Chapter 125 The noble hand riding area

——Don’t embarrass me. I really can’t do anything. I really can’t keep these separated bandits from losing their elite talent.

"So, how did you know the news and come to this place?" Hua Xiong grabbed Zhang Fei's arm and insisted on making him explain the matter clearly.

Hua Xiong couldn't figure it out. Yang Ji didn't seem to have anyone return to Mount Tai to inform Zhang Fei. Why did Zhang Fei know the news about this elite talent so quickly, and why he ran to the place where they were staying so quickly.

Zhang Fei swung his arm and shook off Hua Xiong's claws, "You have to ask Ziyu about this. It was Zichuan who ordered someone to come over and inform me that Ziyu had developed an elite talent suitable for me and asked me to chase him quickly. Come on, take over this rather special legion.

By the way, I remember there weren’t so many people when you set out, but why are there so many more people in your team now? This number is even more than your original team. "

Zhang Fei took a rough look at the number of people in Hua Xiong's team. They were almost over 10,000 now. He remembered that Hua Xiong was only over 4,000 when he set out from Mount Tai. How come it's only been less than a month? It has expanded so much.

"Don't ask me, you should ask why there are so many bandits in the places we pass, otherwise my team would not expand to the size it is now." Hua Xiong said to Zhang Fei angrily.

Hua Xiong was also helpless. You must know that even when he was suppressing bandits in various places in Mount Tai, he had never encountered so many bandits. He would encounter a group of bandits committing robbery almost every day.

There were as few as thirty or fifty people, and as many as one hundred and eighty people. They even encountered a group of bandits with more than 500 people, and their combat effectiveness was actually pretty good. At least they had good organizational skills, and they quickly kept up with them. The level of Taishan's field soldiers has reached a new level.

According to Hua Xiong's original thinking, since this group of bandits already possesses this level of organizational power, it means that their leader has good command and leadership abilities.

After Chen Xi's long-term indoctrination, they finally understood the importance of human resources. If they were evil elements who committed heinous crimes, of course they would kill them if they could.

But for those whose faults are not serious enough to directly lead to death, their treatment method is not to directly execute them, but to decide where they should go for reform through labor based on the size of the fault they committed.

And the half-year-old boy who was following Yang Ji now was the leader of the five hundred people. Anyway, Hua Xiong didn't expect that the leader of the bandit group with fairly good fighting ability was just a young man of sixteen or seventeen years old.

According to the feedback from the people living in this area, this young man's reputation is pretty good in this area, because they only rob but not kill, and sometimes they will distribute some of the food they grab to the local people.

So Yang Ji directly incorporated this group of 500 people into his newly formed Wolf Cavalry Reserve. Now the number of Wolf Cavalry Reserves directly exceeded 1,500.

It is estimated that when they arrive in Chang'an, they will be able to gather a standard legion of 5,000 people. After all, there are really many bandits on this road, but how many of them are forced to have no choice but to do so.

After Zhang Fei heard Hua Xiong's question, he was silent for a while and said in a low voice, "This is why we follow Big Brother, so that these people will not have no choice."

On the way from Mount Tai to here, Zhang Fei met many refugees who were persuaded by Yang Ji and others to go to Mount Tai. He even saw officials in some places forcing these refugees to stay within their jurisdiction.

It was not to enrich the population of the people under their rule, but to regard these refugees as objects that could be divided up, because Hua Xiong and others conveniently cleared away the bandits entrenched in the local area when they passed by.

Without the threat to their lives from the bandits entrenched outside the city, the fields outside the city should have become their property again. However, another of their properties has escaped on their own, so they urgently need to replenish their property. A means of production.

Zhang Fei helped the refugees heading to Mount Tai handle many such incidents along the way. When Zhang Fei appeared in front of those people, they were afraid of Zhang Fei's force and did not dare to force the refugees too much, but Zhang Fei But no matter how they would curse him behind his back, he just said calmly, "I will pass by here when I come back in a few days." '

However, with Zhang Fei's character, he quickly put this emotion behind him. After all, even if he wanted to change this situation, it would take time, not to mention that they were already on the road.

