Chapter 105 Meeting Lao Fu again
"They won't come again, right?" Harry was a little worried.

After all, I don’t know if there will be a second “Little Barty”?
"Meow~" Ding Hai patted Harry on the shoulder and told him not to worry. Old Deng was still taking care of everything. Now that Professors McGonagall and Flitwick have gone back to report the news, there will definitely be news. action.

Harry and the others also understood Ding Hai's words and felt relieved.

"Okay, let's go hold the trophy together! This is our victory for Hogwarts!"

Hermione interjected.


So, four people, one cat and one mouse touched the trophy.

In the next moment, several people immediately lifted their feet off the ground, were sucked into a non-existent vortex and disappeared in place.

The people in the stands were in an uproar. They were originally ready to celebrate the final victory of these warriors, but now they have disappeared.

"Where did they go?"

Madame Maxime of Beauxbatons School stood up.

It always seemed like things were beyond their expectations.

Arthur Weasley immediately recognized the trophy. It seemed to be the same as the portkey they used to participate in the Quidditch World Cup final. Obviously, someone had turned it into a portkey.

Now Harry, Ding Hai, Jerry, Ron and Hermione are teleported to who knows where?

"Oh my God! Where was Ronnie teleported?"

Mrs. Weasley was worried. Now her son didn't know where he was teleported. This was a situation that had never happened before.

"Don't worry, my dear. You can see that Dumbledore still looks calm. He must have expected this situation."

Then, Arthur pointed at the old man with a white beard on the referee's bench.

"Yes, Dumbledore is the greatest magician of this century~"

Mrs. Weasley looked over and found that the old man didn't have a trace of panic and seemed unusually calm.

"But I still hope the children are safe~"

Dumbledore then came to the maze, waved his wand, and murmured: "The rest is up to you, children."

After doing this, Dumbledore went to comfort the audience.

And the other side

Ding Hai and others were transported to an overgrown wasteland, where the weather was gloomy.The dark clouds blocked out the moonlight, but some light still shone through, allowing the children to see the general surroundings clearly.

There is a low hill next to the wasteland, and a house can be vaguely seen at the door.

Not far from them was a church, hidden behind a big tree.

"Where is this place?"

Ron stood up and looked at everything around him in confusion.

"Obviously, we were transported to an unknown place. Someone must have tampered with the Goblet of Fire."

Hermione patted the dust on her robes and then looked at her surroundings.

Ding Hai took a wand and cast a fluorescent spell, which provided some light. The light immediately dispelled the surrounding darkness and illuminated the surrounding environment a lot.

"Is this a cemetery?" Harry's voice was trembling.

This...isn't it right?

Why were they teleported to the cemetery all of a sudden?
What kind of urban legend is this?

At this moment, there seemed to be footsteps coming towards them.

Several people looked in that direction alertly, clenching the wands in their hands a little tighter.

A man in black robes appeared in front of them, holding something in his hand. When they saw clearly, it seemed that in the man's arms was an underdeveloped humanoid egg.

"Harry Potter, finally waiting for you!"

The man in black robe took off his hood, revealing an almost bloodless face.

"Is this Voldemort?!"

Harry also recognized the identity of the braised egg in his arms.

At this time, Voldemort has not yet been fully resurrected and is in an extremely weak state. If he wants to be resurrected, he needs Harry's blood to help him complete the resurrection ceremony.

"Harry~ We meet again." A low and hoarse voice sounded.

Harry suddenly felt a tearing pain in his head, and squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, howling.


"Harry, are you okay?" Ron hurriedly helped Harry up.

"My head hurts!" Harry said with difficulty.

Ding Hai looked at this scene and fell into thinking.

It seemed that the soul fragment lying on Harry's body had played a role.

Jerry jumped on Ding Hai's shoulder, pulled his beard, and asked what happened?
But our Dark Lord couldn't wait any longer and simply ordered his minions into action.

"Don't waste time, let's do it!"

"Yes! Master!"

Then, the Death Eaters placed Voldemort on a wooden chair created by magic and fired at Harry and others.

"Adawa's death!"

A green light flew directly towards them.

Ding Hai was also shocked when he saw this. If he hit these little wizards, he would really die.

So, he hurriedly blocked the front of several people.

The Death Curse hit Ding Hai directly, but there was no difference like last time.

"You damn kitty!!"

Voldemort's angry voice came. It was this cat that ruined his business last time. Since the Death Curse couldn't do anything to this cat, let's use physical attacks controlled by magic instead!

He once again issued an order to his servants: "Attack this dead cat! Use magic to control the rock and smash it to death!!!"

After receiving the order, the Death Eater cast a spell directly on a large rock with his wand.

The big rock suddenly broke away from the shackles of gravity and was stained with gray soil. If Sir Newton saw this scene, he would probably scream out of his coffin.

"Die!" The Death Eater directly controlled the rock and threw it at Ding Hai.

Hermione and the others just wanted to take action but it was too late.

The rock directly pressed Ding Maomao and Jerry underneath.

"No! Tom!!!"

Harry and others shouted.

"Okay, now it's your turn, get out of here!"

The Death Eaters directly used magic spells to fly Hermione, Ron and Draco away, and then sent another Cruciatus Curse. The three people couldn't help but scream in pain, and soon fainted.

"let's start!"

Following Lao Fu's further orders, the Death Eaters used magic to place a large cauldron in the open space, and then used the fire spell to light the cauldron.

The sound of bubbles came from the crucible, and the steam became thicker and thicker.

Harry could see that in the crucible, the blue liquid was boiling, with an increasing tendency.

"Master! I'll put you into the pot right now!"

"Okay! Hahaha~"

Voldemort couldn't restrain his inner excitement. He was just one step away from being resurrected and returned!

Then, Lao Fu's servant put the child-like Voldemort into the boiling crucible, and Voldemort sank without making any sound.

His fanatic took out a silver dagger and chanted a frightening incantation:

"Servant's flesh, voluntarily donated, so that my master can be reborn!"

Then, the dagger looked towards his left hand, and Harry closed his eyes at this time, not wanting to see this bloody scene.

But he heard something seem to be thrown into the pot, making a splashing sound.

(End of this chapter)

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