Chapter 101 Reappearance of Yesterday

——Why do I feel like I have seen this scene yesterday?

"Just inject inner energy or spiritual power into the skill bag, and then you will understand how to use it." When Yang Ji made the skill bag, he did not set up the recognition and locking function.

A simple space equipment like the kit is not suitable for adding the function of identifying and locking. The space structure of the kit itself is extremely simple. If you want to add the function of identifying and locking, you will have to occupy part of the space to expand the structure. .

In order to obtain more storage space, Yang Ji directly abandoned the identification lock function and directly installed it online without this function. Anyway, it can be used normally without this function.

In Yang Ji's opinion, adding the identification and locking function to a simple space equipment such as a storage bag is better than thinking about how to expand more space and hold more things.

After all, people who can use this simplest storage bag don’t have anything precious that others should care about. People with a little bit of knowledge will look for those high-end storage equipment mixed with space crystals. How can they use this? The simplest storage bag.

Although many people use this kind of storage bag to confuse other people's eyes, but you can't take chances. What can be spread is what others want you to know.

Liu Bei carefully injected his inner energy into the kit, and then he clearly "saw" the inner space of the kit. There was a boundary that separated the inside and outside of the space. There was darkness outside the space, and nothing could be sensed.

Liu Bei can feel that he can freely control this space. Even if he makes this space collapse on its own, he can do it. It just needs to be verified by triple insurance before it can self-destruct.

Liu Bei hung the brocade bag on his waist, then took off his sword from his waist. He held the sword close to the brocade bag. With a thought, he injected his inner energy into the brocade bag, and then the sword came out of Liu Bei's hand. The hand disappeared.

The inner energy surged again, and the sword appeared in Liu Bei's hand again, disappeared in his hand again, appeared again, and disappeared again. After going back and forth several times, Liu Bei could feel that the number of uses of the kit had dropped.

However, this decrease in the number of uses makes Liu Bei feel a little bit wrong. It is not that the number of uses has not dropped, but that Liu Bei's many uses now actually only consume one use quota.

Liu Bei was silent for a while, and then looked at Yang Ji. He always felt that there was a big generation gap between people like him and Yang Ji. Could it be that the counting methods between the two parties were different?

After answering Liu Bei's question, Yang Ji helped Yu Jin and Lu Zhi make a tips bag for each of them at the request of Yu Jin and Lu Zhi. But now he got the tip bag from Liu Bei and started to use it smoothly. It only took a quarter of an hour. Now Yang Ji completed the production of two more tips.

When Liu Bei looked at Yang Ji, it happened to be when Yang Ji handed over the two tips bags in his hands to Yu Jin and Lu Zhi. Yes, Yang Ji just made two tips bags at once.

Liu Bei sighed and continued to fiddle with his kit. He was no longer as cautious as before and did whatever was convenient. After all, Yang Ji's counting method was different from those of mortals.

At the beginning, Liu Bei thought that the limit on the number of uses mentioned by Yang Ji was based on one access. Who would have thought that Yang Ji's counting standard was based on the stability of the spatial structure.

After Yu Jin and Lu Zhi felt the situation of the kit, they also looked at Yang Ji with a rather strange look, which almost made Yang Ji think it was haunted.

Yang Ji saw that everyone at the scene looked satisfied. He thought that there should be nothing missing. He thought about going back to the laboratory and waiting until he had sorted out the matters about extraordinary talents before coming out.

But just when Yang Ji was about to get up to say hello to them and leave, Lu Zhi suddenly coughed a few times, so Yang Ji had to lift his buttocks and sit on the chair again.

"If you have anything you want to ask, Mr. Lu, just ask him. If he keeps coughing, he will cough his throat out." Yang Ji looked at Lu Zhi, who had been coughing and wanted to attract Yang Ji's attention, and said helplessly.

"Ahem," Lu Zhi paused, "Ziyu, you see we are so familiar with each other, can you make some more tips for me?" Lu Zhi was close to Yang Jitao.

