All the changes in the world begin with Tom Cat

Chapter 152: The Jar Demon Attacks

Chapter 152: The Jar Demon Attacks (4K words)
Just when the two were about to go to the next place to continue working, the jar demon also recovered from Wencai's stinky attack.

Jar Demon: Good guy!How dare this human attack him with poison gas!Simply unworthy of a man! (へ╬)
no!This demon must avenge this anger!
So the Jar Demon planned to attack again.

But before he could take action, a big foot pressed down on it.

Jar demon:,/+-/@/$¥#*
The door was gently opened, and a ray of moonlight just came in.

Wen Cai Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai Qiu Sheng both turned their heads after hearing the sound and found a long black shadow drawn out under the moonlight.

"There are monsters!"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were startled, and immediately clenched the talismans in their hands to be alert.

"What monster? What do you two look like?"

Ding Hai jumped out from the shadows and looked at the two of them speechlessly.

"It turns out to be Mr. Hai! We were scared to death! We thought some demon was affected and came to cause trouble in our place!"

The two breathed a sigh of relief.

"I felt a breath just now, as if it was coming from this room. Who knew that as soon as I opened the door, you two would scream like old ladies, so nothing unusual should have happened to you, right?"

Ding Hai asked. He knew that this night was special, so he came over to take a look when he had nothing to do.

Who would have thought that the great sage would remind him that there was a spooky evil spirit in this direction as soon as he left home, and Ding Hai came to check it out.

"So that's it~ But Mr. Haiye, could you please make a sound when you come here next time? Just now we thought some monsters were coming, especially in the middle of the night."

Wencai said.

"You are still Maoshan Taoist priests. We specialize in dealing with these monsters. Are you still afraid of these?" Ding Hai rolled his eyes at them.

If Uncle Jiu knew this, he would have to explain it to them.

After all, the most important thing for Maoshan Taoist priests in their spiritual practice is to develop the courage to not be afraid of any monsters.

As the saying goes, people are afraid of ghosts. As long as you have strong fire, do righteous things, and do not engage in sexual misconduct, ordinary ghosts and monsters cannot get close to you, otherwise you will be burned by the three yang fires on your body.

And this is especially true for monks who have cultivated themselves, and evil things will only be avoided.

"This" the two of them smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, let me come in and take a look!"

Ding Hai continued to go deeper inside, and then saw a pool of something similar to Si behind Wencai.

"Wencai, what is that on the ground behind you?"

Ding Hai asked. After hearing this, Wencai looked back in confusion and found that there was indeed a puddle of shit-yellow condensation.

"What is this?" Qiu Sheng was a little confused.

"Could some wild cat sneak in here to play tuba?" Wencai guessed.

"It's also possible." Qiu Sheng agreed.

Ding Hai: "."

God is so big!

Wencai, you really described it "appropriately"~
【inform!The unknown creature on the ground is the Jar Demon, a kind of spirit derived from the corpse Gu jar. It usually feeds on corpse energy and human flesh and blood. 】

Ding Hai was also stunned after seeing the great sage's prompt.

This thing is so weird!

At this moment, Ding Hai noticed that the Tanzi demon seemed to have some strange movements. A mouth with fangs appeared directly, grinning at Wencai and Qiu Sheng, and sticking out a blue-gray tongue.

"I rely on!"

"earthen jar!"

Well, the two of them finally discovered that there was a hole in the jar that was pasted with the talisman paper just now. Seeing this situation, the jar demon broke the seal of the talisman paper.

"Is it just a jar demon worth making a fuss about? Now is a good time to train you!"

Ding Slime teleported directly to the Jar Demon, grabbed it with his slime hands, and threw it out the door: "Let's go! ┏(゜ω゜)="

The jar demon was still confused. Did he throw something blue just now?

However, the power of the moonlight made the power within its body surge, as if it were inexhaustible.

At this time, the Jar Demon's body had also grown much larger, reaching the size of a normal adult dog, and it also had an extra sharp horn on its head.

Jar Demon: This is my ultimate transformed form!ヽ(`⌒メ)ノ

"Hai Ye! This."

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were both dumbfounded. Why did the Jar Demon look like this as soon as he was exposed to the moonlight?

The influence of Tengu Ye on this day is too great, right?
"Okay, it's you next!"

