The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 110 The Rendering and Transformation of the Military Soul

Chapter 110 The Rendering and Transformation of the Military Soul

——Should your military soul skills be able to resurrect those military souls from the past history? ? —by Lu Zhi

"Didn't you see that elite talents were born?" Yang Ji looked at Chen Xi with some doubts. But he saw that before he activated the legion talents, he saw this group of people watching from behind.

They had watched the whole process of Yang Ji giving talents to the elites of their own headquarters. How could they not see what method Yang Ji used? Moreover, Lu Zhi was also here. To say that Lu Zhi couldn't see it either, Yang Ji was Don't believe it.

Chen Xi choked for a moment and didn't know what to say. Besides, Yang Ji was right. Yang Ji's army was indeed an elite talent born under their noses.

"What Zichuan means is, why did your personal guard suddenly have elite talents? This is not in line with common sense." Liu Bei is indeed Chen Xi's staunchest supporter, and he can even do such a good job of translating.

After Yang Ji heard Liu Bei's explanation, he first glanced at Chen Xi, who was eager for knowledge, then at the others who were curious, and finally at Lu Zhi.

[Lu Zhi should know that if the military soul consumes the power of the military soul to transform the reserve soldiers, it can reach this point. 】Yang Ji secretly thought in his heart, he didn't believe that Lu Zhi couldn't imagine the methods Yang Ji used, not to mention that he had never concealed his military spirit.

Yang Ji didn't know if Lu Zhi had seen Dong Zhuo's two legions of flying bears and traps. Yang Ji frowned, [By the way, has traps become a military spirit now? 】

[Forget it, whether it succeeds now or not is not a big deal. Anyway, by the end of the year, it will definitely be a success. ] Yang Ji frowned and decided not to think about these things anymore, and let Chen Xi think about these troublesome things.

But Lu Zhi must have heard about military souls in books or from other senior military strategists. Although Lu Zhi is a semi-monastic military strategist, Lu Zhi must have learned these things.

"Didn't Lu Shangshu see it?" Yang Ji asked Lu Zhi. Yang Ji was sure that Lu Zhi must have seen something. At most, he was just not sure of his own thoughts.

When Lu Zhi heard this, he did not directly answer Yang Ji's question. Instead, he was silent for a while and then whispered, "Your personal guards should be transformed from military souls, right?"

When he first met Yang Ji, he sensed that there was a pure will in Yang Ji. However, because Yang Ji was not the leader of the army and Yang Ji was only a little young, he thought of other things. The direction was up, and I didn't expect it to be a military spirit.

"Well, I took the time to transform it with the military soul a few days ago," Yang Ji directly admitted the fact that Lu Zhi pointed out. After all, this is not something that cannot be made public.

But the time point mentioned by Yang Ji shocked Lu Zhi, "What did you say? Your personal guards were transformed with the power of the military soul just a few days ago?"

This is a bit outrageous. According to the knowledge he inherited, military soul legions can replenish their troops from elite legions of the same kind by burning the power of military souls, but the current situation is very wrong.

But what happened to Yang Ji now made him wonder if he fell asleep while studying and missed the time when his senior taught these things.

It turns out that when the military soul transforms soldiers, it can transform those soldiers whose quality is up to standard into soldiers with the same origin as themselves. Doesn't this mean that as long as the power of the military soul is enough?

As well as enough qualified soldiers, an unlimited number of soldiers can be transformed into elite legions in batches. This is why the military soul can be called the foundation of the empire.

But why did no one record this matter when we had so many military spirits? It is impossible that the seniors did not discover such a major thing.

"Yes, by burning the power of military souls to transform soldiers of the same origin, this seems to be something that every military soul can do. Doesn't Shangshu Lu know?"

Yang Ji looked at Lu Zhi doubtfully. He didn't believe that Lu Zhi didn't know these things. At Lu Zhi's current level, even if Lu Zhi didn't want to know, someone would let him know.

The senior military strategists seem to be very good at recruiting a few talents and qualified talents from other places to pass on military strategist knowledge. Just like Lu Zhi in the past, he was originally a Confucian scholar, but he turned around and became a military strategist. Grandmaster.

