Chapter 190 The battle line advances
The legions led by Huang Zhong, Guan Hai and Wei Yan were like three sharp knives, directly inserted into Cao Jun's battle line, among which Huang Zhong was the most radical.

Under the shroud of legion's talent, the momentum erupted from Huang Zhong's headquarters was almost the most eye-catching presence on the battlefield.

Originally, Yang Ji arranged for Huang Zhong to shoot sound or grow water, but Huang Zhong refused, saying that he wanted to regain his original feeling on the battlefield.

The most important thing is that he wants to train a legion of his own.

Well, Huang Zhong's ideal headquarters regiment is probably like him, who is both a marksman and a master of close combat with a knife.

So Yang Ji cleaned up a 5,000-strong Danyang Legion and placed it under Huang Zhong's command. As a result, up to now, they still haven't made a name for themselves through training.

Until now, the elite talent used by Huang Zhong's headquarters is still synergy, which was adjusted by Yang Ji on the eve of the war.

Otherwise, Huang Zhong can really only charge with a blank slate army. Although the Danyang soldiers have their own organizational skills and can fight at close range and at long range.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the Danyang elite is Huang Zhong's ideal headquarters army.

Then there is Wei Yan. His sword skills are very similar to Guan Yu's, almost one sword at a time. Although his subordinates have not yet formed their own legion, there are still many soldiers following Wei Yan.

Wei Yan did not activate his legion talent because he had not yet awakened it. It was not that he could not awaken, but that he had suppressed the awakening of his legion talent.

The reason is that just like Wei Yan in the original world line, he achieved the separation of inner energy from the body before he was out of the influence of Huang Zhong and Guan Yu. It was too hasty.

The process of practicing Qi into a gang until the inner Qi leaves the body is an extremely important process in martial arts, and the key is that the warrior himself needs to walk his own path.

Wei Yan first learned his sword skills from Huang Zhong and later from Guan Yu, and Wei Yan almost imitated the paths of these two men in the process.

He has little thought about his own path. If Guan Yu and Huang Zhong's path were not far-reaching enough, Wei Yan might not even be able to achieve the achievement of inner Qi separation from the body.

After Yang Ji met Wei Yan, he also reminded Wei Yan that he needed to stay longer in the realm of practicing Qi to become a gang.

Don't be so anxious to break through. It's best to hone your sword skills and condense your own martial arts will before making any plans to break through.

Instead of like now, the sword skills are almost all traces of Huang Zhong and Guan Yu, with almost no thinking of their own.

Unfortunately, at the critical moment of life and death, he couldn't help but think too much. He could only survive first and then make plans.

The legion talent is his last chance to remove the traces of Guan Yu and Huang Zhong from his martial arts.

He still remembered what Yang Ji said to him before this battle, "The battle of life and death on the battlefield is beyond your control."

If the time comes when you really have to break through, remember not to hesitate and just break through.

However, remember that legion talent is your last chance. Don't let your legion talent be contaminated by other people's traces. 】

Fortunately, the current war situation does not require Wei Yan to awaken his legion talent to turn it around, giving him enough time to polish his unformed legion talent.

Needless to say, Wei Yan's combat effectiveness as a person with inner energy separated from his body. As long as Wei Yan can tear apart the front line, there will be soldiers behind to take over.

Then a sharp-sword army with Wei Yan as the core was formed, which was directly embedded in Cao Jun's battle line.

Guan Hai followed Huang Zhong and Wei Yan, commanding the soldiers to maintain the passage opened by the two men to prevent Huang Zhong and Wei Yan from getting trapped in Cao's army's line.

Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Dun, who were on Cao's side, had their internal energy separated from their bodies. After a short rest, they led their own legions to the end again.

This time Xiahou Yuan did not find Huang Zhong, but instead found another Wei Yan who was deep in Cao's front line, and Huang Zhong was left to Xiahou Dun to deal with it.

If there was no suppression by Yun Qi, it would have been Xia Houyuan or Dian Wei who stopped Huang Zhong's front breakthrough.

However, under the suppression of cloud energy, everyone was banned from using the means of internal energy separation, and relied on collective strength.

And their Cao Wei Legion is not like the Taishan Legion. Almost every legion has elite talents.

Although Huang Zhong's legion talent does not increase combat effectiveness, under the unity of the will of the legion talent, the combat effectiveness brought by high morale can be said to be comparable to that of dual talents.

