Chapter 124 An unexpected gain

——So, the elite talents I asked you to help me train are actually for others? —Hua Xiong

Hua Xiong twitched the corner of his mouth and said to Yang Ji with difficulty, "In other words, even if you wash away their talent, they can still grow this elite talent again.

Damn it, are there really such elite talents? Are you saying that the elite talents created by your hands all have such inexhaustible characteristics? "

Hua Xiong couldn't help complaining to Yang Ji. After all, the current situation was so in line with his imagination that even after the elite talents were washed away, they could grow again. Anyone who could achieve this level would probably That must be Yang Ji.

Yang Ji chuckled lightly, "The characteristics that you mentioned are inexhaustible. They really have it, but it's just because they are them that they can show such characteristics. Normal soldiers probably don't have it." No such properties will be produced.”

Hua Xiong frowned, thinking hard about what kind of characteristics the soldiers under his command had that could actually cause such a transformation for an elite talent.

Although the fact that he actually chooses to use his brain to think about a certain thing is already very fantasy, let alone thinking about the seemingly lofty philosophical issue of human nature.

But in Hua Xiong's view, he has learned to think with his brain, and he uses the knowledge he has to think about a certain thing, rather than judging it through experience or intuition. This matter is not very fantasy, what is really fantasy is The indifferent Yang Ji in front of him was able to possess such ability precisely because of Yang Ji's ability.

Hua Xiong recalled that he once asked Chen Xi why the military training method he taught him was banned. He also remembered what Chen Xi said at the time, "This training method will cause soldiers to suffer from serious mental illness." '

"Is it because of fear or some other problem?" Although he didn't know what mental illness Chen Xi was talking about, it did not prevent Hua Xiong from paraphrasing the nouns in Chen Xi's mouth.

What's more, as early as when he trained these Taishan bandits to become what they are now, he knew that the soldiers under his command were very different from ordinary soldiers.

Sure enough, after going through that kind of training and witnessing so many of their former companions die on the training ground, how could it have such a small impact on their hearts?

Yang Ji looked at Hua Xiong, who had a calm face, with some surprise, "I didn't expect that you can even think of this step now. It seems that you haven't neglected the development of extraordinary organs for a while."

If it were Hua Xiong in the past, although he could rely on his own intuition to detect the problems of these soldiers, he would definitely not be able to express what he perceived in words because his vocabulary was limited.

Hua Xiong raised the corner of his mouth and touched his head, "You have already put the food into your mouth, so I can't ask you to help pour it into your stomach. If this is the case, I will really be embarrassed in the future... People."

In fact, Caixiong really wanted to talk about his military advisor Li Ru just now, but after thinking about Li Ru's current identity and what he had done, he swallowed it back and waited until the issue of the identity of the general and advisor was resolved.

"It seems that I still underestimated the role of extraordinary organs for people like you. At least your brains are no longer solid balls of meat, although they are just replacing the thinking in your own brains with extraordinary organs."

Yang Ji's teasing made Hua Xiong feel a little embarrassed, but it was only for a moment. Even if they get a dual-core driven brain, their thinking methods will not change drastically. At most, they will become able to think. That’s all.

In order to prevent Yang Ji from saying anything that would make people feel like they were scratching their feet, Hua Xiong decided to change the subject, "You haven't said what is going on with this elite talent?"

Yang Ji thought about how to explain this elite talent of the will system to Hua Xiong, "You also know that the name of this elite talent is 'torch fire', and this torch fire burns from the abyss of human hearts.

Use human fear or hope for light as fuel, but most of your subordinates use fear as fuel. The few who use hope as fuel have the possibility of becoming divine cultivators. "Yang Ji looked at some of the soldiers under Hua Xiong's command.

Hua Xiong followed Yang Ji's eyes and found a few soldiers that Yang Ji pointed out specifically. The temperament exuded by these soldiers made Hua Xiong feel strange. These soldiers were really those who had experienced that kind of inhumanity. trained soldiers?

They were keenly aware of Hua Xiong's gaze, but they did not directly avoid looking at Hua Xiong like other soldiers. Instead, they nodded to Hua Xiong to express their respect for Hua Xiong, and immediately His eyes were on Yang Ji.

Moreover, after seeing Yang Ji, the lines on their originally cold faces softened instantly. They were completely different people from when they faced Hua Xiong.

Yang Ji waved his hand to stimulate the elite talents of these soldiers to the extreme, lighting up the brilliance of elite talents so that Hua Xiong could better observe the differences between these different soldiers and the rest.

In Hua Xiong's eyes, Yang Ji activated the elite talents of his soldiers to the extreme with just a wave of his hand. The brilliance that illuminated those soldiers was the best evidence.

Even Hua Xiong, the leader of this legion, does not have this ability. From this, we can see how profound Yang Ji's attainments in this aspect are.

Hua Xiong thought about it for a few moments and felt that even if these soldiers were replaced by his own cavalry, he might not be able to stimulate the elite talents in his body to a shining level just by waving his hand.

But it doesn't mean that he can't stimulate the elite talents to a shining level. After raising the Legion's fighting spirit to the extreme, he can stimulate the elite talents to the current level.

It's just that he can't be like Yang Ji, who simply connects his will to the legion's will, and then stimulates his talent to the point of brilliance with a gentle push.

But now is not the time to waste time thinking about this. Yang Ji has stimulated his talent to this extent, not to let him think about such things, but to let him see the differences of those different soldiers. Where exactly was it that Yang Ji said they had the qualifications to become divine cultivators?

You must know that apart from Guan Yu, Yang Jineng can barely be regarded as a spiritual cultivator in Taishan now. Looking at the world, there are only a few true spiritual cultivators.

