Chapter 184 is written crookedly

If the Cao Wei Group did not intervene in Yingchuan to block the troops led by Chen Xi and Guan Yu, Yang Ji could guess why.

Cao Wei's real main force now is probably about 70,000, although about 80,000 miscellaneous soldiers were selected from the field soldiers.

On the surface, it is comparable to the 150,000 troops led by Yang Ji, Chen Xi and others, but when comparing the data on paper, whoever believes it will be unlucky.

Among the 150,000 troops led by Chen Xi, Yang Ji and others, 100,000 of them were the main battle legions they brought from Mount Tai.

The various legions composed of these 100,000 soldiers are all main battle legions with elite talents, which are different from Cao Wei's blank slate legion.

Among these 100,000 soldiers, there are also three dual-talented legions of Baima Yicong, Guan Yu's headquarters, and Hua Xiong's headquarters, with a total of about 15,000 people.

The remaining 85,000 soldiers were eliminated, and after excluding the headquarters of generals such as Huang Zhong and Guan Hai, and other miscellaneous personnel, there was still a unified talent group army of about 70,000 people.

It has to be said that Cao Ren still has some talent in defense, although he did not notice the changes in the miscellaneous soldiers under his command, which resulted in giving Yang Ji 30,000 soldiers who could have reorganized the main battle army in vain.

Perhaps because of Cao Ren's influence, the 30,000 miscellaneous soldiers captured by Yang Ji in Dingtao were united by Yang Ji's will. Unsurprisingly, the elite talents that were born were the cloud shields of Cao Ren's headquarters.

At the same time, Yang Ji also incorporated the former Yanzhou field soldiers selected on the road into the newly formed Yanzhou Group Army and trained them well.

During the rest of the past few days, Yang Ji also selected suitable soldiers from the Taishan Army to fill the Yanzhou Group Army as grassroots backbones.

At the same time, suitable soldiers were selected from the Yanzhou Group Army and added to the Taishan Army to ensure the combat effectiveness of the Taishan Army.

Yang Ji did not wash away the elite talent of the Yanzhou Group Army, but retained it. After all, it was a newly emerged elite talent.

Moreover, Yang Ji also found that the intensity of elite talent supported by the common will of 50,000 soldiers seemed a bit outrageous.

Although it is not able to reach the level where the talent intensity overflows, the collective will of 50,000 soldiers directly raises the talent intensity to the limit of a single talent.

If it weren't for the constraints of the environment, Yang Ji would have personally taken action to raise the elite talents to the point of overflowing strength and feed a wave of soldiers in return.

Unfortunately, due to the current concentration of heaven and earth essence, even if Yang Ji raised the intensity of his elite talents to the limit, he would not be able to cause the intensity to overflow and feed back to his soldiers.

However, Yang Ji was still very satisfied with the formation of a 50,000-strong anti-line army. The strength of the cloud shield was really not low.

"I heard that Yuan Gongli's legitimate son was frail since childhood, but I don't know if it's true?" Xu Shu said a piece of gossip seemingly casually, but his eyes were fixed on Yang Ji.

"Huh? Why are you looking at me? You don't think I know the news, do you?" Yang Ji looked at Xu Shu speechlessly.

Xu Shu said calmly, "I mean, did Yuan Gongli not take action because of his son?

After all, Zichuan defeated Pingyu in Runan. It would make sense if Yuan Yao had some physical problems due to being frightened, right? "

Yang Ji opened his eyes wide. He didn't expect that Xu Shu would come up with such nonsense. It really made him get to know him again.

However, "The possibility you mentioned may indeed happen, but according to Yuan Gongli's character,

If it was really because of Zichuan that Yuan Yao was frightened, I think he would have been able to sit still, and he would have sent troops to stop Zichuan long ago. "

Xu Shu nodded when he heard this, "What you said does make sense, but apart from this reason, I really can't figure out why Yuan Gongli didn't even have the desire to take action?" Xu Shu helplessly spread his hands.

"No, why are you so obsessed with this thing? Isn't it just what we want if Yuan Gongli doesn't send troops?

If you have this time, you might as well go and help Xiaozhi, be careful if he sees you fishing and then comes to settle the score with you angrily. "Yang Ji said angrily.

"He doesn't have time now..." Xu Shu paused, "Forget it, it's better not to provoke him. What if one day he doesn't want to sleep and comes to see me."

