Chapter 103 Depressed Chen Xi

——I regret it again now——by Chen Xi

Ignoring the incomprehensible glances, Yang Ji went straight through the hall to the side hall, where Chen Xi and Liu Bei had already gathered to ensure that there would be no risk of being watched.

Opening the door to the side hall, Yang Ji now saw a group of people eating buns and other stuff bought from outside. Fortunately, Yang Ji had someone at home making breakfast for him, so he didn't have to compete with them.

Even Chen Xi was sitting there holding a big steamed bun and chewing it slowly. I don't know if it was because he had started practicing sword training again recently, which caused his appetite to increase recently.

Liu Bei sat on the main seat above, Chen Xi, Jian, Yong Fanqin and other civil servants sat on one side, Lu Zhi was also here, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals sat on the other side, and Yang Ji sat next to Zhao Yun.

It is not unreasonable for Yang Ji to choose to sit next to Zhao Yun. After all, Zhao Yun is the only one who has similarities with Yang Ji. They are in the ranks of military generals, but they also have the responsibility of civil servants.

Yang Ji's status with Liu Bei is very similar to that of Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun is the commander-in-chief of an army, but he is also in charge of the agricultural affairs of Taishan County. Although Yang Ji has not formed his own army yet, he is indeed in charge of an army alone.

He is also the director of the Taishan Scientific Research Institute. Although Yang Ji is currently the only one in the scientific research institute, and although this scientific research institute is a newly established institution, it does not prevent Yang Ji from becoming one of the top executives of Taishan County.

When Yang Ji sat down, everyone who was still eating slowly quickly finished the food in their hands, and in less than three minutes, they all wiped out the food in front of them.

After seeing Zhao Yun finish eating and watching Zhao Yun drink the tea on the table, Yang Jicai handed the booklet in his hand to Zhao Yun with satisfaction. It was estimated that Zhao Yun was the one who felt the most about this.

Zhao Yun opened the booklet and saw that there was no specific development method in the booklet. The words "according to personal circumstances" were written on each crooked page. Zhao Yun couldn't figure it out. He read carefully for half an hour before he saw the words between the words. There were two words written all over the book: "Seeking self!" ’

Originally, everyone in the side hall thought that Zhao Yun could express some opinions after reading it. However, Zhao Yun held the pamphlet and read it over and over again. lay down.

Zhao Yun glanced at Yang Ji, who was looking up at the sky, and then sent the pamphlet to Chen Xi with an expressionless expression.

Chen Xi first glanced at Zhao Yun, who was expressionless, and then at Yang Ji, who seemed to have nothing wrong with him. Then he reached out and took down the pamphlet floating in front of him.

The military commander sitting on the side with Zhao Yun widened his eyes. Seeing Zhao Yun using his inner energy to send the pamphlet to Chen Xi without any smoke, Guan Yu's hand stroking his beard paused, and Zhang Fei's eyes were about to bulge out. , Hua Xiong almost choked, Yu Jin, Yu Jin couldn't see anything.

Chen Xi turned over the first page, and then his originally smiling face froze, the raised corners of his mouth quickly dropped, and his entire face quickly turned expressionless.

Chen Xi quickly read through the entire booklet. After reading all the contents, he put it on the table and pushed it to Liu Bei who was sitting opposite. Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep, as if he didn't want to see anything. .

Liu Bei looked at the book pushed in front of him and was silent for a while. He did not pick it up and read it directly. Instead, he glanced at Chen Xi who had his eyes closed as if he was blind, and then glanced at Zhao Yun who was relaxing his mind.

Looking around the scene for a week, everyone became serious after seeing the reactions of Zhao Yun and Chen Xi. They were all staring at the notebook on the table, waiting for Liu Bei's action. Then it was their turn to look at what Yang Ji had written in the notebook. It actually made Zhao Yun and Chen Xi so silent.

——Except Yang Ji.

Liu Bei looked at Yang Ji, wanting him to directly tell him the information he had compiled about extraordinary talents that stimulate extraordinary organs, but now Yang Ji stared at Liu Bei with a smile on his face.

This smile made Liu Bei have to stop his actions. He always felt that if Yang Ji said it directly, something would probably happen that made it difficult for people to laugh.

Yang Ji didn't know why Liu Bei didn't look at the notebook in front of him, but looked at himself. Could it be that Liu Bei already knew that he had been fishing in the laboratory these past few days and was not working seriously. Yang Ji was so frightened that he hurriedly asked Liu Bei Returned a smile.

