Chapter 104 Squad Assemble
"Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, I hope you will not tell others about this for the time being."

After listening to what the two professors said, Dumbledore narrowed his eyes, seeming to be thinking.

"Yes, got it."

The two also knew that if the people present knew that there were Death Eaters in the maze, it might cause unnecessary panic.

Moreover, before they told Dumbledore, they specially used sound transmission magic to find a suitable occasion for the conversation in advance, and now it was hidden from everyone's eyes and ears.

"Then how does he deal with it?"

Flitwick interjected, pointing to the bound Barty Jr.

"I will cast magic on Little Barty Crowfinch to seal all the magical abilities in him, and you will temporarily imprison him in a suitable place."

Then, Dumbledore waved his hand and injected the sealing spell into Barty Jr.'s body. The magical power in Barty's body suddenly disappeared, and now he was almost like a Muggle.

"I will trouble you next."

Professor Flitwick took little Barty away, and Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore: "Headmaster Albus, now Harry and the others are still in the maze, what should we do next?"

As the head of Gryffindor, she naturally doesn't want her students to be harmed.

"Minerva, you don't have to worry so much. With those two little guys, Tom and Jerry, I think the unlucky ones may be some people with bad intentions."

Dumbledore smiled.

In the past, he might have sent people directly to protect Harry and the others in the maze.

But now there are two more unstable factors in the maze, and the outcome may be reversed by then.

As for why he is so confident?
That's because he has already experienced all kinds of outrageous operations of Ding Maomao, which can be regarded as a kind of intuition from a wizard.

"Okay, but the Dark Lord's men are not that easy to mess with. I think you need to make some preparations in advance, otherwise it will be easy for them to succeed. Harry is their target."

Professor McGonagall reminded.

"I know this, but don't worry, I have already let Fox pass. If there is danger, it is more than enough to apparate through. In addition, I also let Lupine enter the maze."

Dumbledore responded.

Since the Dark Lord thought of sending his own people in to catch Harry, was Dumbledore so stupid that he didn't think of this method?
The devil is one foot high, and the Tao is one foot high.

"Lupin alone shouldn't be able to deal with them, right? How about I ask Snape to join us?" the McGonagall family frowned.

"Don't worry, Snape cares about Harry's safety more than anyone else." The naughty old man with a white beard blinked.

"Hopefully this game ends well."

After Professor McGonagall said that, she walked into the maze and continued patrolling.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, what happened?"

Old Barty asked confusedly when he saw Dumbledore coming back.

"It's okay, it's just a small episode, let's continue watching the game!"

Dumbledore smiled softly, but Old Barty thought that the old fox might be hiding something from him, but he thought he was still competing, so let's talk about it later.

Inside the maze

Ding Hai's side has reached the final level, and the person guarding this level is a huge eight-eyed spider.

When Ron saw this familiar guardian, his face immediately turned pale.

"Merlin's wardrobe! How could it be a giant spider? Hasn't my tap-dancing nightmare been shattered yet?"

"Okay Ron, now is not the time to be afraid, this big guy is not that easy to deal with~"

Hermione had already picked up her wand and struck first.

"The flames are heavy!"

A long snake turned into flames rushed over like an eight-eyed spider.The eight-eyed spider was also aware of the danger. The eight-eyed spider crawled quickly and avoided the attack of the flames.

At this time, the scene outside the venue had been restored, and the audience also exclaimed in surprise.

"Oh my god! This big guy is so flexible!"

"Eight-eyed spider? I remember this thing can eat people, right?"

This eight-eyed spider was placed by Hagrid because the leader of the eight-eyed spider group had gradually aged and its dominance had been greatly reduced. This one in front of him was the most ferocious one. Hagrid captured it and put it in this maze. As the guardian of the game, this eight-eyed spider is free to live or die.

Hagrid also learned his lesson. Even though he and Aragog had an inter-species friendship, it was only for Aragog who was raised by him, not his group of ferocious children.

At this time, the eight-eyed spider was already rushing toward them at extremely fast speeds, and Hermione took advantage of this opportunity to strike.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

The eight-eyed spider was immediately blown away by the sudden explosion, and its eight long legs were also blown to pieces, leaving only a naked-looking head.

"Okay, now we can move on, this big guy is dead." 0
Hermione walked past the half-dead eight-eyed spider nonchalantly.

But Ron was still a little scared, after all, the spider wasn't dead yet!
Seeing Luo Zai dawdling like this, Ding Maomao crossed his arms.

Then he took out a fork from the side and pointed it directly at Ron.


Ron was caught off guard and ran directly to the opposite side. He turned back and looked at Ding Maomao angrily:
"Tom, why did you put your finger on my ass?"

Ding Hai spread his hands, revealing his pink and tender balls. Otherwise, how could you pass?

"Okay, come here quickly, we are going to the finish line!"

Hermione is a person of action. She is not like Ron, a grown man who procrastinates. Time is everything!
Soon, they came to the center, where a gleaming golden cup was placed on the stone platform.

Goblet of Fire!
This is the ultimate goal of all players participating in the Triwizard Tournament.

"Goblet of Fire!"

Ron exclaimed when he saw the Goblet of Fire.

At this time, Ding Hai looked around and heard movement.

Soon, several familiar figures appeared in a nearby passage, it was Harry, Jerry and Draco.


"Ron! Hermione! Tom!"

Harry's eyes lit up and he hurriedly ran in front of them. He didn't expect to meet his partner at the finish line. It was so unexpected. He thought it was someone else.

"It's nice to meet you Harry." Hermione smiled sweetly.

"Well, by the way, you shouldn't have encountered any dangers on the way, right?"

Harry asked, since Barty Jr. had slipped into the maze and he was worried about his partner being attacked.

"Danger? Except for insignificant checkpoints, there is a big spider blocking our way. Harry, did you encounter something?" Hermione seemed to hear something in Harry's words.

"Actually, that's the case. The Death Eaters who attacked the camp last time at the Quidditch World Cup also appeared here."

Harry told them briefly what had happened shortly, now remembering that he was still a little frightened.

The two people and the cat were also shocked after hearing this.

"Then you are not injured, right?"

"No, luckily Fleur finally gave up the game and let Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick arrive."

(End of this chapter)

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