And the person who was poached can't say anything. After all, I just teach your disciples what I know about the military strategist inheritance. I'm not asking your disciples to join our military strategist. I'm just letting your disciples meet the right person. , just to help pass on this knowledge.

Lu Zhi was silent. It turned out that it wasn't that the seniors didn't know, but that the seniors felt that the cost-effectiveness of doing so was too low. When the military spirit needed to replenish troops, they could just replenish troops directly from the elites of the same origin.

Why waste a lot of military soul power to exaggerate and transform some pseudo-elite legions with only single or dual talents, although the Han Dynasty at this time did not have the concept of single talents and dual talents.

This seems to be the reverse operation of the rendering and transformation of military souls. Originally, the rendering and transformation of soldiers by military souls was to replenish the army soul legions, but now Yang Ji's operation is directly reversed, using military souls to replenish ordinary legions, and even elite legions. Not really.

"I just didn't expect you to consume the power of the military soul that you had finally accumulated." Lu Zhi's mood was so complicated now. Now he finally understood why his senior did not record this incident.

To transform an elite soldier into a military soul soldier, the power of the military soul required is much greater than the consumption of converting a white soldier into an elite soldier.

Although I don’t know why the consumption of transforming elite soldiers is greater than that of transforming white soldiers, it is useless to say anything now, because the military soul belongs to Yang Ji, and he can use it however he wants.

After Yang Ji heard Lu Zhi's words, he didn't say anything. He just shook his head. After all, in his original plan, he did not use the power of the military soul to exaggerate the transformation. It was just necessary now.

"Zichuan, does the military spirit still have such abilities?" Jian Yong and Fan Qin asked Chen Xi in a low voice. Although it was not the first time they heard about the existence of the military spirit, they had never seen it before. Military spirit.

Chen Xi shook his head, "This is also the first time I know that the military soul has such an ability, but according to them, there should be great restrictions on the use of this ability."

"Zichuan is right. There are indeed great limitations to the military soul's transformation into soldiers," Lu Zhi had now calmed down. After hearing Chen Xi's question, he picked up some of the words they could understand and told them. They listen.

"The biggest limitation in rendering and transforming soldiers is the consumption of military soul power. If the accumulation of military soul power is not enough, even the military soul cannot be activated, let alone rendering and transforming soldiers."

"Just like Ziyu, if he had accumulated enough military soul power, he wouldn't have only transformed 500 personal guards." Lu Zhi and Chen Xi looked at Yang Ji. "Don't look at me. I can only accumulate so much military soul power as a living person plus more than two thousand heroic spirits. Otherwise, I would just transform all the soldiers. Why would it be so complicated? ah."

Before the heroic spirit entrusted in the military soul regained consciousness, Yang Ji was unable to accumulate a little bit of military soul power. Except for himself, all the accumulated military soul power was lost to Yang Ji. Ji devoted himself to the shaping of the heroic spirit body.

"By the way, since you have a complete military soul entrusted to you, why don't you complete the legion, even if you are the only one left in the entire legion."

"The elite soldiers here in Taishan should be enough to supplement your military soul army. Moreover, with the addition of soldiers, it is relatively easy to accumulate the power of military souls."

Lu Zhi was quite curious about this. It would be fair to say that Liu Bei, Chen Xi and the others did not know about the situation of the military soul, but it was impossible for Yang Ji, the creator of the military soul, not to know about it.

Yang Ji shook his head, "This military spirit is not suitable to appear here now, and they do not belong here, and I do not intend to let them intervene in this war."

"Ah?" Lu Zhi's face was full of confusion. He didn't understand what Yang Ji was talking about. He could only look at Chen Xi and Liu Bei, who knew the situation best. After all, Chen Xi was the first to meet Yang Ji, and Liu Bei is now Yang Ji's master. .

He didn't understand that since Yang Ji had such strength, why didn't he use him? If Yang Ji had soldiers who could complete the general's soul, basically no one in the Han Dynasty could withstand Yang except Dong Zhuo. The army led by Ji.

