Chapter 86 Zhuzhu Brave Zhuzhu Bangbang
After calling several times in succession, Zhuzhu ignored her and murmured: "No, no, no! I won't even wash Zhuzhu!"

Everyone: "...??"

Tuanzi’s little girl’s voice was super firm: “Dad wears beads, mother wears beads, Si Guo Guo wears beads, all of them wear beads!”

Fourth Prince: "...??"

The next moment, Zhuzhu was pushing and pushing with her two short hands, crying loudly: "Don't hit Zhuzhu, wuwu, why don't I give you the fat pot pot, five pot pots and six pots, all for free." …”

The only eldest prince present: "...??"

Tuanzi continued to cry: "Fat Guoguo is also very good... Wuwuwu, okay, Si Guoguo is for you, don't mess with Zhuzhu, Wuwuwu..."

In the meantime, Princess Duan and Sheng Minglin were desperately calling Zhuzhu, shaking her, shaking her hands, and pulling her little ears, but she just didn't wake up.

Until he finished saying this, Naituanzi was so sad that he had lost his beautiful brother. He burst into tears and opened his eyes.

When she saw the fourth prince, she immediately cried and hugged him tightly: "Si Guo Guo, wu wu wu, the one with beads..."

With her eyes blurred by tears, she saw the situation around her and suddenly remembered that she was dreaming, so she cried more truly and sincerely: "Four pots, bad Zhuzhu and Zhuzhu competed for the four pots, Zhuzhu was brave, Zhuzhu protected the four pots. Guo Guo, no, she didn’t grab your elbow! Zhu Zhu Bang Bang!”

Fourth Prince: "..."

I heard it all.

But forget it, what's so serious about being with Xiaotuanzi?

So he said: "Zhuzhu is brave, Zhuzhu is great, fourth brother, thank you."

"No, you're welcome! It's all about this, Zhuzhu should do it!"

Tuanzi nodded without any guilt, hugged him and said, "Zhuzhu wants to see Uncle Huang."

The fourth prince asked: "What are you looking for uncle Huang for?"

Zhuzhu said with tears in her eyes: "Uncle Huang lied, lied to Zhuzhu! Zhuzhu wants to ask Uncle Huang."

The fourth prince frowned and wanted to ask more. Sheng Minglin gave Princess Duan a gentle push. Princess Duan understood and stepped forward to hug Zhuzhu over and said, "We will bring Zhuzhu into the palace to see the emperor. How about you guys?" Go back first?"

The eldest prince was surprised and wanted to say something, but stopped midway and immediately ordered someone to prepare the carriage.

Then the eldest prince and the fourth prince all followed into the palace.

Sheng Minglin once again lamented that there is really no shortage of smart people in the royal family... Both of them probably noticed something, but after noticing it, they followed instead of avoiding it. Here, the friendship between Zhuzhu and Duan Wangfu , at least three points.

Several people entered the palace quickly, and Emperor Mingxi also called in immediately.

He had received the report in advance and had already guessed what was going on. He came directly over and carried Zhuzhu over. He said at the same time: "You guys go down first." He paused and then said: "Lin'er stays."

Sheng Minglin had already followed the person out for a few steps, then quickly turned around and came back.

Emperor Mingxi put the dumplings on the imperial desk in a familiar manner and asked her: "What's wrong with Zhuzhu'er? Are you having nightmares again?"

Tuanzi's eyes widened and he asked him: "Bad Zhuzhu, isn't it because Uncle Huang grabbed your elbow? Why are you looking for Zhuzhu again?"

Emperor Mingxi immediately looked shocked: "What!! She actually went to find Zhuzhu again? Does this evil person dare to escape from prison?" From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the confused Tuanzi and quickly changed his words: "She actually escaped? I am very angry! Zheng Zhongshun!!”

Zheng Zhongshun quickly climbed down and kowtowed: "My servant is here."

"Why don't you ask! How could you let such a bad guy go!"

