Chapter 180 Xun You’s thoughts are racing

Xun You slumped down on the chair Yang Ji had just built with a dejected expression. He looked up at the roof covered with spider webs. The dilapidated environment filled the place with desolation.

To be honest, Xun You didn't care about his failure. After all, he originally planned to lose at the hands of Yang Ji and then be captured by Yang Ji.

Being able to drag Yang Ji and the army he led here for so many days made Xun You very satisfied.

He is now completely benevolent and righteous to Cao Cao. He also used all his strength in this blocking battle, although he still lost.

Then they just waited quietly, waiting for Yang Ji to take down all the Cao Wei Group and annex Yanzhou.

Then, when Liu Bei, Chen Xi, Yang Ji, or one of Taishan's senior officials came to persuade them to surrender, they left the Cao Wei Group and joined Taishan, a force that was basically not contaminated by aristocratic families.

That is to say, there are still two children of Chen Xi and Fan Qin in Taishan. No, it should be said that there is only one child of Fan Qin.

After all, Chen Xi has been expelled from the Chen family by the Yingchuan Chen family, and can no longer be regarded as a pure descendant of the aristocratic family.

However, the evil nature of the old Chen family branch made Xun You very suspicious. The main line of the Chen family might have overturned again this time.

Xun You didn't have anything to say about leaving the Cao Wei Group. He didn't join it voluntarily in the first place. Everything was just a family arrangement.

As early as when Xun You's passion was still there and he thought his wisdom was omnipotent, Xun You had raised the flag of rebellion against the family's rules for the sake of the one he loved.

As a result, the hot-blooded young man turned into the dull person he is now.

Everyone knows that Xun You's dullness is caused by his spiritual talent, but who knows whether Xun You's dullness is caused by his spiritual talent?

Moreover, Xun You's life under Cao Cao could not be said to be happy, at least he did not really have the idea of ​​​​using all his abilities for the power of Cao Wei.

However, even a few diehards such as Xi Zhicai Cheng Yu were unable to exert their full strength under Cao Cao.

It's not that his teammates are holding him back, but that Cao Cao, the lord, is suppressing the performance of civil servants and generals like them.

Although Xun You joined Cao Cao's army not long ago, Xun You already felt that he could not use his full abilities under Cao Cao.

Even Xun Yu, whose overall strength was stronger than his own, would still be suppressed in some of his abilities under Cao Cao.

When Chen Gong and Cao Cao were at odds with each other and disliked each other, Xun Yu successfully became the mastermind of the Cao Wei Group, while Chen Gong went to Dongjun to defend Jizhou.

When Chen Gong went to Dongjun, Xun You went with Xun Yu to see Chen Gong off. How should I describe the scene...

To be honest, the dim scenery around him highlighted Chen Gong's mood at this time, and the five hundred personal guards behind him were Cao Cao's last yearning for Chen Gong.

In short, the situation was like this. It was said that Chen Gong was asked to prepare for Jizhou's southward march, but in fact it was Cao Cao who sent Chen Gong out of his sight.

In order to avoid getting bored with each other after getting along for a long time, and then creating a greater conflict, that is, out of sight, out of mind.

I don’t know if Cao Cao will transfer Chen Gong back from Dongjun this time. If Cao Cao sends a rescue letter to Chen Gong, whether Chen Gong will send his magic soldiers from the sky to save Amo from danger.

I don’t know how many soldiers and horses Chen Gong can bring if he really plans to send troops to rescue Cao Amo. After all, if there are only a few elite troops, Chen Gong and Cao Cao will be arrested... (crossed out).

When his thoughts flew here, even Xun You, who was in a state of doubting his life, couldn't help but curl his eyes and move the corners of his mouth.

After leaving Chen Gong aside, his thoughts began to swirl again.

After Xun Yu took over the position of mastermind, he quickly filled the power vacuum created after Chen Gong was sent to Dongjun, and closely united the civil servants and generals of the Cao Wei Group under Cao Cao.

Although the foundation is not as good as Jizhou next door, it is still much better than Taishan next door.

After all, the mainstream forces have this view of Mount Tai, and Yanzhou cannot escape the mortal world.

However, although Yanzhou's foundation and strength are not as good as those of Jizhou next door, the civil servants and military generals in Yanzhou are united.

