Chapter 108 Finally completed

——When can these tips be completed?

Yang Ji walked out of the Government Affairs Office with the demand report on the kit given to him by Chen Xi, left the Government Affairs Office directly, and then went straight to the area where his house was located.

Although Yang Ji was thinking about extraordinary talents in the past few days, he did not record it in the book. Therefore, the report handed over to Liu Bei today was rushed out by Yang Ji all night last night.

In other words, Yang Ji did not go home last night. Although Yang Ji greeted the girls at home, now that he has returned from the military camp and handed in the report on extraordinary talents, now he has Time to go back and catch up on some sleep.

That's right, the report prepared by Yang Ji was of course not just a calligraphy exercise book filled with the same sentences. It was just used to adjust the atmosphere. Of course Yang Ji also prepared a real report.

When Yang Ji took out a report filled with relevant information about extraordinary talents, the originally lively side hall suddenly became extremely quiet, and Yang Ji couldn't stand the sharp look in his eyes.

So Yang Ji could only hurriedly throw the report to Liu Bei, and then retreat quickly to avoid being caught by the murderous Chen Xi. Although Chen Xi couldn't defeat Yang Ji, don't forget that there are a lot of helpers around. They estimate I am very happy to help Chen Xi.

After returning home and saying hello to the girls, Yang Ji lay directly on his bed, and Yang Ji also arranged temperature-controlled etching in the room.

So Yang Ji sleeps with a quilt on his body. No matter what time of the day, Yang Ji feels that sleeping with a quilt on his back is the most comfortable way to sleep, even when it's the hottest outside.

"Ban Xia, did he really just stay up all night last night? Why did he fall asleep when he came back?" Zhang Ning asked Ban Xia next to him.

After Yang Ji returned home, he simply said hello to the girls and went directly to his room to sleep. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his behavior at all.

But it seems a little abnormal to the girls. Usually after Yang Ji returns home, after eating, he has to talk to them and cultivate feelings. How can it be like today, where he falls asleep after coming back? of.

When Yang Ji returned to his room to sleep, the girls came over to see what was going on, and then saw Yang Ji sleeping peacefully.

"Well, it's just that he stayed up all night last night. He's just like this because he's not used to staying up all night. Plus, he usually has the habit of resting on time, so he feels sleepy."

Banxia gently put Yang Ji's hand back under the quilt, turned to Zhang Ning and said this to the other girls in the room, otherwise they would definitely pester her and ask questions after she went out.

"It doesn't matter if he is sick. Let's go out and let him have a good rest." After Zhang Ning heard Banxia's diagnosis, he turned around and greeted the girls behind him softly.

——The next morning, Yang Ji returned to his laboratory.

When Yang Ji was resting yesterday, Chen Xi had already ordered someone to deliver the tips bag he had prepared to Yang Ji's laboratory. The basket in which the tips bags were placed almost filled the laboratory.

He didn't know where Chen Xi got the tips. Taishan shouldn't have so many tips now. Yang Ji probably counted about five thousand tips piled in the laboratory.

There are not many rich people in Taishan now. In other words, there are not many people in Taishan who can sew the kits so beautifully and stylishly. At least the current Taishan County cannot attract those people.

What's more, it had only been five days since Chen Xi knew that he could use the kit to equip storage equipment. Yang Ji really couldn't figure out how Chen Xi did it.

But this has nothing to do with Yang Ji. Now that Chen Xi can send things to Yang Ji's laboratory, it proves that these things are not a big problem for Chen Xi. Whether he can make storage equipment is The things he cared about most.

In the next few days, Yang Ji stayed in the laboratory making storage equipment tips. He went home directly at night and did not pay attention to what happened outside. Maybe it happened, but it was not enough to make Yang Ji got up from fishing and ate melon.

During the continuous production in the past few days, Chen Xi sent people to deliver several batches of tips one after another, but the shape and refinement of the tips sent later were not as good as the first batch.

The next few batches of tips were more like shoddy assembly line products made to rush the work, but these tips did not come off the assembly line, because each tip looked different, and Each one has its own characteristics.