After Emperor Mingxi coughed, Zheng Zhongshun secretly raised his face. Emperor Mingxi looked at his face at him, meaning that he would find a good-looking Jin Yiwei to act in later.

If not that Chief Zheng was a confidant of the emperor, he actually understood such a difficult thing, nodded repeatedly, and retreated.

Sheng Minglin was speechless.Your Majesty, please ask quickly. If you act for a while longer, Tuanzi will forget all about the dream!

Sure enough, Tuanzi was stunned by his performance, looking at this and that, with a confused look on his face.

Fortunately, Emperor Mingxi was not so unreliable. He turned around and asked, "Zhu Zhu'er, what is that bad Zhu Zhu doing again?"

Tuanzi suddenly came back to his senses, grabbed his big hand and put it on his neck: "Bad Zhuzhu, just play Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu is afraid."

Emperor Mingxi looked stern.

He was just acting just now, but now he was really angry and said coldly: "She pinched you?"

Zhuzhu'er couldn't describe this action, so she just nodded fiercely. Emperor Mingxi's eyes were filled with fire: "A lonely ghost who doesn't know where he came from, dares to hurt my little princess! How brave he is!"

He gritted his teeth for a long time and then said pleasantly: "What did she say?"

Zhuzhu thought for a while: "She's all mine, it's all mine, I'm the princess, Prince Duan's house is mine, my parents are mine, and my fourth brother is mine! All favors should be tied to me mine!"

She tried hard to imitate Zhuzhu's tone, and her little body trembled: "Her eyes were red and her tongue was long. Zhuzhu was afraid."

"Don't be afraid, Zhu Zhu'er is not afraid, don't be afraid, with Uncle Huang here, no one can hurt you!"

Emperor Mingxi held her in his arms, patted her back gently with his big hands, and then asked after a while: "What else did she say?"

Tuanzi opened his eyes and thought hard: "She also said...well, you are born with auspiciousness, and in front of me, it means nothing..."

"She also said...a little fool, why should I love you..."

"She also said...if I don't get it, I will call him..."

It will be called?Destroy?
It can be heard that Tuanzi remembers very fragmentary words that she does not understand very well, but if she understands the first sentence, she can remember it all.

Emperor Mingxi frowned slightly: "She only mentioned father, mother and fourth brother? Did she also mention others?"

Tuanzi shook his head: "No."

Emperor Mingxi thought quietly while still patting the dumplings.

Tuanzi also put his little fleshy face next to Uncle Huang's face and touched his big beard with his little hands, feeling quite safe.

Sheng Minglin stood quietly below, surprised.

He was thinking, why does Zhuzhu frequently dream about bad Zhuzhu?

When Bad Zhuzhu was young, he was obsessed with the fourth prince. Later, he fell in love with that "goldfish", but in this dream, he wanted the fourth prince from Zhuzhu. Why is this?
Moreover, in Zhuzhu’s first dream, she couldn’t tell whether it was herself or the bad Zhuzhu.

In the second dream, there was a distant bystander.

The third dream seems to be fighting against Bad Zhuzhu... What does this mean?
Sheng Minglin hesitated for a long time, but still couldn't hold it back and said: "Uncle Huang, the bad Zhuzhu is in the dream, won't he hurt Zhuzhu, right?"

Emperor Mingxi obviously also thought of this, his thick eyebrows were knotted, and he said directly: "Tomorrow, I will go and call Yanyi out!"

Sheng Minglin felt slightly relieved and his thoughts began to change.

Then he asked Tuanzi: "Zhuzhu, besides your parents, do you love your fourth brother the most?"

Tuanzi said: "No."

Sheng Minglin said patiently: "Who do you love most?"

Zhuzhu smiled sweetly at him, her eyes crinkling with laughter: "Zhuzhu loves Guo Guo the most! There are also Seven Guo Guo and Four Guo Guo."

(End of this chapter)

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