Liu Bei took his eyes away from Yang Ji, quickly picked up the teacup on the table and drank a cup of tea to calm down his shock. After putting down the teacup, Liu Bei picked up the book on the table and started reading.

Liu Bei turned to the first page and closed his eyes. After a while, he opened his eyes and continued to read the book. However, his face soon became expressionless like Zhao Yun and Chen Xi.

After Liu Bei finished reading the book, he placed it on the table and did not pass it to the next person to look at. Instead, he remained silent for a while and then said to Yang Ji:

"Well, what should I say... Ziyu, you should explain the development of extraordinary organs and the activation of extraordinary talents. As for this, there is no need to pass it on." Liu Bei tapped the notebook on the table. .

Yang Ji was a little strange. What was Liu Bei talking about? Why didn't he pass the notebook down? He didn't draw anything in the notebook, he just wrote a few words in the notebook. It shouldn't be illegal.

Yang Ji still remembers the sentence he wrote, [Don't think too much, there is no shortcut to extraordinary talent. Only by yourself can you activate your extraordinary talent. 】

Moreover, in order to fill up the whole book with words, Yang Ji wrote this sentence on every page. In order to fill up the book, Yang Ji spent a whole half a day writing it word by word. Even the convenient mental etching is useless.

Isn't it good to advise people to keep their feet on the ground and refine their skills or martial arts honestly, and strive to turn their virtual seeds into reality as soon as possible, and strive to stimulate their extraordinary organs to produce extraordinary talents as soon as possible?

Besides, compared to the difficulty of spiritual talent and inner energy leaving the body, extraordinary talent is relatively small, and does not require much knowledge, wisdom, or qualifications.

As long as you continue to refine your own skills and continuously develop the abilities of extraordinary organs, just like developing elite talents, you can inspire extraordinary talents that are no less powerful than these two.

Although this requires a lot of experience points, at least this is a path that can see the future. As long as you continue to refine your skills or continue to develop the ability of extraordinary organs, you will one day stimulate extraordinary talents.

What people fear most is that there is no way ahead, and the emergence of extraordinary talents opens up a small path for people, although even they can't pass this small path.

You need to hold a machete yourself and clear away all the weeds and weeds covering the path before you can climb the previously invisible peak, but this is enough.

"Um, this... I can sum it up in one sentence, 'You have to walk the road yourself, others can't help you.'" Yang Ji said briefly.

After hearing Yang Ji's brief speech, everyone who didn't see the notebook on the table was wondering. Zhao Yun, Chen Xi, and Liu Bei looked expressionless after flipping through it. Could it be that this sentence was all written in the notebook? . Although according to common sense, no one would copy such concise sentences directly into the report when writing a report, and it still fills up the entire report.

But Yang Ji is different. He is really likely to write such a sentence for you in a formal report, and he will also fill the entire report with the sentence by handwriting.

Suddenly, people who knew what Yang Ji could do looked at the report on the table with subtle eyes, and then glanced back and forth between the report and Yang Ji.

"Why are you looking at me? If you don't believe me, you can ask Zilong whether extraordinary talents require in-depth development of extraordinary organs to stimulate them."

Yang Ji looked at Zhao Yun, "Zilong, do you think this is the case?"

After Zhao Yun heard Yang Ji's words, he nodded slightly and then shook his head, indicating that he agreed with Yang Ji's statement, but he disagreed with what Yang Ji said so concisely and briefly. It should fill a page no matter what.

These days, Zhao Yun has straightened out the situation of his awakening of extraordinary talents. As Yang Ji said, extraordinary talents are indeed born after extraordinary organs are merged into a certain concept.

Just like his [Dragon Soul], Dragon Soul is the name Zhao Yun gave to his extraordinary talent. It means the second thinking organ. It really echoes Yang Ji's slogan when he first developed the extraordinary secret technique.

Dragon Soul is the extraordinary talent bred after the extraordinary organ incorporated the concept of the second thinking organ in Zhao Yun's mind into its own. It is also connected in parallel with the legion's talent [gentian], using it as a radiator.

It is estimated that after Zhao Yun's spiritual talent is awakened, it will be paralleled to the extraordinary talent and become a component of it.