"By the way, what are you going to do with the extra people in this legion? Divide them into two legions?" Zhang Fei asked Hua Xiong. Chen Xi just informed him that Yang Ji had pinched out the elite talents he needed and asked him to He just hurriedly caught up with Yang Ji and didn't explain anything else.

If he was asked to take the separated legion back to Mount Tai, it would probably take a long time, and there wouldn't be much logistics on their way back to Mount Tai.

Hua Xiong shrugged, "You have to ask Ziyu about this. Anyway, I am not opposed to splitting them into two legions. After all, the problem of my original legion has been solved, although it requires the support of elite talents to ensure treatment. Effect."

After Zhang Fei heard Hua Xiong's words, he did not refute. After all, he also knew the problems of Hua Xiong's legion. After all, he had seen the fighting situation of this legion with his own eyes.

When he first met him, he was rather envious that Hua Xiong could develop such a well-organized and disciplined legion, but when he found out what happened later, he was no longer envious.

Even if the sequelae of his legion talent were more serious, they were not as serious as the sequelae of Hua Xiong's training. Even Chen Xi and Liu Bei were alarmed. Now it was Yang Ji who managed to resolve the sequelae.

Zhang Fei and Hua Xiong saw that they were still talking to a young man who was following him. They probably couldn't talk to them for a while, so they joined in on their own.

Zhang Fei glanced at the reserved young man beside him and said directly to Yang Ji, "Ziyu, you didn't just call me here just to let me witness whether this elite talent is suitable for me. What are the regulations? That’s all you say.”

It's almost the end of October now. If he hurry up, he can bring these people back to Taishan County before mid-November, and then find someone to help transplant this elite talent to his own legion. It can also be used to hone the coordination between soldiers and talents before next year's military operation.

Yang Ji tilted his head and looked at Zhang Fei, and then said to the young man next to him, "Huo Ying, please go back first. I will tell you the specifics after I finish settling the matter here."

"Yes, sir." Huo Ying gave Yang Ji a non-standard hand-over salute, then silently saluted Zhang Fei and Hua Xiong, and then returned to the crowd.

"This kid's surname is Huo?" Hua Xiong looked at Huo Ying walking away and asked Yang Ji with some surprise. He knew Yang Ji's arrangements for the 1,500 people who were picked out alone. It was precisely because he knew what kind of responsibilities and honors this newly formed legion would carry in the future that Hua Xiong was surprised when he heard that this boy was named Huo. Is there such a coincidence in the world?

Zhang Fei was a little confused, "What does this guy's surname mean?" Zhang Fei didn't know Yang Ji's plan yet, so he was a little confused about Hua Xiong's surprise that Huo Ying's surname was Huo.

"Of course it doesn't matter that his surname is Huo, but the 1,500 people he brought over there are the reserves prepared by Ziyu for the Yulin Guards." Hua Xiong raised his chin towards Huo Ying's team.

"Habayashi Wei! Your surname is Huo? Hiss!" Even Zhang Fei, a person whose mind is often not online, felt a sense of disbelief, "No, what, this... doesn't seem to mean anything, right?"

Seeing that the two people were getting more and more outrageous, Yang Ji could only interrupt them, "Okay, this is just a coincidence. I didn't keep this kid here because of this."

"Oh, since that's not why he was kept here, does it mean that this guy has very good military qualifications?" Zhang Fei looked at Huo Ying with interest, who was talking to his men.

With his strength, of course he can easily sense that Huo Ying's realm is just the condensation of inner energy. In this era, the condensation of inner energy is indeed a good general among other small princes.

But among them in Taishan, the cultivation of inner qi through condensation of inner qi is really nothing. Only those who can successfully shake the qi into a gang a few times and leave the inner qi out of the body are considered masters. After all, they have all accumulated it in their military camps. There are 40,000 to 50,000 soldiers with condensed internal energy.

