The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 189 The beginning of the battle on the front lines

Chapter 189 The beginning of the battle on the front lines

Sergeant Cao's soldiers, who were originally cheering for Xiahou Dun's breakthrough, suddenly stopped cheering after seeing Xiahou Dun being blown away.

Cao Cao, Cao Hong and other generals of Cao Wei also felt nervous. They looked closely at the place where the smoke and dust were flying, looking forward to Xiahou Dun's reappearance.

Although the civil servants of Cao Wei looked calm on the surface, they were actually very calm on the inside.

Cheng Yu glanced at Dian Wei behind Cao Cao, and then looked at Wei Yan, who was standing alone on the ground.

As for Xiahou Dun - Cheng Yu is not worried at all. After all, his inner energy has left his body, even though he has just been promoted.

But where is the essence of inner energy leaving the body, and where can it be killed by a hastily created single legion attack.

At most, it was just a slight injury. The more likely injury was caused by falling to the ground, that is, abrasions.

Cheng Yu is different from those civil servants in Cao Wei who don't exercise their bodies very much. He loves exercise very much.

As soon as Dianwei arrived, Cheng Yu knew that he had done some fitness training, and those muscles were his favorite.

Although he didn't know the specific value of Dian Wei's physical strength, Cheng Yu could still find out the approximate data.

After comparing the physical data of another internal Qi separated general from the Cao Wei Group, I found that the difference between the internal Qi separated generals is really big.

It's not a difference in combat effectiveness. Although this thing is also one of the important indicators for measuring the internal energy leaving the body.

However, there are always some freaks who have reached the pinnacle of Qi training and can challenge generals with inner Qi separated from the body under the pressure of Wuyun Qi, so combat effectiveness is really a matter of choice.

The difference Cheng Yu discovered was the difference in the paths that manifested after the inner energy left the body.

However, because the only objects that could be observed at close range were Xia Houyuan and Dian Wei, the results obtained by Cheng Yu were only the three paths of essence, energy, and spirit that manifested after becoming a warrior with inner energy separated from the body.

Because Dian Wei's inner energy is separated from the body, but Dian Wei cannot fly, and Dian Wei's body is extremely powerful, which is significantly different from the inner energy that he knows.

Therefore, Cheng Yu determined that the path Dian Wei took was one of the three paths of Jing, Qi and Shen, which represents the body.

As for Xia Houyuan... because there was no other control group, Cheng Yu couldn't be sure whether he was a Qi cultivator or a divine cultivator.

However, whether it is Qi cultivation or spiritual cultivation, it has little to do with Cheng Yu, because his ideal is to have strong muscles like Dian Wei.

It is precisely because of studying this that Cheng Yu can roughly know what kind of abilities the generals with inner energy separated from the body have.

For the internal energy to leave the body, those injuries that could kill ordinary people are only serious injuries at best.

In essence, the inner Qi leaving the body is no longer a human being in the conventional sense, but a superhuman being who has broken free from the shackles of the human body.

Therefore, Cheng Yu didn't worry about boring things like whether Xiahou Dun would be injured. The person opposite Wei Yan was the one who deserved his attention.

Cheng Yu looked at Wei Yan who was breathing heavily with a slightly solemn expression, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, [Liu Xuande has added another internal Qi-detached general to his command! 】

[Just the Guan Yunchang, Huang Hansheng, Hua Zijian who appeared here, plus the military commander whose name I don’t know, plus the one who broke through now, there are already five...

There are also Zhao Zilong and Zhang Yide who did not appear here. On the surface, there are seven generals with inner energy separated from the body. If we add those who came because of the recruitment order...]

After counting on his fingers, Cheng Yu could only take a long sigh to relieve his emotions.

Although the internal Qi separated generals cannot play a decisive role in group operations under the suppression of cloud Qi.

However, generals with inner Qi separated from the body have legion talents. As long as they work with their subordinates a little bit, their legions can have legion talents with effects similar to those of elite talents.

In other words, there were at least four legions with elite talents among the Taishan Army that went out to invade Yanzhou.

In addition, those legions with elite talents were born because the quality of their soldiers and the organizational strength of the legion met the standards... It is really a heavy topic.

Through Chen Qun's explanation, the civil servants and generals of the Cao Wei Group finally understood the meaning of elite talent.

It's a pity that Cao Wei does not have the military masters who can train elite talents. Otherwise, it is still uncertain who will annex whom in this battle.

Speaking of legion talents, Cheng Yu felt that Dian Wei was indeed not a normal person. Dian Wei didn't even have the legion talents that his inner energy and body had.