"I thought it was something. It turns out I just want a few tips. Of course it's no problem. I'll start making them now. Lu Shangshu will wait for a while."

Yang Ji didn't care what Lu Zhi's subtext was, he just followed his own thinking. Since Lu Zhi said he wanted more tips, then just make more tips. How many is nothing.

"Ah?" Lu Zhi saw Yang Ji take out a large piece of fabric, then quickly cut it into ten small pieces, and then took out the needle and thread to sew the brocade bag on the spot.

The speed was unbelievable. When Lu Zhi reacted, Yang Ji had already sewn ten tips, and they looked pretty good. Damn it.

In fact, it only took less than half a quarter of an hour from the time Yang Ji took out the fabric and started cutting it to the time Yang Ji sewed out ten bags. Lu Zhi didn't know how he managed to stay stunned for half a quarter of an hour.

Lu Zhi strongly suspected that someone had cast an illusion on him, but he had no evidence and could only watch as Yang Ji sewed the brocade bag with dazzling hand speed.

Well, Yang Ji also used his mental power to help, extending six arms from behind his head, and his fingers were extremely nimble, and he sewed the kit out in a burst of sparks and lightning.

After Lu Zhi came back to his senses, he quickly stepped forward to hold Yang Ji, "Ziyu, can you please stop taking action?" Lu Zhi looked at Yang Ji who was eager to try. He would have asked his question directly if he had known better. If you let those old guys know your current predicament, you will definitely make them laugh out loud.

"Huh? What's the matter? Do you want to change the brocade bag to one that you like?" In fact, Yang Ji just wanted to say, 'Do you not like the brocade bag that I sewed? ’ After the words came to his lips, Yang Jicai realized that there was something wrong with his statement.

"Uh,," Lu Zhi said guiltily. This is space equipment that only Yang Ji can make. Who would care about the shape of such a precious treasure?

"Then... what is Lu Shangshu?" Yang Ji asked Lu Zhi with a puzzled look on his face. Now Yang Ji just wanted to be careless and didn't want to worry about what other people were thinking.

"'s nothing. I just want to tell you that after you make the bag, don't run away so quickly. I have something else to ask you later."

Lu Zhi hesitated for a moment, and for the sake of the kit that was almost completed by Yang Ji, he decided to sell his old face. At most, he would bring a group of students over in a few days and stuff them into Yang Ji's army.

"Okay, I won't run away so soon." Yang Ji nodded seriously to Lu Zhi, and then continued to focus on making the bag.

Looking at Yang Ji who nodded seriously, Lu Zhi felt guilty for no reason. Then he watched Yang Ji making the tips bag with great interest. He put the guilt behind him and only remembered to arrange for people to serve in Yang Ji's army. . Liu Bei watched from the side and couldn't help but shook his head, "Ziyu has entered a state of mindlessness again." 】However, Liu Bei did not stop his teacher's behavior. He believed that Lu Zhi would do a good job of compensating him.

Yang Ji quickly made ten tips and gave five to Lu Zhi. The other four were given to Liu Bei, letting Liu Bei decide who to give them to when he returned. The remaining one was given to Liu Bei. Xu Chu next to him.

“Mr. When the time comes, make a list of production requirements and give it to me."

Liu Bei took the tip bag handed over by Yang Ji and nodded, saying that he would discuss the tip bag with Chen Xi.

"Okay, Lu Shangshu, what do you want to ask, should you be able to say it now?" After seeing Liu Bei accept the kit, Yang Ji looked at Lu Zhi who had something to ask him.

Lu Zhi hurriedly put away the five tips he had just received, "Well, actually I just want to ask about how the extraordinary secret technique is integrated into the core idea, and what is the difference between incorporating the core idea and the core concept."

"Alas," Yang Ji shook his head, "Why do you have to ask me how to incorporate the core ideas?" Yang Ji's voice became cold in vain, "Can it be said that... the current Confucianism... is a useful person? ...can’t find it?”

Now Yang Ji is very suspicious that there is something wrong with Lu Zhi's head, why would he ask such an almost obscene question.

