The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 185 It turns out that my mentality has changed

Chapter 185 It turns out that my mentality has changed
"Tsk, tsk, it should be said that he is worthy of Cao Mengde. So many civil servants and generals who have been poached can still put together such a lineup. It is really not to be underestimated." Chen Xi sighed to Yang Ji.

Chen Xi counted the civil servants and generals who appeared on the opposite side of Cao Cao's army, and couldn't help but sigh that Cao Cao's family background was really rich.

They had poached so many people, but they were able to recruit so many people, and the quality was guaranteed.

Although Le Jin is the only one of the five good generals, at least the Eight Tiger Generals are still there, although the current Eight Tiger Generals have not yet evolved into their complete bodies.

But it's not a big problem to find a few of good quality among the Cao family and Xiahou family.

Yang Ji nodded to express his agreement with Chen Xi, and then expressed his own opinion, "What you said does make sense, but now they have not fully realized their qualifications and potential.

Therefore, compared to military generals, I think you should pay more attention to those civil servants. The abilities of those guys should not be underestimated.

If he accidentally overturned here, it would be difficult to find another opportunity to deal with Lao Cao. "

Yang Ji just glanced at the general opposite, and then turned his attention to the civil servant opposite.

Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai, Cheng Yu, Chen Gong, none of them are easy to get along with.

What? Why is there no Chen Qun in it?
Who told Chen Qun to encounter such a thing as soon as he joined, and his attributes are similar to Xun Yu's, so who can he exclude? This was only determined through Xi Zhi.

Ahem, no kidding. After all, Chen Qun is also the head of the Chen family in Yingchuan. How could the dignified head of the Chen family be excluded? He was just arranged by Cao Cao to communicate with those aristocratic families.

After all, with the endorsement of the Yingchuan Chen family, there are still many aristocratic families who want to play the game of gaining wealth through danger.

When Chen Xigang wanted to speak, he saw Chen Gong standing next to Xun Yu, and Xun Yu stood between Cao Cao and Chen Gong.

"Hey, Chen Gongtai is here too. Didn't he say that he broke up with Cao Mengde and ran away to Dongjun? Could it be that these two people got back together again?"

Chen Xi was very surprised that Chen Gong appeared here. After all, the relationship between the two people was very complicated.

Moreover, Dongjun, where Chen Gong was stationed, was Cao Wei's last retreat. Cao Cao actually transferred Chen Gong here, which was quite in line with Cao Cao's dangerous character.

Yang Ji glanced at Chen Xi, "You arranged it yourself, don't you know?"

Chen Xi felt a little confused. What had he arranged? He hasn't even come into contact with Chen Gong.

And even if he has arrangements, he doesn't have the ability to reconcile these two people with different ideas.

"Then why did you arrange that guy Li Wenru to live with Zilong? Isn't it obvious that you wanted him to mess with Chen Gong of Dongjun?" Yang Ji said to Chen Xi with disdain.

He didn't believe that Chen Xi didn't know what Li Ru would do after arriving in Pingyuan County.

What's more, Pingyuan County is the one bordering Dong County. It doesn't have to enter the territory of Jizhou and cause Yuan Shao of Jizhou to be overly alert, and it can also have the effect of containing Cao Wei. It's simply killing multiple birds with one stone.

Although Yang Ji also brought a white horse with him on this expedition, this does not mean that they only have a white horse follower in Mount Tai.

Although White Horse is very fragile, he is very fast. As long as he is used properly, the effect is amazing.

Moreover, the cost of making a white horse is considered very cheap among the cavalry. It only requires a horse and a sword, and sometimes even leather armor is not needed.

Once you experience the adrenaline rush, there will definitely be people who want to try it again.

And this will to pursue speed is extremely consistent with the will required by Baima's first elite talent.

Elite talent is a reflection of the legion's will in the essence of heaven and earth. When the will to pursue speed meets the elite talent called divine speed, isn't it a match made in heaven?

Although the white horse brought by Yang Ji can be regarded as the white horse under Zhao Yun, it is the speed white horse that Yang Ji reorganized with the speed talent as the core.

Originally, the White Horse was not under Yang Ji's command, but was reorganized by Chen Xi and Zhao Yun. After all, whoever uses the White Horse knows how fast the White Horse is.

After Yang Ji knew about it, he also had a hand in it and stuffed a bunch of racing gangs into it, including my brother Tiao.

