The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 182 Cao Wei first heard about elite talents

Chapter 182 Cao Wei first heard about elite talents
Faced with Cao Cao's inquiry, Xiahou Dun remained silent. It could be seen that he did not want to speak out to attack Cao Cao's mentality.

Perhaps seeing what Xiahou Dun was worried about, Cao Cao sighed, "Speak out. It doesn't matter whether my mentality is affected or not. The most important thing now is to collect the specific data of the Taishan Army."

If possible, Cao Cao didn't want his mentality to be affected. After all, who likes to make fun of his own mentality?

If your mentality explodes and you want to reshape it, you can't simply comfort it and call it a day.

However, in the current situation, if he just tortures his mentality, he can get a word of life.

He is willing to sacrifice his mentality to accept repeated torture, which is regarded as training his will. A firm will is one of the signs of a strong person.

Looking at Cao Cao with a determined look on his face, Xiahou Dun couldn't help but look at several wise military advisors, hoping to ask them to persuade Cao Cao.

If it weren't for his poor eloquence, Xiahou Dun would have planned to use his own words. This thing is more than just a simple thing to attack the mentality.

Unfortunately, Xiahou Dun was silent for a long time, and no one came to persuade Cao Cao.

In the end, Xun Yu spoke up, "Yuan Rang, just tell us what happened to you. Our will is not so fragile that a piece of information can cause our mentality to become unbalanced."

Xun Yu's face was calm, just like what he said, who among them was not a determined person, how could they simply raise their hands and surrender just because of the news of inevitable defeat.

If this was the case, they wouldn't have to plan here and just surrender to Liu Bei. At least they wouldn't have to die so many brain cells.

They believe that man can conquer nature. If they haven't tried hard, how do they know that they can't do it?

Even if many people die in the process, and even if they themselves die on this road one day, they will not regret it.

Because they have been here, because they have worked hard, because they have left some traces, that is enough.

Xun Yu had said this, so what could Xiahou Dun do? He could only tell them the situation he encountered.

"Originally, I had already received military advisors Zixiao and Gongda, but not long after, Baima Yicong caught up with us within an hour or so.

Their speed is really too fast, it's so fast that I can't understand. "Recalling the white horse Yicong, Xiahou Dun couldn't help but see that flash of white in his mind.

"As one of the three greatest cavalrymen in the world, the White Horse Yi Cong, the existence that Gongsun Bogui used to dominate the world, has some strange features and is expected to have meaning." Xun Yu said flatly.

Although the Xun family has never been very interested in military affairs, as one of the top families in the world, they still have the necessary education.

Although it's just something superficial, when did the Xun family need to personally command the army?

Aren’t they the ones who command and command the army?

Xiahou Dun was silent for a moment, feeling that his words just now seemed unable to make Cao Cao and others understand how fast Baima Yicong was.

However, he didn't seem to blame them. Before he saw the speed of the white horse with his own eyes, he only thought that no matter how fast the white horse was, how fast it could be.

Until you see the white horse, you will find that your previous definition of cavalry speed is no longer useful, at least for the white horse Yi Cong, this definition is no longer useful.

From the moment you spot the surging white line from the horizon until the white line crosses your front, at least Xiahou Dun will not be able to complete the reorganization of the front.

Xiahou Dun shook his head and said: "Forget it, if you haven't seen the speed of white horses with your own eyes, you can't imagine how fast they are."

Xiahou Dun originally wanted to hear Xun Yu and other wise men analyze why the white horse ran so fast, but in the end they didn't believe the white horse's speed.

There was nothing he could do about it. After all, he only had so much vocabulary and knowledge reserves, and he couldn't accurately describe what the white horse's speed was like.

"By the way, when I was listening to Xu Yuanzhi and Fa Xiaozhi chatting, I heard them mention elite talent.

It seems that the white horse can run so fast, which has a lot to do with this elite talent. Do you know what this means?" Xiahou Dun suddenly thought of the terms he heard from Xu Shu and Fazheng.

"Elite talent? Hiss!" After Cao Cao heard Xiahou Dun say the term elite talent, he stood up suddenly, which shows how shocked Cao Cao was.

