Chapter 90: Injustice beyond the control of Dali Temple
Huo Chenzhao came in, saluted the fourth prince and sat down.

Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Mr. Huo, Mr. Zhou, I thanked you for saving Zhuzhu last time. I wanted to go to the door to say thank you the next day, but after we came back, Zhuzhu and I were both sick and couldn't get up, so my father sent us to the hospital. The butler is gone, sorry."

Huo Chenzhao was young, but very calm. He didn't even dare to say anything, but he said in a gentle manner: "The little princess is a noble person, and her fortune is shining brightly. We just happened to be lucky, so we don't dare to say a word to save her."

The two and a half-year-old boys exchanged polite words for a long time. Sheng Minglin's attitude was modest and gentle, without any pretensions, and Huo Chenzhao also relaxed a little.

Then, the fourth prince suddenly asked him straight to the point: "Your name is Shen Zhao? What does this name mean?"

The face of Zhou Xingguo next to him changed. Huo Chenzhao didn't seem to be surprised at all. He lowered his eyes and said, "Back to the Fourth Highness, the name Cao Min is taken from Chen Yuan Zhao Xue. There is indeed a hidden secret in it, involving several lives. Please forgive Cao Min for the temporary inconvenience." inform."

Huo Chenzhao is a very decisive person. He obviously guessed that they would investigate him, so he didn't even use a pseudonym and used his real name directly. This explanation was also very candid.

The fourth prince said: "Since there is an injustice, why not go to Dali Temple to redress the injustice?"

Huo Chenzhao slowly raised his eyes and looked directly at him: "Dali Temple cannot deal with the grievances of ordinary people. The ordinary people hope that they can have the opportunity to file a complaint and seek judgment from the Holy One in their lifetime."

The fourth prince couldn't help but pause.

But he had an upright temperament and liked such upright people, so he nodded.

Huo Chenzhao stood up and saluted, saying: "Your Majesty, Fourth Highness, Prince, although the common people have grievances, they wholeheartedly admire the Holy One and respect him as a god. The common people are very greedy and want to clear their grievances and develop their ambitions. Therefore, you two Don’t worry that the grassroots will do any harm to you, the grassroots will never do this, and what the grassroots want has always been an upright reversal of the verdict.”

The fourth prince raised his eyebrows.

Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Shen Zhao wants to become an official as a doctor?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "To be honest with you, the common people want to take the imperial examination."

"Oh!" Sheng Minglin said: "I would like to ask, Shen Zhao, how old are you this year?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "Thirteen years old."

Sheng Minglin said to himself that when he was a prostitute in his previous life, he was only 15 years old. Now, he should have learned everything he should learn, right?
The fourth prince said sharply: "Even if you win the first prize, there will be a first prize every three years in the Dasheng Dynasty."

"Yes, thank you for the reminder, Your Highness, the common people understand," Huo Chenzhao said calmly: "The common people are somewhat good at medicine, so they must be slightly different from others."

The fourth prince asked directly: "Do you know anything about the plague in Zhongzhou?"

"I've heard of it," Huo Chenzhao said: "If we need the help of ordinary people, can you tell us more about the inside information, such as the symptoms of people infected with the plague?"

Sheng Minglin took over the conversation and said: "Zhongzhou has been in drought for a long time, and there is almost no food harvest..."

The three of them kept talking.

Sheng Minglin and the fourth prince, one was soft and the other was hard, one was roundabout and the other was direct, they cooperated tacitly, and the shadow of the sword was invisible.

However, the Seventh Prince Hanhan and the Clever Tuanzi were not aware of it.

Naituanzi obediently put her hands on her knees, sat upright, and looked at Huo Chenzhao with a smile, as if looking at a painting, very happy and satisfied.

Qihanhan also thought that no one would notice him and kept peeking at him.

After all, Huo Chenzhao was a very legendary figure in his previous life. Everyone has heard a few words about him. It is rare to see him alive, so why not take a few more looks to satisfy your curiosity?

Everyone in the room is busy with their own business.

However, Sheng Minglin became more and more frightened as he talked.

He spent most of his previous life in Prince Duan's Mansion and didn't understand many things. He thought that the cure for the epidemic was made by many imperial doctors, but... as he chatted, he discovered that this recipe was very... Maybe it’s from Huo Chenzhao!

