Chapter 150

Chapter 151: Why don’t you believe this is my talent?

When Liu Bei greeted the angel, he had a little smile on his face, but when he took the seals and ribbons from Marquis Fan Yangting and General Zhendong, his smile widened a little.

When Chen Xi took over the seal ribbon from his Marquis Zhuye, he also had a standard smile on his face. Anyone could see that Chen Xi was very happy at this time.

However, after the angels came to the city to rest, the smile on Liu Bei's face became much weaker, but became more sincere and vivid.

Liu Bei personally helped Li You and Jia Xu get off the carriage, and then just like in the original work, Li You directly joined Mount Tai.

Jia Xu asked a question, and then Chen Xi answered Jia Xu's question on Liu Bei's behalf.

This then leads to the theory that it is all Liu Bei's fault that the world has become like this. Although it sounds ridiculous, he is actually very ridiculous.

In short, Jia Xu didn't know why he still asked that question. It was clear that Jia Xu had already decided to join Taishan.

Next was Cookie. Cookie, who was being helped out of the carriage by Liu Bei, showed the aristocratic demeanor that he did not look like when he was teasing Hua Xiong.

The demeanor displayed by Liu Bei and Qiao Qiao also made Chen Xi, or someone who realized something, realize that Liu Bei currently lacks the education of aristocratic family members.

Cookie's ambition made Liu Bei not know what to say, but Cookie's words also made Liu Bei temporarily give up on wooing Cookie.

However, Liu Bei also expressed that he was willing to contribute to Cookie's ambition. After all, how could such a great ambition not have his own share? In short, he just wanted to leave Cookie in Mount Tai before talking about anything else.

Cai Yan and Dong Bai are not the main people Liu Bei welcomes. After all, Cai Yong is still alive and well, so there is no need for Cai Yan to come out to support the Cai family.

As for Dong Bai, for reasons known to everyone, it is better not to appear in such occasions.

Besides, Li Ru, who is now Li You, is Dong Zhuo's son-in-law. After all, he can be regarded as Dong Bai's elder.

I don’t know what Huangfusong was thinking, but he actually arranged for himself to be the last one, and even roped in Xu Rong.

However, according to Huangfusong's explanation, his status, qualifications and abilities determine that as soon as he appears on the scene, he will inevitably snatch the command rights of others.

It's better to show that you come to Mount Tai to retire, at least it won't disrupt the original arrangements of Mount Tai.

However, Huangfusong's plan was in vain. After all, Chen Xi, who was following Liu Bei, knew Huangfusong's abilities.

And how could a person with Liu Bei's character pretend not to see Huangfu Song and Xu Rong, so these two people were still invited into Fenggao City by Liu Bei.


Yang Ji did not participate in the next banquet, but took Dong Bai back to his home, receiving a lot of resentful looks.

Yang Ji really couldn't stand these looks, so he could only hide in the study room to sort out the reports on his trip to Chang'an.

However, it was also strange that when Yang Ji ran to the study room, the girls in the backyard got along very well.


"It's rare that you come so early. Are you so curious about my trip to Chang'an? Zichuan." Yang Ji walked into the Government Affairs Office.

At this time, in the Government Affairs Office, apart from Chen Xi, there was also Yang Ji who had just come in from the outside. After all, it was not yet time to start work.

"At last night's banquet, Zijian told everything about what you did in Chang'an.

It's really quite impressive. He actually deceived a little girl and even brought Taishan back to her. "

At this time, Chen Xi was like a messenger of justice. His righteous words did not look like the instigator at all.

"No one in this world can take the death of the person involved and the person's family as the content of a dream taught by gods and men.

Zichuan, you should know who I am talking about, right? "Yang Ji stared at Chen Xi, trying to see something from him.

"I know, that fox from outside the world." Chen Xi didn't care at all that Yang Ji was staring at him.

After all, the person who came up with the motive for committing the crime was not him now, and it was not him who actually realized the motive for committing the crime.

"Hmph, it's best not to let me catch him, otherwise..." Yang Ji snorted coldly, threw the report he had written all night to Chen Xi, and then sat down in his seat.

Chen Xi didn't care about Yang Ji's somewhat violent behavior. After all, anyone who encountered such a thing would feel unhappy, even if Yang Ji brought back a little girl from this trip.

However, when Chen Xi finished reading the report submitted by Yang Ji, his original relaxed mood was instantly destroyed.

"Ziyu, is it that easy to become a spiritual cultivator who can achieve the ultimate level of internal energy separation from the body? And is it still a spiritual cultivator who can fight against Lu Bu?"

Chen Xi did not doubt whether Yang Ji had achieved the ultimate level of inner energy separation from the body. What he doubted was why Yang Ji was able to temper his will to the extreme in just a few months.

