The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 181 Return to Chen Liu’s Xiahou Dun

Chapter 181 Xiahou Dun returns to Chenliu
Yang Ji smiled and said, "Of course I arranged it deliberately. Otherwise, how could there be a military formation on the battlefield? Military formations don't grow out of the soil on their own like grass and trees."

Yang Ji only answered Xun You's superficial questions. As for Xun You's hints, Yang Ji said he couldn't understand them.

Xun You's eyes glazed over for a moment. Most likely, he had never seen a wise man who could pretend to be stupid. Even his dull face became much more lively.

"Ahem." Xu Shu coughed twice, reminding Yang Ji that he was now facing a wise man, and a wise man from the enemy.

Yang Ji didn't even look at Xu Shu, he just looked at Xun You with a smile. He didn't need Xu Shu to remind him. How could he not know what he was doing.

After Xun You heard Yang Ji's answer, he did not think that Yang Ji was deceiving him like Xu Shu Fazheng did.

"Alas~" Xun You sighed, he already understood what Yang Ji wanted to convey.

It can only be said that everything is God's will. The only blame is that I am not good at studying and did not notice the changes in the miscellaneous soldiers under my command.

As a result, our side lost the opportunity to fight back in vain, and also contributed several main battle legions to Yang Ji and the others.

However, even though he said this, Xun You still felt extremely heartbroken. After all, those were thirty thousand veterans.

Even if some of the 30,000 soldiers do not meet the standards of veterans, hundreds or even thousands of grassroots backbones can still be selected.

With these grassroots backbones, their 50,000-strong army in Yanzhou would at least have something to do when facing Mount Tai.

And the Taishan Army, which has such a military formation, doesn't know how many veterans it has accumulated. It's really enviable.

Although the Taishan Army has only experienced one war until now, that is, the Qingzhou War, but didn't it become the crushing force under the leadership of the boss?

I don’t know how Taishan operates. Just one county in Taishan can pull up the grassroots backbone and middle and low-level generals to support an army of 200,000.

Xun You frowned. He heard that Taishan had taken over all the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou. If Taishan could gather so many key generals, could he have activated those Yellow Turban generals?
However, didn’t the big leader of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban and Da Qushuai die one after another in order to find a way for the Qingzhou Yellow Turban to survive?
Those Yellow Turban generals really had no idea about this and directly joined the Taishan Army?

I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out, the more Xun You thought about it, the more he felt that Mount Tai at this time was like a layer of fog, making it difficult to see clearly the giant beast hidden inside.

Xun You raised his head and looked at the roof. The sunlight penetrated the gaps between the tiles and scattered some blazing light spots into the house.

And Xun You could also see the cloudless blue sky through the gaps between the tiles.

It was a sight he had never seen carefully before, but he had the opportunity to take a look after becoming a prisoner.

[That’s all, I’m just a prisoner, so what can I do? ] Xun You stared blankly at the beam of sunlight projected down, which was a beam of light formed by the Tyndall effect.

When I took on the task, I thought it was easy, but now it is so difficult to make the decision.

"Ziyu, if I join you, how many people at Chen Liu can survive?" Xun You asked softly.

Xun You originally wanted to ask Yang Ji why the two legions led by Cao Ren, both of whom were also the main battle legions, had weaker combat effectiveness than the Taishan Army legions without legion commanders.

Why are the legion soldiers under Yang Ji's command shimmering with a looming brilliance?

Why was it that Cao Ren's legion was clearly unable to use the magical cloud shield at the beginning?

But after a soldier is covered with a layer of light, can he use the skill of Cloud Shield?

What exactly are these skills?
Xun You still had many questions that he wanted to ask Yang Ji, but now he suddenly didn't want to ask them. He just wanted to know how many friends he could survive with his effectiveness.

Although Xun You did not join the Cao Wei Group voluntarily, he usually did not make much noise. Only when needed, Xun You would make his voice heard.

It can be said that Xun You's presence in the Cao Wei Group is very low. This is not only because of his spiritual talent, but also because of his own choices.

However, this does not mean that Xun You is alone in the Cao Wei Group. He has still made many friends, although these friends are limited to a few people he recognizes.