Because as soon as they talked about it, Huo Chenzhao guessed that it might be the plague, and the prescription he mentioned overlapped with the prescription he remembered!

No wonder he was used so quickly after ordering Tanhua in his previous life. It must be because he had offered medicine before!

Sheng Minglin felt very guilty.

Huo Chenzhao was powerless and burdened with great hatred. He and his family had spent countless efforts to gain something from this plague that his predecessors had been unable to do anything about, but his intervention was tantamount to hindering his promotion. of steps.But upon further questioning... he discovered that the recipe Huo Chenzhao had drawn up now was probably imperfect.

Huo Chenzhao was by no means a person who would use human life to gain leverage for himself. He would not hide a recipe without using it. Therefore, in the previous life, it must have been more than a year before they tried the recipe that was finally effective.

During this year, too many people died, the epidemic area expanded a lot, and Prince Duan almost died of the disease... So, even if he was given another chance, he might still come up with this recipe in advance.

However, he did feel sorry for him and must help him if he had the chance.

So Sheng Minglin's attitude became more gentle.

Finally, the conversation of several people came to an end and everyone bowed their heads to drink tea.

Tuanzi finally waited until now. As soon as his eyes lit up, he got off the chair and walked back and forth in front of Huo Chenzhao. He kept stealing glances at him with big eyes, just shy of writing "Hold me, hold me" on his face. ah".

In fact, Huo Chenzhao has always been very popular with children. If it were another person, he would have hugged him long ago. He is also good at coaxing children and so on.

But now... Prince Duan's Mansion is the first and crucial step for him to overturn the case. He really has to worry about gains and losses. He doesn't dare to hug her rashly and can only smile at her.

Tuanzi was so anxious that he began to move in small steps in front of him, and moved... his big eyes kept looking at him, while whispering: "Zhuzhu is so busy! Zhuzhu is so busy! There are so many things! Zhuzhu is about to elbow La!"

Huo Chenzhao: "..."

Sheng Minglin looked at it in amusement.

The main reason is that Tuanzi really wanted to be hugged by the beautiful Guo Guo, but he didn't say it out loud, and he didn't jump on anyone's lap. He was also very princess-like, and the inside and outside were very clear.

He then said: "Why don't Shen Zhao hug Zhuzhu? After all, Zhuzhu'er is very busy. It's rare that she is free now."

Huo Chenzhao nodded in agreement and said with a smile: "Princess, I'm sorry."

While using both hands, he carefully picked up the dumpling.

Tuanzi raised his little arms and curled up his calves in a very cooperative manner. The whole Tuanzi jumped up, for fear that he would regret it after holding him halfway.

Huo Chenzhao had already hugged her firmly and smiled at her: "Princess Princess."

The dumpling was delighted: "Beautiful pot!"

She stretched out her chubby hand, touched his head, patted his face, touched his hair, and poked and touched him everywhere.

Sheng Minglin lowered his head to drink tea at first, pretending not to notice, but later he saw her poking her endlessly, and then asked: "Zhuzhu?"

Tuanzi hummed, and Sheng Minglin said, "Don't do this! This is not good."

Tuanzi Maomao tilted his head: "Guo Guo, Zhu Zhu is still young. Zhu Zhu doesn't understand what you are saying at all."

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

He twitched the corner of his mouth and could only proceed to the next step: "Shen Zhao said before that you could cure Brother Qi's birthmark?"

"Yes," Huo Chenzhao said, "His Seventh Prince's birthmark, I took a quick look at it that day and it should be curable."

He looked at Tuanzi and hesitated whether to put her down. The seventh prince had already stood up and came over: "Then take a closer look and see if it can be cured."

Huo Chenzhao stood up and took a closer look.

Tuanzi did his best, grabbing the seventh prince by his collar and asking him to lower himself, and then helped hug the seventh prince's face.

Huo Chenzhao came closer, and Tuanzi followed suit, with the three faces crowded together.

Tuanzi didn't feel at all that he was just making up the numbers. He looked at the Seventh Prince very seriously, his little head going deeper and deeper, almost blocking Huo Chenzhao.

(End of this chapter)

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