Chapter 87 Zhuzhu can’t raise things that cost money
As soon as he said this, Emperor Mingxi immediately thought of something and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Therefore, his previous inference may be problematic.

If the bad Zhuzhu was just to warn Zhuzhu, then why did she specifically choose the fourth prince to "beg for it"?
The fourth prince is not the first in Zhuzhu’s heart!If it was for a warning, then Zhuzhu should ask Sheng Minglin for help.

After all, Sheng Minglin, Prince Duan's Mansion, and his parents are one, and it is more reasonable to be a family!

No no, still not right.

This is completely unreasonable. Why should these be hers?What does it mean to ask Zhuzhu for these?
He really couldn't figure it out for a moment.

At this time, Zheng Zhongshun also brought people back.

Emperor Mingxi called in, and it turned out to be a young and handsome guard in Jinyi. He was wearing a flying fish suit and looked even more slender and tall. As soon as he came in, he repeatedly apologized and said: "I was negligent and let the criminal go. I deserve death for my crime. Please, Your Majesty." Punishment.”

Emperor Mingxi looked at the dumplings.

Tuanzi's big eyes were full of confusion, and he couldn't figure out why he came to Uncle Huang to beg for food so late at night.

So Emperor Mingxi could only explain to her: "That bad Zhuzhu was let go by this person. Zhuzhu was frightened. Zhuzhu said how to punish him."

Jin Yiwei secretly glanced at Zheng Zhongshun, and as he asked, he raised his face and said, "Please forgive me, Princess."

Tuanzi was starting to feel sleepy, but after taking a glance at him, his eyes immediately opened a little wider and he felt that he was a little bit good-looking.

So Tuanzi sat a little more upright and brushed back the messy hair with his little hands. Maomao tilted his head and said seriously: "Zhuzhu is not afraid!"

"Ah?" Even Emperor Mingxi was stunned for a moment and looked at her: "Aren't you afraid?"

"No!" Tuanzi opened his eyes wide, perfectly explaining what it means to tell lies with open eyes: "Zhuzhu is brave, Zhuzhu is a tiger girl! Zhuzhu is not afraid of anything!"

Then, that’s okay!
So Emperor Mingxi said: "Then this person will not be punished?"

Zhuzhu nodded and smiled toothily at the man.

The Jinyiwei was also very obedient and quickly thanked him. Zhuzhu watched him exit with joy, immediately yawned and returned to Emperor Mingxi's arms, and even put his little feet on Emperor Mingxi's arm without any image.

She was so sleepy that she couldn't speak clearly, and shared her experience with him: "It doesn't matter if a good-looking person does something wrong. Just look at it and you won't get angry."

Emperor Mingxi was very worried about this problem with his appearance!But what to do!
In order to coax the child, the emperor called the Jin Yiwei to perform a show. The eldest prince and the fourth prince outside were astonished and did not dare to ask.

Until Zhuzhu fell asleep, Emperor Mingxi did not ask them to come in, and directly asked people to take Zhuzhu back to the mansion.

On the next day, before Zhuzhu woke up, Emperor Mingxi sent someone to tell Sheng Minglin and Zhuzhu.

Sheng Minglin guessed what was going on, and came out with Zhuzhu in his arms. Sure enough, Emperor Mingxi was outside in casual clothes, and then took him directly to Huguo Temple.

Whatever the emperor really planned to do, seclusion could not stop him, so Emperor Mingxi was polite on the surface but very rude in reality, and forced Master Yanyi to come out.

Master Yanyi was not angry at all. He said to Emperor Mingxi very kindly: "What the poor monk has learned has been told to the prince and the princess. What will happen to the princess next? The poor monk is powerless, but the poor monk is here." Before I went into seclusion, I had already written to my senior brother, and he must be here soon. After my senior brother comes here, he can teach the princess."

Tuanzi seemed to understand, and was a little frightened: "Zhuzhu, don't shave your head!"