If Dian Wei had military talents, Cao Cao would definitely not just use Dian Wei as a bodyguard. This was an elite military force. Who would give it up?

Cheng Yu didn't know if all the generals who had mastered the internal energy separation system did not have legion talents, but he would reach that peak to see for himself.

[Elite talents? According to the records in Chen Changwen’s family, elite talents can be obtained through training, but in this situation...

So it can only be sublimated through fighting on the battlefield...] Cheng Yu's eyes became more and more fierce.

Just when Cheng Yu was thinking about how to create Cao Wei's own elite army, Xiahou Dun also walked out of the smoke. To be more precise, the smoke had dispersed.

Sure enough, as Cheng Yu expected, Xiahou Dun was not injured at all, and even his original injuries had almost recovered.

However, the bloodthirsty aura exuded by Xiahou Dun became heavier and heavier, and it did not subside at all due to the recovery of his physical injuries.

However, Xiahou Dun did not kill Wei Yan immediately, but looked in the direction of Xiahou Yuan.

Wei Yan, who was staring at Xiahou Dun with a solemn expression, seemed to have sensed something, and turned to look in the direction of Huang Zhong.

After seeing the situation over there, Wei Yan was shocked and saw that Xia Houyuan, who was originally suppressed and beaten by Huang Zhong, could now fight Huang Zhong back and forth.

The originally perfect aura around him proved that Xia Houyuan had completely reached the state of perfect inner energy leaving the body.

Huang Zhong's expression remained unchanged, and he fought as he should, just like Xia Houyuan's sparring partner.

The expression on Xia Houyuan's face did not show the slightest joy after the breakthrough, but instead became more solemn.

The closer to the realm where Huang Zhong and Lu Bu were, the more Xia Houyuan could sense the terror of Huang Zhong and Lu Bu.

And the will contained in Guan Yu's projected gaze is really a bright and condensed heavy martial arts will.

It's not as aggressive as Lu Bu's will, nor as soft and strong as water like Huang Zhong in front of him, but as cool as arrogance.

Xia Houyuan knew that even though he had reached the state of perfect inner Qi leaving the body, there was still a huge gap between him and these people. No matter how reluctant Xia Houyuan is to admit it, the reason why he can stand in the same realm as them is just because the realm they are in is called inner energy separation.

Huang Zhong used his water-like sword skills wantonly, and Xia Houyuan, who had reached the level of inner energy separation, aroused Huang Zhong's interest.

Although the current Xia Houyuan can only compete with his regular posture, but compared to Hua Xiong's identification device, he is already a rare first-rate powerhouse.

Huang Zhong is now quite satisfied with the opponent Guan Yu has found for him, although at the beginning, he could beat Xia Houyuan even in a regular posture.

However, once he broke through, Xia Houyuan was able to compete with his regular posture. This kind of leap-forward progress is indeed a figure recognized by Guan Yu.

This is the opponent Huang Zhong wants. He will not be forced to activate his second stance from the very beginning, nor will he be unable to beat his regular stance.

The red blood sword struck directly on Xia Houyuan's spear with its bright red light, and the extended bloody blade struck Xia Houyuan fiercely.

Xia Houyuan's spear followed the force and threw Huang Zhong's red blood sword aside, narrowly avoiding the blood sword.

There was seriousness in Huang Zhong's eyes. The state of perfect inner energy leaving the body was worthy of his serious treatment, although it was still not enough for him to start the second posture.

Xia Houyuan's expression became more and more solemn. At this time, he was already sure that there was a realm beyond the perfection of inner energy leaving the body.

It is a realm that touches the boundary of inner Qi leaving the body and is within the defined boundary of inner Qi leaving the body.

He could see the backs of himself, Huang Zhong in front of him, Guan Yu not far away, and Lu Bu far away in Bingzhou, but he couldn't touch them.

The gap called qualifications locked him firmly in the realm of perfect separation of inner Qi from the body, and he was unable to touch the realm called the ultimate realm of inner Qi separation from the body.

Unless the essence of heaven and earth rises to a higher level again, a person with his qualifications can step into that realm with the help of the environment.

"Boom!" Huang Zhong and Xia Houyuan's weapons struck together again, and the confrontation between their inner energies stirred up clouds of dust.

Xia Houyuan waved his spear wildly, and with the belief that he would win, he would use all his abilities to kill Huang Zhong.

He didn't know if he could do it, because even if he squeezed out all his strength, he would not be able to break through the defensive circle Huang Zhong had built with the light of his sword.

