Chapter 109 The radiance of elite talents

——When the brilliance in us lights up, elite talents are born.

The next morning, when Yang Ji arrived at the training area where his own regiment was located, Li Er had already organized daily training. No wonder Bai Mei said that Li Er had impressed half of the soldiers.

When Li Er was originally in the recruit camp, he was selected as one of the commanders of the recruit camp because of his excellent training and strong combat effectiveness, and later became a centurion.

Although the rank in the recruit camp will be canceled after being added to the legion, and he will become an ordinary soldier, because the selection standards in the legion are different from those in the recruit camp.

The new barracks looks at training results and combat effectiveness. Among the legions, the first priority is military merit, followed by strength, which is cultivation. However, those with high cultivation will also have high military merit. Of course, if you want to go further, you have to look at the command. Able.

Now, although Yang Ji has the power to directly appoint any position in his army, some things still have to abide by the rules. Even Yang Ji is a part of Taishan County.

So now that there is no war, if Li Er wants to become the commander of Yang Ji's headquarters, he can only rely on his personality charm to convince the soldiers in the legion.

But Yang Ji also said it first. The various generals selected now are only temporary. If there is not enough meritorious support in the future, don't blame Yang Ji for exercising his power.

Because Yang Ji now only moves back and forth between Fenggao City and the military camp, Yang Ji sent all his personal guards to serve as instructors for the current legion training.

After accepting the skills and experience passed down from their predecessors, they will now also take on the responsibility of passing on the skills and experience to the new recruits, just like their predecessors.

There have been almost two months of training, and now they have become warriors who have condensed their inner energy, so the physical fitness of the soldiers is actually enough to carry elite talents.

It's just that the will of the soldiers has not yet been unified and the will of the legion has been condensed, so even if there are 500 personal guards as the seeds of elite talents, they still have not been able to manifest the elite talents.

So today Yang Ji came here to give them the same will.

When Yang Ji slowly walked onto the reviewing stand, the entire legion had already lined up neatly under Li Er's organization, and the movement actually affected the essence of the world outside.

If it weren't for the suppression by the Guards, it would really be possible for the talent of collaboration to be manifested. Li Er's contribution is not small. After all, Li Er has been responsible for daily training since the formation of the legion.

Yang Ji stood on the reviewing stand and looked at the neatly arranged soldiers below. Good guys, most of them were people who looked familiar to Yang Ji, and there were many people whom Yang Ji could name.

Even the names of many of them were changed by Yang Ji. After all, a name like Er Gouzi cannot be a correct name for one person.

After Yang Ji glanced around, he asked the soldiers, "You all should still recognize me, right?" Yang Ji said and waved to the soldiers.

After the soldiers heard Yang Ji's inquiry and wave, they suddenly burst out with unprecedented enthusiasm, "I recognize it! I recognize it! I recognize it!" The high-pitched voice spread in all directions.

It even attracted the attention of Chen Xi and others who happened to come to the military camp to inspect today. Originally, Chen Xi and others were observing Yu Jin's training on the other side of the school field. After hearing the voices here, they asked Yu Jin.

"Wen Ze, which legion's training area is over there?" Chen Xi pointed to the direction of the sound and asked Yu Jin. Chen Xi didn't know much about the layout of the military camp.

Even Liu Bei, Jian Yong Fan, Qin Lu Zhi and others who came with Chen Xi looked at Yu Jin with curiosity, wanting to know which legion had such a high will.

Yu Jin knew which legion it was at a glance, "That's the headquarters legion that Ziyu formed a few days ago, but Ziyu has been busy making tips these days, so he didn't pay much attention to it."

Yu Jin glanced at Chen Xi, "After Ziyu finished making all the tips yesterday, he was probably thinking about meeting the soldiers of his headquarters. It should be Ziyu greeting them now."

Chen Xi understood the meaning in Yu Jin's eyes when he looked at him, and his face suddenly showed an embarrassed look. He didn't want to give Yang Ji so many tips.

