Chapter 104 Lu Zhi’s awakening

"Otherwise, the extraordinary talent derived from the extraordinary organ is likely to mutate and become something even you can't expect.

After all, the fusion and intersection between concepts will give rise to what kind of concepts are beyond our control. "Yang Ji said extremely seriously.

This is not a joke, he is scaring everyone present, but this is really a possibility.

No one knows what will happen when the extraordinary organ is incorporated into the concept, and what kind of collision the incorporated concept will have with the previously incorporated concept.

The collision between the unknown and the known, no one knows what kind of sparks will be produced between them, and all these changes are not based on personal will.

“Incorporating certain concepts and ideas directly into the underlying structure of the extraordinary secret technique will facilitate subsequent in-depth development and concept completion.

However, after the virtual seed is transformed into reality and incorporated into the new concept, the collision between the original concept and the newly incorporated concept will cause some unknown changes to the extraordinary organ. "

"Will the collision between concepts lead to the direct deconstruction of the already solidified extraordinary organs, and what kind of new concepts will collide between them?"

"We don't know what kind of changes the emergence of new concepts will lead to extraordinary organs, and whether these changes will be under our control."

"These unknowns are one of the main reasons why I objected to your incorporating certain concepts and thoughts into the underlying structure of the extraordinary secret art. You must know that thought is also a concept."

Yang Ji's voice was calm and slow. He just told the people present the knowledge he had gained from exploring extraordinary talents these days. As for what to do with this knowledge, it was beyond Yang Ji's control.

Lu Zhi raised his head and glanced at Yang Ji, always feeling that Yang Ji was hinting at something. Then he lowered his head and continued to record what Zhao Yun and Yang Ji had just said on the paper he got from Liu Bei.

These materials will become the raw materials for them to develop their own extraordinary secret techniques belonging to Confucianism in the future.

After being angrily criticized by Yang Ji that day, he sat in the stands of the military camp for a long time, and then suddenly thought of something, that was the supernatural secret skill that he had practiced, which seemed to be spiritual.

So why is the military formation that Yang Ji arranged in the military camp a Qi-entraining military formation of the Inner Qi system? This is a supporting facility used by Yang Ji to promote extraordinary organs, unless Yang Ji is preparing extraordinary secrets of the Inner Qi system for the people. technique.

Because when he first saw the extraordinary secret technique, he saw the spiritual version of the secret technique. Even after meeting Yang Ji, Yang Ji taught him the spiritual version of the secret technique.

So I subconsciously thought that the secret technique only had the spiritual version, and I didn't even notice how rare it was for the people at the bottom to condense their spiritual power.

It's not that the people at the bottom can't condense their spiritual power, but that the condensation of spiritual power requires a certain amount of knowledge to condense it. If an uneducated common man can really condense his spiritual power under such circumstances, then maybe we can really witness the rise of a legend.

But the inner energy is different. The first inner energy can really be obtained by eating enough, or like Yang Ji, directly giving the human body an illusory inner energy with the help of external force.

When this illusory inner energy enters the human body, the stress response generated by the human body will induce the spiritual will to enter life, stimulating the body to transform the life essence into the first inner energy of the human body.

When the human body generates the first ray of inner qi, the illusory inner qi given by the Qi-Entraining Army Formation will not dissipate directly, but will be continuously replenished into the first ray of inner qi.

Continuously strengthen the first ray of inner energy in the soldiers' bodies, until the inner energy fills the whole body and condenses into one, becoming the condensed inner energy, the air-drawing military formation can completely complete its mission.

So now in the military camp outside Fenggao City, except for the new recruits who have just entered the camp, and the new recruits who have just entered the camp, basically all the internal energy has been condensed.

Guan Yu's headquarters, Zhang Fei's headquarters, Zhao Yun's headquarters, and Hua Xiong's headquarters are now all internal Qi condensed. Together with the 4,500 headquarters selected by Yang Ji of the Yu Jin Gang, there are almost 25,000 internal Qi condensed soldiers. .

Among the remaining 20,000 soldiers, there are now almost more than 10,000 internal energy-condensed soldiers, and Yu Jin has now thought of selecting personnel from these soldiers to form his own army.