Compared with the many-headed snakes scurrying up and down on Yuan Shao's side in Jizhou, their Cao Wei Group, under the leadership of Xun Yu, could be said to be tightly united under Cao Cao.

Although in the heart of Xun Yu, the core civil servant of the Cao Wei Group, Cao Cao could only be ranked second.

However, this is not a big deal. After all, Xun Yu's role is much more reliable than Chen Gong, who only knows how to catch Cao Cao's pigtails.

Then there was the sudden takeoff of Taishan. They couldn't understand what was going on with Taishan under Chen Xi's leadership.

All I know is that Mount Tai suddenly transformed from a desolate place baptized by war into a huge construction site.

Taishan was changing at a speed they couldn't understand, and Chen Xi's name as the God of Wealth spread. After all, no one knew where the money Chen Xi used to develop Taishan came from.

However, these have little to do with them being in Yanzhou. Taishan has Taishan's development method, and Yanzhou has their Yanzhou development model.

At most, they can integrate what they understand into their Yanzhou development plan. As for more, they dare not think or do it.

Then there was the incident where the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans went out to eat. After all, they were beaten half to death in Yanzhou that time, and they finally recovered, but they were beaten to the head and bleeding again.

Taishan, on the other hand, launched a strong counterattack. Under the leadership of Chen Xi, they directly recaptured the entire territory of Qingzhou and took all the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans under their command.

And he's not exhausted yet.

This special meow is outrageous. How can a mere Taishan have the strength to eat the entire Qingzhou Yellow Turban?
Even with the support of Xuzhou Tao Qian, the Mi family and Jiangdong Lu family purchasing grain everywhere, plus Zhao Yun's farming order...

Speaking of Zhao Yun, they were extremely confused. What did Liu Bei think that a super general who was famous for his martial arts was willing to let him farm?
The results proved that Zhao Yun, a super strong general, should be farming, and he should have such force.

All in all, no one believed that Taishan could bring the entire territory of Qingzhou under his control on his own.

Taishan, relying on the land of one county, captured the entire territory of Qingzhou as well as the Yellow Turbans and people above.

This wave of Mount Tai swallowed up the land of Qingzhou and three million Qingzhou people without any trouble.

If it hadn't been for this time, they would most likely have thought that Taishan would be like that.

If it hadn't been for this time, they would probably have continued with their extremely weak Yanzhou development plan. If not for this time, they would not have taken the opportunity to provoke a war between Yuan Shu in Yuzhou and Liu Biao in Jingzhou.

Provoking the dispute between Yu and Jing gave Yuzhou Yuan Shu an unprecedented boost, thereby forcing the surrounding princes, especially Taishan, to stop the consequences.

When Taishan had to stop Yuzhou's development momentum, Yanzhou could take advantage of the chaos to obtain the population, land and resources of Yingchuan and half of Nanyang County.

In this way, they can interrupt Taishan's silent digestion of Qingzhou's retreat, and at the same time stir up chaos in the surrounding areas, allowing them to get a buffer period in Yanzhou.

It's a pity that all the previous plans were completed, but at the end, Tarzan suddenly appeared as a spoiler.

What they didn't expect was that after Taishan took Qingzhou into his hands, he still felt that it was not enough and wanted to covet Yanzhou.

Moreover, Taishan was able to mobilize an army of 200,000 to besiege Yanzhou under such circumstances. Isn't this bullying them because Yanzhou is basically full of new soldiers?
They really want to report someone for cheating.

After they received the news that Yang Ji was sending troops, the Cao Wei Group held an emergency internal meeting.

The conclusion drawn from the meeting was that they had little chance of blocking Yang Ji's advance, because after they sent 50,000 troops into Nanyang, they did not have many soldiers to fight in Yanzhou.

What they can do is send envoys to persuade the surrounding princes to send troops to block Taishan's actions, and at least contain some of Taishan's troops.

Then the army that had entered Nanyang was urgently dispatched back to Chenliu. Chen Xi could not be allowed to eat the 50,000 army, otherwise he would really be helpless.

However, it will take time to bring back the Nanyang army. They know how fast Yang Ji can advance, and they are lucky to be able to stop Yang Ji in Dingtao.

Although Yang Ji's sudden intrusion into the hinterland of Yanzhou was partly due to their Yanzhou senior officials, after all, they were responsible for the emptiness in eastern Yanzhou.