Ding Hai came behind the two young men and kicked them lightly.

( ̄ω ̄o)~~I kick
The two of them were kicked directly in front of the Jar Demon who had become somewhat tall and powerful at this time.


The two kept rubbing their buttocks with their hands, and then saw the big brother in front of them who was already drooling on them, looking very excited.

I go!Haiye, are you serious about this!

Facing this demon who looked like the opposite sex, Qiu Shengwencai and both of them were a little frightened.

If the little jar demon just now was okay, maybe he could be trapped directly by throwing a few talismans.

but now
"Why are you still dawdling? Get rid of this jar monster quickly, otherwise you will not go back from here!"

Ding Hai said, and used his magic power to set up a barrier in the courtyard. He planned to motivate the brothers tonight. If he couldn't deal with even a small jar demon, it meant that Uncle Jiu's training was not enough. , these two brothers still need to increase their efforts!
"No, Haiye! Us"

Before Qiu Sheng finished speaking, the jar demon had already launched an attack and pounced directly on Qiu Sheng.

Qiu Sheng's reaction was quite timely and he jumped to avoid the bite, but Wen Cai was in trouble.

Because the jar demon saw that Qiu Sheng failed to get Qiu Sheng, he directly turned his attention to the nearest Wen Cai.

"Qiu Sheng, save me!"


The jar demon howled like a dog, and then attacked Wencai.

Wencai ran away quickly: "Oh my God!"

As a result, throughout the courtyard, Wen Cai was chased by the demon and jumped up and down.

Qiu Sheng was secretly anxious when he saw the situation, so he grabbed the two yellow talismans in his hands and moved directly behind the jar demon, and then quickly attached the two yellow talismans to its body.

The yellow talisman immediately ignited, and the Jar Demon let out a scream because of the effect of the yellow talisman. The area on his body where the talisman was attached became charred black, and the yellow talisman was burned to ashes. "It worked~" Seeing that the demon stopped chasing Wencai, Qiu Sheng felt a little relieved.

However, the two burnt black spots on the Jar Demon's body were restored to their original state at this time, and it aimed its head at Qiu Sheng.

OK OK!You damn human being actually dares to burn this demon, right?

In the past, I might still be afraid of this demon, but I am no longer the same demon as before!
Human beings, tremble for this demon!
Then it turned its target to Qiu Sheng. Qiu Sheng was startled and hurriedly picked up a wooden stick on the side and hit the jar demon, but it was directly broken.

"I'll go! This bastard monster has such a tough skin now~"

But when he was stunned, the jar demon had already caught up with him, so Qiu Sheng had to use his nimble skills to dodge in all directions.

Just when the Jar Demon was about to succeed, a golden money sword was inserted directly into the Jar Demon's body.


The jar demon let out a shrill scream, and then was cut into pieces by the power of the money sword.

The Jar Demon, the future generation of demon kings, has fallen.

"What are you two doing? You are making a fuss!"

Uncle Jiu put away the money sword stuck on the ground and glared at the two apprentices Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai.

He had just gotten up in the middle of the night to play the trumpet, but he heard the noise here and came over to take a look.

I didn’t expect that it was the two brats Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai who did it!

Both of them were overjoyed.

"What are you doing? Didn't I tell you to seal up the light leakage in the house? Why did it end up like this?" Uncle Jiu glared at the two disciples who didn't want him to worry.

"Master, it is like this"

Qiu Sheng quickly explained.

After hearing this, Uncle Jiu also glared and scolded his lover.

"What do you want my master to say about you? The founder is right. You can't even deal with a jar demon that has been turned violent by the moonlight. How can you let me watch you become a master with peace of mind in the future? I'm afraid that you will lose me outside. Face, starting from tomorrow, give me each copy of "Maoshan Basic Talismans" a hundred times! I will check it within seven days! If you can't finish it, you know the consequences!"

Qiusheng, Wencai: "."

Uncle Jiu didn't care about this guy anymore. He came to the house and said to Ding Hai: "Master, I'm sorry for bothering you!"

"It's okay. Although Qiu Shengwencai is inexperienced, his magic power has improved now. As long as you lead them to fight in the future and gain more experience, they will be successful by then."