These were all the information Lu Zhi got from Liu Bei after he realized what was happening. Although Liu Bei also heard these from Yang Ji, Yu Jin had no way of explaining the specific effect of the Qi-inducing formation.

But this news was enough for Lu Zhi, enough for him to make a conclusion. What Yang Ji wanted to promote among the people was the inner-qi version of the extraordinary secret technique.

Because inner energy is compared to spiritual power, inner energy is the best extraordinary power for the people at the bottom to obtain. All he needs is Yang Ji to set up an air-entraining military formation in the people's settlements, and everything is ready.

Although Lu Zhi didn't want to ask Liu Bei about the inner-qi version of the extraordinary secret technique, but who asked Liu Bei's senior generals to practice the inner-qi version of the extraordinary secret technique? Lu Zhi easily found out.

Zhao Yun is the one who is now in charge of farming in Taishan County, Zhao Zilong. He developed the inner energy version of the extraordinary secret technique, and it was Zhao Yun who developed the inner energy version of the extraordinary secret technique alone.

After learning that Zhao Yun had developed the extraordinary secret technique alone, Lu Zhi realized that Yang Ji was not opposed to their development of extraordinary organs with Confucian characteristics.

What Yang Ji objects to is that they directly transformed the extraordinary organs with Confucian characteristics based on the Civic Spirit Seed. Although such extraordinary organs have Confucian characteristics.

But its background is still the Civic Spirit Seed developed by Yang Ji. It is said to be an extraordinary organ with Confucian characteristics, but in the minds of those who know it, this is just a Civic Spirit Seed with a layer of skin.

Just like the Jing Yuan Qi Seed developed by Zhao Yun, no one would think that it is a kind of Civic Spirit Seed covered in inner Qi tiger skin, but would think that it is a new extraordinary organ, and it is also an extraordinary organ belonging to a warrior. .

A new extraordinary organ, yes, a new extraordinary organ, a brand new extraordinary organ that is different from Yang Ji's Civic Spirit Seed and Zhao Yun's Jingyuan Qi Seed. This is the extraordinary organ that Lu Zhi wants.

However, it is not a simple matter to develop a new extraordinary organ. The things involved are not something that Lu Zhi can solve alone.

When Lu Zhi broke away from his thoughts, he happened to see Zhao Yun take over Yang Ji's words. “Zi Yu is right, what kind of changes will occur when the collision between concepts and what kind of consequences will it lead to? These are changes that we have no control over,” Zhao Yun shook his head.

"When you developed this extraordinary secret technique, didn't you notice these uncontrollable changes?" Lu Zhi put down the pen of recording and asked Zhao Yun.

Lu Zhi had long wanted to go to Zhao Yun to find out what he needed to pay attention to when developing a new extraordinary organ. However, Zhao Yun had been running around outside and Lu Zhi couldn't find him, so he delayed it until now.

Although it was okay to go to Yang Ji, as soon as Yang Ji returned to his laboratory, he closed the door of the laboratory directly and hung a sign on it. The content will not be explained.

Moreover, Lu Zhi himself was almost reprimanded to the point of being autistic by Yang Ji. When he thought of going to Yang Ji to ask questions, his heart was pounding, maybe he would be criticized by Yang Ji again.

So after learning that there was someone like Zhao Yun in Taishan County, Lu Zhi was looking forward to meeting Zhao Yun, and now he finally met the real Zhao Yun himself.

Two days ago, Lu Zhi really couldn't wait any longer, so he thought that he was also an internal Qi separated from the body, and at least he could fly, so he specifically inquired about Zhao Yun's current location.

After leaving the city gate, Lu Zhi flew straight to where Zhao Yun was, but he didn't see Zhao Yun's shadow. At that time, Lu Zhi thought he was looking in the wrong place.

Suspecting that he was looking in the wrong place, Lu Zhi found someone locally and asked for directions. It turned out that this was where Zhao Yun was, but Lu Zhi walked around here several times and couldn't find Zhao Yun.

After asking the locals, they found out that Zhao Yun was still here in the morning, but he is no longer here and has gone to another place.

After getting Zhao Yun's location, Lu Zhi set off again to find Zhao Yun, but Lu Zhi missed again and failed to find Zhao Yun.

