The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 149 Wang Yun’s jump caused so many sad people

Chapter 149 Wang Yun’s jump caused so many sad people

When the returning team entered Yanzhou from Yongzhou, Yang Ji took the Yulin Langqi and merged into Hua Xiong's team.

Because these days, the Yulin Army Soul and the Wolf Cavalry have finally become the Yulin Wolf Cavalry, and they can finally produce new military spirit power.

All the power of the military soul originally buried in Yulin's equipment was used by Yang Ji to exaggerate and transform Yulin's soldiers.

With the reserve of military soul power, it means that Yang Ji can exert some of the power of the military soul legion.

Even though the Yulin Langqi is currently in a low state, it can still cut off exploration from various secret techniques, talents and other abilities.

This is also the most important reason why Yang Ji directly merged with Hua Xiong. Who knows what kind of abilities those aristocratic families that have been passed down for thousands of years have.

At this time point, if you can, don't expose your own strength. Otherwise, after they are prepared, the subsequent advancement plan will be much more difficult.

After the teams of Yang Ji and Hua Xiong merged in Yanzhou, the news spread from unknown sources and led Cookie to find Yang Ji.

While asking Yang Ji for extraordinary secret skills, he also wanted Yang Ji to develop some secret skills that would be helpful in farming.

Of course, Yang Ji did not reject Cookie's suggestion, or Yang Ji was happy to help develop secret techniques for farming.

It was not developed before because Yang Ji knew little about farming and it was difficult to find a direction for development.

Although Yang Ji lived in a rural area in his previous life, he helped his family work in the fields since he was a child, but it was limited to working.

So let Chen Xi do the theoretical explanation. He only needs to develop the secret technique according to Cookie's requirements.

For example, the secret technique of 'yield estimation' developed by Yang Jigang is a secret technique used to estimate the amount of output.

"Tsk, tsk, Ziyu, your ability to develop secret techniques is really strong. You just figured it out."

Cookie mentally compared the output estimated by the secret technique with the output obtained through his own visual inspection.

The two data are very close, but the data given by the secret technique is more accurate, while the data obtained by Cookie's own visual inspection is a very approximate number.

"By the way, Ziyu, do you really not know how to farm?" Cookie asked Yang Ji. This was not the first time he asked Yang Ji.

Although Yang Ji looks like he doesn't know how to farm, Cookie can feel that Yang Ji knows how to farm, and he is a relatively proficient person.

Yang Ji sat on the ridge of the field and glanced at Cookie, "Is there anyone in the entire Han Dynasty who doesn't know how to farm?

If so, please Han Mou tell me who he is and let me laugh at him severely. "

Even the eloquent Cookie had to admit that Yang Ji was right after hearing what Yang Ji said.

Although the princes and nobles of this era said they did not farm, they still knew what they should know. At most, it was just a matter of experience.

"Speaking of which, we are almost here at Mount Tai. Why are you still thinking of causing trouble for Zijian?" Yang Ji asked Cookie curiously.

Although he knew that Cookie was trying to retaliate against Hua Xiong for setting up a sack, Hua Xiong told Yang Ji about Yang Ji's ability to develop secret techniques, so it could be regarded as an apology.

"Don't you think this journey has been too peaceful? I have to find some fun for myself." Cookie said with a smile.

Hearing Cookie's answer, Yang Ji was not too surprised. After all, this was not the first time, and the answer was different every time.

Soon, Hua Xiong, who discovered that Cookie was not on the carriage, appeared on the field with his loud voice.

Cookie turned his head and glanced at Hua Xiong, who was looking around on the field ridge, and then looked at Yang Ji.

"This secret technique of yours is really easy to use. It can even block the perception of internal energy leaving the body. Why don't you teach me too?"

Yang Ji stood up, patted his clothes, shook off the grass clippings stuck to his clothes, and then canceled the secret technique of hiding his presence.

“This is a secret technique developed based on my own spiritual talent. If you use it——

It is not certain whether it can be hidden from those elite soldiers with conventional and special reconnaissance talents. "

"Zijian, here!" Yang Ji waved to Hua Xiong, attracting Hua Xiong's attention.

Yang Ji lowered his head and looked at Cookie, who was still sitting on the ridge of the field. "So, do you want a service that customizes related secret techniques based on spiritual talents?"