After all, it would be a huge waste of talent to let people like Yang Ji make these small things, but who said that Yang Ji is the only one who can make storage equipment now.

"Since Ziyu is inspecting his own army, how about we go and observe?" Liu Bei asked everyone with interest. If the others were not interested, he would go alone.

Liu Bei had great expectations for what kind of legion Yang Ji could bring out. After all, he knew that Yang Ji had a military spirit in him.

After everyone heard Liu Bei's suggestion, they didn't have much thought. After all, they were interested in seeing what Yang Ji could do. What's more, they were very interested in what Yang Ji could do.

"Ha, I knew you guys would definitely remember me. It seems I was right!" As soon as Yang Ji finished speaking, a more intense response suddenly broke out from below.

"You should all have seen my personal guards, especially when they gather together. I remember I also told you what they showed."

"Then, please tell me now, what is the radiance shining on them!" Yang Ji asked loudly to the soldiers below.

"Elite talent!!!" The soldiers replied loudly to Yang Ji. Their eyes became more intense, as if they had guessed why Yang Ji asked this question.

"Yes, it is an elite talent! And it is an elite talent that I have created. It is a talent that belongs to my personal guards. At the same time, it is also an elite talent that I have prepared for you!"

"These days, you must have experienced this elite talent through the brothers of the Guards. Now, tell me, do you want to have this talent!?" Yang Ji asked loudly again.

"miss you!"

"Answer again, do you want it or not?"

"miss you!"

"Louder, I can't hear you!"

"Think! Think! Think!~" Deafening sounds erupted from the throats of the soldiers. Ever since they saw the elite talents of Yang Ji's personal guards, they had been thinking about when they could also possess this talent.

But they are also worried that this talent is exclusive to Yang Ji's personal guards, and that Yang Ji will not give them this elite talent.

Now they don't have to worry, because Yang Ji told them just now that this elite talent is also prepared for them, but the Guards have taken advantage of it first.

"Okay! Since you all want this elite talent so much, I will give it to you. I believe it will not live up to your expectations, and I believe that you will not live up to my expectations of you!"

"Roar!!!" The soldiers responded loudly to Yang Ji, and at the same time, the brilliance of elite talents lit up on their bodies. If Yang Ji's personal guards had not suppressed them with their own will, they would have given birth to a will directly. The elite talent of the department.

Liu Bei, Chen Xi, Lu Zhi and others behind saw this scene, especially Lu Zhi, their eyes widened immediately. They knew very well what the light shining on the soldiers meant.

That represents the brilliance of elite talent, and it is definitely the most suitable elite talent for this legion, because this is the talent they created in response to Yang Ji's expectations.

But now Yang Ji is actually commanding his personal guards to directly suppress the elite talents that are about to be born. Why on earth is this? Does Yang Ji really intend to give the elite talents of his personal guards to his own legion?

[Wait a minute, the elite talents possessed by the Guards! ? But didn't Ziyu's bodyguard only have 500 people? How are elite talents formed? ] Chen Xi frowned.

During the days when Yang Jimen was making tips in the laboratory, Chen Xi invited Lu Zhi to explain the military inheritance to their generals, but they haven't learned this part yet.

Chen Xi couldn't help but look at Lu Zhi, the most experienced person here, but found that Lu Zhi's expression was even more exaggerated than before. With Lu Zhi's knowledge in this field, he shouldn't have such an expression.

Chen Xi turned directly to look at Yang Ji, and then he was shocked by Yang Ji's operation. The others also looked like they had seen a ghost and did not want to believe what was happening in front of them.

Yang Ji looked at the boiling will of the soldiers and the brilliance of the upcoming elite talent that was suppressed by the guards, "What a pity, you are not the brilliance I want," Yang Ji sighed.

Yang Ji unsheathed his sword and raised it high. Following Yang Ji's movements, white light surged from the tip of the sword, attracting the attention of everyone present.

