Chapter 77 Live in Zhuzhuxin’s heart

The Queen Empress laughed out loud: "Then if my uncle gets old and becomes unsightly, Zhuzhu will not want her anymore?"

Tuanzi said: "I thought so too! But in that case, I can't live with Si Guo Guo Guo, but with Fat Guo Guo Guo!"

The Queen: "...??"

Qi Tuanzi looked at her with that little look in his eyes and tried to persuade her seriously: "Auntie, it's so crowded over there!"

The empress couldn't hold back her laughter, and she covered her face with a handkerchief and laughed for a long time: "So my uncle originally lived with my fourth brother? Where did he live? Does he live in Zhu Zhu'er's heart?"

"Yes," Tuanzi nodded solemnly, sat back, and clasped his fingers very seriously: "Auntie, daddy, mother, Guo Guo, Si Guo Guo, Qi Guo Guo, beautiful Guo Guo, Sister Lychee...all look good. , live together in one heart of Zhuzhu, and Fat Guoguo and the others live in another heart."

The Queen couldn't hold back her laughter, and she laughed until her body became weak. Sitting on the chair, Princess Duan couldn't help laughing, and even the servants couldn't help laughing.

The whims and whims of a child are really interesting, especially when paired with her look like a little adult, she looks particularly cute.

Even Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan who were talking outside couldn't help but come in and were smiling.

Naituanzi was dumbfounded by the laughter. He rolled his eyes, looked at the room full of people, and asked strangely: "Why are you laughing? Are you laughing at Zhuzhu? Is what Zhuzhu said wrong?"

"No, no," the Queen Mother quickly comforted her: "We didn't laugh at Zhuzhu, we thought Zhuzhuer was so smart. It turns out that Zhuzhuer has a lot of hearts!"

"That's right!" Tuanzi said matter-of-factly: "Don't you have one? Do you only have one heart? Then, it's so crowded!"

She persuaded seriously: "With so many people living there, we should be more considerate! It's free, just think about it! You can have as many as you want!"

The Queen couldn't help laughing again.

Prince Duan folded his hands and sighed: "With so many people, can they live here?"

"You can live here!" Tuanzi looked at him with an expression of "I've been fooled by your stupidity" and sighed: "The intermediary is the heart, not a real house! The heart can live in as many people as you want! Live in as big a house as you want!"

Prince Duan: "..."

The Queen teased him: "Zhu Zhu'er's expression, does it look familiar to you Yan Qing? Does it look like the teacher in the school who met Kuchiki?"

Prince Duan sighed and smiled with the Queen: "Sister-in-law, please stop teasing me. Do you know that Zhu Zhu'er said yesterday that Lin'er is the smartest person in the family?"

The queen was surprised, turned around and asked Zhuzhu with a smile: "Is my brother the smartest person in the family?"

Tuanzi nodded without any guilt, "Yes!"

"What about Daddy?"

Tuanzi shook his head, looked at his father, rolled his eyes and smiled: "Daddy has become less stupid, but, but it doesn't matter, Zhuzhu still loves daddy so much!"

Prince Duan: "..."

Emperor Mingxi smiled and said, "How do you know your brother is smart?"

"Guo Guo is from Chong Ming! Zhu Zhu, of course, has a few!"

Tuanzi immediately stood up and said to him: "Guoguo knows a few things and knows everything! He also reads a lot of books, speaks a lot of strings of words, and teaches painting to Qiguoguo. He is very good. ~Alright! Guo Guo is~ Chong Ming! In Zhu Zhuxin’s heart, the house where Guo Guo lives has two systems written on Chong Ming!”

She held out the scissors to everyone, her little chubby hands waving, very proudly.

Sheng Minglin silently covered his eyes with his hands, feeling moved and funny.

"Oh?" Emperor Mingxi said, "The house we live in has the word "smart" written on it? Do you know how to write the word "smart"? Tuanzi looked at him with eyes wide open in surprise.

