The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 123 The bandit army has no battle damage

Chapter 123 The bandit army has no battle damage

——Why are the robbers we encountered on the way to Chang'an so weak in combat effectiveness? Even the bandit troops we collected were naturally damaged in battle.

"Can't you tell me first who the person you are looking for is? I have plenty of connections in Chang'an. When the time comes, I can also use my connections to help you find him."

Hua Xiong assured Yang Ji that after all, his connections in Chang'an were not just blown. People like Li Jue and Zhang Ji, although their reputations were not very good, it was a piece of cake to find someone.

If Yang Ji could really tell him the person he was looking for, then Yang Ji would not have to leave his sight, and Yang Ji's safety would be guaranteed.

Although Yang Ji is not well-known within Taishan, in the eyes of those who know Yang Ji's abilities, it is best for Yang Ji to stay in Fenggao City or the military camp and do his research well. Things are handled by them.

Although Yang Ji's martial arts value is very high, he can be ranked high even in the Han Empire where strong men are born. After all, anyone who can condense the will of martial arts can be ranked high.

But what they need is not a strong man whose inner energy is separated from the body. What they need is the surprises that Yang Ji comes up with from time to time, just like the gravity bracelet that Yang Ji took out from the laboratory last time.

Originally, military generals with missions who wanted to go to the gravity zone to exercise their bodies had to go to the military camp to enjoy the effect of gravity blessing, but now that they have gravity bracelets, it is different.

With the gravity bracelet, they can still enjoy the effect of gravity blessing without going to the gravity training area of ​​the military camp, and it is an uninterrupted gravity blessing.

Although the cost of this gravity bracelet is very expensive, it can only be used if you have the cultivation level of internal energy separation. It takes Yang Ji a lot of time to make it.

Moreover, the gravity multiplier can only be constant at a certain multiple, and the gravity multiplier cannot be adjusted freely. As a result, he now has to use the ability of the internal air to stay in the air to weaken the weight of his own body weight added to the mount, otherwise the horse cannot bear the weight. Great weight.

But even with so many flaws, they still can't hide the benefits that this gravity bracelet brings to them. Now in Taishan, as long as the inner energy is separated from the body, or those who have the inner energy that separates the inner energy from the body, basically all Wearing this gravity bracelet.

Moreover, Hua Xiong heard that Yang Ji has recently been developing how to produce a gravity bracelet with a higher or lower gravity multiple, which can be equipped with those who feel that the current gravity multiple is not enough, as well as those who only People who can withstand lower gravity multiples.

Moreover, Hua Xiong also heard that Yang Ji planned to add some kind of gravity restraint device to the gravity bracelet. He heard that after adding this, even if they turned on the gravity blessing in the future, they would not have to use their own strength on horseback. The ability to stay in the air.

Although Hua Xiong himself does not understand what this gravity restraint is, it should not affect his understanding that as long as his gravity bracelet is equipped with this gravity restraint equipment, then he does not have to use his own ability to stay in the air to offset the extra energy he has gained out of thin air like now. of weight.

Therefore, these high-level personnel who knew Yang Ji's now revealed abilities, and were overwhelmed by Yang Ji's surprise, formed a basic consensus, that is, they must ensure Yang Ji's safety and ensure that the Han Dynasty has not yet Before unification, Yang Ji's abilities or creations could not be used by other forces.

Under this consensus, Hua Xiong didn't understand why Chen Xi and Liu Bei asked Yang Ji to go to Chang'an. It was a temporary move and they didn't tell him the specific situation.

"Zijian, don't worry now. After arriving in Chang'an, your connections will be useful. For now, you should focus on the bandits who are robbing us.

There are really blind people these days who want to rob regular troops like us. I just don’t know whether they are hungry common people or blind bandits.