Cao Wei did not have any legion that could stop Huang Zhong's army, so they could only let Xiahou Dun, who was gifted with bloodthirsty, lead his troops to attack.

Otherwise, when Huang Zhong cuts through the battle line, Cao's army will be cut into two parts, and the battle will be even more difficult by then.

When the brothers Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Dun each led their own legions to the battlefield, they indeed held Huang Zhong and Wei Yan back from breaking through.

But it only held Huang Zhong and Wei Yan. Don't forget that Guan Yu was commanding the army behind.

Standing on the command platform, Guan Yu used the will channel rendered by himself to issue corresponding instructions to the corresponding generals according to changes in the battle situation.

After receiving Guan Yu's order, Hua Xiong's headquarters on the left wing quickly pulled out a front, and then inserted diagonally into Cao Jun's battle line.

Their task was to cut through Cao Jun's battle line and divide Cao Jun into two parts.

"Kill!" Hua Xiong waved his sword vigorously. They didn't need to defend or dodge at all. With these untalented soldiers who hadn't even activated their elite talents, they couldn't defeat their Xiliang cavalry.

After Guan Yu glanced at the cavalry, he stopped paying attention. With the defensive power of the cavalry, even if they were surrounded and suppressed by Cao's army, there would be no major casualties.

After retracting his gaze, Guan Yu looked at the battlefield situation in front of him. Huang Zhong and Wei Yan were each held back by Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan.

Although he could still advance slowly by relying on the combat power of his legionnaires, he was eventually held back.

Although Xiahou Dun and Xia Houyuan's headquarters did not even have elite talents, with the support of their legionary talents, they were still able to manage to hold on to the two legions in terms of organizational strength.

Especially for Xiahou Dun, the effect of his legion talent is that before the battle damage reaches half, the damage to his own side increases.

The combat effectiveness of the soldiers continues to increase, and as the general's injury deepens, the attacks of one's own soldiers will become more violent.

Although at the beginning, Xiahou Dun's headquarters was no match for Huang Zhong's headquarters, and was beaten back and forth.

However, as the battle losses of his soldiers continued to increase, Xiahou Dun's legionary talents began to take effect, and the combat effectiveness of his soldiers also continued to increase.

As the battle continued, the quality and organizational power of Xiahou Dun's headquarters also continued to improve. This was just a matter of transforming past training into the strength it should have. After all, it is the main army created by the Cao Wei Group, and it is not that unusual to have such a background.

The battlefield where life and death intersect is the biggest catalyst for transforming this heritage into actual combat effectiveness.

Guan Yu looked at Xia Houyuan. The soldiers under his command were constantly stimulating their potential under the influence of the legion's talents. It was estimated that elite talents would be born soon.

This is Xia Houyuan's legion talent. The effect is to greatly and safely stimulate the potential of the army soldiers without harming the soldiers, making the emergency march faster without reducing the combat effectiveness.

After seeing this situation, Guan Yu frowned, and then quickly relaxed. After all, under the general trend, no matter how powerful the talent is, there is no way to reverse the final result.

Guan Yu made some mental calculations and felt that after this battle, Xiahou Dun and Xia Houyuan's headquarters should be able to develop elite talents.

Turning his attention to a certain position in Cao Jun's central army, Guan Yu could feel from the changes in Cao Jun's command line that that was the command center of Cao Jun.

Because of the wanton penetration of the cavalry, Cao Jun had to set up more battle lines to surround the cavalry and rebuild the command line that was pierced by the cavalry to prevent the cavalry from actually cutting off Cao Jun's waist.

It's a pity that Cao's army is basically formed by untalented soldiers. Facing the defensive power of the cavalry, there is no way to break through the defense.

"Huh..." Guan Yu breathed out. Now it was time to take over the command of the front and further squeeze Cao Jun's front.

A flash of green light emerged from Guan Yu's eyes, and then spread to the entire army with the help of the will of the army unified and exaggerated by Guan Yu's divine will. This was Guan Yu's legion talent.

With the help of the connection between the legion's talents and his soldiers, Guan Yu can pass his orders to the people he wants to pass them on to.

Unlike Yang Ji, Guan Yu can now unify the will of the army with his own will, and complete his own divine will to exaggerate the will of the army.

