The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 188 Wei Yan and Xiahou Dun break through

Chapter 188 Wei Yan and Xiahou Dun break through

Xia Houyuan couldn't help but curse secretly, the appearance of Lu Bu in this world was enough to make people feel desperate.

Now here comes another one. Those of them who have finally broken through to the point where the inner energy has left the body are still not at the highest level of warriors?

"Those who can break through and become inner Qi separated from the body at the time point of Hulao Pass are indeed not simple people." Huang Zhong couldn't help but sigh.

Thinking of this, Huang Zhong couldn't help but feel some regrets. If possible, he would also like to visit Hulao Pass.

Take a look at how ferocious the military commander they call the best in the world is. He is worthy of being remembered by Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and others.

Except for Yang Ji, who was different, Huang Zhong had fought against Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and others. Although it was not a life and death battle, he could still test out some things.

Facing these people, Huang Zhong can stabilize one end of them. If he uses his best strength, it is not impossible to win against them.

However, facing the siege of Guan and Zhang, Huang Zhong was a little unable to stop him, let alone the siege of Guan, Zhang and Zhao.

And Lu Bu not only blocked it, but also suppressed the three of them to fight. This was a bit outrageous. Can the internal energy really do such a thing when it is separated from the body?
If it weren't for their repeated assurances, Huang Zhong would not believe that such people still existed in the world.

After Xia Houyuan heard Huang Zhong's sigh, he was not angry. He just narrowed his eyes. Who dared to attack Lu Bu at Hulao Pass? Who is an easy man?

Xia Houyuan struck at Huang Zhong with his sword, "Although the old general's strength is superior, it is still inferior to Lu Fengxian."

Huang Zhong raised his red blood sword upwards and deflected Xia Houyuan's long sword, "Hahaha, this is a fact. After all, I can't even suppress the three generals Zhang and Zhao's joint efforts."

Huang Zhong and Xia Houyuan passed each other, turned their horses around, and charged forward again, vowing to cut each other to the ground.

The next battle was not as gentle as before, but a battle of life and death with the sword slashing at the vital points.

Unlike Huang Zhong, Xia Houyuan had a reason to win. If he lost, no one in the entire Cao Wei Group except Dian Wei would be able to take action in the battle between generals.

But Dian Wei also said that Guan Yu on the opposite side was not weaker than him, although the two sides did not have a real fight with each other.

The opposite Guan Yu is the coach this time and will not take action easily, which means that as long as they defeat Huang Zhong, their battle this time will be considered a victory.

Xia Houyuan's eyes were red, and he kept waving the long knife in his hand, constantly squeezing the power in his body.

He could feel the rapid shrinkage of the internal energy in his body, and even the return speed of the internal energy leaving the body could not keep up with the rate of consumption.

Before the muscle soreness caused by the collision of the weapon could be resolved, the next wave of shock came again.

When Xia Houyuan faced Huang Zhong, he did not feel the pressure he felt when facing Lu Bu. Although Huang Zhong's pressure was quite strong, it was nothing compared to Lu Bu.

How could he, who had faced the highest peak of martial arts, feel such a level of power?
Since you don't have the strength to crush him, don't blame him for using this sense of oppression to continuously squeeze his potential.

Not far from Huang Zhong and Xiahou Yuan, Wei Yan and Xiahou Dun were also fighting their own battle.

These two people are both warriors who have reached the pinnacle of Qi training, and their advantages in fighting are not as obvious as those of Huang Zhong and Xia Houyuan.

Wei Yan forced Xiahou Dun back with a single blow of his sword. He gasped and looked at Xiahou Dun, whose eyes were red, and secretly cursed this guy for his life.

Logically speaking, both of them are warriors who have reached the pinnacle of Qi training, so they should be evenly matched if they fight. But who made Xiahou Dun's fighting style extremely fierce? He didn't defend at all when fighting, just like a desperate outlaw, which made Wei Yan extremely difficult to deal with.

The two collided again, and then pointed their weapons at each other. If they were not careful, they could cut off a piece of flesh or a life of the other party.

Wei Yan was also angered at this time, and he no longer defended himself. He began to frantically pass his sword to Xiahou Dun, forcing him to defend himself.

Wei Yan and Xiahou Dun, who only attack but not defend, are highly concentrated at this time. If they relax even a little bit, they will be the ones who fall.

And they all hope that the one who fell off the wire rope is the one on the opposite side, and they are the ones who survive, and then break through the barrier called internal air separation.

A highly concentrated will throws away everything, leaving only the confrontation between each other.

Wei Yan's broadsword and Xiahou Dun's spear collided together again, but this time there was no brief entanglement like the dozens or hundreds of times before, but they stuck together.

When looking at each other, both sides can see each other's bloodshot eyes.

"Bang!" The muffled sound after the collision of foreheads brought back a trace of reason, and then the warmth flowing down from his forehead drove him back to madness.

At this time, both Wei Yan and Xiahou Dun had reached their limits, but they were still squeezing the inner energy in their bodies and integrating their long-depleted energy.

They are all trying to force the other side to retreat. As soon as the other side retreats, the tone will be gone, and a winner will be born between the two.

Wei Yan and Xiahou Dun, whose faces were covered in blood, were breathing heavily, and their tattered armors were the traces of their fighting.

Unwilling to give in, they simultaneously drew away their weapons, and then slashed at each other again.

"Boom!" As the sword and spear collided, blood-colored inner energy spurted out crazily from Xiahou Dun's body, directly pushing Wei Yan away.

This is the foundation brought by age. After all, Xiahou Dun's accumulation is much deeper than Wei Yan's.

The bloodshot eyes in Xiahou Dun's eyes began to recede, and he immediately looked at Wei Yan who was pushed away by the huge inner energy.

"Hahaha! I won after all!" Xiahou Dun laughed and stabbed Wei Yan with his spear.

"Danger! You will die!!" Wei Yan's pupils suddenly shrank, and the ultimate danger of death was approaching him very quickly.

"Ah!!!" Under the extreme threat of death, Wei Yan's tense mental will suddenly burst out, and countless inner energy spurted out from Wei Yan's body.

Wei Yan poured his endless inner energy into the long knife in his hand, and then slashed hard at Xiahou Dun.

With the help of the infinite inner energy brought by the inner energy that had just broken through the body, Wei Yan directly launched a legion attack.

Caught off guard, Xiahou Dun had no choice but to place his spear in front of his chest to block the rapidly approaching legion attack.

"Boom!" Xiahou Dun was directly blown away by the attack of Wei Yan's legion, and he hit the soil dozens of meters away, causing a burst of dust.

(End of this chapter)

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