Chapter 137 Looking for Chu Siyun
Qin Minglang's eyes immediately turned red, and he said angrily and excitedly: "I'm going to kill them!"

After saying that, he will rush out of the door!

Xie Xingzhi quickly stopped the person: "You don't even know who they are, how can you kill them? Besides, is it really worth risking your whole life for two scumbags? My sister-in-law will definitely not want you to kill people for her! And didn’t Yu Chuchu say that? My sister-in-law has already gone for revenge!"

The sister-in-law is already a ghost anyway, so she doesn't have to be punished by law after taking revenge, which is more cost-effective than Qin Minglang's action.

After saying that, Xie Xingzhi asked with some worry: "By the way, master, if my sister-in-law really takes revenge and kills those two people, can she be reincarnated as a human again?"

Qin Minglang also immediately looked at Yu Chuchu with concern.

Yu Chuchu shook his head with a serious face: "No. Any ghost that kills a person or a ghost will be wiped out. Not to mention being reincarnated as a human being, there is no chance of being reincarnated as an animal."

Qin Minglang immediately became anxious: "No! I have to stop Siyun from taking revenge! She can't just disappear like this!"

He will still be with Chu Siyun in the next life!
"Chu Siyun's resentment is too strong, and not only her ghost, but also the child in her belly has become a ghost baby. The ghost baby who is less than a month old has the strongest evil spirit and is extremely difficult to deal with! Just now, Chu Siyun was the only one in the room. Siyun's ghost is probably because she forgot her child, and the ghost baby didn't find Chu Siyun. Once Chu Siyun and the ghost baby get together, they will become two powerful ghosts. With my current situation With spiritual power, it might be difficult to deal with the two of them."

It would be great if Lu Che was here!

She can maintain her spiritual power by constantly absorbing the purple energy from him!

But this doesn't work. She can't let Lu Che know her identity, so she can't let Lu Che accompany her to catch ghosts.

There was no way she could absorb the purple energy from Lu Che.

Xie Xingzhi frowned: "Then what should we do now?"

"We can only try our best to find Chu Siyun before she joins forces with Guiying."

Qin Minglang pinned all his hopes on her: "Master, I beg you to save Siyun and our child. He was killed at such a young age. I beg you not to let them, mother and son." No matter how much money you want, I will give it to you ten times!" "You can just put one million into my account. I won't take any more. I will try my best to help you."

Qin Minglang immediately gave her one million without saying a word.

Yu Chuchu looked at Xie Xingzhi: "You call the police first and ask the police to rush over and arrest the two suspects."


Xie Xingzhi immediately followed the instructions.

Not only did they call the police, but with the help of Yu Chuchu, they also told the police the location and home address of the two gangsters to improve the efficiency of case handling.

When Qin Minglang saw that they were going to find Chu Siyun, he immediately said: "Master, I will go with you!"

Xie Xingzhi felt that he was emotionally unstable and was afraid that if he saw the murderer, he would fight with him in front of the police, so he persuaded him: "Brother Minglang, why don't you wait for our news at home?"

But Yu Chuchu agreed: "Let him go with us."

It was obvious that Chu Siyun was passionately devoted to him, and maybe Qin Minglang could eventually persuade Chu Siyun to put aside her hatred and be reincarnated.

Xie Xingzhi probably guessed Yu Chuchu's intention, so he didn't say more.

Then the three of them immediately drove to the suspect's home, as long as the police and them could find the murderer before Chu Siyun.

Chu Siyun did not know the murderer, so it would take a lot of effort for her to find the murderer.

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