However, Guan Yu can only do this one step now. Although he can also do the next will derivation, the will derivation efficiency is too low, and it will also have a negative impact on the soldiers.

He can also do the rest of will transmission and will distortion, but just like the previous will derivation, the efficiency is too low, and soldiers will be injured if not careful.

Therefore, Guan Yu directly gave up Yang Ji's orthodox command system of will and belief, and instead relied on his own will to unify and exaggerate the will of the army to spread his legion's talent to the entire army.

Letting soldiers do the right thing at the right time is the essence of command.

General commanders rely on orders, commands, and predictions to make overall arrangements, but Guan Yu relies on the sense of control created by his will to command his soldiers.

"The white horse on the left wing suppresses the enemy with a hail of arrows. The infantry charges in waves and suppresses the enemy on all fronts!" Guan Yu gave the order to the entire army through his legion talent with a calm expression.

At the same time, he used his own will to exaggerate the will of the army to direct each legion to attack the weak points of Cao's army's defense.

Fifty thousand Danyang soldiers, organized into a unit of hundreds, poured into Cao Jun's battle line like a tide, constantly impacting Cao Jun's peripheral defense line.

Just three waves of tidal charge completely disintegrated Cao Jun's first line of defense.

The defeated soldiers of Cao Cao's army were forced by Danyang soldiers to roll back towards Cao Jun's second line of defense.

Although Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Dun's own legions blocked the waves of charges organized by Guan Yu, the retreat forced them to retreat.

If they don't retreat, they will be surrounded by Danyang soldiers, and they will be unable to retreat even if they want to.

The retreat of the first line of defense did not cause any major chaos to Cao Jun's second line of defense.

Cao Cao reorganized the scattered soldiers through diversion, and then filled them into the third line of defense.

Cao Cao had no idea about the defeat of the first line of defense. After all, the first three lines of defense were composed of mixed army groups, and the defeat was inevitable.

The Taishan Army commanded by Guan Yu was so powerful that they had to consume part of the Taishan Army's spirit.

After one vigorous effort, it failed again and again, and finally exhausted. In the absence of a strong army to hold back the Taishan Army, Cao Cao had to make such an arrangement.

Guan Yu's eyes narrowed. The first line of defense of Cao's army was defeated a little too quickly. Even an army without talent should not have been defeated so quickly.

[Is it originally a miscellaneous soldier army? No wonder Han Sheng and the others cut into their front line so easily.

However, it is indeed a good way to buffer the momentum of our army. He is worthy of being said by Zichuan and Ziyu to be qualified to command a large army. 】

Seeing that the sharpest momentum of his own army was vented like this, Guan Yu had to admit that Cao Cao still had a few tricks up his sleeve.

【Um? Has Zijian led his cavalry to penetrate Cao's army's front line? 】 Guan Yu looked at the cavalry that had already emerged from Cao Jun's battle line.

When Guan Yu launched the Flood Charge, Cao Cao finally got Hua Xiong's cavalry headquarters out of the battle line.

Faced with the defensive power of the cavalry and the gap in basic quality, the untalented Cao Jun was unable to break through the defense.

Cao Cao had no choice but to mobilize the front line to make way for the cavalry to advance, and then quickly fill the space left by the cavalry when the cavalry roared past.

"The infantry continued to charge in waves and continued to dismantle their defensive line. The white horses attacked with arrows from the flanks and knocked out the effective forces in the third line of defense. The iron cavalry cut in from the weak points and penetrated the third line of defense for me. "

Guan Yu calmly commanded the infantry units to attack alternately, dismantling and suppressing Cao Jun's defensive front.

At the same time, let the white horse launch a rain of arrows from the flanks to eliminate the effective force of Cao Jun's third line of defense.

At the same time, he commanded the cavalry to cut through the weak points of the third line of defense and disintegrate Cao Jun's third line of defense.

As for the white horse's arrow attack, it will have a good effect on Cao Jun's miscellaneous soldiers, but for the iron cavalry, it will be useless.

Because the Taishan Army had not yet dismantled to the third line of defense, Hua Xiong directly used his army to attack to clear the way, and did not follow Guan Yu's command to cut through the weak points.

Guan Yu just took one look at Hua Xiong's behavior and ignored it. As long as Hua Xiong could crush Cao Jun's third line of defense, Guan Yu didn't care what method Hua Xiong used.

 I don’t know how to write about battlefields——

(End of this chapter)

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