If before knowing Yang Ji's operation, Xun You still thought that even if they were defeated by the Taishan coalition, they could survive through their own abilities.

However, Yang Ji's current operation can easily make Xun You think of a very bad picture.

Xun You has a feeling about Yang Ji now. This guy is very good at boiling frogs in warm water.

Give the enemy a chance to think that you can win, and then take them away in one wave, leaving no trace behind.

Even if it was an accident that the miscellaneous soldiers in Dingtao City turned into the main battle army, even if Yang Ji said that he never imagined that such a change would happen before setting up this military formation.

Xun You also wanted to believe what Yang Ji said. He really didn't know that such a change would happen.

However, underneath this ignorance, there are 30,000 miscellaneous soldiers who have transformed into the main battle legion.

Xun You is not afraid of Yang Ji fighting them with real swords and guns. He puts his strength on the table and none of them will regret it.

But Yang Ji's operation was so confusing that he didn't even know how he lost.

Obviously all the changes in the miscellaneous soldiers were completed under his own eyes, but he and Cao Ren just didn't see it. In the end, Yang Ji told them...

Now, not only did they lose, but they also sent 30,000 regular soldiers to Yang Ji to serve as blood packs, allowing Yang Ji to gather a total of 100,000 troops.

——It’s so outrageous.

Xun You now doubted that when Yang Jida arrived at Chenliu, he would directly collect Chenliu's tens of thousands of troops on the spot.

Then Cao Cao, Xun Yu and others watched helplessly as Yang Ji commanded their legions to attack their city.

Thinking of this, Xun You couldn't help but feel a little aggrieved for his Cao Wei Group. What on earth had they done to make them meet such an... unreasonable guy.

Yang Ji blinked, what's going on? Just now he was still struggling with the issue of military formation, why did he suddenly turn to the matter of job-hopping?

So Yang Ji complained directly: "Why are you worried about this? My goal is to capture them all alive."

Xun You's face trembled a few times and he squinted at Yang Ji. Do you want to listen to what you are saying? You can capture these top wise men alive if you want to?

However, Yang Ji's words still made Xun You breathe a sigh of relief, at least he no longer had to worry about their lives.

He was really worried that Cao Cao and the others would seize the opportunity that Yang Ji released intentionally or unintentionally.

Then he walked into the trap he had set, ran wildly on the road full of hope, and fell into failure with the dawn of victory.

After all, the opportunity given by Yang Ji is a real opportunity. As long as you can seize it, you can definitely maintain the current situation, not to mention you can fight back, and then wait until Yang Ji and the others retreat automatically.

However, Xun You was very skeptical, even if they seized the opportunity and gave themselves the strength to fight back.

In the end, he made a wedding dress for Yang Ji, just like what happened to him in Dingtao. He obviously had the ability to fight back, but he was ignored by them.

Yang Ji secretly pondered the meaning of Xun You's words for a few times, and the result was that Xun You wanted to use his service in exchange for the survival of Xun Yu and others. Um?
——Is there no Cao Cao?

Yang Ji was silent, why would he ignore Cao Cao? This is Xun You's lord.

The villain in Yang Ji's heart was like a boxer, and he suddenly realized that it was because of what Cao Cao did that made him subconsciously ignore Cao Cao.

That's okay.

Seeing the look of realization on Yang Ji's face, Xun You wanted to put a few "#" signs on his forehead if possible.

What on earth did Yang Ji come up with? Did he say anything outrageous just now? I think should not be?

Xun You recalled what he said after meeting Yang Ji with a guilty conscience.

Then he strengthened his will. He never said anything that could easily make people think wrong. Everything was made up by Yang Ji himself and had nothing to do with him.

Xun You gestured to Xu Shu and Fazheng with his eyes, "Is your coach okay? Do you want a military doctor to come over and take a look?" '

Xu Shu and Fazheng looked at each other, and then Xu Shu shook his head towards Xun You with an embarrassed look.

At the same time, he responded to Xun You with his eyes: "It's okay, he often does this, and he will be normal soon." '

Xun You nodded slightly. Since Yang Ji's counselors had said so, of course he had to believe it.


"Brother, we did not receive Zixiao and Gongda's military advisor. Baima Yicong captured them."

Xiahou Dun did not talk about his battle with Baima Yicong. The result was the most important at this time.

