Ji Tianzun, the Eternal God Emperor

Chapter 49 The Rising Star

Chapter 49 The Rising Star

If you want to become a Xuanbang warrior, the rules are the same as becoming a Huangbang warrior. You need to win ten games in a row on the martial arts stage of Wushi Qianzhuang.

Chen Xi'er led Zhang Ji through Tianmo Martial City and kept looking at him secretly, looking extremely curious.

"Junior Brother Zhang, I heard that your brother named Zhang Ruochen is engaged to my cousin, Princess Yanchen of Qianshui County.

I heard others say that Zhang Ruochen had the potential of a young swordsman after defeating the semi-saint successor in Qianshui County.

I don’t know who is more powerful between you and him? "

Zhang Ji looked at Chen Xi'er and smiled lightly: "In terms of strength, Ninth Brother's current cultivation level is naturally not as good as mine. In terms of potential, maybe he is even higher than me."

Chen Xi'er rolled her beautiful eyes and said with a sweet smile: "Potential may not necessarily turn into strength. In my opinion, strength is the most important criterion.

Therefore, you are better than Brother Jiu! "

Zhang Ji knew that Chen Xi'er, as Huang Yanchen's cousin, had been comparing herself to others since she was a child.

Maybe she didn't know that Huang Yanchen had a fiancé who could defeat the semi-saint successor. She wanted to find a better fiancé than Zhang Ruochen so that she could beat Huang Yanchen.

"Senior Sister Chen, it's getting late. If we delay it any longer, we won't be able to make it to the Xuanbang Martial Arts Arena today." Zhang Ji smiled and then continued to walk forward.

Chen Xi'er looked up at the scorching sun above her head, and suddenly became a little angry. Looking at Zhang Ji's back, she gritted her teeth and muttered to herself: "The more you act like this, the more interested I will be in you.

I know that you easily defeated your cousin in the West Courtyard. If you become my fiancé, your cousin will definitely look very good-looking. "

The Wushi Bank in Tianmo Wucheng is many times more impressive than that of Yunwu County. The entire Martial Palace is suspended in the sky thousands of feet high, and is a ninth-level true martial arts treasure.

Following the ladder, we walked into the Martial Arts Palace step by step. The huge martial arts arena was surrounded by a sea of ​​people, and all seats were packed.

With Chen Xi'er's status, it was naturally impossible for her to compete with a group of ordinary warriors for a position. After giving instructions to a steward of the Wushi Bank, the two of them were arranged into a private room with the best location.

In the martial arts arena, two warriors of the Great Perfection of the Xuanji Realm were fighting. The fierce battle attracted cheers from the spectators around them.

Chen Xi'er was not interested in the competition in the field. With her strength, she naturally looked down on the competition between these warriors who were still far away from the Xuan Ranking.

Seeing that Zhang Ji was watching the battle seriously, Chen Xi'er said with some dissatisfaction: "Junior Brother Zhang, it's just a competition between two little-known characters. Are they more attractive to you than a beautiful woman like me?"

Zhang Ji smiled faintly and replied: "Geniuses are unknown before they become famous. Any warrior may have unexpected surprises."

Chen Xi'er's pretty face was close to Zhang Ji, and the fragrant wind blew by her ears as she opened her mouth.

"I don't expect anything unexpected, I just hope that Junior Brother Zhang won't make any mistakes as a matter of course.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to explain it to my father. "

Zhang Ji felt the fragrance in his ears and remained calm.

"I'm going to fight in the next game. Senior sister should be able to make arrangements."

A satisfied smile appeared on Chen Xi'er's face, and she said in a soft voice: "Junior brother has said so, so there is no problem."

Zhang Ji was holding a sword at the level of a fifth-level true martial arts weapon. He was dressed in white and his face was covered with gold, and he walked towards the martial arts platform.

Soon, the two men who had been competing ended their battle, and a steward from Wushi Bank slowly walked to the center of the martial arts stage.

Liu Chengfeng sat on the viewing platform to the west and looked at the martial arts field steward who came up to the stage with some surprise. Then his surprise turned into expectation.

Based on his knowledge of the Wushi Qianzhuang Fighting Palace, he can ask the steward to come forward in person, and the next fight must be fought by a master.

"Everyone, the next contestant will be Zhang Ji, the rising star of the Outer Palace of Wu City Academy who has recently become famous. He is known as the No. 1 Outer Palace."

"His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince? Why did he come to Tianmo Martial City? And he came to the martial arts arena." Liu Chengfeng looked at the golden masked figure walking onto the martial arts arena.

"With his status, even if he wants to hit the Xuanban ranking, he doesn't need to go to a place like the martial arts arena. It's really strange. Does His Highness the Eighth Prince want to become famous?

Well, it must be so. "

Zhang Ji, who stepped onto the martial arts stage, had no idea that he had been betrayed by Chen Xi'er unknowingly. It wasn't that he was tricked by Chen Xi'er. It was just that as a genius disciple of his martial arts academy, it was reasonable to say that he was betrayed by Chen Xi'er. He would not openly fight with others in a place like the martial arts arena. This was a way for the Wu City Academy to protect its talented disciples.

Chen Xi'er looked at Zhang Ji's figure in the martial arts arena, with a smile of success on her lips.

"Zhang Ji, if you are really talented, then I will help you spread your name all over the world. When the time comes, I will win you over, and you will definitely be better than your cousin. If you fail to live up to your expectations and lose yourself in public, you will not be able to beat others." , then you can’t blame me, it can only be said that you are not good at studying.”

On the martial arts stage, Zhang Ji's first opponent has already appeared on the stage. The surrounding audience did not burst out with the enthusiasm as imagined. Only a few people who knew the inside information of Wu City Academy had great expectations for Zhang Ji.

