Chapter 76: Being the best in the world with your uncle

"Okay!" Emperor Mingxi agreed, and immediately ordered Zheng Zhongshun with a serious face: "Go and catch that bad Zhuzhu! Lock her up! Don't let her go to Zhuzhu!"

Zheng Zhongshun listened to the whole process, and of course he knew how to make fun of him. He responded with a serious face and pretended to go out to give orders.

Emperor Mingxi turned back and saw that the admiration in Tuanzi's big eyes was almost overflowing. He held his face with both hands and kissed him several times, "Thank you, Uncle Huang! Uncle Huang, great!"

Emperor Mingxi looked like it was no big deal: "For small things, Zhu Zhu'er thought, my uncle will naturally help you."

Tuanzi was so excited that she opened her arms and hugged him: "Zhuzhu is in love with uncle! Zhuzhu and uncle are the best in the world!"

Emperor Mingxi hugged Tuanzi proudly and glanced at his younger brother: "Yeah."

Prince Duan: "..."

Sheng Minglin watched the whole process, which was really eye-opening.

Even though I had seen Emperor Mingxi sucking Zaizai before, I was still extremely surprised today.

Emperor Mingxi was not patiently talking. He seemed to be very tolerant of everything involving Zhuzhu just because he liked Zhuzhu.

Because his questioning really had no intention of getting to the bottom of things. He followed Tuanzi throughout the process, taking his time and not caring at all about Zhuzhu's rambling. It was nothing like the emperor he imagined.

Emperor Mingxi asked a few more questions, but Tuanzi had indeed forgotten them.

Emperor Mingxi was not surprised at all. After all, in his opinion, it was normal to forget such a magical dream. How much he could remember and how much he could convey depended on fate.

He asked Zheng Zhongshun to get some maps.

There are generally three types of maps here, one is a military map, one is an ordinary territorial map, and the other is a simple one.

Military maps and general territorial maps actually look densely packed, with simple ones showing only provinces and prefectures.

Zhuzhu looked at each one one by one, and as soon as she saw the simplified version of the map, she was fixated.

When she was sitting, the height of the table hit her forehead and she couldn't see clearly. She stood up directly on Emperor Mingxi's lap, put her hands on the table to take a closer look, and said to Emperor Mingxi: "Zhuzhu knows this one." draw!"

Emperor Mingxi put his hand around her belly, squeezed it, and looked sideways: "Have you seen it in your dream? Is it like this?"

"That's right," Zhuzhu took another serious look and pointed at Zhongzhou: "There is black air coming from here."

Black and angry?
Emperor Mingxi was taken aback, and Prince Duan, who was standing below, was also taken aback and came over.

Emperor Mingxi said: "Emitting black energy? Where is it?"

Zhuzhu stretched out her little chubby hand and pointed: "This is greasy!" She thought for a while, then also stretched out her other little chubby hand, with two little fingers in a pair, pointing at a very small place: "Here greasy, what's the risk? Black and angry.”

The plague is here.

"Now?" Emperor Mingxi stared at the map and asked, "Do you see it emitting black energy now?"

"No," Zhuzhu shook her head: "That's right, when Bad Zhuzhu looked at it, Zhuzhu also looked at it, and saw that there was a black air coming out."

Therefore, it is still necessary to rely on dreams.

This is reasonable, otherwise, it would be too magical.

Emperor Mingxi glanced at Tuanzi in deep thought.

At this glance, I saw that her cheeks were bulging like meat buns, so I couldn't help but poke them.Tuanzi was poked, and he grabbed his finger with his little hand, raised his head, and was startled. He sat back in the arms of Emperor Mingxi. Only a pair of big eyes were exposed on the table, and he blinked: "Daddy, Why are you here?"

"Ha." The old father said coldly, "Dad is always here! I also heard that Zhuzhu and uncle are the best in the world."

Tuanzi held the table with his two little hands, with a guilty look on his face: "But, but, uncle helped Zhuzhu drive away the bad Zhuzhu! Uncle Huang protected us, and Uncle Huang is so annoying!"

Emperor Mingxi, who was thinking, gave his younger brother a proud look.

What can Prince Duan do? We can’t say he is lying to you!
He had no choice but to nod his head and said, "Okay then. Originally, when dad was a child, he and Uncle Huang were the best in the world. Now it's up to Zhu Zhu'er. You rank first and dad ranks second."

"Well," Tuanzi nodded: "Thank you, dad."

Emperor Mingxi laughed and patted Tuanzi on the back: "Okay, go down and wash your face and just pass the lunch to me. Zhuzhu is hungry even after thinking about it."

Tuanzi nodded. A palace maid had already stepped forward and carefully carried her down.

As soon as she left, Prince Duan took a step forward and saluted: "Brother, I have requested an order to go to Zhongzhou."

Emperor Mingxi said: "No."

"Brother Imperial," Prince Duan said, "Brother I have to go on this trip. Many things have to be verified on this trip, and I don't feel at ease when others go...Brother Emperor, don't worry, even if I Even if you don’t know anything, you can survive the disaster. This time, you can take precautions, and everything will be fine.”

Emperor Mingxi still said: "If it doesn't work, we don't worry."

What Prince Duan means is that the severity and direction of this epidemic, including his own suffering, etc., need to be verified. He can see and feel it by himself, so that if similar things happen in the future, there will be Reference.

But Emperor Mingxi just wanted others to see it. Knowing that he had a narrow escape from death, he didn't want him to take such a risk.

Prince Duan wanted to beg again, but Emperor Mingxi waved his hand and glared at him: "No, I said no! No need to say it again!"

Prince Duan had no choice but to remain silent.

After a while, the dumplings were washed and brought back, lunch was also served, and everyone ate together.

Then Emperor Mingxi said: "There is no need to leave the palace in a hurry. Send the Queen to take a nap. Lin'er can go there too. The Queen has been talking about you for several days. Let's sit together as a family in the evening."

Sheng Minglin hurriedly agreed, came out with Zhuzhu in his arms, and asked someone to go out of the palace to report the news to Prince Duan's Mansion, otherwise Princess Duan would be at home, and she would probably be worried.

Then a group of people came to the Queen's Palace. After a while, Princess Duan also entered the palace to see the Queen.

The Empress smiled and said to Sheng Minglin: "Brother Lin, your mother said that you love reading the most. If you are not sleepy, I will ask someone to take you to the study. You can read whatever you want, or we can chat. These gossips are boring to you."

Sheng Minglin quickly stood up and thanked him, and someone took him to the study.

He said he wanted to read casually, but naturally someone told him where he could and could not move, so Sheng Minglin randomly selected a book and sat outside to watch.

The Queen then chatted with Princess Duan, and after waiting for almost two hours, the Emperor finished handling matters and came over with Prince Duan, and Zhuzhu hadn't woken up yet.

Princess Duan was afraid that she would be sleepy after leaving at night, so she went over and woke her up.

Tuanzi didn't feel angry when he got up, and he didn't make a fuss when he woke up. He just looked listless and slumped on Princess Duan's shoulders, motionless.

The empress smiled and teased her: "Zhuzhu'er, Zhuzhu'er? Why haven't you come to the palace to see my uncle for a long time? Have you forgotten your uncle?"

"I haven't forgotten it!" Tuanzi's eyes widened a bit and he answered seriously: "How beautiful I am, Zhuzhu thinks about it every day! I won't forget it!"

(End of this chapter)

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