The parallel connection between spiritual talent, legion talent and extraordinary talent does not mean that the two become part of the extraordinary talent, but that if a person who awakens extraordinary talent awakens spiritual talent or legion talent at the same time, then it will Inject more powerful power into the use effect and development depth of extraordinary talents.

Just like Zhao Yun's extraordinary talent now, even if it is not combined with the legion's talent, the 'Dragon Soul' will still exert the effect that the extraordinary talent should have, but it will not run as fast and generate more heat.

Although Yang Ji's concept of extraordinary talent was derived from spiritual talent, it does not mean that it cannot be used without the parallel connection of spiritual talent.

But with the blessing of spiritual talent, the effect of 'calling for wind and rain' will increase significantly. Although Yang Ji doesn't know how much the increase will be, it is the blessing of the water attribute black dragon. Just think about it and it will increase. The range cannot be small.

Coupled with the blessing of Yang Ji's now awakened legion talent, the improvement will be even greater.

Well, let’s go a step further and let’s talk about the development of extraordinary organs.

"I believe Ziyu has told you that the prerequisite for awakening the extraordinary talent is to turn the virtual seed into reality. I believe that everyone present should be able to do this." Zhao Yun looked around and saw on Jian Yong and Yu Jin's bodies There was a pause.

"And why did the virtual seed turn virtual into reality? Have you ever thought about this?" Zhao Yun asked everyone present, especially those who have now turned virtual into reality.

Everyone present, except for Jian Yong, Fan Qin and Yu Jin, have all turned extraordinary organs into reality. Who can awaken their spiritual talents and become a person with inner Qi separated from the body, who doesn't have a few unique skills?

But now Jian Yong is probably close to it. After all, Jian Yong has been practicing extraordinary secret skills for several months now, and has been busy in the Government Affairs Office for so long. The experience he has learned should be enough for him.

Guan Yu and other people who had turned the virtual seed into reality were seriously recalling the feeling when they condensed the extraordinary organ. Chen Xi shook his head and planned to wait for the answers from others.

"Extraordinary organs need to absorb a certain concept to solidify, and this concept is one of the sources of extraordinary talents!" Guan Yu opened his eyes and said firmly.

The rest of the people who had not even recalled their feelings suddenly looked at Guan Yu in disbelief. They really couldn't believe that Guan Yu had learned to answer quickly and got the correct answer first.

Zhao Yun also looked at Guan Yu in disbelief. He really didn't expect that Guan Yu would change so much after solidifying his extraordinary organs, but he was still so cold and arrogant, even though he became a little better at talking.

"Yun Chang is right. The extraordinary organ has incorporated a certain concept into itself when it solidified, and this concept will be the main component of the extraordinary talent in the future."

"However, the concepts incorporated when condensing extraordinary organs are often not complete. Therefore, if you want to awaken extraordinary talents, you must complete the concepts incorporated into extraordinary organs. The in-depth development of extraordinary organs refers to completing and integrating them. Enter the concept of a supernatural organ.”

Zhao Yun gave a complete account of the relationship between extraordinary organs and extraordinary talents that he had sorted out these days.

"In other words, the in-depth development of extraordinary organs actually refers to finding the concept of incorporating extraordinary organs and completing it?" Chen Xi said thoughtfully.

But he soon felt depressed, because his extraordinary organs were built up with his own wisdom and knowledge. He knew too many things. When would he be able to find out what concept he had merged into? ah.

Chen Xi and Lu Zhi looked at each other and sighed again. They were really brothers and sisters. They both used their own knowledge and wisdom to build extraordinary organs. They did not transform their knowledge and wisdom into something specific. Techniques to promote the solidification of extraordinary organs.

Everyone looked at Yang Ji who was sitting there, wanting to know whether what Zhao Yun and Chen Xi said was true, although they were already sure that this was the real answer.

But before getting Yang Ji's approval, they didn't dare to draw any conclusions. After all, among the people here, Yang Ji was the one most familiar with extraordinary organs and extraordinary talents, not to mention, Yang Ji was their developer and discoverer. .

Yang Ji blinked and said, "Zilong is right. The conclusions I have compiled in the past few days are consistent with those obtained by Zilong."

"But let me add another knowledge point to you. When developing and completing extraordinary organs, you must pay attention to whether the concepts you complete are the concepts you need."

"Otherwise the extraordinary organ will..."

(End of this chapter)

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