After saying that, Xu Shu turned around and left without looking back, leaving Yang Ji looking at his handsome back.

Yang Ji shook his head, "Xiao Zhi in this period is really irritable. No wonder Guo Fengxiao threw him out."

Yang Ji still remembers the scene when Guo Jia pushed Fazheng into his team. Many people saw Guo Jia's relieved expression after turning around.

You know, Yang Ji originally selected Xu Shu as the only military advisor. After all, Fazheng had already gone on an expedition with Chen Xi, and now it was Xu Shu's turn. Unexpectedly, Guo Jia still included Fazheng.

According to gossip, recently, when Guo Jia faced Fa Zheng, he would always sweat profusely for no apparent reason, and he didn't know if it was true.


After reorganizing the army, Yang Ji led the army to break camp and set off.

Yesterday Chen Xi wrote a letter saying that they have now left Yingchuan territory and entered Chenliu territory.

According to Chen Xi's suggestion, they will meet up at Yongqiu, and then engage in a battle with the Cao Wei Group between the two places.

I just don’t know whether Chen Xi proposed this battle or Cao Wei’s side.

However, this has nothing to do with Yang Ji. He only needs to complete the set tasks and let Chen Xi handle the rest.

Yang Ji didn't want to waste his brain cells on this, it was not something that someone like him should be involved in.

On the way to Yongqiu, Yang Ji deliberately turned a few corners and easily captured the places he passed by: Yuanju, Jiyang, Donghun, and Waihuang.

It seems to be because Cao Cao mobilized all the soldiers in Chenliu County and organized them into a group army.

As a result, when Yang Ji passed by these places, he basically took them without encountering any resistance.

I don’t know what Cao Wei was thinking internally, so he simply gave up control of these places.

This kind of behavior still made Yang Ji doubt whether they knew the significance of strategic depth?
After this idea came into his mind, Yang Ji immediately killed it. How could Cao Wei fail to realize the significance of strategic depth.

Yang Ji would rather believe that this was Lao Cao's plan than that it was the negligence of Xun Yu and Zhicai.

With the wisdom of Xun Yu and Cheng Yu, it is impossible for them not to realize the significance of strategic depth.

Without enough strategic depth, it would be difficult for Cao Cao and his army to turn around.

Although they are all located in great plains, it is the same whether they have strategic depth or not.

However, with strategic depth, at least they can have a place to retreat.

Unlike now, except for Chenliu where he was, several places on the south bank of the Yellow River, and Dongjun, everything fell into the hands of Yang Ji.

When Yang Ji arrived at Yongqiu, Chen Xi's army was already waiting there.

——"Ziyu, how do you plan to fight this battle?" Chen Xi asked Yang Ji.

Yang Ji looked at Chen Xi with a strange expression. Chen Xi really sent a war note to Cao Cao.

Then Cao Cao was also convinced and accepted the challenge. I don't know if Xun Yu and the others stopped him.

There is no way that after seeing the absolute disparity in strength between the two sides, they just lied flatly and were ruined. They just wanted to give an explanation to the people below.

After all, their troops are placed here, allowing Cao Cao and the others to observe and collect data.

However, according to Yang Ji's impression of Cao Cao, he shouldn't be such a person. Could it be that he was persuaded?

However, who can persuade Cao Cao?

A person with Cao Cao's personality is not someone who can be persuaded.

"How can we fight? Just push him sideways. Otherwise, why would you send that fight letter to Cao Mengde?" Yang Ji said teasingly.

"Haha, who knows, maybe their brains are collectively flooded." Chen Xi said with a smile.

"Do you think Xun Wenruo's brains are flooded with water?" Yang Ji said dissatisfied.

He really wanted to know how Chen Xi did it.

"I don't know if Xun Wenruo and the others will have water in their brains. I only know that Cao Mengde's brain will have water in their heads."

Chen Xi sighed. He really didn't know why Cao Cao accepted his invitation.

The main reason why I sent the war invitation there in the first place was to test Cao Cao and the others' situation.

Unexpectedly, they actually agreed like this. They agreed like this, which made Chen Xi himself confused.

If it weren't for Cao Cao's brain damage, Chen Xi couldn't think of any other reason for them to come out of the city wall and fight them on the Great Plains.