Uncle Jiu sighed: "I would like these two little bastards to let me worry less, but it seems to be too early now. I will demand them more strictly in the future, otherwise I will kill demons and slay demons in the future. Don’t you know how to deal with those monsters? Qiu Sheng is fine, but Wen Cai makes me a little worried."

After all, Wen Cai's magic power and cultivation were not as good as Qiu Sheng's, and his cultivation progress was also very slow. He was also worried.

"Haha, don't worry. When the time comes, it's not impossible for a literary talent to have an epiphany." Ding Hai comforted him.

"I hope~"

After Uncle Jiu finished speaking, they drank Ding Hai together and chatted while checking the situation in the house to see if there would be any abnormality in the sealed spirits in the jar so that he could deal with it in time.

But judging from the current situation, there is nothing serious for the time being. Except for the jar demon who just accidentally happened, everything else is fine.

At this moment, Ding Hai noticed a small figure jumping in like a kangaroo from outside the door.

"Little zombie? Why are you here?"

This little figure is the little zombie coming from next door.

The little zombie explained it with his body movements, and Uncle Jiu understood it instantly.

"It turns out you heard the noise here. It's okay here. Good boy, go back and rest! Although you have the talisman given by the ancestor, you'd better not wander around casually."

Uncle Jiu touched the little zombie's head like a loving father and smiled.


Their master actually laughed!
Qiu Shengwencai next to him was also stunned when he saw this scene of a loving father and a filial son.

They have never seen such a smile from their master. After all, Uncle Jiu usually has a majestic face, and they have rarely seen the effect.

Master's smile, I'm afraid it's not a bad sign!

If Uncle Jiu knew what these two guys were thinking, Uncle Jiu would definitely come and give these two brothers a bunch of unforgettable memories.

"Little zombie, do you still have something to say?"

Ding Hai noticed the little zombie's expression and asked.

The little zombie also remembered the main reason why he came here. When he came out just now, he accidentally scared a visitor to Yizhuang and fainted, so he hurriedly communicated with Ding Hai.

"So that's it, let's go take a look, but you little guy, go back and rest first."

After Ding Hai said something, he jumped off the little zombie's head.

The little zombie nodded obediently and then went back to sleep in his coffin house.

When Ding Hai and others came to the hall, they saw a thin and dull man lying on the ground with a straw hat hanging around his neck.

"It's Shaogenji from the next village!"

Uncle Jiu recognized the man's identity, knelt down and smoked the awakening incense towards Dagui, and Dagui slowly woke up from his coma.

"Uncle Nine! When I came in just now, I saw a little zombie here!"

"What little zombie? Did you see it wrong? By the way, Dagui, why did you come to my place?" Uncle Jiu hurriedly diverted his attention. We can't let ordinary people discover the existence of the little zombie now, otherwise they will easily panic together.

"Oh oh oh, I almost forgot, Uncle Jiu, you must help me! I don't know what happened to my brother and he has been missing for several days. I asked other humans in town and they all said they have never seen him. My brother, you must help me find my brother!"

Shaogenjin asked Uncle Jiu.

"Don't worry, I remember that your brother is managing a banana orchard, isn't he? Why is he missing?" Uncle Jiu frowned.

In his impression, his younger brother seemed to be a little fatter than his elder brother, but he was considered to be loyal and honest. He usually stayed in the banana garden or went home.

"I don't know either!" Shao Genjin didn't know why his brother disappeared?
If it hadn't been like this, he wouldn't have come to Uncle Jiu for help.

Since the death of their parents, the two brothers have been relying on each other, and Shaogenjin is also very anxious!
"Don't worry, let's go to your banana forest first. I remember your brother usually stays there."

"Okay, let me lead the way!"

Shaogenji nodded repeatedly, and then led everyone to the banana forest.

Ding Hai also followed, he couldn't miss this scene!

After all, it was the scene where Qiu Sheng pretended to be the groom and the Basho Banshee. He remembered that the Basho Demon looked quite promising. Qiu Sheng was fascinated by it and almost lost his virginity for the second time.

The banana forest managed by the Shao Genji brothers is not very far from Yizhuang, just over a mile away.

It was getting late now, so the group had to enter the banana forest carefully. After all, the banana forest was not so peaceful at night. Their destination was a shack, where brother Shaogenjin usually guarded the house.

(End of this chapter)

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