Chapter 102 The Reappearing Glow

——Reappear, my shining knight!

After Yang Ji returned to his laboratory, he sat on his chair and thought for a while about what he had just said in front of Lu Zhi. It seemed that he was directly angry at Lu Zhi, asking if there was no one in their Confucian school now.

Even for the method of incorporating one's own core ideas into the supernatural mystical arts, one tries to learn from methods discovered by others, instead of choosing to explore one's own unique Confucian method of incorporation.

Although this is the fact, Yang Ji didn't seem to have said it more tactfully, and he didn't take into account the mood of Lu Zhi, the client at that time.

Yang Ji was not regretting what he said to Lu Zhi, but he was just considering whether what he said was a bit hurtful. After all, according to the situation of the Han Dynasty, Lu Zhi is now considered an old man, although he is now an internal spirit. Out of body.

After thinking for a while, Yang Ji gave up thinking about Lu Zhi's situation. After all, it had nothing to do with him. Although he was the one who angered others and silenced them, he couldn't blame Yang Ji for this. He can't figure it out on his own.

After putting aside his distracting thoughts, Yang Ji turned to think about his headquarters legion that had not yet been formed. Yang Ji planned to give the elite talents of his headquarters legion in another world to the headquarters legion in this world.

The elite talent of Yang Ji's headquarters is called [Pure Clear Tribulation Glory]. Its effect is to absorb the free essence of heaven and earth and convert it into life essence to supplement the life source of the soldiers to enhance the vitality and physical quality of the soldiers.

On the surface, this elite talent looks like the [Swallow] talent of the cloud system, but in fact it is an elite talent of the will system. Relying on the collective will, it converts the essence of heaven and earth into life essence, which is directly added to the body of the soldiers. within the origin.

——Don’t ask why it’s called Jingche Jie Hui instead of something like Will Absorption or Essence Absorption. Just ask, it’s the characteristic!

This is also the reason why this elite talent is called [Pure Clear Tribulation Glory], because the soldiers carrying the elite talent will condense a ray of will light.

The will of the legion formed by the radiance of the condensed will of the soldiers absorbs and transforms the essence of heaven and earth. The process of transforming the essence of heaven and earth is not carried out in the heaven and earth within the body, but is completed in the heaven and earth outside.

After the essence of heaven and earth was transformed into the essence of life by the will of the legion, what appeared in the outside world was a stagnant radiance, and this radiance was called the Pure Tribulation Glory.

Jingche is what he says to the soldiers who possess elite talents, and Jie Hui is what he says to the enemies facing him.

The essence of Jingche Jiehui is the elite talent of the will system. When facing one of its own people, this elite talent will absorb the essence of heaven and earth and transform it into life essence to replenish the soldiers themselves.

But when facing the enemy, Jingche Jiehui will be attached to every attack of the soldier under the control of the soldier, bringing a will attack to the enemy.

This kind of will attack will not be very strong when the first talent is present, although it can achieve a good result when facing those standing legions whose will is not up to standard.

But there is no immediate effect on those elite legions that have completed the will attribute. Such a will attack is effective for the elite legion, but it is of little significance.

However, after developing Jingche Jiehui to the second stage, that is, after developing it to manifest its second talent effect, the lack of aggressiveness of will attacks will be completely changed.

The second innate effect of Jingche Jiehui is the life Jiehui, which means that the life aura originally had life as the main force and will as the supplement, but now it has been transformed into the life Jiehui with will as the main force and life as the supplement.

Although the second stage of Life Tribulation Glory is transformed from the first stage of Life Glory, this does not mean that its ability to absorb and transform the essence of heaven and earth will disappear.

On the contrary, the original talent strength will be greatly improved. Although the efficiency of the improvement is only [-]%, the efficiency improvement brought by each smelting of the talent is [-]% of the previous one.

After developing Jingche Jiehui to the second stage of Life Jiehui, it means that the will and quality of the legion have been tempered to the standards of an elite legion, and it has become an elite legion in the true sense.