However, even if he did not encounter much resistance along the way, Yang Ji's marching speed was still too fast.

It was so fast that they all had the feeling that Yang Jin could get to Chenliu before the Nanyang army returned to Chenliu.

Therefore, they need to slow down Yang Ji's march a little, at least to make the Nanyang army reach Chenliu before Yang Ji.

Only by keeping Chen Liu, the real home base of their Cao Wei Group, can they maintain the foundation for a comeback.

Even if they lose the newly acquired Yingchuan, they still have to keep Chenliu. Only Chenliu is the territory they truly control.

After all, Yingchuan is a newly occupied place, not to mention that it was occupied through the means of the aristocratic family. It is still unclear whether Yingchuan belongs to the Yingchuan family or to Cao Wei.

Xun Yu wants to stay in Chenliu and take charge of the overall situation, while Cheng Yu wants to integrate his troops to deal with the upcoming war.

As for Xi Zhicai... given his physical condition, Cao Cao didn't dare to let him out at all.

In order to give Cao Cao victory or a chance to breathe, Xi Zhicai could easily commit suicide.

As for the newly joined Chen Qun... let him appease the Yingchuan family. After all, those are the only families that can afford not to give the Yingchuan Chen family face.

And because of the incident in Yingchuan County, Cao Cao had a little more suspicion about the aristocratic family. If the Yingchuan aristocratic family could stab Yuan Shu, who was also from the aristocratic family, they might not be able to stab him in the back, Cao Cao.

If Taishan hadn't suddenly sent troops, Cao Cao might not have been worried about this, but under the current situation, it was hard for Cao Cao not to doubt the integrity of the family.

Although Xun Yu and Xun You were both members of the Yingchuan family, and they were from the same family.

But Xun Yu and Xun You were people who joined Cao Cao when he had not made much progress. Cao Cao still had considerable trust in these two people.

So the one who came to block Yang Ji's progress became Xun You, a wise man who basically didn't bubble up in the Cao Wei group.

Because he knew that he could not stop Yang Ji's attack, Xun You had a very stable mentality. As long as he could stop Yang Ji for a while, his mission would be completed.

Then, Xun You met the two little brats Xu Shu and Fazheng, especially the little brat Fazheng, and successfully managed to keep him off guard for a while.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and Xun You decided to teach the two little kids a profound lesson, so that they...oh, no, it was the little kid named Fazheng who wanted to have a better memory.

As a result...he, a dignified spiritually gifted awakener, was almost overturned by two little kids.

Fortunately, his dull face was not a decoration, otherwise Cao Ren would have discovered the moment when his defense was broken.

However, it was these two little brats that made Xun You a little more curious about Taishan. Even two young men dared to delegate their power like this. What else could they not dare to do?

However, it seems that Taishan's top management is all young people, and there are also a few middle-aged people.

Xun You's eyes moved, and he turned to Fazheng, who was arguing loudly with Yang Ji, "This guy really explodes at the drop of a hat." 】

Put away the limp posture, sweep away the decadence on your face into an unknown corner, and wait until the night is quiet, then take it out and savor it alone, maybe you can wipe away the dust in your mind.

Xun You focused his attention on Yang Ji, "Ziyu, can I call you this?"

The slightly hoarse voice made the air quiet for a while, and then several eyes turned to the source of the voice.

Yang Ji nodded, then chuckled: "Of course.

Looking at you like this, you probably have something to ask me. Just ask me what you want to ask. If I can answer it, I will definitely answer it. "

Xun You pondered for a while, and then asked Yang Ji: "Did you deliberately arrange that military formation that covered the entire field?"

Xun You wanted to know what prompted Yang Ji to set up such a military formation.

Judging from the scale of Yang Ji's control of cloud energy, it is not a problem for him to arrange a strengthening or weakening military formation if he can arrange Ganlin's military formation.

Don't talk about silly questions like Yang Ji doesn't know other military formations. Lu Zhi is already coaching in Taishan. Can Taishan's generals miss this opportunity?

Faced with General Taishan who came to ask for advice, could Lu Zhi not teach him?
If Lu Zhi didn't teach, he wouldn't be called a great Confucian.

They are called great Confucians just because they are willing to pass on their knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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