Yang Ji had to suspect that that guy Chen Xi had posted a notice on the notice board to acquire the tips, and it was a time-limited acquisition, which aroused the people of Taishan.

Therefore, the next few batches of tips that Yang Ji received each had their own characteristics, different materials, different stitches, different sizes, different colors, and different shapes.

Although these differences will not cause much trouble to Yang Ji's production, they will definitely make Yang Ji feel unhappy. After all, at first glance, there is no neatness at all.

How to make Yang Ji feel better? Yang Ji has a reasonable suspicion that this is Chen Xi's revenge. Otherwise, it is still a long time before the war officially starts. How could Chen Xi prepare all the needed tips in such a hurry? Woolen cloth.

It's a pity that Yang Ji can't comment on this, because the production of these tips was distributed in the name of the Government Affairs Department, not in the name of anyone who asked Yang Ji to help.

It took Yang Ji ten days to make all the tips sent by Chen Xi. Originally, Yang Ji wanted to count how many tips he had made.

But later on, as Chen Xi sent more and more tips, Yang Ji didn't have the time to record how many tips he had made. Whenever the prepared tips filled a basket, someone would Move the basket away, and then put an empty basket in front of Yang Ji.

Yang Ji threw the last kit in his hand into the basket in front of him, stretched out, and shouted to the captain of the Guards outside the laboratory, "Bai Mei, are you sure there are no kits outside? Even if there is not one at all, ?"

A strong man with white eyebrows and other exposed hair all black walked in from outside the laboratory and said to Yang Ji, "General Qi, it has been confirmed. There is not a single tip bag outside. I just said The baskets that were brought in were the last ones, and Chen Juncheng didn’t order anyone to bring them again.”

"It's good that it's gone. I finally completed Chen Zichuan's mission. By the way, what day is it now?" Yang Ji stretched his waist again and asked Bai Mei.

"It's already your tenth day in the laboratory," Bai Mei replied to Yang Ji.

"Is it already the tenth day? What time is it outside now?" Yang Ji asked Bai Mei what time it was now. He didn't want to use his brain now.

If it was still early, he would go and see the training situation at his headquarters. If it was already late, he would go home and have a good rest and come back tomorrow.

After Baimei heard Yang Ji's inquiry, he glanced at the height of the sun outside and made a rough estimate in his mind, "Reporting to the general, it is already the end of the Shenshi period." "General, if you want to go to the school field now to observe the training of the brothers, , I suggest the general wait until tomorrow to go, it’s almost time to finish now.”

Bai Mei naturally put forward his opinion to Yang Ji. Although Yang Ji might not listen to his opinion, he still had to mention it to prevent Yang Ji from being ignorant.

When Yang Ji took time out, in fact, he just wanted to fish for a while and transform the military souls of his five hundred personal guards into the reserve army of the Glow Knight, Bai Mei saw many of his seniors in his dream.

In the dream, Baimei, under the auspices of the former Glow Knight Commander, took over the responsibilities of the Glow Knight Commander, that is, the captain of Yang Ji's personal guard, and was responsible for Yang Ji's daily security work.

In the Glow Knights, the Knight Commander, the Legion Commander and the Camp Commander are collectively known as the Three Tribulations of the Glow Generals, just like the three plagues of beasts and the three dessert generals.

The commander of the legion, "Huo Jie", was called "Huo Jie" because his style of leading troops in battle was aggressive and fire-like.

Knight Commander ‘Thunder Tribulation’ was called ‘Thunder Tribulation’ because his style of leading troops in battle was like thunder.

The commander of the camp, "Feng Jie", was called "Feng Jie" because his style of leading troops in battle was as fast as the wind.

Although Yang Ji's old subordinates have basically recovered their consciousness, they can only exist by relying on their military souls because they are only conscious bodies now.

Although the military soul has transformed their consciousness into heroic spirits, due to the lack of local household registration, they still reside in the military soul as consciousness.

However, although their conscious bodies cannot appear in places other than the military soul, they can still see what the outside world is like with the help of Yang Ji's eyes, although Yang Ji needs to open the window to see it.

As Yang Ji's current guard captain, Bai Mei will inherit the title of Thunder Tribulation in the future, so it is natural that he will be watched by his seniors.

