The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 194 Part of the will drawn from the cloud

Chapter 194 Part of the will drawn from the cloud

After Hua Xiong raised his hand to hold Xiahou Dun's spear, he stabbed Xiahou Dun with his backhand. Then Xiahou Dun blocked Hua Xiong's slash with his spear.

Hua Xiong smiled evilly and swung his sword towards Xiahou Dun. He would not hesitate at all because of the bloodthirsty in Xiahou Dun's breath.

Everyone is separated from the body by inner energy covered by cloud energy. You can't say that you have activated the legion talent, but I haven't activated the legion talent. Just say that I am not your opponent - Hua Xiong.

Xiahou Dun also wielded his spear and stabbed Hua Xiong, even though Hua Xiong had been separated from the body for longer than him.

But so what, it’s not like you were trapped before the inner energy was perfected. Everyone is a warrior of the same realm of inner energy separation. At most, you are more familiar with the martial arts of inner energy separation than me.

Hua Xiong's cavalry and Xiahou Dun's headquarters passed by each other, and dozens of soldiers fell down on the cavalry side who had the misfortune to encounter the veterans of Xiahou Dun's headquarters.

Xiahou Dun's headquarters was much more miserable. At least 300 soldiers were left in this battle, and the bloodthirsty aura of the remaining soldiers became even stronger.

Looking at the dozens of fallen soldiers, the expression on Hua Xiong's face became more ferocious. Although he had long known that the veteran soldiers hiding in Xiahoudun's headquarters were difficult to deal with, he did not expect to be so difficult to deal with.

Relying on the dual defensive talents of their Xiliang cavalry, they actually allowed the veterans of the Tunqi to break through their defenses.

And shouldn't the Tun Cavalry be a defensive cavalry? Why is the attack power high enough to break the defense of the cavalry?

Even excluding those veterans, the ordinary soldiers in Xiahou Dun's headquarters were able to leave a few marks on the cavalry.

This should definitely not be the attack power that a single-talented cavalry legion with only the will-strengthening talent can possess.

As we all know, before the will-based legions realize their will export, their attack power is not as strong as those of quality-based legions, and can even be said to be dispensable.

The cavalry legion in front of him is also a single-talented will-type legion. Hua Xiong is the only one who can never mistake it.

Then the problem arises with Xiahou Dun's legion talent, although Hua Xiong himself does not have legion talent now.

But that was just the talent that Hua Xiong himself had inadvertently integrated into his own cavalry. It didn't mean that Hua Xiong didn't have the talent to awaken the legion.

When Yang Ji first mentioned the matter of legion talent, Hua Xiong was also curious about why he also had inner energy leaving his body, but did not have legion talent.

You know, as far as Hua Xiong knows, those generals with internal energy that have separated from the body have awakened their legionary talents.

He was the only one who didn't, so one can imagine how big of a blow it was to Hua Xiong at that time.

After all, Hua Xiong wanted strength and strength, the ability to lead troops, and military formations, but he just didn't have the talent for a legion.

If Yang Ji hadn't mentioned it, he would have integrated his legion talent into the talent of his own cavalry. I guess Hua Xiong would never have thought of such an operation in his life.

According to Yang Ji, his situation was that the moment he awakened the legion's talent, he cut it off and merged it into his own cavalry.

After all, when he achieved the inner energy separation from the body, his own legion had not yet been imbued with the will of others.

If the bond between Hua Xiong and his subordinates is deep enough, it should be possible to complete the merging of the legion's talents at the moment when the legion's talents are awakened.

If Hua Xiong really awakened the legion talent, then Yang Ji's speculation is probably the real reason why Hua Xiong did not manifest the legion talent.

As for not awakening... Hua Xiong simply doesn't believe that such a thing exists.

So Hua Xiong went to Yang Ji to learn more about the talent cut and fall merger.

As a result, I learned an incredible fact from Yang Ji, that is, the legion talent and the elite talent should be the same product.

It’s just that the legion’s talent is the reflection of the general’s will in the essence of heaven and earth after integrating the will of the legion, while the talent of the elite is the reflection of the collective will in the essence of heaven and earth.

The main body of the legion's talent is the personal will of the generals, while the main body of the elite talent is the collective will composed of the soldiers' will.

However, in the final analysis, both are the abilities of will reflected in the essence of heaven and earth.

In other words, the two can be merged together, or even one can annex the other.

In other words, the merged legion talents and elite talents will achieve stronger effects.

Therefore, after saying so much, I actually want to explain one thing. It is not that Hua Xiong has no legion talent, he is just cut off by him and merged into the main cavalry.

"Oh, it turns out that the higher the battle damage, the higher the combat effectiveness of the soldiers and the general." Hua Xiong whispered in a low voice.

Although it was a whisper, Hua Xiong directly broadcast his whisper through secret techniques.

Xiahou Dun's pupils shrank, and there was a bit of horror in his eyes. Even he himself had difficulty grasping the essence of his legion talent, so he relied on his own intuition to use it.

