Chapter 183 Cao Wei’s army command
"Huh? You said you just let Xia Houyuan back, or did you let him go in front of Xun Gongda?" Yang Ji looked at Fazheng and Xu Shu in shock.

Well... Mainly because of this irritable guy Fazheng, who always wants to give Yang Ji some strength.

Yang Ji didn't even remember when he had caused trouble for Fazheng, so how could he deserve his endless strength?

As for Xu Shu... He has already passed the second stage of middle school and entered the growth stage. How could he do such immature things?

But looking at Xu Shu's embarrassed look, could it be that Xu Shu in his growth period was infected by Fa Zheng in the second period of middle school?
Xu Shu frowned. Xiahou Dun, whom he used as a sounding board to let go, must be a big fish, right?
But considering Xiahou Dun's ability to command a cavalry regiment that can be harvested by five hundred white horse rebels to complete the front line really worthy of Yang Ji's attention?
Xu Shu did not think that such an ability in commanding troops was worthy of Yang Ji's attention, even though Xiahou Dun only led 1,500 cavalry.

However, they only ended up with five hundred white horses as righteous soldiers, and the generals on their side were only martial arts practitioners who had practiced Qi to become a gang.

No matter how you look at it, they probably have a greater disadvantage here.

Isn't a 1:3 troop strength ratio not enough for an excellent cavalry commander to even out the gap between elite talents?
So Xu Shu asked Yang Ji directly, "Ziyu, is that Xiahou Yuanrang worthy of attention?"

Yang Ji was stunned for a moment, scratched his head and said: "Well, well... his qualifications and potential are still very good, but he has not yet transformed his potential into strength."

What else can Yang Ji say? Even though Xiahou Dun has great potential, before he converts his potential into strength, he is really not worthy of Yang Ji's attention.

It seems that this cannot be said. After all, for generals, the battlefield is the place that can best stimulate their potential.

In the coming days, they will have a battle with the Cao Wei Group to decide the ownership of Yanzhou.

Maybe even the future ownership of the entire Cao Wei Group will be decided in this war.

"Great potential?" Xu Shu frowned even more tightly. He really didn't expect that Xiahou Dun's potential would be recognized by Yang Ji.

For generals with such great potential, the pressure on the battlefield can really stimulate their potential, prompting them to quickly convert their potential into strength.

However, if he let it go, Xu Shu would not regret it.

After all, in this case, even if the civil servants and generals of the Cao Wei Group were able to put on an explosive show, they could not save their defeat.

Xu Shu looked at Yang Ji. This person was the biggest backer for them to dare to do such arrogant behavior.

After his brows relaxed, Xu Shu said calmly, "So what if they can unleash their potential.

After all, does it make any difference to you who has already secured victory? Do you care about this again? "

Fazheng looked at Xu Shu in disbelief, never expecting that Xu Shu could say such a thing.

Although Fazheng, like Xu Shu, did not regret letting Xiahou Dun go as a sounding board.

However, it was not Yang Ji who prompted Fazheng to make this decision, but the 100,000 troops under their command.

Fa Zheng knew that Yang Ji was very strong in every sense of the word, but in Fa Zheng's eyes, Yang Jiqiang was developing secret techniques.

Think about it, how much changes the various secret techniques developed by Yang Ji have brought to them.

According to Fazheng's ideas, Yang Ji and Chen Xi should not appear on the battlefield, and the rear is where they should stay.

It's not like they don't have other generals in Taishan. Even there are many generals who have inner energy and body separation, and it's not like they don't have a large army to command. Is it necessary for Yang Ji to play in person?
What's more, the 100,000 troops they lead are all at least one-talented legions.

Moreover, in addition to Baima Yicong, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Hua Xiong also brought out their own legions this time.

Although Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's headquarters have just advanced to dual talents, more than half of the elite backbone of Hua Xiong's headquarters have also been added to the Flying Bears.

But what legion did the Cao Wei Group fight? It's a miscellaneous army that doesn't even have elite talents. This is why Fazheng is fearless.

After all, whether it is the advantage in military strength, the combat effectiveness advantage between soldiers, or the advantage between generals.