At the same time, seven white glowing rings appeared behind Yang Ji's head. This was Yang Ji's legion talent. This was the first time Yang Ji's legion talent had appeared after it was awakened, and it was also the first time Yang Ji used his legion talent.

After the soldiers saw the huge ring behind Yang Ji's head, their will became stronger and stronger. They could clearly perceive the connection between themselves and the glow.

Yang Ji held the sword in front of him, with the tip of the sword pointing upward. The right arm holding the sword was parallel to his shoulder. Yang Ji could clearly see his own mirror image on the sword.

"Imperative: Harmony!"

As Yang Ji issued the order, the outermost one of the seven haloes behind his head suddenly disintegrated and turned into countless tiny streams of light, which dispersed and floated towards the soldiers.

After the fine stream of light came into contact with the soldier, it was directly integrated into the soldier's body, and the soldier only felt that many techniques that he had never been exposed to before appeared in his mind.

As well as many techniques that I had been exposed to before but could not understand, I can now understand them and use them. This is not an illusion of the soldiers, but a real thing.

As Yang Ji used his legion talent as a link node, the 'pure calamity glow' on the bodyguards spread instantly, covering all the soldiers of the legion, and directly replaced the elite talents that were about to be born. It turned into the glow of 'Pure Tribulation Glory'.

The originally scattered will instantly gathered into the will of the legion. With the support of the will of the legion, the originally thin glow instantly became thicker, although it was not much thicker.

After the elite talent named 'Pure Clear Tribulation Glory' covered the entire legion, under the influence of the elite talent, the essence of heaven and earth gathered here. After a while, the mist-like essence of heaven and earth covered the entire legion.

Under the influence of the elite talent, a ray of light condensed on the soldier's forehead. This was the first talent effect manifested by the 'Pure Tribulation Glory': 'Life Glow', which has the ability to transform the essence of heaven and earth into life. The ability of essence.

Time passed like this for a quarter of an hour, and all the mist-like essence of heaven and earth had now dissipated, completely absorbed by the soldiers who had just carried the 'Pure Clear Tribulation Glory'.

The soldiers who came back from the trance felt that the light that had been submerged in the spiritual platform and accompanied by the virtual species was continuously absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, transforming it into life essence and integrating it into their own internal energy, slowly warming their bodies.

Yang Ji sheathed his sword and took back his legion talent, "How's it going? This elite talent didn't disappoint you. If you feel that this elite talent is not suitable, I can replace it for you for free."

The sergeants who were immersed in the Jingche Jiehui did not notice the disappearance of the aura behind Yang Ji's head, but focused their will on Yang Ji, as if Yang Ji's legion talent was just an embellishment.

After hearing Yang Ji's words, the entire legion was quiet for a moment, and then Li Er came out and said to the prototype, "General, the elite talent you gave us is very suitable for us, and we don't need to replace it!" The firm voice spread throughout the entire legion.

Yang Ji smiled, "If that's the case, then this elite talent is yours."

"I will be with you in the future!" Yang Ji's voice was gentle, as if it was about to be blown away by the wind and blown into the ears of the soldiers.

"We are with the general!" In response to Yang Ji's gentle voice, the soldiers roared more and more passionately.


"Hey, Ziyu, what's going on with your headquarters? It's only been established a few days ago. How come it suddenly has elite talents?"

Chen Xi was very confused now. Of course, Chen Xi was not the only one who was confused. After Lu Zhi's explanation, everyone finally understood how amazing Yang Ji's operation was just now.

With one's own will as the core of the legion's will, and the legion's talent as the link between the two, the two completely different collective wills are unified together, and the legion's will is shaped.

Using his personal guards as the seeds of elite talents, using the legion's talents as link nodes, and with the support of the unified legion's will, the pure and clear ray of glory spreads throughout the legion.

(End of this chapter)

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