As for Zhao Hong... that is just the legion commander that Yang Ji temporarily borrowed from Zhao Yun. Brother Tiao is not yet qualified for the position of legion commander.

The group of racing gangs relied on their pursuit of extreme speed to develop their speed talents to the level of dual talents.

As a result, because he couldn't control his speed, he caused a traffic accident, and Zhao Yun handed over the white horse to Yang Ji.

The expression on Yang Ji's face was very exciting when he saw this group of racing gangs giving themselves two speed talents in pursuit of top speed.

Although due to their own reasons, the soldiers of the Taishan Army generally have internal energy, and even the miscellaneous soldiers and field soldiers have internal energy.

Under the warmth and nourishment of the inner Qi, the physical fitness of these soldiers improved rapidly.

But the improvement of physical fitness does not mean that the development of elite talents can be so fast, and those developed still have the same talent.

How extreme is this group of people's pursuit of speed? They actually gave up safety for top speed, which made Yang Ji not know what to say.

There was no way, since it was his own fault, he had to take responsibility. Yang Ji took a responsible attitude and whitewashed the second speed talent, and prepared to add an auxiliary talent to this white horse.

As a result, before Yang Ji had time to retrain, the group of racing gangs used the talent of speed again...

This kind of behavior made Yang Ji laugh. After all, they liked the talent of speed. It was so difficult to replace them with a talent that could support the speed of speed.

It was also at this time that Yang Jicai realized a problem. Why didn't the racing gang develop the wind control talent, but instead stacked two speed talents?
Yang Ji asked the racing party this question, and they replied that General Zhao told them.

Yang Ji was confused at the time. How could Zhao Yun, with his calm personality, perform an operation that stacked two speed talents?
Then the racing gang members told Yang Ji that Zhao Yun talked a lot when he was training the talent of Shensu, but they only remembered the name Shensu...

Then they caused a car accident that turned people upside down, and almost put themselves on the list of the Lords of Taishan Prefecture.

The drag racing gang said they only learned one thing from this car accident, that is, speed needs to be limited, but they still will not give up their pursuit of top speed.

However, Yang Ji finally turned the second talent of these racing gangs into wind control.

Originally, they were unwilling to change the speed from God to Wind Control because they felt that Wind Control was not fast enough and did not meet the pursuit of their horse racing party.

Yang Ji told them that the combination of wind control and divine speed can achieve the ability to fly, and then they manually changed the divine speed to wind control without Yang Ji's intervention at all. After all, he is Baima Yicong. Although he has not truly possessed the talent of controlling the wind, the talent of controlling the wind is derived from the talent of speed.

For people like them who have fully mastered the talent of speed, it is extremely simple to derive the talent of wind control from it. After all, there is already a way forward.

It can be said that although the wind-controlling white horse under Yang Ji is not as high-quality as the dexterous white horse under Zhao Yun, its understanding of divine speed is definitely better than that of Zhao Yun's white horse.

It's different from Gongsun Zan's Speedy White Horse, which pursues extreme speed on land.

Originally, the White Horse Riding the Wind also pursued extreme speed, but after Yang Ji's propaganda and guidance, their pursuit became extreme speed in the air.

Although the wind-controlling white horse is not yet able to fly in the air, after all, the time is still short, and their control and development of the wind-controlling talent have not yet reached that level.

However, although their pursuit has become extreme speed in the air, they still can't bear the lack of the blessing of a speed talent, which will make them think it is not exciting enough.

Therefore, they set their sights on the wind-controlling talent. After all, the speedy white horse's talent composition was the same as theirs.

It makes no sense that the Speedy White Horse can run as fast as two Speed ​​talents with one Speed ​​talent, but they can't.

Yang Ji just watched them quietly. After all, the will and spirit of this world can really distort reality. Maybe they will really do it.


"Ah?" Chen Xi was stunned for a moment. Why didn't he know that he had this meaning in letting Li Ru go to Pingyuan?
Chen Xi shook his head and said with a smile: "I asked Wenru and Zilong to lead the troops to garrison the plain.

It's just to let them stop the possible southward movement of Jizhou, but there is no expectation that they can do anything to Chen Gongtai in Dongjun. "

Preventing Jizhou Yuan Shao from sending troops south to stop them from annexing Yanzhou was the main reason why Chen Xi asked Zhao Yun and Li Ru to lead 50,000 troops to garrison the plains.