Cookie stood up before Hua Xiong arrived, imitating Yang Ji's movements and patting the grass clippings off his clothes.

"Of course it is necessary, otherwise how can I avoid the people who want to look at my face in the future?"

The faint voice revealed unparalleled confidence. Confident in his ability, he could squat in the Shennong Temple and eat cold pig head meat.

Just then, Hua Xiong flew over with a gloomy face, urging Yang Ji and Cookie to return to the team quickly. They had already broken camp and set off.

After entering Yanzhou from Yongzhou, Hua Xiong and Yang Ji could no longer be as undisciplined as they were in Yongzhou.

After all, Cao Cao has now been appointed as the governor of Yanzhou, and he and Taishan had been confronting each other on the border for a period of time not long ago.

Although Cao Cao may not necessarily take action against them, he can't stop them from bringing four to five thousand horses.

Although Cao Cao would not attack them openly, the Yanzhou area had just experienced a wave of Yellow Turban attacks, and it was difficult to guarantee whether someone would pretend to be a Yellow Turban and ambush them.

In the original work, Cao Hong brought tens of thousands of people pretending to be local bandits and ambushed Hua Xiong and his party on the only road ahead, just like what they are doing now.

However, Cao Hong couldn't rob them in the original work, let alone Hua Xiong now.

Cao Hong's soldiers, who had little organizational power at all, could not stop Hua Xiong's charge.

This time, Li Ru and Jia Xu did not help sort out the clouds and arrange military formations like in the original work, but allowed Hua Xiong to do what he wanted.

Although Hua Xiong has not fully mastered the sixty-four variations of the Eight-door Heavenly Lock, he is still relatively good at playing the Xuanxiang Formation of the Eight-door Heavenly Lock.

Because Hua Xiong currently lacks control over the cloud energy, Hua Xiong also needs to command the position of his soldiers to assist in completing the trajectory change of the cloud energy.

Under Hua Xiong's command, his soldiers changed formations very quickly. Coupled with the trajectory of the clouds that he had arranged in advance, Hua Xiong quickly completed the arrangement of the military formations.

When the soldier's position matched the trajectory of the clouds above, the originally slow-moving clouds were like water in a ditch, flowing rapidly along the planned route, forming a specific cloud trajectory.

Through the resonance of these cloud tracks and the essence of heaven and earth, eight portals were manifested by the essence of heaven and earth, covering the soldiers under Hua Xiong's command.

A layer of brilliance appeared on each soldier. Although the color was different, as time went by. Eight colors from white to black appeared on different soldiers, and the gray brilliance formed by the mixture of these eight colors covered the entire team.

After Cao Hong saw the eight phantoms that appeared between heaven and earth, he realized that this team was not something that an idiot like them could deal with, even though their military strength was similar.

So Cao Hong turned around and rushed up the hillside to hide. He now had the thought that even if he died here, he could not reveal his identity.

However, Hua Xiong didn't care about Cao Hong's escape. After all, this was the style of bandits. For them, staying alive was the first priority.

After leaving his name, Hua Xiong began to mobilize Yun Qi, preparing to use legion attacks to scare the bandits or non-bandits who wanted to block the road and rob him.

The cloud energy gathered on Hua Xiong's sword, and was rendered into a fiery red sword light by Hua Xiong's inner energy.

Hua Xiong swung his knife violently at the bandits who were rushing to escape, and a flaming red sword light of nearly 300 meters swept towards the fleeing bandits at high speed.

The fiery Legion attack bombarded the opposite slope, setting the surrounding flowers, plants and trees on fire.

Seeing the huge fiery red sword light that Hua Xiong slashed, the morale of the soldiers rose again, and they roared "General is mighty!"

After Hua Xiong remembered the feeling of this extremely smooth legion attack, he estimated the distance from here to the Taishan border.

Directly ordered, "Everyone speed up, work day and night, do not avoid the city when encountering it, march by force, and rush to Mount Tai within one day!"

The soldiers did not resist Hua Xiong's order, but carried out Hua Xiong's order with high morale, preparing to reach Mount Tai within one day.

Yang Ji looked back at the place where Cao Hong was lying. Although Cao Hong was injured now, it was still relatively serious.

