Chapter 153 Banana Girl Ghost
Ding Hai and Uncle Jiu walked side by side, but he noticed that there was a vague aura of ghosts in the banana forest.

It seems that Basho's precision has not escaped here.

After walking for a while, they saw a shack. Uncle Jiu opened the wooden door first, but stopped and found two red lines on the ground.

The red thread extended outside, and after being wrapped around the two red candles for a few times, it was wrapped around the nearest banana tree.

"It seems that a banana tree here has become a spirit." Ding Hai said.

"The Patriarch is right, don't get close to these banana trees." Uncle Jiu answered.

Wencai was stunned because he was leaning on a banana tree.

After hearing what Ding Hai and Uncle Jiu said, he immediately took a few steps back.

But suddenly a hand suddenly placed on Wencai's shoulder, making him startled.


Upon seeing this, Uncle Jiu quickly grabbed the hand that was on Wencai's shoulder.

The next moment, a man frothing at the mouth and dressed as a groom emerged from the woods and fell to the ground.

"This is my brother! Uncle Jiu, is my brother okay?"

Uncle Jiu checked Shaogenjin's brother's breathing, and then replied: "He's fine. Let's carry him into the house first!"

"it is good."

After several people brought the unconscious Shaogenjin brother into the house, they prepared to discuss how to deal with the banana spirit in the banana forest.

"Hai Ye, Master, what should we do now?" Qiu Sheng couldn't help but ask.

"If the Banana Banshee doesn't lead her out, she won't show up."

Uncle Jiu looked out through the window at the banana forest outside.

"Then how do you get her to reveal herself?" Wencai interjected.

"Then one of you two boys needs to sacrifice his lust, hehe~"

Ding Hai moved to Qiu Sheng's head and smiled.

Qiusheng, Wencai: "."

"Isn't it? Master~" Both brothers looked at Uncle Jiu.

"Huh? Do you have any objections?" Uncle Jiu raised his eyebrows.

"No, no objection." The two of them were immediately frightened.

"Which one of you wants to be a volunteer?" Ding Hai asked.

"I can't! Master, you know me. I have been frail and sick since I was a child, and I have an average appearance, so I think Qiu Sheng is the best candidate!" Wen Cai sold Qiu Sheng immediately.

"You Wencai! Master, I can't do it either! Didn't I do that with Xiaoqin last time? I don't think I'm a virgin anymore, right?"

Qiu Sheng hurriedly explained, but Uncle Jiu glared at him angrily: "It's a good thing you mentioned last time. If the ancestor hadn't intervened, you would have been sucked into the human body!"

Qiu Sheng immediately didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing this, Ding Hai quickly came out to lighten the atmosphere: "Okay, you kid, you still think you are a chicken? Although you spent a good night with the female ghost, they are ghosts, not humans. One has a body and the other has no body. , Yin and Yang cannot be combined, so you are still single now, understand?"

Qiusheng: "."

Mr. Hai, I wouldn’t have done anything so irritating to you!
I dare you to let me go!
"So are you going or not?" Uncle Jiu frowned.

"Why don't I go?" Qiu Sheng had no choice but to follow Uncle Jiu's order. He first inserted a few hairpins on his head as accessories and hung a red belt on his body, making him look like an earthy groom.

Then he carefully walked out of the door holding a pair of dragon and phoenix candles.

He inserted the dragon and phoenix candle on the ground, wrapped it with a red rope, and then lit it with a match, lighting the two candles.

Then he threw one side of the red rope in the direction of the banana forest, and tied the other end to his toes.

After doing this, Qiu Sheng returned to the house and lay on the bed, waiting to accept the gift from the female ghost.

At this time, Qiu Sheng held Ding Slime in his arms and felt a little uneasy: "Hai Ye, you must save me later!"

"Come on, just rest assured. Your master and Wen Cai are also waiting outside to attack at any time."

Ding Hai told him not to worry, as he would just use him as a pillow later, so as not to scare away the Banana Banshee.

Then, Ding Hai and Qiu Sheng waited for the Basho Banshee to appear.

As time passed by, an inexplicable wind suddenly blew up, blowing the straw at the door. The red rope tied to the dragon and phoenix candle seemed to be pulled by something, and it moved closer to the house little by little.

Uncle Jiu also noticed this scene outside the house and narrowed his eyes.coming!

A beautiful woman in red suddenly appeared directly above Qiu Sheng, looking down at him, revealing her fair shoulders and a pair of sin-inducing white legs.

Qiu Sheng couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Wow, this Basho female ghost is so beautiful!

Ding Hai was also a little moved.

Blessings and blessings are immeasurable, Heavenly Lord~
Well, I almost got charmed myself just now, what a sin.

Ding Hai also briefly glanced at Qiu Sheng, who was staring blankly at the Basho female ghost, his eyes gleaming.

Well, the boy was charmed.

The Basho female ghost will slowly put down her clothes, tie up Qiu Sheng in various ways, and then slowly pull her up into the air to prepare for doing some happy things.

The corners of Basho Girl's lips curled up, and she was about to take action next.

"Bold female ghost! How dare you corrupt the body of my Maoshan disciple, watch your moves!"

Ding Hai knew that if Qiu Sheng continued like this, he might end up like his younger brother, so he took action.

The female ghost was stunned for a moment and stopped teasing Qiu Sheng.

What was that talking just now?

But before she could react, the blue dumpling in Qiu Sheng's arms suddenly took out an iron box with a rune engraved on it.

When the female ghost saw this, her expression changed and she wanted to run away.


Ding Hai opened the box and immediately took the Basho female ghost inside.

But without the traction of Basho's female ghost, Qiu Sheng quickly fell from the air.


With a scream, Qiu Sheng also woke up from the charm just now.

Uncle Jiu and Wencai also walked in after hearing the commotion inside.

"Qiusheng, are you okay?"

Wencai helped him up.

"It's okay, it's just that I was hit on the ground just now and my back hurts a little." Qiu Sheng shook his head.

"Where's the Basho female ghost?" Uncle Jiu asked.

"Here it is." Ding Hai shook the iron box in his hand.

"I have already put this female ghost into this talisman box. When the time comes, you can just take it back, place it, and save her."

"Okay, Patriarch."

After handing the box to Uncle Jiu, the others were ready to go back.

Shaogenjin thanked Uncle Jiu and took his brother home to rest.

On the way back to Yizhuang, Wencai asked quietly: "Qiu Sheng, were you feeling great just now?"

Qiu Sheng curled up the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Obviously this expression already indicated his answer.

Okay, to be honest, although this is another female ghost, the touch is really not bad.

"Why do you want to experience it too, right?" Uncle Jiu's ears twitched and he turned to Wencai and said.

"No, no! Master, I definitely didn't mean this!"

Wencai, of course, denied it.

"Hmph! Then why are you so slow! Go back quickly!"

Uncle Jiu snorted and took the two of them back.

Ding Hai suddenly turned around, looked in the direction of the banana forest, and murmured to himself: "Why do you feel like someone is watching here? Forget it, go back to sleep first!"

(End of this chapter)

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