The West Courtyard is located on the outskirts of Tianmo Ridge. For the warriors in Tianmo Martial City, they rarely take the initiative to inquire about it. Unless someone climbs the Xuanbang, it will come into their sight.

Although Zhang Ji defeated Luo Shuihan, not many warriors in Tianmo Martial City knew about it.

His first opponent was a middle-aged man in his forties wearing a blue shirt who wielded a spear.

"Boy, you pretend to be a master and wear a mask. You are mysterious. What I hate the most is people like you."

After saying that, the long spear in his hand was stabbed towards Zhang Ji. Faced with the spear of this ordinary Xuanji Realm Dzogchen warrior, Zhang Ji didn't have any waves in his eyes. He just waved his hand and a strong force shot out. The true energy exploded from him, sending the middle-aged man flying away.

"it is good!"

When he saw this crisp victory on the viewing platform, a huge noise erupted.

Liu Chengfeng looked at Zhang Ji on the field, with envy in his eyes. "With just a wave of his hand, he defeated the Dzogchen warrior of the Xuanji realm. His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince is truly a role model for us. I don't know whether he came to the Martial Palace this time to hit the top ten on the Xuan Ranking or the top three on the Xuan Ranking."

In nine consecutive competitions, Zhang Ji won with one move.

In the tenth battle, according to the rules, a Xuanbang warrior will fight.

This Xuan Bang warrior is named Xie Pei'an. He is in his 50s and ranks one thousand one hundred and sixty seven on the Xuan Bang.

The Xuan Bang includes all the warriors from the 36 counties of Tianmo Ridge. There are a total of 1000 and [-] places. Xie Pei'an is just the last among the warriors on the Xuan Bang.

However, even at the lowest level, they still have the strength to barely compete with ordinary warriors in the early stages of the extreme realm, which is about one and a half levels.

Xie Pei'an watched Zhang Ji's previous battles. He was well-informed and had heard about what happened in the Western Courtyard.

"Young Master Zhang is a genius at Wu City Academy, and he is also a prominent figure among them. I know that I am not your opponent, but I just want to see the gap between me and him.

I wonder if the young master can use the sword? "

Zhang Ji looked him over and shook his head slightly.

"If you want to see it, you have to show enough strength."

Xie Peian sighed helplessly, "I understand."

The long sword in his hand was unsheathed, and the sword moved freely. His peak sword intention in the early stage was quite good. Zhang Ji formed a fist with his right palm and launched a Luoshui boxing technique.

The true energy rushed out like a rolling stream of water, knocking Xie Pei'an directly out of the fighting arena.

Xie Pei'an stood up in embarrassment, raised his hands to Zhang Ji on the martial arts stage and said, "Thank you, Master, for keeping your hand. With Master's strength, he is indeed capable of entering the top ten on the Mysterious Ranking and defeating Luo Shuihan."

His voice was quite loud and fell on the ears of the spectators on the surrounding spectator stands, causing an uproar immediately.

"Can he defeat Luo Shuihan?"

"Another genius disciple from Wu City Academy?"

"He dares to come directly to the Martial Arts Palace. Does he want to challenge Yan Lixuan?"

"Even if he can defeat Luo Shuihan, it is impossible to defeat Yan Lixuan. Yan Lixuan is a legend in Xuanbang and has been undefeated for 30 years."


Ignoring the commotion on the viewing platform, Zhang Ji continued to face the next opponent.

Ranked 970 on the Mysterious List, Li Xue, the pioneering axe, was still defeated with one punch.

Eight of the 850 on the Xuanbang list, Zhao dared to be the one;

Nine of 740 on the Mysterious List...


After defeating eight Xuan Bang warriors in a row, Zhang Ji's ranking on the Xuan Bang has reached within one hundred, which is not much different from Huang Yanchen's current ranking.

The ninth Xuanbang warrior who participated in the battle was a young woman in her 20s named Ying Qingyi. She was one of the three giants in Tianmo Wucheng and an outer disciple of Taiqing Palace.

She is one of the top three geniuses in the outer palace of Taiqing Palace, ranking No. 40 on the Mysterious List.

Although Ying Qingyi is a woman, she is very tall, half a head taller than Zhang Ji, and her voice is strong and rough.

"Luo Shuihan is the number one genius among the younger generation of women in Tianmo Ridge. I have also fought against her. If you can defeat her, you are a good opponent."

Zhang Ji just smiled faintly and didn't say anything. Ying Qingyi didn't say much. His muscles and bones shook, and he used a spirit-level middle-level boxing technique, Angry Ape Fist, to attack Zhang Ji.

Zhang Ji used Luoshui Boxing with one hand to fight back.

"The violent ape opens the mountain."

"Tianhe Division of Labor"

The two exchanged punches, Zhang Ji remained motionless, but Ying Qingyi stepped back several feet, his eyes full of solemnity.

Zhang Ji shook his head slightly. Although Ying Qingyi was the darling daughter of Taiqing Palace and a second-and-a-half genius, she was no longer a match for him now.

"Perhaps, only Yan Lixuan, who is number one on the Mysterious Ranking, can fight with me."

Ying Qingyi was very angry when she saw that Zhang Ji was distracted during the fight with him, and used the strongest move in the Angry Ape Fist, running towards Zhang Ji like a giant cyan ape.

"Cross the Heavenly Road."

He used another Luoshui boxing technique, but this punch used [-]% of his power, knocking Ying Qingyi away from the fighting arena with one punch.

Chen Xi'er's beautiful eyes lit up in the elegant room on the high terrace. When she was in the Xuanji realm, her current strength was comparable to that of Ying Qingyi.

"I defeated Ying Qingyi with two punches with one hand. With this kind of strength, no one on the Xuanban list except Yan Lixuan would dare to challenge him."

(End of this chapter)

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