Chapter 69: Raising a pretty pot costs money

Prince Duan couldn't laugh or cry: "My dear, I really don't want this. Besides, even if the fourth and seventh brothers are all father's sons, there can only be one heir apparent. Think about it, one heir apparent will receive one share of money. If there are too many heirs, , is Uncle Huang poor?"

Tuanzi agreed upon hearing this and nodded, with a rather disappointed expression on his face: "Oh!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "What does Zhuzhu need so much money for?"

Naituanzi said matter-of-factly: "It costs money to raise a beautiful Guoguo! If you have a lot of money to wear beads, you can raise a beautiful Guoguo."


The old father, Prince Duan, was very sad: "Are you still thinking about that boy? I didn't even look carefully. Is he that good-looking?"

Zhuzhu nodded seriously: "It's good-looking. It's even more beautiful than Si Guo Guo. Minus it, it ranks first."

Mei Ge, who is also an old father at heart, is also very sad: "This person is just a new toy to Zhuzhu. Before he gets it, he keeps thinking about it. Once he gets it, it is just like that. It has become stale in two days."

Lord Duan, haha.

Sheng Minglin glanced at Prince Duan calmly. Judging from Prince Duan's expression, it seemed that he hadn't found anything yet.

However, the Seventh Prince was curious and asked: "Zhuzhu likes beautiful people the most, and even asked the Queen to marry a palace maid. Is it true?"

Prince Duan chuckled again and pointed at the lychee: "That's right!"

Lychee pursed her lips and smiled, then came over and bowed.

When Zhuzhu was almost two years old, she went to the palace during the Chinese New Year. She fell in love with Litchi, who was still the maid of Imperial Concubine at that time. She stared at her without blinking. Later, when she was eating snacks, she was swaying by herself. When I got off the ground, I was wearing so many clothes that I looked like a ball. I trudged up to Li Zhi, gave her the snack, and smiled up at her, making everyone in the hall laugh. .

Then the empress made a suggestion, and the emperor agreed. Concubine De smiled very ugly, but still gave the maid to Zhuzhu.

Thinking about it now, it is possible that Concubine De kept the lychee by her side, preparing to push it out to be petted if there was a chance, but Zhuzhu asked for it.

Fortunately, she didn't have such thoughts. After waiting for another year or two, she could be released and get married, and she could still come back to serve Zhuzhu and act as a housekeeper.

After thinking about it like this, they found out that there were quite a lot of things that offended the third prince's side when they visited the palace. However, the emperor didn't say anything when he dealt with Changshou Po. It is estimated that the third prince did not do anything.

Prince Duan was thinking in his mind, still chatting with a few young people who had nothing to do with each other. At the same time, he did not forget to order people to pack up the boat. You can get on the boat to play tomorrow. By then, whether it is on the lake or by the lake, you must first After cleaning up and preparing to go out to play, servants and maids who are good at water must also be prepared in advance.

Therefore, the seventh prince's idea of ​​​​playing with Zhuzhu as he comes up is really not feasible. He will never be allowed to play with Zhuzhu alone in the future.

While we were chatting, Zhuzhu had forgotten about the beautiful pots, but in the evening, when they served Hongbao cake...the kind of cake made with the recipe given by Huo Zheng..., Zhuzhu Don't like to eat.

In the past few days, after eating every meal, the dumplings were finally eaten.

So at night, Princess Duan couldn't help but ask: "Huo Zheng, have you checked it out? Can it be used? At least give me a few more food supplements, and I can change it!"

Prince Duan was not in a hurry at first, but since his wife and children were anxious, he went to ask.

As a result, Jin Yiwei, who handled the matter, said: "We found out some clues. I am conducting an in-depth investigation."

What this sentence means is that there is something wrong with this person, and they are continuing to investigate, and they don’t know what they will find yet.

Prince Duan immediately found it difficult to ask any more questions.

As for Zhuzhu, she only said something when she remembered it, and most of the time she couldn't remember it at all.

The next day, she ran to class actively, and Sheng Minglin directly put the location of the class on the boat.The boat was not big, but it was very exquisitely built. Sheng Minglin did not teach the Three-Character Classic, but picked two simple landscape poems and chanted them along with the explanation.

For Tuanzi, this was like telling a story. Tuanzi listened with great interest and soon memorized both poems.

The weather was neither too cold nor too hot. Lychee made a soft mat beside the bed, and Zhuzhu sat there, grabbing fish food and feeding it to the koi.

There were a lot of koi in the lake, and they gathered in large red koi. Some even jumped up to catch them. At first, Zhuzhu was shocked, but later, she threw fish food directly into the fish's mouth, and she was very happy. Haha.

Soon at noon, the Seventh Prince and the others finished class and ran to the lake like a gust of wind, waving to this side: "Hey! Zhuzhu! Come and pick us up on the boat!"

Zhuzhu hurriedly urged: "Hurry up, hurry up, pick up Qi Guo Guo and play."

Sheng Minglin said: "Just ask them to pick up the food, and we will eat on the boat."

Lychee agreed, made two gestures towards the boat, and the boy ran away.

After picking up the Seventh Prince and the other three, and carrying the food boxes onto the boat, Sheng Minglin asked someone to open the windows on both sides, and everyone sat down to eat.

As he was eating, the seventh prince asked him seriously: "Have you heard about it?"

Sheng Minglin asked: "What?"

"Just now," the seventh prince lowered his voice, his face showing the excitement and sophistication of a child imitating an adult: "I heard from Xiu Yuan that there is a plague in Zhongzhou!"

Sheng Minglin paused.

He suddenly remembered that this happened in his previous life!

Zhongzhou borders Nanzhili, and Nanzhili has a capital!Moreover, Zhongzhou is also very close to Beizhili, in other words, it is also very close to the capital!
But at first, the capital did not pay much attention to it and only sent officials there as a routine.

After all, according to the memorial, the plague only occurred in one county, and that county had closed its gates and no one was allowed to enter or exit.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that the scope of the plague was far beyond that county. It was already everywhere before the city gate was closed. And out of fear, many refugees flocked to the capital, spreading the plague wherever they passed! !

Therefore, Emperor Mingxi urgently ordered Prince Duan to take charge of this matter.

Because Prince Duan has dealt with similar incidents before, plus he already knows some medical skills, and his identity can be suppressed, it is most suitable for him to go.

But Prince Duan spent a lot of effort to persuade those refugees to go back.

In the face of death, everyone is irrational. They think that escaping to the capital is a way to live, and returning to Zhongzhou is seeking death. Overwhelming resentment surges towards Prince Duan.

In order to appease the people, Prince Duan entered Zhongzhou and took the lead. He was also infected with the plague and became very ill... almost unable to come back.

The plague lasted for more than a year, killing more than 20 people. The most serious thing was that the plague also affected the Huguang area of ​​​​Dasheng Granary. Therefore, even if Prince Duan died of illness and lost half of his life, not only did it not work, but it actually helped. However, it was only because Emperor Mingxi tried his best to protect him that he was not punished.

The more Sheng Minglin thought about it, the more scared he became.

He was thinking that after his rebirth, he had been worrying about the seventh prince Zhuzhu, and he actually forgot what he should pay attention to most!

If things from the past life are going to happen, then he should be prepared for a rainy day!
For this matter alone, at the very least, don’t let the refugees leave Zhongzhou and don’t bring the plague to other places!

But, how was he going to tell the old fox Prince Duan?

(End of this chapter)

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