Although before developing their talents to the second stage, the Glow Knights can already fight each other with ordinary elite legions, and the Glow Knights have the upper hand.

The Knights of Radiance has always been the designation of Yang Ji's headquarters. It has been this designation since the formation of the legion. Even after the legion was transformed into an infantry legion, it still did not change.

And even after it was later transformed into an infantry corps, the Radiant Knights still did not give up their dream of cavalry. They have been holding their breath, waiting to defeat their old enemy and regain their stolen war horses.

It's a pity that both the enemy and ourselves perished together.

After developing the Pure Tribulation Hui into the second stage of the Life Tribulation Hui, the will attribute of the legion soldiers will be greatly improved. In the subsequent continuous development of the Life Tribulation Hui, the will attribute of the legion will gradually be brought to the level of the military soul. lower limit.

But after stretching the legion's will attribute to the limit, don't rush to manifest the third talent effect. Instead, choose to channel the overflowing will into the heart abyss and continue to temper your physical fitness.

The next thing to do is to continue to temper your body and will, and then continue to channel the overflowing will into the abyss of your heart, waiting for the moment when the limit explodes.

That moment will be the most dazzling moment since the birth of the entire legion. Under the extreme burst of will, the will that was previously directed into the heart abyss will be re-exported from the heart abyss, turning it into the driving force to promote the ultimate sublimation of the legion's will.

After the will is fully sublimated, if it is not recognized by the will of the empire, the fully sublimated will will become an elite talent with the third idealistic attribute instead of becoming a military soul.

However, after the Legion's will is fully sublimated, if the Legion leader can suppress the birth of the third elite talent with the idealistic attribute, and then reintroduce the fully sublimated Legion's will into the heart abyss to form a military soul, then this legion will also It can achieve military spirit.

In other words, a military soul that is equivalent to being expelled from the imperial military soul legion sequence by the will of the empire can still use all the abilities of the military soul legion, which is basically the same as a military soul recognized by the will of the empire.

Except for the slow speed of accumulating the power of military souls and the difficulty in separating the general souls in a short period of time, there is no essential difference between the other military souls and the military souls that bear the will of the empire.


Yang Ji's main legion has always carried only one elite talent, that is, the Pure Tribulation Glory. It is just because the legion is relatively weak in will attack, so it has extended the talent effect of Life Tribulation Glory on the original basis. , but in essence it is still an elite talent.

Originally, Yang Ji didn't really want to reproduce the elite talent of Jingche Jiehui. After all, there are many types of elite talents in this world and they are very strong. It is not difficult to find an elite talent that suits Yang Ji. But after Yang Ji expressed this idea to his old brothers, they dragged him into the dream world and beat him up, saying that even a different world could not discard the fine traditions of the Glow Knights.

Yang Ji was required to reproduce the elite talents of Jingche Jiehui. If they could not see their lovely descendants in the Nordic shadow world, they would hide in the military soul and not come out.

Then Yang Ji was kicked out of the dream world. What could Yang Ji do? He could only find a way to recreate Jingche Jiehui. Organizing the information on extraordinary talents was just an excuse to take leave.

Although it is also very important to sort out the information about extraordinary talents, it is not as important as the matters about the main legion here in Yang Ji. Now Yang Ji is thinking about how he should use the elite talent Jingche Jiehui. Reproduce it.

Moreover, simply copying elite talents is not enough. Fine-tuning of the talent structure is also needed to ensure that soldiers carrying elite talents will not be unable to develop the ability of Jingche Jiehui to the extreme due to the different structures of the two worlds. .

This is no joke. Each world has embarked on a different path after its birth. Even twin worlds may end up on completely different paths due to slight differences in certain development nodes. .

Therefore, even if there are two identical talents, they still need to be fine-tuned when going to other worlds, so that the structure of the elite talents can adapt to the underlying rules of this world.

Now Yang Ji is thinking whether to directly use the military soul to transform, or to train the legion carrying the pure calamity brilliance through training.