Lu Zhi was still unwilling to give in. He asked the locals again about the direction of Zhao Yun and continued to search for Zhao Yun's traces. In the end, he came to nothing. In desperation, Lu Zhi had no choice but to return to Fenggao.

Now I finally have a chance, and of course I want to take this opportunity to have a good chat with Zhao Yun, the man who developed a new extraordinary organ.

Zhao Yun glanced at Lu Zhi who asked the question, and then looked at Yang Ji beside him. Of course he knew what happened recently, otherwise he wouldn't be sitting here.

Zhao Yun shook his head, "How could you notice this? When we developed the new version of the secret technique, we didn't even know there was such a thing as extraordinary talent."

"Even when the virtual seed turns virtual into reality, it will incorporate a certain concept as a component of the extraordinary organ. The specific situation was only figured out after discovering the extraordinary talent."

"You have to ask Ziyu about these things. He is the one who knows these things best. After all, he is the original developer of extraordinary organs." Although Zhao Yun wanted to answer Lu Zhi's question himself, but he was indeed I do not know.

After Lu Zhi heard Zhao Yun's answer, he was not surprised. After all, he had known it would be like this for a long time. Although Yang Ji had a very vicious tongue, he had adjusted his mentality now and would never behave like he did a few days ago. I almost got sprayed with autism.

"Ziyu, look?" Lu Zhi rubbed his hands. If he hadn't asked Yang Ji for help now, forget it, let's not talk about it. It is estimated that there will still be a day when Yang Ji's help is needed in the future.

Yang Ji glanced at Lu Zhi, who was obviously wrong, and didn't know what was going on with him now. He always felt that Lu Zhi was like a student waiting to be criticized.

[Damn, this old man hasn’t gotten over what happened a few days ago, right? 】Yang Ji was a little worried. Could it be that he really said something too harsh that day, causing Lu Zhi to still not calm down yet?

Yang Ji basically stayed in the laboratory these days and had no idea what Lu Zhi was busy with these days. His impression of Lu Zhi was still that of Lu Zhi who was focused on transforming the Civic Spirit Seed a few days ago.

After being stunned for a while, Yang Jicai remembered that he didn't seem to have heard the conversation between Zhao Yun and Lu Zhi just now, which was a bit embarrassing.

"Well... Well, Lu Shangshu, can you tell me what question you want to ask? I didn't listen much to the conversation between you and Zilong just now," Yang Ji said with a smile.

After Lu Zhi heard Yang Ji's question, he froze immediately. He really didn't know what to say. Is this the thing that almost made him autistic a few days ago?

Zhao Yun shook his head. Now Yang Ji designated his spiritual talent, legion talent and extraordinary organs to be blocked, otherwise how could he react so slowly.

You must know that Yang Ji's spiritual talent is a passive talent. Coupled with the effects of spiritual talent, Yang Ji would not want to actively turn off or interrupt the accumulation of spiritual talent unless there are special circumstances.

But Yang Ji himself doesn't want to use his own brain, because according to what he said, knowing too much will lead to thinking too much, which is not conducive to fishing in troubled waters.

Therefore, when necessary, Yang Ji would temporarily block his spiritual talents, legion talents, and extraordinary organs, empty his mind, and enjoy brainless happiness.

At the same time, Yang Ji was also the best at telling the truth at this time. He often said what he wanted to say directly without thinking, so Yang Ji blurted out to Lu Zhi.

Looking at Lu Zhi who was a little overwhelmed, Zhao Yun sighed, "Lu Shangshu, if you want to know anything, just ask me. I will tell you directly about Ziyu's current condition."

After Zhao Yun spoke, the people in the side hall immediately focused on Zhao Yun. This was the first time they saw Yang Ji in this state. He was not the same person as the usually quick-responsive Yang Ji.

Faced with everyone's interested gazes, Zhao Yun had no choice but to explain to them via voice transmission, "Ziyu's current state is equivalent to throwing away his own brain," these were the exact words Yang Ji told Zhao Yun.

After Chen Xi and the others heard Zhao Yun's explanation, they looked at Yang Ji in surprise, who looked confused as to what was going on. This was the first time they heard the idea of ​​throwing away their brains.

"Ziyu, why did you throw away your brain? Do you have any explanation?" Zhang Fei was also an outspoken person.


(End of this chapter)

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