Is there any comparison between the Cao Wei Group and Taishan? It's totally incomparable.

However, Fazheng can also understand why Chen Xi and Yang Ji still lead troops to fight. After all, who doesn't have the dream of becoming a marquis immediately?

Yang Ji smiled and did not answer Xu Shu's question. Instead, he changed the topic to Xu Shu himself:
"It seems that you have recently been learning legion command from Master Lu, otherwise you wouldn't be so sure that I can seal victory."

Xu Shu nodded and said, "Indeed, I was learning legion command from Master Lu a while ago.

It was also with Master Lu that I realized the importance of large army command for group operations of more than 100,000 levels. "

Speaking of this, Xu Shu sighed. At the beginning, he also fantasized about commanding a large army.

After all, he could really see the flaws in the army commanded by Lu Zhi.

It's a pity that you can't become the commander of a large army just by seeing the flaws.

Fazheng raised his eyebrows and saw that Xu Shu looked a little disappointed. Could it be that he had already tried to become the commander of a large army?

[Tsk, Taishan Academy? ] Fazheng thought of Lu Zhi, who taught in Taishan Academy, and Huangfu Song, who planned to open a military school in Taishan under Chen Xi's suggestion.

Speaking of which, until now, Fazheng has not attended Taishan Academy for a day, which made Chen Xi's original Taishan Academy Gemini project go bankrupt before it even started.

It's not that he didn't know that there were several great scholars teaching in Taishan Academy. He knew about it, and he even went to consult several of them.

However, it's just asking for advice, and you don't have to join Taishan Academy to study.

After all, his father, Fa Yan, was also a great Confucian. His father had already taught him the basics, and he had to rely on himself to understand the rest.

Therefore, Fazheng does not need to be like Xu Shu, who has to study in Taishan Academy and be sent by Chen Xi to practice locally.

He only needed to integrate the knowledge he had learned in practice. Based on this idea, Fazheng did not pay too much attention to the teaching content in Taishan Academy.

As for the knowledge of military strategy, it's not like his father didn't teach him. Although he didn't go into depth, he just explained the contents of the military book and let him understand it on his own.

However, Fa Zheng has mastered some basic knowledge. After all, Fa Zheng's wisdom is not bad, so it is not difficult to master it.

Besides, Fazheng had followed Chen Xi on the Qingzhou Yellow Turban expedition. Although he was just a military advisor who provided advice, he had never practiced it himself.

"Commanding a large army does require some qualifications to achieve it. Unlike ordinary army commanders who only need to be strong enough in terms of force." Yang Ji gestured with his fingertips.

"Speaking of which, Cao Mengde seems to have the qualifications to become the commander of a large army." Yang Ji said thoughtfully. After all, Xu Shu and Fazheng could give him strength, so he was embarrassed to be idle.

"Huh?" Both Xu Shu and Fazheng were numb, if they had not regretted letting Xiahou Dun go before.

So at this time, they really want to go back to the past and give themselves a punch. What do you think you did when you let the enemy general go?
If you want to find a mouthpiece, you can just find any soldier. Why do you have to pretend to be thirteen?

It was precisely because he knew what the command of a large army represented that Xu Shu knew how difficult it was to command a large army.

Moreover, Cao Cao is also the supreme commander of the Cao Wei Group, so he can exert even greater abilities on his own territory.

"I'm not lying to you. Cao Mengde does have such qualifications, but I don't know if he has redeemed his qualifications."

Although Yang Ji didn't know what level Cao Cao was now, from a historical perspective, he should be the commander of a large army of the Xie Daoliu.

However, that was Cao Cao who had gone through several wars, and had learned so much that he was weak.

As for Cao Cao now... Although he has participated in several battles, it's hard to say how much experience he has gained.

Before the confrontation with Cao Cao, even Yang Ji had a hard time grasping what kind of operations Cao Cao, the future commander of the evil army, would make.

Xu Shu and Fazheng looked at each other and saw caution in each other's eyes, followed by a wry smile.

If their mood was relaxed before hearing the news, then it was slightly heavy now.

