All the changes in the world begin with Tom Cat

Chapter 103 Shushu takes a light shot

Chapter 103 Shushu takes a light shot

"Why should I attack her? That's because this girl ruined my good deeds!"

With that said, "Krum" directly tore off the disguise on his face, revealing his true face.

"It's you!!!"

Harry was shocked.

This face was very familiar to him. The last time he and Tom were at the Quidditch World Cup camp incident, the man seemed to be named Barty Crouch Jr.

He is an out-and-out Death Eater who supports the Dark Lord!

"Haha, it seems you have remembered me, Mr. Potter, I am happy for you."

Little Barty said.

"Weren't you captured by people from the Ministry of Magic? Why weren't you imprisoned in Azkaban?"

Harry's face was solemn and he asked in confusion.

"I was captured by those hateful Aurors from the Ministry of Magic, but what they didn't expect was that I had a good father and locked me up directly at home. I also had the opportunity to summon my companions to untie our bonds. After all, I don't want that stupid Wormtail to be sent to Azkaban, after all, I've already experienced it once."

The amount of information little Barty revealed was a bit large, but Harry was still able to sort out the clues.

In other words, Old Barty did not send his son to Azkaban for his own selfish reasons. Although it is not clear what method he used to fool him, this is obviously Old Barty's problem.

"I'm glad to see you, Mr. Potter. You don't have that damn cat this time. Don't resist in the end, otherwise I can't guarantee that you won't get hurt."

With that said, little Barty stretched out his hand to summon back his wand that had been knocked away, and then slowly approached Harry and the others.

"Harry, send fire to the sky quickly so the professor can come over and deal with this villain."

Fleur pulled Harry's sleeve and warned in a weak voice.

"Yeah." Harry had no choice. After all, their magical abilities were no match for Barty Jr. If Tom hadn't been there last time, Harry would have been caught by Barty Jr. long ago.

Even if we give up the game now, it is much safer than the lives of the three people at the scene.

"It's useless. I have already used some tricks here. Even if you shoot flames into the sky, I can guarantee that your professor will not be able to get here."

Little Barty's lips curled up. How could a smart person like him not expect such a situation?
When he entered the maze pretending to be Krum, he had already deployed shielding magic in this area. Even if he sent flames into the sky, the professors would not be able to see them.

And with the magic blessing of the Dark Lord, even tracking the crystal ball cannot see the situation here.

And he is not the only supporter of the Dark Lord in the maze~
Harry was startled.

What should I do now?
At this time, he didn't pay attention, because the pressure given to him by Little Barty was too strong.

Draco, who was behind him, suddenly whispered into his ear: "How about I use a magic spell to attract his attention later, and we can sneak away now?"

"No, do you think this Death Eater has no defense? He might have blocked our way." Harry rejected his proposal.

"Okay, then we can't do nothing, right?" Draco was also anxious, thinking about Lucius telling him before the game that something might happen in the maze, and if he encountered danger, he should protect himself and escape safely.

But how could he leave Harry alone in this situation?
"It seems that I need to hurt you, otherwise you will ruin my plan!"

A beam of red light shot out directly from Barty Jr.'s wand.

When Harry saw this, he hurriedly cast a spell: "Armor for protection!"

A light blue translucent magic wall blocked the front of Harry and the others, and the red light directly collided with the magic wall.

The two curses annihilated each other.

"It seems you still have some energy left. In that case, let's have some fun!" Little Barty had a crazy look in his eyes.

Just when little Barty thought he was sure of victory, Jerry Mouse at his feet looked at this extremely arrogant human.

Now it finally understood that this man was similar to the bad cats he had met before.

Need to be taught a lesson.

So, it took out a trumpet-shaped gun, which looked like a delicate toy. No one would have thought that this small gun could be lethal.

Jerry aimed at the part of Barty that the man regarded as the key and fired.

Barty Jr. originally wanted to make Harry and the others submit, but the solution could only be solved by force.

At this moment, he felt that his lower body was suddenly hit by a ton of hammer.


Then he screamed, covering his lower body, throwing the wand aside, and jumping up and down.Harry understood something when he saw this, and his face ached with pain.

This should be very painful.

He had just noticed Jerry's movements and thought that the toy-like trumpet gun would have such an effect.

"Passed out!"

If we don’t fight now, when will we wait?
Harry saw the right moment and cast a stun spell directly on little Barty.

Then, little Barty went straight down, his lower body still twitching slightly.

Draco also walked over to little Barty and picked up his wand, lest the man wake up later and take the wand away, which would be a disaster.

"Harry, please get out of this area quickly, I'm giving up this competition."

Fleur breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Little Barty defeated.

But she decided to give up the competition. After all, there were Death Eaters hiding here. She needed to send a signal to the patrols to come here to deal with the matter, so that Principal Dumbledore outside could also know the situation here. .

"it is good!"

Then, Harry tied up little Barty and took the other two people to another checkpoint.

Fleur picked up the wand opposite her and fired a bright spark into the sky.

Soon, two figures appeared here.

"Oh God! Harry, Fleur, what's wrong with you?"

The people who arrived were Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick. They were also shocked when they saw the injured Fleur and asked hurriedly.

"Professor, a Death Eater appeared in the maze. This is the Death Eater. He is the one who attacked Fleur. He pretended to be Krum to participate in this competition."

The two professors' faces became serious after listening to Harry's story.

"We already know the situation. I didn't expect this group of desperadoes to sneak in here. I need to report this to Principal Dumbledore!"

Professor McGonagall spoke.

"Then Professor, take this bad guy and Fleur away. The game is not over yet, and I can't give up on this game yet."

Harry shook his head.

"Harry, it's no longer a matter of not competing. Are you sure you want to stay here?"

McGonagall and Flitwick were startled.

Now the two of them don't know how many dark wizards are hiding inside, and they don't know what dangers there are?
If a kid like Harry were allowed in, wouldn't it be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth?

"Yes, Professor! Of course you don't have to worry about my safety. The bad guy just now was defeated by Jerry and our wisdom."

Harry looked confident.

"Well, since you have said so, but I still don't worry, I will give this to you. Once you encounter danger, it will take you away from danger."

When Professor McGonagall saw Harry saying this, he took out the time turner he had lent to Hermione from his robe, and at the same time told Harry how to use the time turner.

"Thank you, Professor, let's go first!"

Harry no longer hesitated. After taking the converter, he let Jerry sit on his shoulders and ran towards the next level.

Draco was very hesitant when he saw Harry leaving. On the one hand, there was bound to be danger, but in his heart he was telling him to move forward bravely.

Draco gritted his teeth and finally decided to run in the direction Harry left.

"I didn't expect the little snake from Slytherin to have such courage?"

Flitwick looked a little surprised as Draco chased Harry.

"Professor Flitwick, every student of our Hogwarts is very brave. Now is not the time to talk about this. Let's take this poor girl out of the maze quickly! And tell Principal Albus this. matter."

Professor McGonagall responded.


Afterwards, the two took the tied little Barty and the injured Fleur away from the place.

 I'm really sorry. I originally wanted to send this chapter to Volume [-], but it ended up being sent to Volume [-] by mistake. Now I have changed the name of the volume so that there will be no confusion. o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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