Even if a flaw was accidentally exposed under Xia Houyuan's pressure, Huang Zhong could draw his sword in time to defend, and narrowly avoided the tip of Xia Houyuan's spear.

Xia Houyuan has already tried his best, but as for Huang Zhong, although he seems to be on par with Xia Houyuan.

But anyone can see that Huang Zhong has full stamina, while Xia Houyuan's has been exhausted.

Now Xia Houyuan can still compete with Huang Zhong, but he only relies on his own will.

With his inner energy and physical strength almost exhausted, all he could rely on was his own will.

Huang Zhong's eyes flashed, and he inadvertently sold a flaw to Xia Houyuan. He was now going to end the battle.

Xia Houyuan, who was in a state of high concentration, immediately discovered the tiny flaw in Huang Zhong's sword defense.

The tip of the spear pierced directly through the flaw, just like popping a balloon. The cold air accumulated inside suddenly exploded, blowing all over Xia Houyuan's body.

Xia Houyuan, who was blown by the cold air, woke up from his selfless state and couldn't help but shudder. From the corner of his eye, he saw the rapidly amplifying bloody sword light.

Xia Houyuan, who was in a state where his old strength was gone and new strength was not regenerated, could only watch the blood pass over his body, and he could only hurriedly raise his arms to resist it.

Perhaps because he should not die, Huang Zhong's blood-colored sword light was quickly pulled away by him, and it bombarded the tip of another spear that was coming at extremely fast speed.

Xiahou Yuan hurriedly turned around and saw that it was Xiahou Dun who had thrown his spear as a javelin, and Wei Yan, who was not far away from Xiahou Dun, had already charged towards him.

The tip of Xiahou Yuan's spear turned and followed Xiahou Dun's spear tip and struck Huang Zhong's red blood sword, forcing Huang Zhong back dozens of steps.

Without enough time to check Huang Zhong's condition, Xia Houyuan quickly stuck the tip of his spear to the spear stuck on the ground.

With a twist of his waist, he threw Xiahou Dun's spear towards Wei Yan, and then swung the spear body, shattering the light of Huang Zhong's sword.

Then the two fought again, but at this time, Xia Houyuan was a little reluctant to block Huang Zhong's sword light like a water curtain.

After Wei Yan knocked Xiahou Dun back with a single blow, he caught a glimpse of the spear flying past at great speed from the corner of his eye.

Although the inner energy was not injected into it, it was still a javelin thrown by a warrior with inner energy separation. Even Wei Yan, who also had inner energy separation, could not ignore it.

Wei Yan had no choice but to give up slashing at Xiahou Dun and instead slashed at the flying spear.

Xiahou Dun, on the other hand, took advantage of this opportunity and turned around and left. He had no weapons in his hands and it was not appropriate to fight Wei Yan at this time.

After Wei Yan turned around and found Xiahou Dun running away, he suppressed the desire to curse, glanced at Xiahou Dun who had his back turned, and then slowly retreated into his own army formation.

After Wei Yan and Xiahou Dun decided the winner, it was time for Huang Zhong and Xiahou Yuan to decide the winner.

Huang Zhong struck Xia Houyuan on the chest with a knife, knocking him off his horse, and rolled him several times without losing any strength.

However, Huang Zhong did not step forward to finish the attack, but looked solemnly at Cao Jun's formation Yunqi who was quickly pressing forward.

Even if his inner energy is extremely separated from the body, he still has to retreat when faced with the condensed cloud energy of more than 100,000 soldiers.

Huang Zhong turned his head and glanced at Xia Houyuan, who had been rescued by Sergeant Cao's soldiers, then raised the red blood knife high and shouted:

Then they took the lead in killing Cao Jun's front line. In the front were Cao Jun's soldiers whose morale had dropped, and in the rear were the Taishan troops whose morale was as low as wolves.

After Guan Yu on the command platform saw Cao Jun's cloud force pressing forward, he waved his command flag forward without hesitation, mobilizing the army's cloud force to press forward.

The front army also advanced under the command of Guan Yu, with Huang Zhong, Guan Hai, and Wei Yan as the vanguard, and rushed straight to Cao's front line.

Baima and Hua Xiong's headquarters were standing on the left flank of the army, waiting for orders that might be issued at any time.

The fighting between Taishan Army and Cao Army began. Due to the gap in basic quality and the gap in elite talent, Cao Army's soldiers almost fell down at the sight of each other.

(End of this chapter)

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