After all, Yang Ji is still joking with them, which proves that Yang Ji is prepared.

What's more, the news that Cao Cao was qualified to command a large army was given by Yang Ji.

Moreover, Yang Ji also said just now that Cao Cao only has the qualifications to become the commander of a large army, and it is not that he can convert his qualifications into strength now.

In this situation, although the two of them were under a certain amount of pressure, Yang Ji's presence still made them relieved.

"Can you test where Cao Mengde's level is?" Xu Shu gestured with his hands to the lowest point that his head, shoulders and fingertips could reach.

If Cao Cao was as good as the top of his head, Xu Shu would still suggest Yang Ji to ask Huangfu Song to come over and calm things down.

After all, as long as they can win on the battlefield, nothing else matters. Who said that the Cao Wei Group does not have a top-level army commander?

Of course, if Cao Cao's level is only comparable to that of a floor tile, there is no need to hire a teaching treasure like Tathagata Wuzhishan.

The two army commanders Yang Ji and Guan Yu alone were enough for Cao Cao to drink.

Oh, by the way, if Chen Xi can also be counted as the commander of the army, there will be three.

If they think about it this way, can they straighten their backs again? After all, they are the commanders of three large legions.

How can Cao Cao, a commander of a large army who has just debuted or not yet debuted, block him? What should he use to block him?

Smiles appeared on the lips of Xu Shu and Fazheng again, and the feeling of winning once again filled their hearts.

Seeing Xu Shu and Fazheng's expressions changing, Yang Ji tilted his head, wondering what they were thinking.


"Ziyu, Zichuan and the others have now passed Yingyin and are expected to arrive at Chenliu soon. When will we break camp and set off?" Xu Shu asked Yang Ji.

After capturing Dingtao a few days ago and capturing Xun You and Cao Ren, Yang Ji and the others did not go directly to Chenliu, but stayed in Dingtao for a few more days.

Yang Ji looked up at Xu Shu, slightly surprised, "Did they not encounter any resistance in Yingchuan?"

Xu Shu shook his head, "No, after entering Yingchuan from Nanyang, they have not encountered any blocking troops.

Not to mention Yanzhou's troops, not even Yuzhou Yuan Gongdao's troops showed up, not even the local aristocratic families from Yingchuan showed up. "

"Oh, the Yingchuan family has shown up. What are Zichuan and the others doing in Yingchuan?" Yang Ji raised his eyebrows, already having some guesses in his mind.

Thinking of the information sent by Baima, Xu Shu couldn't help but laugh and said, "They did the same thing in Yingchuan as they did in Yuzhou and Nanyang."

To be honest, Xu Shu thought Chen Xi would do nothing when he was crossing Yingchuan, but he did it anyway.

"Ha, it's really his style. Didn't he do anything to the Yingchuan family to cause them to resist?" Yang Ji asked Xu Shu.

"No, he just dug into the walls of the Yingchuan family, and then slowly marched towards Chenliu with his troops."

Xu Shu was also a little confused. According to the personalities of those aristocratic families, it was impossible to just watch Chen Xi poaching corners in their territory.

As a result, they just watched Chen Xi's actions without any sign of rejection.

"Yes, if they dare to make any move, Zichuan will definitely make a big fuss.

Those Yingchuan aristocratic families must have understood this and allowed Zichuan to act. "

Chen Xi clearly remembered how the Yingchuan family treated them when they passed through Yingchuan.

Now, he led his army to the land of Yingchuan again, just to see if the faces of the Yingchuan family were swollen.

"Yeah, if those aristocratic families really dare to take action, Zichuan wouldn't mind tearing them down.

Although there won't be any large-scale bloodshed, extortion will definitely occur. "

Xu Shu was the one who witnessed the Yingchuan incident.

"What's strange now is why Yuan Gongli didn't take action. Logically speaking, he is the most likely party to take action.

Does he think that after we annex Yanzhou, we will return Nanyang and Yingchuan to him? "Xu Shu said doubtfully.

"Who knows, maybe Yuan Gongli really thinks so." Yang Ji said casually.

(End of this chapter)

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