As for deterring Dongjun, wouldn't it be better to send troops from Mount Tai?
Yang Ji sneered, "Just pretend, intimidating Jizhou and intimidating Dongjun can be done at the same time."

Chen Xi frowned and asked, "Pingyuan and Puyang are hundreds of miles apart. How can Zilong and the others intimidate Chen Gongtai in Puyang?"

Yang Ji raised his eyebrows and asked directly, "Don't you know the speed of the white horse?"

Chen Xi wondered, "The speed of the white horse? Does this have anything to do with the speed of the white horse?"

Yang Ji was silent for a moment and looked at Chen Xi up and down. He was very sure that Chen Xi was still pretending.

Before sending troops, they all knew that they had asked Zhao Yun for 500 white horses, but now they seemed to have no idea how ridiculous the speed of the white horses was.

"You've gone to Zilong to borrow five hundred white horses, and you're still here asking me what the speed of the white horses has to do with it, and saying you're not pretending?" Yang Ji sneered.

Chen Xi opened his mouth, and then realized that the speed of the white horse was exaggerated. He estimated that it would only take a day to get here from the plain.

Although Zhao Yun's legion talent limited the speed of his white horse, turning it into a dexterous white horse belonging to Zhao Yun.

However, this does not mean that the speed of the dexterous white horse is weak. Even if it is restricted by Zhao Yun's legion talent and cannot enter the divine speed state, the speed of the dexterous white horse still starts at fifty.

"Ah... can I say that I didn't notice this aspect?" Chen Xi smiled bitterly. He really didn't expect that there was such a method.

[Sure enough, is it because I don’t care much about this annexation battle? Otherwise, I wouldn’t have noticed Zilong’s white horse. 】

Chen Xi sighed in his heart. Although he originally proposed the annexation of Yanzhou, he didn't care whether it could actually annex Yanzhou.

Even if Cao Cao and the others had not intended to disrupt the surrounding situation, Chen Xi might not have led the troops to Yuzhou at all, but had Guan Yu and the others led the expedition themselves.

According to his plan, after they regained Qingzhou, they should stop developing themselves instead of using large-scale external troops.

Even if they plan to send troops to Yanzhou, they will only dispatch a small force of about 50,000 people to engage in a long-term low-intensity war with the Yanzhou army, continuously bloodletting the Cao Wei Group, and conducting rotational training.

As a result, Cao Cao and the others were a little too aggressive in stirring up the situation, allowing Yuzhou to truly have the momentum to dominate the three states.

At this point, even if Chen Xi wanted to hold on to the idea of ​​going on an expedition, it was no longer possible.

They must interrupt Yuan Shu's momentum of conquering the three states, otherwise Yuan Shu will really have the power to dominate the world by then.

And when the time comes, Yuan Shao, who occupies Jizhou in the north, may choose to give up the idea of ​​independence under the persuasion of the Yuan family.

Of course, Yuan Shao may also choose to have a fight with Yuan Shu before discussing the merger, and this is very likely to happen.

When sending troops, Chen Xi indeed went with the intention of directly annexing Yanzhou.

However, after entering Nanyang, Chen Xi's mentality changed and annexing Yanzhou became dispensable.

Because they plundered too many things in Yuzhou and Nanyang, materials and so on were secondary, mainly the scholars and craftsmen.

With these scholars and craftsmen, Chen Xi can completely digest Qingzhou in a short period of time and begin to accumulate unified power.

It was at that time that Chen Xi's mentality no longer regarded the annexation of Yanzhou as his first priority, but his first priority was to collect the scholars, craftsmen, etc. he needed.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have stayed in Nanyang and Yingchuan for so long just for blackmail.

Yang Ji's eyes widened. He thought that Chen Xi would use various excuses to excuse him, but he didn't expect that it would be something like 'didn't notice'... I don't know if it counts as a reason.

"No, something is very wrong with you, Zichuan." Yang Ji said with narrowed eyes.

There was a subtle change in Chen Xi's aura, which was caused by a change in mentality.

In other words, Chen Xi's mentality has changed a lot just now.

Chen Xi chuckled softly, "It's just that my mentality towards this war has changed slightly." It was as if he was not the one scratching his head and smiling bitterly just now.

(End of this chapter)

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