By the way, Zijian, when you bring people up, remember not to kill them. Capture them first. Then I will train you some auxiliary soldiers to do miscellaneous tasks. "

Yang Ji called to Hua Xiong, who was rushing forward, and asked him to hold back a little, so as not to use too much force and drop all the people. After all, this was the best source of cannon fodder.

However, Hua Xiong was destined to fail to grab a single head, because the moment Hua Xiong gave the order, the soldiers scattered around silently rushed towards the place where the robbers were.

Yang Ji was following behind but could see clearly that the psychotic soldiers under Hua Xiong formed a neat formation and rushed towards the robbers. Although the robbers on the opposite side had some formations, there were not many.

Facing the silently advancing formation, the originally small formation of robbers on the opposite side became even more scattered. They just stood there at a loss and were then killed by the soldiers with problems.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the battle was over. When Hua Xiong arrived at the scene, less than half of the robbers were still alive. This was because Hua Xiong made people stop, otherwise these defective soldiers would not be able to fight. Will leave half.

Hua Xiong is now interrogating the leader of the robbers who survived by chance. These robbers are really unprofessional. The clothes they wear are not like the clothes that ordinary bandits can wear.

Hua Xiong and Guo Bang had eaten together in the same pot before, and he was relatively familiar with things on these roads. Even if this was the hinterland of the Central Plains and the bandits wore better clothes, they shouldn't wear clean clothes underneath. The clothes outside are dirty.

Yang Ji did not step forward to observe Hua Xiong's interrogation methods. He just waited for the news about Hua Xiong. After a while, Hua Xiong came back with the news.

"After all, these people are not real bandits, no matter how hard they pretend, they can't pretend to be like it." Hua Xiong shook his head. This was not the first time they met bandits who robbed.

Since leaving the jurisdiction of Taishan County, they have encountered no less than ten robberies, some of which were pure bandits, some of which were armed robbery gangs composed of refugees, and some of which were the result of someone's black gloves.

If they encounter an armed group composed of refugees, Hua Xiong and Yang Ji will let them go to Taishan County along the road they cleared after defeating them. After all, Taishan County is very short of people now.

All the bandits on this road, including the surrounding ones, have been sorted out by Hua Xiong and his mentally ill subordinates, otherwise Yang Ji would not be able to safely let these refugees go to Taishan County.

However, if they meet those innocent bandits, Yang Ji and Hua Xiong will not be easy to talk to. They will directly break them up and integrate them into Hua Xiong's subordinates, so that they can also experience what "orders and prohibitions" mean. If he encounters black gloves, Yang Ji cannot directly integrate them into Hua Xiong's command. Of course, if there are some black-hearted guys among them, Yang Ji will still directly integrate them into the 'faulty' legion, so that They enjoy the same treatment as bandits.

Then Yang Ji will select some people with relatively good conduct and no excessive sins among the remaining people to form a special auxiliary army, which is a normal army.

Up to now, Yang Ji has formed an auxiliary corps of 500 people. This is the result of Yang Ji's careful selection. Otherwise, Yang Ji's auxiliary corps could have an additional 1,800 people.

If this continues, Yang Ji estimates that after his group arrives in Chang'an, he will most likely have a fully-equipped legion under his command, that is, a legion of about 4,000 people, and now they have half of them. The journey has not even been completed.

By then, even the Yulin Reserves will no longer need Lu Bu's sponsorship, and they will be able to gather the number of people who have transformed themselves. I don't know if the Yulin Army Soul will accept these Wolf Riders who have transferred from Black Gloves.

Once again, the bandits who were not yet dead were incorporated into the bandit army, but now Yang Ji discovered a new problem.

"Zijian, don't you think our team is getting bigger and bigger? Obviously when we left Mount Tai, we were still a small force of only 4,000 people.

But now look at it, it’s almost going to reach 10,000 people. How many people have we taken in along the way? Otherwise, we still have to find a way to get rid of some of them? Yang Ji said to Hua Xiong with a headache.