Even if it is daytime, the brilliance of elite talents after they are stimulated to the extreme can still complement the skylight. Sometimes, human will is so bright.

The brilliance of this relatively special infantry regiment after Yang Ji stimulated their talents to the extreme is very different from the brilliance of other regiments' talents.

Hua Xiong has seen the brilliance of other legions after stimulating their talents to the extreme. It is the brilliance of the collective will of mankind, and the brilliance that shines now is also the brilliance of the collective will. It's just that the light that is now lit is dark, which is completely different from the brightness of other legions. The few soldiers who caught Yang Ji's attention look out of place in this darkness, because their light is bright, which is different from the surrounding dark colors. The brilliance was a stark contrast.

Yang Ji turned to look at Hua Xiong, "Now you know why I said they have the qualifications to become divine cultivators, right? They have completed the transcendence of their own will and the radiant will that transcended from the abyss of the heart called fear. They The foundation for becoming a god has been laid.”

As Yang Ji severed the link between his own will and the legion's will, the elite talents that were originally stimulated to the extreme fell back to their proper intensity in an instant.

Even though those few bright rays of light have become silent as the vast expanse of dark brilliance has subsided, Hua Xiong is still in a trance, with his dazzling will pulled out from the abyss of his heart called fear.

This is really... a brilliant will.

Hua Xiong said to Yang Ji with an almost trance-like consciousness, "In other words, have they come out of the shadow of that inhumane training?"

Yang Ji nodded, "Yes, they have now come out of the shadow of fear, and they are now normal ordinary people."

It's just that in this trial called fear, they also received rewards after clearing the level, and achieved the radiant will after transcending will. This radiant will was enough to lay the foundation of their spiritual cultivation.

After sorting out his emotions, Hua Xiong said to Yang Ji with a sigh, "So, how many people with such a bright will can be created by the treatment plan you gave?"

If the elite talents created by Yang Ji could really save all the soldiers in this legion, Hua Xiong didn't know how strong the will of a legion composed of such bright wills would be.

Yang Ji shook his head, "It's a blessing to have these guys. I don't dare to expect these people's weak will to withstand the test called fear."

The elite talent 'Torch' created by Yang Ji was originally just an ordinary will talent. It had no additional effects and could only improve the soldiers' will attributes.

The effect of the elite talent of Torch is not like this. The talent carried by the soldiers now is the talent after Yang Ji's adjustment. The original effect is to provide a certain will attribute bonus to the soldiers in proportion.

But in order to pull these out of fear, Yang Ji changed the original will attribute bonus to a will resistance bonus, hoping that this talent effect would give some help to these soldiers who were drowning in fear.

But after this talent was given to the legion, this elite talent underwent some wonderful changes under the influence of the legion's will, directly turning the original will resistance into a torch that used fear as fuel.

Elite talent is the reflection of the collective will in the essence of heaven and earth. When the soldier's will wants to achieve a certain effect, the legion's will sublimated from the soldier's will will really feed back the desired effect to the soldier, that is, elite Manifestation of talent.

Maybe it's because the soldiers under Hua Xiong's command are really afraid of fear, so deep down they really want an ability that can help them resist fear.

However, this type of ability cannot be said to be all elite talents of the will system, but it is the vast majority, and the elite talents of the will system are not a piece of cake.

It is extremely difficult for an ordinary legion to find a will-based talent. As for asking a big boss to help customize one, it has to be appreciated by the big boss.

Now Hua Xiong, on his own whim, asked Yang Ji to help train an elite talent, which was not a talent of the will system. Hua Xiong did not think that this legion was qualified to carry elite talents of the will system.

Maybe it was because God had good intentions. After seeing with his own eyes the psychological defects of these soldiers due to training, Yang Ji vaguely had an idea.

Fear - isn't this what Zhang Fei's legion talent is best at!

So Yang Ji wanted to try how to solve Zhang Fei's soldier problem. Zhang Fei's legion talent was a talent of the will system, so Yang Ji gave this legion an elite talent of the will system.

Then, under the extreme desire of these soldiers, the original elite talents were directly twisted by the will of the legion into the current 'torch', a torch that uses fear as fuel.

Yang Ji did not expect that with just a simple experiment, Zhang Fei's problem was solved, and the psychological problems of this legion were also solved, although the continuous burning of the torch was needed to offset the fear.

After listening to Yang Ji's explanation, Hua Xiong frowned, "While you were solving the psychological problems of these soldiers, you also solved Zhang Yide's problem of replenishing troops?"

Yang Ji shook his head, "You have reversed the priorities. I gave your infantry regiment the talent of will in order to solve Yide's problem of replenishing troops. It is only incidental to solve their psychological problems."

Hua Xiong was silent. After following Liu Bei for so long, how could he not know what Zhang Fei's legion talent is? To be honest, this legion's talent is very strong, but the restrictions are very high. Every time he opens it, there are a lot of soldiers. Need to retire.

Hua Xiong shook his head, "Zhang Yide is really lucky. Not long ago, he was talking about finding someone to help develop his legion talent. Now, even the soldiers are ready for him.

So, should we reorganize the current legion, or will you help him train a new legion when he comes back from Chang'an? "Hua Xiong looked at the team advancing in silence.

To be honest, he is very envious of Zhang Fei now. With the talents of the legion, coupled with the elite talents that have appeared, it is now difficult not to take off.

Looking at myself again, although the Xiliang Iron Cavalry is very suitable for me and I am extremely satisfied with the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, my legionary talent has not yet awakened.

(End of this chapter)

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