Even why Xiahou Dun subconsciously ignored the term "elite talent" when he heard it from Xu Shu and Fazheng.

Seeing Cao Cao so shocked, Xiahou Dun quickly asked: "Eldest brother knows about elite talents?"

Cao Cao touched his knees that had hit the table just now because he was anxious, and then sat down slowly.

Cao Cao nodded and said with a wry smile: "Elite talent, I really didn't expect to hear about it again under such circumstances."

Now Cao Cao understood why Xiahou Dun said that people who have never seen the speed of a white horse can't imagine what kind of speed it is.

Moreover, Baima Yicong can actually be called one of the three great cavalry in the world, and there is no chance that the older generation of military strategists will come out to overthrow him.

That proves that Baima Yicong has established a growth route system from miscellaneous soldiers to regular soldiers to elites and even the Imperial Guards.

Then Xiliang Iron Cavalry and Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry, both of which are the top three cavalry in the world, should have also established a systematic growth route.

[The characteristic of the white horse is speed, so what are the characteristics of the iron cavalry and the wolf cavalry? 】Cao Cao frowned. It seemed that old man Huangfu didn’t say anything at the beginning.

Xun Yu and others looked at each other, and then signaled Xiahou Dun with their eyes, asking him to remind Cao Cao not to pretend to be reminiscing.

Xiahou Dun looked around, and had no choice but to bite the bullet and interrupt Cao Cao's memories, "Brother, what exactly is an elite talent? It can actually make Bai Ma Yicong run so fast?"

Xiahou Dun originally thought that Xun Yu and other strategists would know about the elite talents. After all, the Xun family of Yingchuan where Xun Yu came from was one of the top aristocratic families in the world.

As a result, what he didn't expect was that even Xun Yu, the head of the Xun family, didn't know much about the relevant situation.

However, this is also in line with Xiahou Dun's impression of the Xun family in Yingchuan. Basically, all members of this family are civil servants.

Therefore, it was not surprising to Xiahou Dun that Xun Yu did not know about the elite talents. After all, he came from a family of civil servants.

Xiahou Dun was surprised that Cheng Yu didn't know the relevant information. After all, Cheng Yu's military strategy was very powerful.

What made Xiahou Dun even more unexpected was that Cao Cao would actually know information about elite talents.

"The so-called elite talent refers to an ability given to a legion by the essence of heaven and earth after it reaches a certain level."

Cao Cao shook his head, "As for more specific things, I don't know much. These are what I heard from General Huangfu when I was a captain in the Dian Army."

Cao Cao told about some of the military knowledge he heard from Huangfu Song when he was a captain in the Dian Army. At that time, when Emperor Ling was disbanding the Five Schools of Sanhe and establishing the Eighth School of Xiyuan, what could Huangfu Song do? He could only leave it to pieces and let Emperor Ling dismantle the Five Schools of Sanhe.

Therefore, even if Huangfu Song discovered that Cao Cao was quite talented in military affairs, he was not in the mood to teach Cao Cao more military knowledge to avoid being caught by Emperor Ling.

Xun Yu frowned and asked, "To what extent can elite talents improve the legion?"

Cao Cao said with some embarrassment, "I don't know about this. I have only heard a few words from General Huangfu about elite talents.

I only know that the elite talent will give the legion a characteristic, and this characteristic will bring an ability to the legion, just like the speed of the white horse. "

Cao Cao felt extremely regretful at this time. If he had known about this day, he should have directly attached himself to Huangfu Song when he was the captain of the Dian Army.

After hearing Cao Cao's words, Xiahou Dun next to him said thoughtfully, "According to the eldest brother, the abilities used by the subordinates under Zi Xiao at that time were most likely elite talents."

Now he still remembered the transparent shields that appeared on the bodies of the dozens of soldiers escorting Cao Ren and Xun You when they resisted the white horses.

Unfortunately, due to time constraints, he was caught before he could ask Cao Ren what was going on.

However, Xiahou Dun frowned, "Brother, according to Zixiao's cautious character, if his subordinates are in this situation, they should send a letter to explain the situation. Didn't eldest brother receive the letter?"

According to Xiahou Dun's understanding of Cao Ren, Cao Ren would definitely send a letter to Cao Cao when faced with a situation he didn't understand.