But it's not to the point of being fatal. If I go back and recuperate for a while, I'll probably be full of energy again.

Yang Ji didn't mention to Hua Xiong that Cao Hong was still alive, so he just let Hua Xiong think that they were a group of ordinary bandits.

After all, he is also a master who can condense Qi, and he can be regarded as a person with special talents in a certain aspect.

As the team speeded up, they soon reached the border of Taishan County and Shanyang County, where Zang Ba was already waiting.

Because of the previous performance along the way, no one dared to interfere with the team's progress in the name of robbery.

Just as they entered Taishan County, their group received a notice from Fenggao, saying that Liu Bei and a group of officials would fast for nine days in order to worship the power of heaven, and asked their group not to rush into Fenggao City yet.

Hua Xiong, who didn't know what happened at Fenggao, could only come to Yang Ji to find out what was going on.

After all, other people are not familiar with the situation on Mount Tai, so it is difficult to judge what is going on there.

Hua Xiong frowned and asked, "Ziyu, what do you think is wrong with my lord? Why is he suddenly going to fast?"

According to Hua Xiong's understanding of Liu Bei, Liu Bei doesn't seem like someone who would engage in these unnecessary formalities.

Although Liu Bei respected the emperor of the Han Dynasty, he did not respect him to this extent.

Yang Ji glanced at the envoy sent from Chang'an. Of course he knew what was going on.

With Liu Bei's current state of mind, it would be better if he didn't get angry after hearing what happened in Chang'an.

"I guess something happened in Chang'an, which made Mr. Xuande feel that he needs to calm down."

Of course Hua Xiong saw Yang Ji's actions. Combined with what Yang Ji said just now, either Li Jue and Guo Si had come up with some new tricks in Chang'an, or the little emperor had come up with some new tricks.

But there is a high probability that it was a new trick created by the little emperor. After all, the person sitting in the carriage was the emperor's representative.

"Don't think too much. Someone will probably send us the information later, and we'll know it then."

Sure enough, in less than half a day, someone sent the information to Hua Xiong.

Looking at the description of the information in his hand, even a person like Hua Xiong felt the coldness of the little emperor, let alone those loyal officials of the Han Dynasty.

After Li Ru read the information, he handed it to Jia Xu with an expressionless face, and Jia Xu's expression also turned expressionless after reading it.

Although they knew it was not a good thing when they saw the faces of Li Ru and Jia Xu, Huangfu Song and Cai Yong did not expect such a thing at all.

After Cai Yong read the information, he exploded on the spot, but instead of scolding the little emperor, he scolded the people around the little emperor.

Although Cai Yong was scolding the people around the little emperor and did not name them, how could the people present not hear who Cai Yong really wanted to scold.

Huangfu Song's face was extremely gloomy and he didn't say a word, but anyone could see that he was also seriously hurt by the little emperor's behavior.

Although Huangfu Song himself was a fence-sitter, who could deny his loyalty to the Han Dynasty, but this time, he would probably separate the Han Dynasty from the Han Emperor.

Although Xu Rong and Li Rujia Xu both belong to the evil party, they at least have more bottom lines than these two people, so Xu Rong's face is also a little ugly at this time.

Except for Yang Ji, who didn't feel much about the little emperor's behavior, everyone present showed some emotion.

After all, Yang Ji and Chen Xi came from later generations and had no feelings at all for the emperor, an old antique that had long been buried in the ground.

But Yang Ji is living in this era after all, so he still has to express some emotions.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard Yang Ji tried, he just couldn't express any relevant negative emotions.

In desperation, Yang Ji had no choice but to imitate the expressionless faces of Li Ru and Jia Xu. At least their expressionless faces could still convey something.

[I guess Xuande Gong has now spoken out the oath to transcend the ancestors under the guidance of Zichuan.

This section seems to be the only time in the book that Xuande Gong loses his domineering spirit. Even Zichuan, a salted fish, became passionate and transformed into a middle-aged boy.

It's such a pity that I didn't witness this scene in person. If I could record this, I don't know...]

Yang Ji lowered his head and sat on the mat, thinking about some things in his mind.

Soon, nine days passed. Of course, this was for Yang Ji, but it was not so fast for others.

When the team arrived outside Fenggao City, Liu Bei and a group of officials were already waiting there.

(End of this chapter)

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