Chapter 75 The little princess has a long and prosperous life

Emperor Mingxi said: "The fairy family warns the world and relies on gods and ghosts. However, Zhuzhu is too small. Only when people are governors can they be afraid of ghosts, and only when they know etiquette can they respect gods. As small as Zhuzhu, he is still ignorant, regardless of whether he is a god or a god. Still a ghost, she has no respect or fear in front of her, so what's the use?"

"So, only when something happens to people around her, like herself or her parents and brothers, will she understand and be afraid! Only then can she play a teaching role! People like Zhuzhu who are born with magical powers are almost as good as holding hands. She is writing a book that saves the world, and if she doesn’t know how to be vigilant, something will happen easily.”

"Otherwise? Say it yourself, isn't this whole situation unreasonable?"

"Zhuzhu is a noble daughter, the princess of the royal palace! When you are dating a foreign man, don't even say that you want to marry him. Even if you are a woman, even if you are a friend, you don't check it three or five times before you dare to let them get along. ? Stealing gold, silver and jewelry? And sneaking into your study?? You don’t have a brain? Are you not alert? And wearing shackles... I am still alive! In the final analysis, even if you really did something, I will not be alert. It's impossible to treat you like this! You are my eldest son in my heart. How can a father be so cruel to his son?"

Prince Duan almost burst into tears: "Fourth brother! My younger brother has the same feelings for fourth brother!"

"Well," Emperor Mingxi said warmly, "Fourth brother knows. Therefore, all these things cannot withstand scrutiny at all!"

"But once these are removed, what Master Yanyi and that master did, plus the innate magical powers, plus the map... will the whole story be smooth and reasonable? But, for such a story, Zhuzhu Can you understand? Can she know how to be afraid? So those things have to be added!"

To be honest, if Prince Duan hadn't heard what Sheng Minglin said, he would have thought so.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Emperor Mingxi would think so.

Prince Duan only nodded silently.

After watching them finish talking for a while, Zheng Zhongshun quickly reported: "Your Majesty, Master Yanyi has indeed gone into seclusion. The people sent there asked about it, and the disciple who was guarding said that before he went into seclusion, Master Yanyi said that the little princess Fushou Mianmian.”

Doesn't this mean that revealing the truth will not do any harm to Zhuzhu?
Emperor Mingxi was also used to the behavior of these old monks. If he had something to say, he would have to turn around... so he nodded helplessly.

Prince Duan was also heartbroken and overjoyed.

Emperor Mingxi couldn't help but laugh when he saw him like this, and asked Zheng Zhongshun to bring Zhuzhu over.

Therefore, smart people are indeed prone to overthinking.

Not only Sheng Minglin, but also Zheng Zhongshun thought that the emperor wanted to ask Zhuzhu again, but in fact, the emperor just thought that my Zhuzhuer is really a big treasure, please hurry up and take her into the palace so that I can kiss her!
So Zhuzhu slept soundly and was carried into the palace.

When Emperor Mingxi heard that she hadn't woken up yet, he couldn't laugh or cry, so he hugged her over and looked at her with a smile. The more he looked at her, the happier he became. He even sighed to his younger brother: "We can be considered a Mingjun in the prosperous age, that's why auspiciousness comes to the world."

Prince Duan said with great sincerity: "Fourth brother is of course the Mingjun of the Ming Dynasty! The emperor of the ages!"

Emperor Mingxi accepted it with a happy smile, and even smiled.

Tuanzi was turned around so much that he finally opened his eyes in a daze and saw Emperor Mingxi. Tuanzi asked with a waxy voice: "Uncle Huang, are you here in Zhuzhu's Dream?"

Emperor Mingxi smiled and said: "Yes! Uncle Huang misses Zhuzhu. Come and see Zhuzhu."

"Oh!" Tuanzi said, "Zhuzhu, I miss you too!"

As he spoke, his eyelids stuck together again.

Talk to her before she wakes up. Other children would have made a fuss earlier, but Zhuzhu not only didn't make a fuss, but even kept her lids open to chat with you.

So let’s just say, this little dumpling of mine is really good-natured and spoiled no matter how much he is spoiled.