Although Yang Ji could also clearly tell Lu Zhi the method of incorporating core ideas, this method was explored by Yang Ji and carried Yang Ji's own core ideas.

"Do you think I told you that my method is yours? Let me tell you, this is simply impossible, because this method was discovered by myself and naturally carries my core ideas."

"When you know what my method is, your thinking has been limited to my thinking. If you want to break through this shackles of thinking in the future, unless there is someone among you Confucians who has never been influenced by you. Great Confucian."

"Even so, do you still want to ask me about the method of merging core ideas?" Yang Ji's voice returned to the gentle tone from before.

"..." Silence is the only thing Lu Zhi can do now. Faced with Yang Ji's shouting questions, he doesn't know how to respond. Faced with Yang Ji's question about whether Confucianism has no one, he doesn't know what to do. answer.

If there was someone in the Confucian school, why would he go directly to Yang Ji to ask about the method of annexation instead of exploring it himself? If there was no one, then how should they, the great Confucians, deal with themselves.

Yang Ji's question about the limitations of thinking reminded him of the topic between Yang Ji and Chen Xi yesterday. He was obviously present yesterday, but he still asked Yang Ji such a stupid question today. No wonder Yang Ji asked it. There is no longer a question of whether Confucianism has no one.

"Since Lu Shangshu doesn't speak, I assume that you no longer need my reminder." Yang Ji glanced at the silent Lu Zhi, then found a chair and sat down.

"Forget it... let me talk to you about the core ideas and concepts. I don't know what you think. I have told you literally what they mean, and yet you still come to ask me about their relationship. What’s the difference.”

"Before talking about the core idea, we must first clarify a concept. What is the concept?"

"The concept is..."

"Okay, Ziyu, no need to say anything..." Lu Zhi interrupted what Yang Ji wanted to say, and then fell silent again.

"Okay, since everything is fine, I'll leave first." Yang Ji said hello to Liu Bei and Yu Jin, and then walked directly down the stand and walked to his laboratory in the military camp.

Liu Bei and Yu Jin glanced at each other, then looked at the silent Lu Zhi, "Teacher, look..." Liu Bei spoke to Lu Zhi bravely.

"Xuande, I'm fine. You can go and do your own business first. Don't talk to me. Let me have some peace and quiet here." Lu Zhi raised his head and glanced at Liu Bei, then said weakly.

Liu Bei and Yu Jin looked at each other, then Liu Bei shook his head and motioned for Yu Jin to follow.

Yu Jin followed Liu Bei down to the stands. Liu Bei didn't speak to Yu Jin all the way until they reached the camp gate.

"Okay, let's stop here." Liu Bei turned to look at Yu Jin who was following behind him. "I don't know how many days the teacher will stay in the stands. When I am not in the military camp, you only need to deliver meals to the teacher on time. That’s it, you don’t have to worry about anything else.”

"Wen Ze, do you...understand?" Liu Bei patted Yu Jin on the shoulder.

"Yes, lord, I already understand. All you need to do is deliver meals to Lu Shangshu on time. Don't worry about other things." Yu Jin replied to Liu Bei seriously.

"Well, that's it, I'll leave first. You can just practice at the usual pace. Just treat the teacher... as a spectator in the stands. Maybe he can teach you a trick or two. Liu Bei waved his hand and went straight out of the camp gate.

After Yu Jin watched Liu Bei walk away, he turned back to the school grounds.

In the stands of the school ground, Lu Zhi still looked like that, with his eyes blank and not knowing where he was looking.

Yu Jin just glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze from Lu Zhi. Just like Liu Bei said, he could not get involved in this matter.

Although he didn't know why Lu Zhi, a great Confucian scholar, didn't refute Yang Ji after Yang Ji said those words, but instead seemed to be hit hard.

And that's fine without refuting Yang Ji. Lu Zhi actually seemed to agree with what Yang Ji said, which was a bit outrageous.

But he knew that if he could figure this out, he would probably be taught a lesson or two by Lu Zhi just like Liu Bei said.

(End of this chapter)

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