After hearing Xiahou Dun's result, Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he murmured: "As long as it's okay, it'll be okay, as long as it's okay..."

Xiahou Dun also wiped the sweat from his forehead, and felt a sense of joy in his heart.

Fortunately, Baima Yicong on the other side of Mount Tai only wanted to capture them and did not want to kill them, otherwise he would not be able to come back.

Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai, Cheng Yu and the other three looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xun You and Cao Ren were only captured and no one was killed. Otherwise, they and Taishan would have become mortal enemies.

And even if Taishan did it, they would have no way to take revenge.

Unless their strength can advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, and then surpass Taishan and Jizhou in one fell swoop, only then will they be qualified to talk about revenge.

Or unite the princes of the world and directly send troops to Mount Tai.

Could it be said that Taishan can still conquer the world alone? ——Puppy pictures

"Huh? Yuan Rang, what's going on with you?" Cao Cao, who had regained consciousness, finally noticed Xiahou Dun's embarrassment.

Cao Cao's words also made Xun Yu and others put their thoughts back on Xiahou Dun, and then they frowned.

Just now, because I was too focused on the news about Xun You and Cao Ren, I ignored all the changes in Xiahou Dun. I really shouldn't have.

At this time, Xiahou Dun seemed to be fine at first glance, but if he took a few more glances, he would be able to see how embarrassed he was.

Looking carefully, the armor on Xiahou Dun's body was extremely miserable. If Xiahou Dun hadn't restrained it with his inner energy, it might have fallen apart.

It can be seen that Xiahou Dun used his inner energy to restrain Cao Cao in order not to worry him.

Unfortunately, although Cao Cao's internal energy cultivation was not high, he was very concerned about his brothers. As soon as he recovered, he still noticed Xiahou Dun's condition.

After Cao Cao discovered Xiahou Dun's tattered armor, he immediately jumped up and jumped in front of Xiahou Dun to inspect it.

Feeling Cao Cao's fingers pressing back and forth on his body, Xiahou Dun was very moved, but this look still made him feel embarrassed.

After pushing Cao Cao's hand away without leaving a trace, Xiahou Dun quickly said: "Brother, I'm fine, these are just superficial injuries.

Although my inner energy cultivation has not reached the level of Miaocai, it will only take a few days to recover. "

After carefully examining Xiahou Dun's injuries, Cao Cao also breathed a sigh of relief. Just as Xiahou Dun said, these wounds were just skin injuries. For him, it would only take a few days to recover.

As for Xiahou Dun's behavior of grabbing his hand and not letting him check it, Cao Cao only thought it was because Xiahou Dun didn't want him to worry.

Now that he knew that Xiahou Dun was fine, Cao Cao also asked Xiahou Dun in a low voice: "Yuan Rang, are you having an encounter with Yang Ziyu?"

Xiahou Dun's armor was almost broken into strips of cloth, which made Cao Cao have to wonder if he had encountered a siege.

After all, Xiahou Dun only brought a cavalry force of 1,500 people.

This is Cao Cao's miscellaneous cavalry, which he cobbled together from here and there. At most, it can be regarded as mounted infantry.

Xiahou Dun shook his head and smiled bitterly: "When I met Taishan's white horse, I obeyed, and then fought with them a few times.

If they hadn't only sent out 500 riders, there's a high probability that we wouldn't be able to come back. "

Xiahoudun's face was full of bitterness when he thought of his initial anger and the feeling of sadness in his heart at the end.

Although he knew that the gap between cavalry and cavalry was huge, he did not expect it to be so big.

After facing the white horse Yi Cong directly, Xiahou Dun finally understood what qualities a real cavalry should possess.

Although I could only see it vaguely, I felt it when I touched it.

It's a pity that time is not on their side, Xiahou Dun sighed in his heart.

Cao Cao's joy that Cao Ren and Xun You were still alive disappeared instantly.

Cao Cao's body swayed. If it weren't for Xiahou Dun's quick eyesight and quick hands, Cao Cao would probably have fallen to the ground.

"Then... how did you... get rid of them?" Cao Cao originally blurted out a harsher sentence.

But the current situation does not allow him to say these demoralizing words.

(End of this chapter)

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