Ji Tianzun, the Eternal God Emperor

Chapter 50 The heart of the sword is clear

Chapter 50 The heart of the sword is clear
After defeating Ying Qingyi, Zhang Ji continued to stay on the martial arts stage.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no next opponent on the stage.

As time went by, the spectators on the viewing platform began to become impatient.

The steward who was in charge of presiding over the situation came on stage again and said loudly: "Please be patient, we have already invited Yan Lixuan, the number one on the Xuanbang, to come."

"What? Yan Lixuan, my God, is it possible that today is actually a battle for the number one spot on the Xuan Ranking? Is this guy named Zhang Ji going to be the number one on the Xuan Ranking as soon as he enters the Xuan Ranking?"

"Not only that, he has defeated nine Xuanbang warriors in a row. If he defeats Yan Lixuan again, he will win ten games in a row. Not only will he become the number one on the Xuanbang, he will also receive the Xuanbang Bronze Order, worth 1000 million silver coins."


After waiting for less than half an hour, Yan Lixuan, the number one on the Xuanbang, finally arrived.

Zhang Ji, who was standing on the martial arts stage with his eyes closed and concentrating, felt a powerful sword intent approaching and opened his eyes suddenly.

At the edge of the martial arts platform, an old man in sackcloth and carrying a long sword slowly walked onto the martial arts platform.

"Are you Zhang Ji, the new generation genius of Wu City Academy, who defeated nine Xuan Bang warriors in a row?" Yan Lixuan asked calmly.

Zhang Ji nodded and replied: "Yes, I am Zhang Ji, and you are Yan Lixuan, the legendary figure who has occupied the first place on the Xuanbang for 30 years?"

Yan Lixuan gave a bitter smile, shook his head and said: "Outsiders only know that I have been at the top of the Xuanzang list for 30 years, but they don't know that I don't want to break through to a higher realm. It's just that my state of mind is lacking and cannot be perfected.

I hope you can give me a little pressure and maybe help me improve my state of mind. "

Yan Lixuan took out the long sword from his back, and his whole body was filled with sword intent. Zhang Ji suddenly felt like a light on his back.

"His sword intention is indeed powerful. It is worthy of the sword intention to reach its peak as the sword follows your heart."

Zhang Ji took out the sword in his hand. In order to be wary of Chen Zhili, he had not used the Heaven-Suppressing Sword for more than a month. However, the fifth-level true weapon was enough for use.

Wisps of golden energy from Yan Lixuan's body poured into the long sword, and the sword energy continued to accumulate.

"Take my sword and become infinite!"

The sword is like lightning. Not only is the sword fast, Yan Lixuan's speed is also extremely fast, reaching 76 meters per second.

Zhang Ji did not dare to be careless and used the Tiger Soul Suppressing Sword.

"Tianhu asked for directions."

The swords crossed each other, and the two of them passed by each other, and then there was surprise in their eyes.

Yan Lixuan was surprised that Zhang Ji was so powerful that he could take his sword.

Zhang Ji was also surprised by Yan Lixuan's strength.

"I originally thought that Junior Sister Luo could not defeat Yan Lixuan, just because she did not activate the Golden Light Holy Eye. Now it seems that even if the Golden Light Holy Eye is activated, she may not be his opponent.

It's really surprising that a mortal body can reach the level of the Five Ultimates. "

"Spirit level high-grade boundless swordsmanship, the sword's will to follow the peak of the sword, and a speed of 76 meters per second. I guess the skill you practice should not be of a low grade.

Mr. Yan really surprised me. "

Yan Lixuan turned around slowly, with fighting intent in his eyes.

"Your sword intention and sword skills are not inferior to mine, and your skills and physique are even better than mine. With the previous sword, although there was a treasure hiding the aura on your body, I have already felt it. Your realm has not yet reached the mysterious level. The ultimate state of perfection.

I am defeated. When you break through to the Great Perfection of Xuanji Realm, I will definitely be defeated. "

Yan Lixuan's voice was not loud, and only he and Zhang Ji could hear it on the huge martial arts stage.

"However, I still have to fight you today. I don't believe that anyone can defeat me across a realm."

Yan Lixuan's aura changed again, the blood behind him condensed, and the blood turned into a sword.

The powerful power made Zhang Ji narrow his eyes slightly.