Master Yanyi was very kind to her: "Don't be afraid, princess. There is no need to be tonsured or to learn Buddhism... If you insist," he was silent for a long time, and then whispered: "Senior brother, maybe you can be regarded as the princess. Just the protector around you."

Emperor Mingxi was slightly surprised.

Sheng Minglin was also secretly surprised.

It is not guidance or advice, but "protection". That is equivalent to believing that the "pearl" will no longer be "dusted" and that the pearl is naturally auspicious and will bring blessings to the family.

Sheng Minglin said: "Master, so even if my sister-in-law has nightmares again, those evil heretics can't hurt her, right?" Master Yanyi looked at him with a smile, but did not answer.

Emperor Mingxi could not force him too much, so he asked: "Brother Ling, when will you come?"

Master Yanyi said: "Soon," he seemed to know what they wanted to ask, and said: "There is no need for the poor monk to guide him. When he comes and sees him, he will naturally recognize him."

The two of them thought about the "Master of Black and White" in Zhuzhu's dream at the same time and thought about it separately.

After coming out of Huguo Temple, Emperor Mingxi couldn't help but complain in a low voice: "Every time I deal with these masters, I sweat all over!"

Sheng Minglin comforted him: "Uncle Huang, actually what Master Yanyi should say has been made very clear. It's just that Uncle Huang loves Zhuzhu, so he just wants to confirm it again and again."

Emperor Mingxi sighed, pondered for a long time, and suddenly asked him: "Yesterday, that Huo Chenzhao said that he could cure the birthmark on Qilang's face?"

Sheng Minglin was slightly surprised.

But when I thought about it, Emperor Mingxi had probably been checking him for a long time, so it was not surprising to know his real name. He must have been monitored, so when he spoke to the seventh prince yesterday, the emperor knew it immediately.

Emperor Mingxi finally chose Zhuzhu between I don’t know who and Zhuzhu?
Thoughts flashed through Sheng Minglin's mind, but facing the emperor, he did not dare to act too much. He only paused for a moment, as if he suddenly figured out who Huo Chenzhao was, and replied: "Yes."

Emperor Mingxi said: "Send someone over and ask him to go to Prince Duan's Mansion to treat Qilang... Then, send a message to Shilang in advance and ask him to come with you." He looked at him, "You guys, please have a chat with him." .”

Sheng Minglin said: "Yes."

Emperor Mingxi didn't say any more, turned around and asked Tuanzi with a smile: "Zhuzhuer, do you still remember Beautiful Guoguo?"

Tuanzi said, "Remember!"

Emperor Mingxi smiled and said, "Does Zhuzhu like my beautiful brother?"

"I like it!" Tuanzi said, "How beautiful Guo Guo Jie is? Who wouldn't like it?"

Emperor Mingxi laughed twice: "Then uncle will send my beautiful brother to live with you, okay?"

Unexpectedly, Tuanzi shook his head: "Not good."

"Ah?" Emperor Mingxi was confused: "Why? Don't you like that beautiful brother?"

Tuanzi was even stranger than him: "But daddy said that raising him is very expensive."

Emperor Mingxi was puzzled: "What's wrong with Fei Qian? Will Fei Qian not be raised?"

Tuanzi's eyes widened and he looked at him in surprise, "Why do you need to support me when you're spending money?"

"No," Emperor Mingxi said, "Don't you like him? Isn't he beautiful?"

The little breasted dumpling didn't know how to explain it, so her voice became louder: "Yes, you are beautiful, so you can see it in your heart. In your heart, you can watch it as long as you want, and it doesn't cost any money! You don't have to support him! My mother makes a lot of money." It’s hard work, but you still have to raise Zhuzhu, and Zhuzhu can’t be offended by things that cost money.”

Emperor Mingxi: "..."

Tuanzi looked at him for a long time, sighed, scratched his head with his two short hands, and then pressed it on his head. His big eyes were full of sympathy: "Uncle Huang, give the Zhuzhu to Dachongming. Just reduce it."

Emperor Mingxi said again: "..."

Thank you so much!

(End of this chapter)

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