When Yang Ji came out of Mount Tai, he did not bring his own guards, so their team only had the four thousand infantry led by Hua Xiong, which were the thousands of mentally ill soldiers trained by Hua Xiong.

Originally, when they encountered these robbers, they just killed them and buried them on the spot, but Yang Ji felt that even bandits could squeeze out some value, and in this era they were considered waste.

Then he suggested to Hua Xiong that these evil bandits should be incorporated into his "Miscellaneous Legion", so that they could feel the warmth from the name of order and prohibition, and voluntarily become their "cornerstone" to wipe out the Han Dynasty.

With such malice, Hua Xiong agreed to Yang Ji's suggestion. Ever since he knew that the training method given to him by Chen Xi had such side effects, his "faulty" legion has not added new recruits. Now there are voluntary recruits. He is also very happy as a new recruit.

Originally, according to the two of them, they should encounter many robbers on the way to Chang'an, and then they could send these people to fight and directly destroy these bandits.

But what they didn't expect was that they still overestimated every group of thieves they encountered. Until now, the number of deaths under their command has not exceeded three digits. I don't know if his training methods are too clever. These people will subconsciously form a formation every time they attack.

Then the robbers who jumped out to rob disappeared and got together in a neat formation. Then the number of soldiers under Hua Xiong's command became more and more, and the most amazing thing is that they can still be in the bandit's lair every time. A large amount of food was looted and brought out.

Hua Xiong also said helplessly, "Who told us that the bandits we encountered were so weak that they couldn't compete with these trained bandits? Why don't you come up with a solution?"

After all, Hua Xiong is a general, and generals always want to have as many soldiers as possible under their command, but now he also realizes that he went to Chang'an to make sacrifices, not to suppress bandits and recruit troops.

But as mentioned before, he originally planned to keep his original troops from taking action and send out the newly joined bandits to fight against the bandits he encountered.

But who would have thought that the mental illness of his original subordinates would be so contagious. After integrating these bandits into the legion, they would become mentally ill within a few days.

Moreover, he has mastered relevant combat skills without any teacher and possesses spiritual talents. Except for his poor physical fitness, he is no different from the four thousand people he brought out from Mount Tai.

"And I very much suspect that their ability to integrate into the legion so quickly is due to the exaggeration of elite talents. How about you try to whitewash the elite talents they carry?"

Hua Xiong now regretted that he had asked Yang Ji to help create an elite talent, which made them very passive now. If it were the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, he would not give up these bandit soldiers.

Even if they are bandits, so what? After all, their Liangzhou group can transform into bandits on the spot, or they are just like bandits.

But it's different now. He has now abandoned the darkness and turned to the light. He has successfully whitewashed himself and landed ashore. Although he only whitewashed his surface, he was still black at the bottom.

But at least they are white on the surface, which requires their behavior to conform to the mainstream concept. According to the mainstream concept, bandits deserve to die, and bandits have no human rights in the first place.

At the beginning, Chen Xi knew that Hua Xiong had trained a group of Stockholm Syndrome patients because of his temporary high, even though these people were bandits who did not deserve sympathy.

However, Chen Xi still asked Hua Xiong not to use the original training method to replenish the army in the future. He did not want another mentally ill army to appear on his side.

Because the soldiers of this legion suffered from such mental illness, Hua Xiong originally thought that this legion would not be able to carry elite talents in the future, even if the soldiers' organizational strength and basic quality were enough to bear the birth of elite talents.

But not long ago, when he was on the road, Yang Ji actually told him that he could create an exclusive elite talent for this legion, which might be able to cure their mental illness.

Hua Xiong was so tempted that he immediately asked Yang Ji to help him create this elite talent called [Torch Fire]. The effect was indeed as Yang Ji said it could cure the mental illness of these soldiers.

Yang Ji replied softly, "If you want to extinguish the burning torch in their hearts, you must first extinguish the hope, yearning or fear in their hearts, otherwise the torch will still rekindle in their hearts."

(End of this chapter)

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