What's more, Xun You was also at the scene at the time, so it was impossible not to notice the changes in Cao Ren's legion, which was a bright cloud shield.

Before Cao Cao and others could get over the joy that Cao Ren's legions had mastered elite talents, they heard Xiahou Dun's doubts.

Under the strong impact of sadness and joy, Cao Cao felt that his brain was hit several times with a hammer, which was full of pain.

Cao Cao held his head with his hand and said with a headache, "If Baima Yicong is really as fast as you said, then Zixiao's letter should have been intercepted by them."

Cao Cao also understood the character of his younger brother Cao Ren. With such changes in his army, it was impossible for Cao Ren not to send a letter to Cao Cao.

After determining this, the reason why Cao Cao did not receive Cao Ren's letter can also be guessed.

Apart from Yang Ji who led the invasion of Yanzhou, Cao Cao could not think of anyone else who could do such a thing in Yanzhou.

The scene was silent, and they were overwhelmed by the twists and turns of the plot, and they didn't know where to start.

When they sent Xiahou Dun out, they thought that Xun You and Cao Ren would come back with them, but in the end only Xiahou Dun came back.

Moreover, Xiahou Dun came back injured, and he didn't know how much his cavalry had lost this time.

Then Xiahou Dun suddenly broke the news about the elite talent, and it was bad news, because the person carrying the elite talent was Liu Bei's White Horse Yi Cong.

The good news is that there is a high probability that only the White Horse Yi Cong under Liu Bei can carry elite talents, because Taishan's White Horse Yi Cong was expanded from more than a thousand seeds given to Taishan by Gongsun Zan of Youzhou.

Then Cao Ren's legion on the Yanzhou Caowei Group also gave birth to elite talents.

That is, Cao Ren has been captured now, and his army has most likely been dismantled. It’s heartbreaking...

"By the way, Yuan Rang, how did you hear about elite talents from Xu Yuanzhi and Fa Xiaozhi?" Cheng Yu said suddenly.

The hard-hearted Cheng Yu had wanted to ask this question for a long time, but because Cao Cao didn't say anything, it was hard for him to ask such a question.

However, with the silence at the scene, he could only raise such a question to warm up the audience, although such a warm-up question was a bit offending.

However, unexpectedly, Xiahou Dun just glanced at Cheng Yu and told what happened to him.

"Even Zixiao and Gongda were captured, how could I be fine?

It's just that they need a megaphone to convey their power.

In the next battle, I will make them pay for their arrogance. Xiahou Dun said calmly.

To be honest, Xiahou Dun himself never thought that one day he would be used as a pawn to spread the news.

Cheng Yu said no more, but the silent ferocity on his face expressed his will.

[You are indeed arrogant, but I don’t know what your expressions will be like when you experience failure! 】

When Xiahou Dun said that he was the mouthpiece, Cao Cao, Xun Yu, and Xi Zhicai had expressionless expressions on their faces.

Cao Cao said calmly, "Since the elite talents of Zixiao's legion were developed on the battlefield.

Then, the 100,000 soldiers under our command can also sublimate their elite talents on the battlefield.

This time, it is not only an opportunity for Mount Tai to annex us, but also an opportunity for us to rise.

Gentlemen, we will definitely win this battle! "Although Cao Cao's voice was calm, the will revealed in it was extremely firm.

Cao Cao's firm will directly infected everyone present except Xun Yu, sweeping away the gloom in their hearts.

Since Cao Cao, as the lord, is willing to give it a go, as ministers, they will naturally not let the lord fight alone.

Since Taishan wants to swallow them and their Yanzhou in one go, they don't mind breaking Taishan's front teeth.

They would not think that their abilities would be weaker than those of Yang Ji, Chen Xi and others from Taishan.

Even though Taishan has the advantage now, it does not mean that the advantage will always be on Taishan's side.

They will rely on their own abilities to regain their disadvantage step by step.

After making up his mind and strengthening his will, Cao Cao took Xiahou Dun to learn more about what he saw about the elite talents.

Elite talent is related to their expectations of whether they can win the next battle or stay in a stalemate.

Although they can still fight without elite talents, having elite talents and not having elite talents are two different things.

(End of this chapter)

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