Then the little chubby man slowly retracted his hand, hid it behind his back, and smiled at him sheepishly, his big eyes almost disappearing from the smile: "What are you talking about, Zhuzhu can't write?" Zhuzhuxin was thinking Why don’t you say anything about this matter? You are too open-minded!"

"Yes! We are so smart," Emperor Mingxi nodded: "So, which heart of Zhuzhu'er do I live in? Is it the good-looking heart? Or the unattractive heart?"

Tuanzi scratched his face and glanced at him secretly.

Emperor Mingxi blushed, took two steps forward, and looked at her seriously.

Tuanzi quickly lowered his head, plucked his little hands, looked away, and whispered: "How about Zhuzhu give you another heart! How many days can you send me!"

Emperor Mingxi was so impressed by her guilty look that he couldn't help but blush.

Tuanzi took a sneak peek and saw his expression. He felt relieved immediately and said loudly: "Uncle Huang is both bright and timid. No one can compare with him, so Uncle Huang can have a big heart!"

puff!Emperor Mingxi laughed.

A group of people had a lot of fun teasing the children, and then everyone had dinner together. It was still the way the family sat at a big round table and chatted while eating without having to wait for others.

When they were about to leave after dinner, the Queen was still reluctant to leave, hugging the dumplings and kissing them again and again.

After returning home, Zhuzhu was sleepy, so Princess Duan took her away to coax her to sleep. Prince Duan motioned to Sheng Minglin to follow him, and the two of them entered Prince Duan's study.

Prince Duan has two studies. The front is a large study for guests, which contains nothing important. The back is a small study, which is heavily guarded. Sheng Minglin has never been there even once in his previous life.

Prince Duan started writing memorials directly.

Sheng Minglin stood opposite him, helping him sharpen the ink. Since he didn't avoid him, it meant he could look at it, so he took a few glances at it.

What Prince Duan wrote was about this plague. He mainly said that this plague happened after a severe drought. Judging from previous experience, the plague at this time was most likely to be plague, and the characteristic of plague is that its onset is extremely rapid, so he He believes that although the previous memorial only mentioned one county, the actual situation must be more serious than this, and Zhongzhou is very close to the two capitals. If it cannot be controlled, it is likely to affect the two capitals... and so on.

In short, I wrote down everything Sheng Minglin said.

Moreover, when he gave examples, he wrote about the previous plagues in such detail that there was no need for temporary reference. No wonder outsiders often said that Prince Duan had a profound knowledge and a strong memory, and no wonder Prince Duan would take orders in times of crisis when the plague could not be dealt with.

Sheng Minglin saw that he had finished writing and then asked, "Does your father have medical skills?"

Prince Duan smiled bitterly and waved his hands: "I don't know any medical skills, I just have a lot of experience, so I have more or less experience."

When Emperor Mingxi first came to the throne, everyone in the court needed a transition. At that time, he would rush to do such tasks.

Because as long as the word "epidemic" is involved, the job cannot be regarded as a "merit", but a slight mistake is a "fault". This dynasty attaches great importance to Buddhism and the induction of heaven and man. If it is not handled well, the emperor will be punished. Ji no one is willing to do it.

So, the more he did, the more he understood.

Prince Duan put down his pen to check it himself and said, "Actually, even if you didn't tell me, I would have written this memorial. The letter Zhongzhou submitted before was obviously to avoid the important and ignore the trivial, so..."

He looked at him, skipped the words in between, and said directly: "Why is it so serious?"

Sheng Minglin shook his head: "I don't know."

Prince Duan nodded and said nothing more. He took another piece of paper and began to write a letter. He said as he wrote: "After I write this memorial tomorrow, I will not be free in the morning. At noon, I will make an excuse and come out immediately." Leave Beijing and go to Zhongzhou. After I leave, you will enter the palace with the sign from the Prince's Palace and hand this letter to your uncle Huang personally when no one is around. Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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