The advantage of using military soul transformation is that it is fast and can completely pass on elite talents. It only requires a few more fine-tuning of the talent structure later.

The disadvantage is that Yang Ji's military soul cannot withstand large-scale consumption. According to Yang Ji's estimation, the power of the military soul currently reserved is estimated to be only enough to transform [-] personal guards.

Moreover, adaptive training must be carried out later so that the soldiers can fully master the skills of elite talents, so as not to cause the collective collapse of elite talents when the weather changes.

As for the natural change that will happen in ten years, there is no need to prepare so early. Yang Ji simply does not believe that with the empire-level ability to make trouble, even if the Tianzhou Kingdom does not collapse, there will be The collapse of something else caused changes in the world.

Therefore, no matter what time it is, laying a good foundation is the most important thing. Everything else can be put aside first and stay the same to cope with changes.

Although he said this, if possible, Yang Ji still hopes to use the military soul to transform the legion first, although adaptive training will be needed later to master the skills of elite talents.

After all, what Yang Ji is good at is converting talents into skills. Unfortunately, the power of the military soul that Yang Ji has accumulated over the past few days is not enough to support the transformation of a complete legion. He can only transform into a personal guard of [-] people.

That is to say, the [-] Youzhou infantry that Liu Bei assigned to Yang Ji as his personal guard. Those [-] people already had good basic qualities and good horse riding skills, and could just be used to transform the Glow Knights.

However, the seeds of [-] people are actually enough to reorganize a headquarters army. By then, coupled with the assistance of the cooperation flag, it should be possible to quickly cover the entire army with elite talents.

Yang Ji planned to transform these [-] people first, and then use the cooperation flag to assist training, let these [-] people transform their talents into skills, and then replenish the remaining soldiers. These [-] people can just serve as the backbone of the grassroots. into the entire legion.

After thinking about the next plan, Yang Ji took out the honey he had exchanged with Zhang He today and prepared to study the process of making milk tea with honey.

——Five days later.

Yang Ji brought the information he had compiled about extraordinary talents to the city gate in Fenggao City. Today was also the first time he stepped into Fenggao City in the past five days.

It took Yang Ji half a day to sort out the information about extraordinary talents. The rest of the time was wasted on how to make delicious milk tea in the Han Dynasty.

Unfortunately, in the end, because there was no suitable source of milk, Yang Ji was so angry that he ate the whole jar of honey in the past few days, and then he lay down and fished in the laboratory. Anyway, with the physical fitness of the internal gas, it was only a jar. What can honey do to me?

"Hey, Dahe, how have you been these past few days?" When Yang Ji was passing through the city gate, he happened to see Zhang He on guard duty, and he immediately approached him.

Zhang He's eyes lit up after seeing Yang Ji, "Sir," Zhang He saluted Yang Ji, "I have eaten well and slept well these days!" Zhang He whispered to Yang Ji.

"Dahe, do you... have any honey?" Yang Ji asked Zhang He a little embarrassed.

"Yes, Sir, do you want some more?" Although Zhang He was a little surprised as to what Yang Ji wanted so much honey for, he knew where the Huanshou knife hanging on his waist came from.

"Do you still have the same quality honey as last time?" Yang Ji asked.

Zhang He shook his head, "No more. The jar from last time is the best jar of honey I have ever collected."

Next, Yang Ji and Zhang He conducted a honey transaction. The two parties agreed on the same place and time, paying with one hand and delivering the goods with the other.


Stepping into the Government Affairs Office, Yang Ji clearly felt the scrutinizing eyes from all directions. He didn't need to think about it to know where these eyes came from. They just criticized Confucianism.

But Yang Ji didn't care what the messy things were thinking in these people's minds. After all, the two sides were not on the same track. Even if they wanted to trouble Yang Ji, they couldn't find him.

However, Chen Xi has not yet distributed the extraordinary secret skills to these short-sighted bumpkins, otherwise they would not dare to look at Yang Ji with such eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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