Chapter 89 Zhuzhu and Guoguo have a heart-to-heart relationship
The Fourth Prince said: "What do you think?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Zhu Zhu'er is born with auspiciousness. The people Zhu Zhu'er likes, such as Fourth Brother, are also outstanding. How can such an outstanding person not be coveted by others? But 'I think', Fourth Brother does not need to Worry, with Zhuzhu here, you will be able to turn misfortunes into good fortune."

The fourth prince was silent for a while and nodded.

Then he suddenly said: "That day, I heard Zhuzhu arguing with someone in his dream and mentioning me. Suddenly, I thought of Sheng Yulu from Prince Qi's Mansion..."

Sheng Minglin was suddenly startled.

Because he knew that this was not the first time Zhuzhu had dreamed, and he had preconceptions about it, so he really didn't connect it with the reality.

But when the Fourth Prince said this, he quickly went through the situation at that time in his mind, and asked: "Did Princess Yulu also like to be hugged by Fourth Brother?"

"No," the fourth prince looked at him: "I have never been liked by children. Only Zhu Zhu'er has loved to hug me since she was a child, and Sheng Yulu, the only thing we talked about before was that she called her fourth brother at the palace banquet."

Sheng Minglin became serious: "Thank you, fourth brother. I will ask the emperor to find this person."

It's that simple when smart people talk to each other.

As a prince, it is not easy for the fourth prince to investigate the affairs of the vassal prince's family, so it is definitely better for the emperor's people to investigate, and of course it is more appropriate for people from Prince Duan's Mansion to ask.

The fourth prince nodded and began to drink tea slowly.

And Sheng Minglin was also thinking that Zhuzhu not only met Sheng Yulu that day, but also Huo Chenzhao.

What role did Huo Chenzhao play in this matter, or what interaction did Huo Chenzhao have with Sheng Mingzhu without him knowing?
Why, why is he the "miraculous" person whose destiny is beneficial to Zhuzhu?
Is it just a coincidence?
So, when will the black and white master come?There are really a lot of things he can't figure out.

There was the sound of footsteps outside, and the Seventh Prince strode in.

He was very afraid of the fourth prince, so he bowed and sat next to Sheng Minglin: "Not here yet?"

"No," Sheng Minglin said, "We won't entertain him here. We'll go to your courtyard after Zhuzhu wakes up and has breakfast."

The Seventh Prince nodded and said with great interest: "I heard that he has good martial arts. Do you want to keep him in the mansion for a few days? Let's see if we have a chance to compete?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Let's take a look and see how he treats you. If you want to live there, I will prepare a place in my courtyard..."

"No need!" The seventh prince said, "Can't you just live at my place? Is it convenient for you to treat me?"

Sheng Minglin said to himself that I am afraid that he will try to trick you. You are so talkative. If he knows that Prince Duan's Mansion also wants something from him, then he will be more passive in the future.

The fourth prince obviously had similar thoughts, so he said, "It's better to live over at Minglin's side. You are also a guest, so it's inconvenient to live in your courtyard."

The seventh prince did not dare to refute and said: "Oh."

So the three of them drank tea in silence. Not long after, Zhuzhu came over. When he looked inside, his eyes lit up and he was very surprised: "Wow!! Pots! Four pots! Seven pots!"

Tuanzi's hair is now a little longer, and the broken hair has been combed into buns. There are only two fat and bulging little tassels hanging on his cheeks. They are the same pink as the clothes. They are swaying around. Look. It's really cute, playful and cute.

The three of them put down their tea bowls in unison, with smiles on their faces.

Tuanzi ran in, pulled this hand, pulled that hand, and said happily: "You are all here!"

"Well," Sheng Minglin said with a smile, "Zhu Zhuer, hurry up and eat. Later, the beautiful pot is coming."

Tuanzi opened his eyes and nodded repeatedly.

Sheng Minglin took care of her very skillfully and had breakfast. After calculating that the time was almost up, they went to the seventh prince's courtyard together.

Tuanzi held her brother with one hand and her seventh brother with the other, swinging her little arms and walking happily. After a few steps, she would shout: "Four Guoguo!" The fourth prince smiled, and after a few steps she shouted again: " Four pots of pot!”

The fourth prince still responded with a smile.

Then Tuanzi said to Sheng Minglin: "Guo Guo, Zhu Zhu also wants to grow another hand. Zhu Zhu wants to tie Shan's hand. Otherwise, he will lead with Guo Guo, then lead with Si Guo Guo, and then lead with Qi Guo Guo. Is Guo Guo involved?”

Sheng Minglin said unusually calmly: "The beautiful Guoguo is here, will you hold it?"

Tuanzi thought about it seriously and said, "Then, do you want to trade some hands?"

"There is another little brother who is prettier than Pretty Guoguo, and a little sister who is prettier than Sister Lychee. Will you hold me back?"

Group: "..."

Tuanzi stopped and counted on her fingers how many more hands she needed to grow. After counting for a long time, she still couldn't figure it out.

The seventh prince smiled and said: "Zhuzhu, wouldn't you have become a crab?"

He put his hands next to his face and laughed: "Have you ever eaten? Crab! Eight hands! Walk like this!" He began to walk sideways.

Zhuzhu suddenly thought about it and was frightened. Her little head shook like a rattle: "Zhuzhu is not a crab! Zhuzhu is not a crab!"

"It's inappropriate." The fourth prince turned around and hugged Zhuzhu, "Don't listen to the fact that Seventh Brother is scary."

Tuanzi hugged his neck, her little mouth was like sprinkled with sugar: "Four Guo Guo, even if they are not holding hands, it doesn't matter, Zhu Zhu and Guo Guo Guo are connected heart to heart."

The fourth prince's chest shook with laughter: "Okay, fourth brother and Zhu Zhu have a heart-to-heart."

Sheng Minglin laughed: "Zhuzhu's little mouth is really good at coaxing people."

At the second door, a young man with a bright face stood quietly, tilting his head slightly.

The butler ordered the young man to report, and then led the way with a smile: "Young Master Huo, please."

Huo Chenzhao nodded and said politely, "Excuse me, housekeeper." He slowly followed him inside.

Sheng Minglin and his party had just sat down in the courtyard of the Seventh Prince, and not long after, Huo Chenzhao arrived.

Because he was Zhuzhu's savior, Sheng Minglin went out to greet him.

Zhuzhu followed suit and followed her brother. She clasped her little hands together and said to Sheng Minglin with her big eyes: "Guo Guo! Look!"

Sheng Minglin smiled as if welcoming guests and took the time to ask, "What are you looking at?"

Tuanzi grabbed the lapel of his clothes and was pulled forward by him. He pointed his little finger at Huo Chenzhao and said in a sweet voice: "The fairy energy on the beautiful Guoguo! It's sparkling, sparkling, sparkling!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Not to mention, Huo Chenzhao's bright appearance was indeed as bright as the sun, filling the room with radiance. Compared with the fourth prince's handsome and delicate appearance, he looked even more dazzling.

He didn't have time to say anything more. Huo Chenzhao and Zhou Xingguo, who came with them, had already walked up to them and saluted in unison: "Huo Chenzhao/Zhou Xingguo have met the prince and the princess."

Sheng Minglin thought that he actually gave his real name, and said: "Mr. Huo, Mr. Zhou, no need to be polite, please come in quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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