But Liu Bei and Chen Xi both looked in agreement, which once again made Lu Zhi extremely confused as to what was going on.

Lu Zhi had no choice but to look at Jian Yong. After all, apart from Liu Bei and Chen Xi, he was the only one who was most familiar with Yang Ji's situation.

Unfortunately, Jian Yong also looked confused, and he also looked confused now. Although he came earlier, he didn't know more than they did.

Judging from the looks of Liu Bei and Chen Xi, they probably knew what was going on with Yang Ji's military spirit, and it seemed that the generals who followed Liu Bei from Hulao Pass to Mount Tai also knew the specific situation.

Chen Xi saw the confused look on Lu Zhi's face and said to Lu Zhi, "Master Lu, it's better not to ask about this matter. The military soul in Ziyu is involved in things that we can't touch now."

"Furthermore, this military spirit belongs to Ziyu personally and does not belong to any force in the Han Dynasty, so we cannot count this military spirit into our strength."

Lu Zhi was silent for a while after hearing this, "Can I ask the reason for this?" He was really curious. It was just a military soul army. What could it be involved in? It was not like the Han Dynasty had never had military souls.

After hearing Lu Zhi's inquiry, Chen Xi and Liu Bei looked at each other, and then looked at Yang Ji together, "Ziyu, we also want to know why this is?"

Lu Zhi stared at these two shameless guys in stunned silence. He was embarrassed to ask, but they actually used him, an old man, to, it was a sneak attack.

"What are you asking about?" They just talked about a lot of things about military souls, and Yang Ji really didn't hear what the three of them wanted to know.

After Liu Bei made eye contact with Chen Xi and Lu Zhi, Chen Xi said, "This is why your military spirit is not suitable to appear here now."

Jian Yong and Fan Qin also looked at Yang Ji with curiosity. Although they didn't know what they were talking about, if they didn't join Chen Xi's organization now, they seemed a bit out of place. Even Yu Jin, who looked upright, was a little bit ready to make a move. look.

Yang Ji looked at these curious people speechlessly, "You should know that every military soul has a military soul skill, right?" After pondering for a while, Yang Ji decided to tell them about it to avoid anything happening in the future. question.

"Military soul skill? What is this?" Before Lu Zhi could explain, Chen Xi was the first to ask.

Lu Zhi glanced at Chen Xi, who had become active for some reason, "The so-called military soul skill is a skill that requires the burning of the power of the military soul to be used in addition to the basic abilities of the military soul."

"Oh, oh, it's just a big move," Chen Xi nodded to show that he understood, and motioned to Yang Ji to continue his performance.

"The military soul skill of my military soul is called 'Heroic Spirit'. Its effect is to use the power of the burning military soul to summon the heroic spirits of the past to reappear in the world and continue to fight on the battlefield." Yang Ji explained his military soul to them. Skills.

"Hiss!" After hearing Yang Ji's military soul skills, everyone present took a breath and contributed their own strength to the upcoming Little Ice Age.

"Wait a minute, the heroic soul of the past? There must be conditions, right?" After Lu Zhi was shocked, he immediately discovered Hua Dian.

Yang Ji nodded, "There are indeed conditions. Only troops with the same military spirit can be summoned by the 'heroic spirit'."

Lu Zhi immediately understood, "Is it because the will of the military spirit is strong enough to leave traces in the world?"

"Yes, the will of the military spirit is enough to carve its own traces in the world, and the ability of the 'heroic spirit' is to summon them from the upper reaches of time to this era through these traces."

After Lu Zhi heard the principle of summoning 'heroic spirits', he immediately thought of the military spirit troops that had appeared in the Han Dynasty. If Yang Ji summoned them, the scene... would be really interesting.

[Wait a minute, Ziyu must be able to use this military soul skill to reappear the heroic souls of the past! 】This idea suddenly came to Lu Zhi's mind, and he also thought about why Yang Ji was unwilling to complete the soldiers of this military soul force.

Because the number of soldiers in the Army Soul Army is limited, if the number of soldiers is completed, Yang Ji will not be able to bring his old brothers back to the world.

(End of this chapter)

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