was a prince and could not be beaten, mainly because he could not be beaten.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Don't you have a boat in Prince Duan's Mansion? If you want to play in the water, can't you ask someone to lift the boat out? Do you have to play in such an unsafe way? If something happens, have you thought about what to do! And this The wooden basin doesn’t even have a roof. What if the sun is so strong and the beads are damaged?”

"That's right!" The seventh prince listened instantly and immediately put his two palms together to cover Tuanzi's head. He also complained to Sheng Minglin: "You said the sun is so bright, why don't you bring Zhuzhu in quickly? I’m still blabbing here!”

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He felt that one day he might be pissed to death by the Seventh Prince.

A group of people rushed into the small flower hall where Tuanzi usually had classes.

Zhuzhu's little skirt was so dirty that she couldn't see it, and the Seventh Prince was about the same. Everyone was sweating from the sun. The servants quickly fetched water, and together with Sheng Minglin, they all washed their faces and changed their clothes.

The Seventh Prince's bald head also has the advantages of being bald. He even washed his hair and didn't even wipe it. After changing his clothes, he sat there with water on his head and face. Just looking at it, he really didn't look like he came from the palace at all. Prince.

Sheng Minglin applied cold water to his eyes for a while. When he came out a little late, he saw Tuanzi standing by the window. Litchi was holding two small wooden blocks, carefully checking her fingers and pinching them gently.

As soon as she saw Sheng Minglin coming out, Zhuzhu immediately hid her hands behind her back and smiled stupidly at him.

Sheng Minglin knew without even thinking that it must be the thorn from the wooden basin that pricked Zhuzhu's finger.

That's right. How smooth can that kind of wooden basin brought over from the martial arts training ground be?Dirty!Just move it here and give it to your children to play with?

Looking at the stupid seventh prince again, he became even more angry.

So Sheng Minglin waved to Zhuzhu in a friendly manner: "Zhuzhu, do you still remember these books?"

Tuanzi immediately said, "Of course I remember!"

She pointed with her little fingers and read out one by one: "Thick silver means good nature. Nature is similar, but habits are far apart. If you don't teach, your nature will change. Teach it...well, Mother Meng..."

She began to stutter.

Sheng Minglin asked her: "Zhuzhu has already carried it, why can't she do it now?"

He looked at the seventh prince: "Can you ask the seventh brother if he knows?"

The seventh prince, who was a scumbag at school, rarely had such an opportunity, and he immediately cheered up: "I'll do it, I'll do it! The way to teach is to be expert. Former Meng's mother, choose a neighbor. If a son doesn't learn, he will lose his opportunity..."

He memorized Guagua, and after reciting only a few words, Sheng Minglin waved his hand, and asked Tuanzi with a deliberately strange look: "Zhuzhu, you used to know it, but now you can't, but Brother Seven can know it again?" Yeah, could it be that he stole the book in Zhuzhu’s mind?”

Zhuzhu: "...??"

She touched her little head with one hand and looked at the seventh prince subconsciously.

The Seventh Prince quickly explained: "No, it's not Zhuzhu. I started learning it when I was five years old. I would have memorized the Three-Character Sutra long ago. You see, if you had it and I didn't, I might have stolen it from you. I also have it myself. There’s no need for me to steal yours, right?”

The pot couldn't be pushed out, Tuanzi nodded dullly: "Well, why can't Zhuzhu become swollen? Zhuzhu can obviously do it!"

She thought for a long time and started to burst into tears: "Did Zhuzhu become stupid..."

"No, of course not! How could Zhuzhu be stupid!" The seventh prince sighed anxiously: "Oh! Forget it, just think that I stole it from you. Don't be sad. Let's learn it again. I Read it to you!"

But Tuanzi was still a little in disbelief. She held her head with both hands and looked at her smart brother eagerly: "Is it OK? Zhuzhu spent a lot of effort to learn it, and he is obviously good at it! Is it OK?" Why will you forget it? Do you think so?"

Sheng Minglin came over and said warmly: "Yes, we are like this too. Everyone is the same. You have to persevere in studying and read every day. If you are lazy or delayed by something, you are likely to forget... But in fact, as long as you try hard to remember it, even if you forget it, it’s like peek-a-boo, you’ll catch it as soon as you catch it, and you’ll remember it as soon as you think about it.”

He paused for a moment, seeing that Tuanzi understood, and then continued: "But if you work harder," he made a small point with his hand: "Just a little bit, and the memory is very firm, then even if it's decades, I will never forget it." Tuanzi's eyes lit up, and he grabbed his raised finger: "Is Zhuzhu so broad that he only has to carry this minus minus?"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He could only say: "No, it's just like eating. You can eat a bowl of rice and add another spoonful and you'll be full. But if you don't eat that bowl and only eat that spoonful, it means you haven't eaten."

Tuanzi understood it carefully and nodded, "Well, Guo Guo, Zhu Zhu will read it later, and when he reads..." She pointed to his hand: "When adding a spoonful to a bowl of rice, Guo Guo remember to add Tell Zhuzhu!"

What can Sheng Minglin say?

He could only say: "Okay."

He raised his hand: "Now, you can read what you said before again."

So the seventh prince took her away and began to read it to her over and over again.

Only then did Prince Duan come in.

He really didn't know at first, mainly because no one here knew that Prince Duan was back, so he didn't report the news there.

Later, the masters changed their clothes and the servants took them back to clean up. Prince Duan got the letter and listened to a few words outside before coming in.

As soon as he came in, the servants also came in and saluted Sheng Minglin: "Congratulations to the Crown Prince!"

Sheng Minglin nodded with a smile and motioned for a reward from his personal servant.

Zhuzhu also heard it, and turned around. Prince Duan smiled and teased her: "Zhuzhu, my brother is the heir apparent, are Zhuzhu happy?"

Zhuzhu asked: "Is he the elder brother of Sister Yulu?"

The sister Yulu mentioned by Zhuzhu is from Prince Qi's palace.

Emperor Mingxi was on the fourth line, and Prince Duan was on the fifth line. The next brothers who were slightly closer to each other were the King of Chu who was on the sixth line, and the King of Qi who was on the seventh line.

In fact, Emperor Taizu had more than 20 sons, but the others died very young, or they were vassalized early, so the relationship was a bit weak.

Sheng Yulu is the youngest daughter of King Qi.

King Qi has four sons and one daughter. Sheng Yulu is seven years old this year.

Because King Qi acted absurdly and cruelly in the vassal territory, Emperor Mingxi summoned him to the capital last year and could see him from time to time. However, Prince Qi's son still stayed in the vassal territory.

Prince Duan smiled and said, "Yes, he is just that kind of prince."

Tuanzi asked: "Is there any difference between the prince and Guo Guo?"

Prince Duan thought for a while and said, "When he becomes the heir, the court will pay him money."

"Give me money..." Tuanzi immediately looked at Sheng Minglin with envy, making Sheng Minglin laugh.

Tuanzi turned around and said, "Daddy, are you rich enough to make Qi Guo Guo the heir apparent? Then we will have two shares of money?"

Prince Duan laughed and said, "No, seventh brother is not my father's son."

"What does that matter?" Tuanzi stretched out his chubby hand and took his father's hand. His big eyes were very discerning and he persuaded earnestly: "Anyway, the emperor has many children. We can ask him for two and four." You can also ask for Guo Guo.”

(End of this chapter)

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