Yang Ji nodded, "Well, Huo Ying's talent in military affairs is quite good. Although I don't know if he can become the commander of a large army in the future, but after hard training, he will be more than enough to be the commander of the army.

We do not lack soldiers with sufficient quality now, but we lack legion commanders who can command a legion, and they are in short supply. If we want to successfully complete our military goals next year, this type of legion commander is indispensable.

After all, your current command ability can only help me share the command pressure, so it would be better for me to find more reliable legion commanders to divert the command line. "

After Zhang Fei and Hua Xiong heard Yang Ji's complaints, they could only look away from Yang Ji with a sneer on their faces. After all, their command ability did not even touch the floor tiles of the large army command.

Now they can only command 20,000 to 30,000 people at most. If there are more, they will not be commanding the soldiers, but the soldiers will be commanding them, let alone help Yang Ji share the command pressure of up to 300,000 people.

Zhang Fei directly changed the subject, "Ziyu, should we divide these soldiers into two legions now, or should I bring the 'torch fire' training method back to Mount Tai and find someone to help train the talents?"

Zhang Fei himself hoped to divide these soldiers with elite talents into two legions, and then he would take one back to Mount Tai. After all, with physical reference, Lu Zhi could better analyze this elite talent.

However, the logistics may require some brainstorming. After all, these soldiers are still ordinary people in essence, and there is no way they can rush back to Mount Tai in one day like him.

"Of course I want you to take these soldiers back to Mount Tai. After all, we are going to Chang'an to pay tribute to grain and grass, not to go for an armed parade. Why are we bringing so many people? If you don't know better, you think we are going to attack Chang'an. .

Zijian, go ahead and pick out your original subordinates. All the personnel collected on the road will be handed over to Yide to take them back to Mount Tai, and let Zichuan handle them.

By the way, can you divide one legion into two? Don't split the legion in half and the elite talents of the other legion will directly collapse. What we need is that both legions can maintain their elite talents after the separation. "

Hua Xiong's body stiffened. He had never thought of this problem at all. His original subordinates had already polished their organizational skills and quality to a certain extent, and they only needed their willpower to carry elite talents.

And the reason why the current legion can maintain the elite talent without collapse is because it has his original subordinates as the backbone, struggling to support the overall structure of the elite talent.

Otherwise, these bandits, who need organizational skills but not organization, quality but not quality, and will but not will, would really not be able to carry the overall structure of elite talents.

"Well, Ziyu, otherwise, you should do it yourself. My ability cannot support me in equipping an army composed of bandits with elite talents."

Hua Xiong immediately gave in. Although he had a certain understanding of elite talent, it was just like that. If he wanted to reach the level of casual rubbing like Yang Ji, he still looked forward to when he could change his mind. Bar.

Zhang Fei next to him twitched his mouth, and then tried to reduce his presence as much as possible to prevent Yang Ji from directly asking him to find a solution on his own, which he couldn't do the same as Hua Xiong anyway.

Yang Ji patted his forehead, "My fault, I forgot that you don't have this ability now. In fact, this operation is quite simple. How about you learn it and maybe you can use it in the future?"

"No, for you, this kind of operation is indeed something you can do with your hands, but for those of us with weak hands, it is something that we will never be able to do in our lives."

Hua Xiong didn't even think twice and directly rejected Yang Ji's teaching request. After all, it was not like he had never tried before. Yang Ji said every time that it was very simple and could be done as long as he had the hands.

As a result, it is true that as long as he has hands, it will be fine. Unfortunately, he does not deserve to have a noble hand zone, so let him improve his technical ability by accumulating experience.

Yang Ji said regretfully, "Okay, since you said so," Yang Ji turned to look at Zhang Fei, "Yide, do you want to learn this operation?"

Zhang Fei shook his head directly. Hua Xiong didn't have a hand riding area. Did he have one? He was half a catty.

(End of this chapter)

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