You know, even a martial arts master like Guan Yu who has been immersed in martial arts for decades has only just stepped into this realm. "Didn't Zijian tell you about this about me?" Yang Ji did not answer Chen Xi's question, but asked what Hua Xiong said last night.

Chen Xi shook his head, "No, he just briefly mentioned your itinerary in Chang'an and didn't say much else.

You haven't answered me yet, why did you become the ultimate in inner Qi separation within a few months? Have you developed any new secret techniques? "

At this time, Chen Xi was very suspicious that Yang Ji had developed some powerful secret technique. Otherwise, how could Yang Ji have tempered his martial arts will to the extreme in just a few months.

Yang Ji shook his head, "Where are the new secret techniques? I can temper my martial arts will to this level only because of my own efforts."

Chen Xi grinned, "Isn't it your efforts to develop a new will-training auxiliary secret technique?"

Chen Xi made up his mind at this time, regardless of whether Yang Ji really relied on his own efforts to temper his martial arts will to the extreme.

But there must be a secret technique to assist in cultivation. When everyone arrives, Liu Bei will give an order for Yang Ji to develop a new secret technique to assist in the cultivation of inner energy outside the body.

Although they don't know if Yang Ji can complete the order issued by Liu Bei, they still have a lot of time, and there is plenty of time for Yang Ji to slowly develop it.

Yang Ji, who didn't know what Chen Xi was thinking at this time, couldn't refute what Chen Xi just said.

"Why can't you admit that I am gifted?" Yang Ji changed his angle to refute Chen Xi's question.

Chen Xi opened his mouth, but also didn't know how to refute Yang Ji's extraordinary talent. After all, Yang Ji's internal energy has been separated from the body to the extreme. No matter how poor his talent is, he will be said to be gifted, or... I was wrong at first.

Because he had just briefly glanced at the report submitted by Yang Ji, Chen Xi decided to read it carefully to avoid missing anything.

Soon, Lu Su appeared in the Government Affairs Office and saw that Chen Xi and Yang Ji had appeared in the Government Affairs Office so early.

Lu Su paused and rubbed his eyes with his hands. His originally calm expression turned into a look of ghost.

Lu Su pointed at Chen Xi and said, "Forget it that Ziyu came so early, why did you come so early, Zichuan?"

"Because I'm very curious about Ziyu's trip to Chang'an, otherwise I wouldn't have come so early!" Chen Xi said confidently.

Lu Su pointed at Chen Xi, not knowing what to say. In the end, he could only snatch Yang Ji's report from Chen Xi's hand, and then sat down in his seat.

Chen Xi shrugged, looking helpless, as if no one understood his behavior.

Because neither Yang Ji nor Lu Su wanted to talk to Chen Xi, Chen Xi could only lie on the table and play with himself.

Suddenly, Chen Xi got up from the table and said to Yang Ji excitedly, "Ziyu, how about we take Chen Gongtai to Bingzhou?

Anyway, Chen Gongtai has been dissatisfied with Cao Mengde for so long, and Chen Gongtai and Lu Fengxian are very compatible. "

Yang Ji glanced at Chen Xi and said, "They have never met each other. How are you going to persuade Chen Gongtai to go to Bingzhou?"

Of course Yang Ji knew that in the Han Dynasty, there were very few counselors who could tolerate Lu Bu's behavior, and Chen Gong was one of them.

But now because Lu Bu did not go east or south, but directly returned north to merge with the state, if there are no accidents, the two people will have little chance to meet before reunification.

Chen Xi pondered for a while. What Yang Ji was talking about was indeed a big problem, involving top resourceful people like Chen Gong.

They all have their own persistence in their hearts, and it is impossible for them to give up their persistence because of a few words from others.

"Otherwise..." Chen Xigang was about to speak, but was interrupted by Yang Ji.

“Now that we have the ability, we shouldn’t let many things happen if we can.

Otherwise, once Pandora's box is opened, it will not be easy to close it again. "

Yang Ji knew what Chen Xi wanted to say, which was to use the Xuzhou incident to dismember Cao Cao's forces.

Let’s not talk about whether we can improve the relationship between Cao Cao and his subordinates, but the innocent people in Xuzhou should not pay for Cao Cao’s anger.

"What's more, with the strength we have now, while blocking Jizhou, we can still swallow Yanzhou and Xuzhou without any problem.

Even if Yanzhou Cao Mengde's lineup of civil servants and generals is not inferior to ours, so what, we are not much behind them.

The gap in basic strength cannot be leveled by just one or two top civil servants and generals. "

 I'm so stupid, I clicked publish before I finished writing, and I didn't even write a title.



(End of this chapter)

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