Then when the military soul was transformed, he was captured by the seniors and underwent a round of rigorous training. According to them, white-browed boy, you don't even have the cultivation level to separate the inner energy from the body. How can you be qualified to serve as Yang? Ji's personal guard captain.

The heroic spirits used the derivative abilities of military soul skills to pass on their skills and experience to the guards soldiers who accepted the transformation, and Baimei received special care.

Originally, before receiving the inheritance, Bai Mei had only condensed his inner energy, and successfully introduced the energy into his body with the help of the air-entraining military formation. However, after accepting the inheritance of skills and experience from his predecessors, he relied on the assistance of extraordinary organs.

As long as Bai Mei can integrate the skills and experiences taught by his predecessors in the general soul and turn them into his own skills and experience, then Bai Mei can use the assistance of extraordinary organs to improve his martial arts cultivation to Qi Qi Chenggang in one fell swoop.

Although Bai Mei has not yet absorbed and integrated all the inheritance of his predecessors, after practicing in the dream, he has already shown some initial signs of thunder tribulation.

"Is it already the end of Shen Shi? Well, I'll go check on their training tomorrow." Yang Ji walked to the window and looked at the blue sky outside and the big fireball hanging high on the blue sky.

Yang Ji walked out of the laboratory door, followed by Bai Mei, "By the way, Bai Mei, how is Li Er doing lately? Has he impressed the brothers in the legion now?" Yang Ji asked Bai Mei as he walked.

Bai Mei shook his head. Although Yang Ji couldn't see it, Bai Mei still made this move subconsciously, "Not yet. Although Li Er has convinced half of the brothers now, there is still a distance between him and all the brothers."

"Really, that guy Li Er is really not bad. He has been able to impress half of the soldiers in just a few days. It seems that he has a great chance of becoming the commander of the army." Yang Ji sighed.

Li Er originally said that he wanted to become the captain of Yang Ji's personal guard, but now that Bai Mei is here, and Bai Mei is more suitable than him, so Li Er can only compete for the position of commander of the First Division.

There is this opportunity now. If Li Er wants to become the commander of the army after Liu Bei's forces become formalized, the difficulty will not be comparable to what it is now.

And it is not necessarily the commander of the legion under Yang Ji, let alone the legion commander of his own legion, so Yang Ji mentioned this issue to Li Er when he saw him again.

Li Er, who originally wanted to communicate with Bai Mei, immediately said nothing and sneaked directly to the selection site of Yang Ji's legion soldiers and successfully joined Yang Ji's headquarters legion.

As for why Li Er must join Yang Ji's headquarters, no one knows. Yang Ji also asked him, but that guy Li Er just laughed and refused to answer Yang Ji's question, so Yang Ji could only He shook his head and stopped asking Li Er what was going on.

After Yang Ji left the laboratory, he did not immediately leave the camp gate and return to Fenggao City. Instead, he wandered around the military camp. Anyway, there was still some time before lunch.

Baimei followed Yang Ji quietly, paying attention to Yang Ji's situation at all times. At the same time, he recalled the skills taught to him by his predecessors in his mind, and relied on the ability of Xu Zhong to constantly simulate the changes.

This is a method of using virtual seeds that Yang Ji taught Bai Mei after he learned that Bai Mei was recognized by the heroic spirits. It is also a method to develop the potential of virtual seeds.

Although the virtual seed stage of extraordinary organs is only the initial form of extraordinary organs, this form is also the time when the blessings for ordinary people are the greatest.

Although for some people, the virtual seed stage of extraordinary organs is only a short period of time, they can quickly pass this stage by virtue of their own qualifications and turn the virtual seed into reality.

But for people with average qualifications, they have to get along with virtual seeds for a long time, maybe a lifetime, so developing the potential of virtual seeds means improving their own potential.

Don't think that the blessing of virtual seed is not a big blessing to some people. Although it is indeed not a big blessing, it is not a big blessing to people with average qualifications.

The development and liberation of the virtual seed's potential is the narrowing of qualifications between them and those people. Although it may still be invisible, at least there is a direction.

(End of this chapter)

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