Emperor Mingxi really liked her so much that he continued chatting with her with a smile: "What do you miss about uncle?"

Zhuzhu forced her eyelids to open a little more, and her voice was slurred, "I want all the beautiful pots and pans from Uncle Huang's family to come to my house."

Emperor Mingxi laughed: "How about you trade your brother?"

Tuanzi suddenly opened his eyes: "That won't work."

"Huh?" Emperor Mingxi said with a face: "Why not? You just want it from the emperor's uncle? Are you unwilling to give one?"

"Because...because..." Tuanzi became completely energetic, his eyes widened, he thought blankly for a long time, and smiled sheepishly: "I'm sorry, I don't want to do it, don't do it to others, I tied the beads wrong! "

Emperor Mingxi: "..." He glanced at Prince Duan in shock.

Prince Duan also didn't expect that Zhuzhu actually knew this sentence and used it appropriately.Although it was wrong to say it, it was precisely because I understood the meaning that I said it like this.

Emperor Mingxi held the dumpling's little head in his big hands and turned her around to prevent her from seeing Prince Duan. Then he directly raised his hands and placed the dumpling with small breasts on the imperial desk.

Prince Duan quickly stepped forward to stop him, and Emperor Mingxi waved his hand directly at him, meaning don't make any sound.

Prince Duan had no choice but to retreat.

Then Emperor Mingxi asked Zhuzhu: "Who taught you this?"

Zhuzhu said: "Mr. Xu!"

"Huh?" Emperor Mingxi really didn't expect that a coffin board like Xu Heshu would actually have the heart to coax a child, and said in surprise: "Xu Heshu? Did he teach you?"

Seeing Tuanzi nodding, he asked: "When did I teach you?"

Tuanzi said in a sweet voice: "That's right, the last time a bad guy scolded Qiguoguo, Zhuzhu said... Silver is inherently good! Mr. Xu said, it's not right to quarrel, what's the point... I want to say, how much money can I send? Please don't do it to others, otherwise, you can also say... people, people should not be judged by their appearance? It means that it has nothing to do with whether you are good-looking or not, and you will win the argument."

Emperor Mingxi nodded while listening, and corrected her carefully.

Then he asked: "Did Zhu Zhuer dream last night?"

Zhuzhu was stunned for a moment, then thought for a moment, "I think I did it."

Emperor Mingxi asked: "What dream did you have?"

Prince Duan held his breath, and then he heard Tuanzi sigh: "Zhuzhu is dreaming about her father, mother, and Guoguo. She is afraid of the dark and dare not let her sleep. They all come to Zhuzhu to coax them. Zhuzhu coaxes her. I have to coax another one, but I can’t coax him at all... Zhuzhu is exhausted! Alas!”

Prince Duan: "...??"

Emperor Mingxi: "...??"

Emperor Mingxi said: "No, did you dream of something else?"

Tuanzi thought for a while and scratched his face with his little finger: "It seems, it seems there is..."

Emperor Mingxi smiled and said, "What is it?"

Tuanzi thought about it for a long time, but still shook his head: "I can't remember. You didn't send a lot of money, so why bother asking Zhuzhu?"

Emperor Mingxi was stunned: "How could I know about your dream?"

"But you're here in Zhuzhu's dream!" Zhuzhu whispered, and pointed at him with her little hand: "Why don't you send me a few words, do you want to mess with Zhuzhu and come to see Zhuzhu?"

Emperor Mingxi: "..."

Prince Duan smiled sullenly.

Emperor Mingxi glared at his younger brother and coughed: "But before uncle Huang came, what did Zhuzhu dream about? Uncle doesn't know. There seems to be a very bad Zhuzhu...?"

Zhuzhu finally remembered.

She straightened up her waist all of a sudden, her grape eyes widened: "That's right!! Bad Zhuzhu! Bad Zhuzhu bullied Guoguo! He even stole things! He even beat Master Black and White!"

She has forgotten everything, only a few points that impressed her deeply: "It's wrong to steal things, and it's wrong to hit people, uncle Huang..."

She took his big hand with both hands and said with big eyes: "You are the emperor, please catch the bad guys by the elbow!"

(End of this chapter)

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