Chapter 131 I won’t die

A sneer appeared at the corner of Yu Chuchu's lips: "Old man, you dare to do something that can change your fate against the will of heaven. Aren't you afraid of retribution on your next generation?"

The old man was not disturbed by the outside world at all, and still continued his magic with concentration.

Yu Chuchu took out a mahogany sword from his bag, drew a talisman in the air with his fingers, and then stabbed the old man straight.

Sensing a sword energy approaching, the old man opened his eyes suddenly, clamped the peach wood sword between his fingers, and blocked Yu Chuchu's attack. However, he was accidentally injured by the spiritual energy on the peach wood sword!
In pain, he immediately let go of his hand that looked like dry tree bark, bared his teeth and said, "Who are you? Why do you want to ruin my good deeds?"

He set up a barrier in this house, making it impossible for ordinary people to break in.

Yu Chuchu had a righteous look on his face: "You use evil magic to harm people, I'm here to enforce justice for heaven!"

After saying this, she launched a fierce attack.

The old man also had a lot of skills, and he was able to catch Yu Chuchu's tricks. The two of them fought back and forth, fighting each other.

It's just that the room is too small, and the two of them can't use their fists very much.

The old man was also aware of current affairs. He felt that he could not take advantage of her, so he smoothed things over and said, "Girl, I didn't expect that you are so young and have quite a lot of knowledge. Let's do this. Let's do this business 50-50. Divide. How about leaving a way for each other?"

Yu Chuchu didn't accept his trick at all: "No! It was you who helped Yu Lingling steal my luck before, right? It just happened that the old and new grudges were settled together!" Yu Chuchu kicked him directly Kicked on his chest, the old man flew out and fell heavily to the ground. The old man spat out a mouthful of blood, along with a few worms. The scene looked extremely uncomfortable...

The old man said with difficulty with a ferocious face: "You are Yu Chuchu... but why do you know this?"

No wonder Yu Lingling not only didn’t steal her luck, but she also suffered a backlash...

No matter how hard he tried to study evil ways, he still couldn't help Yu Lingling regain her luck...

This Yu Chuchu is much more powerful than him...

Yu Chuchu looked at him like he was looking at an ant: "I don't understand this, so I just happened to be killed by you? You really dare to make any money. Xuanmen's reputation is due to you who have no professional ethics." People who have no bottom line will be corrupted!"

The old man knew that he was no match for Yu Chuchu, so he began to beg for mercy: "Master, I was wrong, please forgive me this time because we are of the same kind... This is also my first time to help Others change their fate against the will of God, but I usually just make a living. I really haven’t done anything harmful to God... It was your stepmother who gave me one million and asked me to help her rescue her daughter... I will return the money. You, please spare my life..."

"You are surrounded by ghosts. The ghosts of the people you killed are following you around. They sensed that you were about to die, so they couldn't wait to eat your ghosts. How did you have the nerve to say that? Didn't you do anything harmful to nature? Also, you were going against nature by helping them change their Yangshou. Now that the forbidden technique has been terminated, you will definitely suffer backlash. Even if I don't kill you, you won't survive tonight. ”

The old man's face changed drastically, and he began to vomit black blood from his mouth.

"No, I won't die. I exchanged the lives of my son and daughter for my life span. I am now destined to live a hundred years. How could I die!"

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