"It's rare to have such a powerful opponent, and I also want to have a good fight." "Immeasurable Water"

"The fierce tiger breaks the stream"

Both of them are attacking with all their strength, one is a six-ultimate genius at the great extreme of the Xuanji Realm, and the other is a five-ultimate master of the Great Perfection of the Xuanji Realm.

The sword was like a giant, and the sword was like a thunderbolt. All the warriors watching the battle were mesmerized.

Facing Yan Lixuan's infinite sword attack, Zhang Ji constantly defended and counterattacked with the sword in his hand. With the help of Yan Lixuan's sword intention, he continued to hone his own sword intention.

The golden lines in the meridians in his body were only half lit, and the power of the treasure body was not fully activated.

If he exploded with all his strength, he would be able to defeat Yan Lixuan within fifty moves. However, as the fight progressed, Zhang Ji felt that the intention of the sword was undergoing a subtle transformation.

It was a feeling of stepping into a new level.

Yan Lixuan used his infinite sword skills to the extreme, and with every sword he could easily kill the top [-] masters on the Mysterious Ranking List.

However, it was still unable to break through Zhang Ji's defense.

Zhang Ji continued to perform the 42-style Tiger Soul-Severing Sword Technique. At the beginning, he needed to use the knife to guide the technique. Gradually, the knife in his hand seemed to disappear and seemed to be connected with himself.

The sword moved as he pleased, and he only controlled the sword with skill and intention. But at this moment, Zhang Ji surpassed the skill-based level and reached the level where intention is the dominant one. The sword intention suddenly exploded with power that was ten times more terrifying than before.

Yan Lixuan's eyes showed horror, and he was knocked away by the suddenly stronger sword intent. He fell to the ground, barely supported his body with his sword, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"How is it possible? This is, the sword's heart is transparent!"

Zhang Ji slowly came back to his senses from the joy of the sword's breakthrough, and his whole body calmed down.

"I lost!" Yan Lixuan stood up slowly and walked towards the martial arts stage.

The entire Martial Arts Palace suddenly became noisy from silence.

When countless young female warriors were about to look at Zhang Ji, they found that he was no longer on the fighting stage.


After realizing that his sword intent had broken through to the transparent realm while countless people were watching the battle, Zhang Ji immediately chose to run away.

Beside him, the surprise on Chen Xi'er's face has not completely dissipated.

"Junior Brother Zhang, you have actually achieved the clarity of the sword's heart. This is a legendary realm that only half-saints can achieve."

"Senior Sister Chen, let's go back to Wu City Academy as soon as possible. With the talent I just exposed, I'm afraid it will lead to an assassination soon." Zhang Ji said solemnly.

Hearing this, Chen Xi'er said nonchalantly: "This is Tianmo Martial City. No matter how courageous the people from the black market and the Moon Worshiping Demon Sect are, they don't dare to do anything in the city.

Even if the Semi-Saint makes trouble here, it is impossible to escape, so junior brother can rest assured. "

Although Chen Xi'er said so, Zhang Ji didn't want to surrender his life to the black market and the Moon Worshiping Demon Cult because of their courage.

He returned to the inner palace of Wu City Academy as quickly as possible and spent three hundred merit points to rent a secret training house in the inner palace.

It's not that the students from the Outer Palace cannot enter the Inner Palace, they just need to be the best among the students from the Outer Palace. As Zhang Ji is the number one in the West Academy and has Chen Xi'er by his side, he naturally doesn't encounter any trouble.

"Junior brother Zhang, merit points are not easy to get. If you are only staying in the inner palace for a short time, you can go to my senior sister's place. Why waste so many merit points on renting a mansion with a poor training environment?" Chen Xi'er stood there. Zhang Ji said with some regret in front of the newly rented mansion.

Zhang Ji knew Chen Xi'er's personality in his memory and didn't want to have too much to do with her. He smiled lightly and said, "I gained some income from the battle with Yan Lixuan. I need a quiet place to practice in seclusion. I appreciate Senior Sister Chen's kindness." .”

After that, he turned around and walked into the mansion. Then the door closed and the entire mansion's defensive formation was activated.

Chen Xi'er gritted her teeth in anger and looked at the closed door, feeling very angry.

"Zhang Ji, do you think you can escape from my grasp? A genius with a clear sword heart is much rarer than Zhang Ruochen who can defeat a semi-saint disciple. I know that my father wants to accept you as a disciple until you become my junior disciple. , I will ask my father to betroth me to you, and it will be up to you what you do then."

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(End of this chapter)

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