Yang Ji also sighed, "Forget it, it doesn't matter if he's out of his mind or not, just push them sideways when the time comes."

If he wasn't worried about Cao Cao's conspiracy, Yang Jicai wouldn't be talking about these things with Chen Xi here.

Chen Xi also nodded. Anyway, the current Cao Wei Group is no match for them.

Side push can solve all problems, whether it is conspiracy or grand conspiracy.

"By the way, you haven't answered me yet, how do you plan to fight this battle?" Chen Xi asked Yang Ji again, as if he would not give up until he found out why.

"Didn't I just say that you can just push it across? Why can't you hear me?" Yang Ji said a little irritably.

Then, as if he thought of something, he asked with worried eyes, "You, there must be something wrong with your body. Otherwise, why don't you go back to Taishan to see Dr. Hua and the others to check your body?"

Chen Xi pointed at Yang Ji in shock, and finally could only say: "Huh?"

Guan Yu also looked at Chen Xi with worried eyes, "Zichuan, why don't you go back to Taishan and let Dr. Hua check it out."

Jia Xu scanned Chen Xi up and down expressionlessly, then nodded and said, "I think Ziyu is right, you really need to go back and check."

Xu Shu and Fazheng's eyes widened and they said in disbelief, "Zichuan, is there really something wrong with your body?
However, it doesn't look like there's a big problem. Could it be an internal injury? Otherwise, you should go back and let Dr. Hua check it out. "Fazheng said seriously.

Even Hua Xiong, Yu Jin, Huang Zhong, Guan Hai and others looked at Chen Xi with worried faces. It was clear from their expressions that they also wanted Chen Xi to go back and check.

Chen Xi slumped on the chair and said feebly, "My inner energy is out of the body. Even if the inner energy is sealed by the quilt, it is still essentially the inner energy out of the body."

"Will the internal energy be heard when it is separated from the body?" Yang Ji gently made a stab at the side.

Chen Xi: "..."


"Huh, I finally feel more comfortable." Chen Xi patted his red and swollen palms and sat back in his seat.

At this time, Xu Shu Fazheng, Jia Xu and Yu Jin were squatting on the ground, touching the place where they were beaten and gasping for air.

Yang Ji, Guan Yu and other inner-qi people were sitting in their seats and laughing at the conflict.

After the physical pain subsided slightly, Fazheng was the first to jump out, pointed at Chen Xi and cursed, "You are bullying the weak and afraid of the strong!"

Jia Xu and others silently lowered their presence, lest Chen Xi, who had just calmed down, come to them again and engage in a passionate fistfight.

Chen Xi sneered, "Huh, I'm just bullying the weak and afraid of being tough. It's better than getting beaten up like you."

Fazheng clenched his fists and looked at Chen Xi with a look of reluctance, "Then why am I the one who received the most beatings?"

"Ahem," Chen Xi coughed a few times and said with empty eyes, "You have the weakest inner energy, and it feels really good when you hit me."

Fazheng's eyes were dull. He didn't expect that he would be beaten severely just because of this.

"So, Xiaozhi, you should pay attention to exercise in the future, otherwise you won't be able to fight back even if you get beaten. This must be such a sad thing." Yang Ji vigorously patted Fazheng on the shoulder. .

"Hiss!" Fazheng took a breath and roared to Yang Ji, "Ziyu! You did it on purpose, don't you know I'm sore all over now?"

"I know, so I'm not going to help you with your treatment," Yang Ji pinched out a cloud of energy and showed it to Fazheng.

"So, do you still want treatment?" Yang Ji rolled the cloud energy in his hand into a small ball.

Fazheng, who was choked, immediately put a smile on his face and nodded quickly, "Of course!"

Yang Ji didn't waste any time and directly connected with Yun Qi to open a private room for Fazheng.

The milky white cloud air circulated on the surface of Fa Zheng's body, forming a miniature magic circle to remove the injuries on his body.

After a while, the bruises on Fazheng's body dissipated. If it weren't for the mess on his robe, no one would have noticed that Fazheng had been beaten just now.

Fazheng looked at Yang Ji with bright eyes, full of wanting to learn.

Yang Ji didn't hang around. He pulled it a few times with his hand, and displayed the cloud trajectory nodes of the general formation as if operating a screen.

(End of this chapter)

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