Of course, if he was given more time, he could also figure out what the essential blessing of his legion's talent was.

After all, this legion's talent was awakened by relying on his will, and the ability to use this talent is almost instinctive.

But what about Hua Xiong? Just one round of confrontation can reveal the essence of his legion's talent...

Is it really something Hua Xiong can do?
But he no longer has time to think about this problem. Hua Xiong has begun to charge again, and they are about to start a new round of fighting.

Although the essence of Xiahou Dun's legion talent is that when the battle losses do not exceed 50%, the more battle losses, the more the soldiers' combat effectiveness will increase.

But after all, it is a talent named bloodthirsty, how could it not have some special effects.

The soldiers shrouded in the talents of Xiahou Dun's army are now extremely eager to fight.

Although there was a hint of gloom in Xiahou Dun's eyes, it did not prevent him from charging towards the cavalry again.

As long as he can cut the enemy to the ground, it doesn't matter if his legion's talent is revealed, he will still be defeated at his hands.


Guan Yu glanced at Xiahou Dun's headquarters who was charging towards the cavalry, and then withdrew his gaze.

He did not think that the current Xiahou Dun headquarters would be the opponent of Hua Xiong's cavalry, and even the cavalry would not suffer many casualties.

So what if the template of Xiahou Dun's headquarters is the fifth-generation Tunqi? Isn't it still just a willpower enhancement?
Unless Xiahou Dun's headquarters can complete the derivation of will in this battle and realize the will to distort reality, the victory will definitely go to the iron cavalry.

However, the high-end operation of will derivation is not something that Xiahou Dun can master now, unless his army can sublimate the second will talent at this time. Guan Yu frowned and looked at Dian Wei who was blocking the way. He could feel that Dian Wei was very strong and he also wanted to have a fight with Dian Wei.

Unfortunately, now is not the time. He still has things to do and cannot waste time here.

With a thought in his mind, through the network of will and belief he constructed, Guan Yu began to increase his command and dispatch of the front.

Among the staggered battle lines, the Danyang soldiers who already had the advantage became more aggressive after receiving Guan Yu's command.

Cao Jun's front line, which was originally corrected by Cao Jun's grassroots generals using their own command, became increasingly shaky.

If these grassroots generals and soldiers hadn't held back the Danyang soldiers' charge, the Taishan army would have swept across the entire Cao army's front.

Although the Taishan Army already had a superior strength, although the strength of the Taishan Army was slightly smaller than that of Cao's Army.

But who calls Cao's army weak? The weak can only use human sea tactics to counter Taishan's army.

However, even if Cao's army is weak, it is only because the soldiers are weak. It does not mean that Cao's army's generals and generals are also weak.

It can only be said that Lao Cao deserves to be Lao Cao. Although the veterans have not saved much, the grassroots generals have saved a lot. Who knows that Boss Cao has a good background?

At least it's much better than Liu Bei's down-and-out clan, and compared to Liu Bei's early transparency, Cao Cao's early presence is quite strong.

However, no matter how these grassroots generals of Cao's army corrected the gap in the quality of the soldiers through their own command, they could not stop the charge of the Taishan Army.

Prior to this, Guan Yu's command and dispatch of the Taishan Army was basically maintained at the corps level, and the rest of the command relied entirely on Danyang's own organizational strength.

And now he is going to devolve the command line to Qu, or even the Centurion.

Under Guan Yu's command, more than a dozen hundred-man troops turned into a wave and rushed directly to the command node somewhere on Cao's army's front, and then violently dismantled it.

Suddenly, the area after the command node was dismantled was in chaos.

Without command from above, each combat unit could only fight on its own, and then be gradually cannibalized by the legion-level combat units that arrived later.

After dismantling the command nodes of Huang Zhong's front and releasing Huang Zhong, Guan Yu gave Huang Zhong orders.

"Han Sheng, lead your army to break through in this direction and take my place. There is a master here who has refined his body." Guan Yu explained in a rare voice.

Huang Zhong watched helplessly as more than a dozen hundred-man troops gathered quietly and suddenly broke out and demolished the command nodes of several nearby fronts.

You know, that was Huang Zhong's original target. He was almost there, but was intercepted, and then received an order from Guan Yu.

Huang Zhong took a breath of air. No wonder he didn't see Guan Yu waving the command flag to convey the order. Was this how the order was delivered?
Huang Zhong said that he had been on the battlefield for so many years and fought many battles. This was the first time he saw such a command method. It was really eye-opening for him as a veteran.

With Huang Zhong's attainments in martial arts, we can certainly see how Guan Yu accomplished this operation.

But just because you can see it, doesn’t mean you can do it.

Huang Zhong shook his head, now is not the time to think about this.

Following the guidance of Guan Yu's will, Huang Zhong looked in the direction of Guan Yu.

Two legions... no, it should be said that two people are facing each other there.

On the battlefield, the world should be fighting collectively, but after seeing the momentum exuded by those two people, Huang Zhong always felt that those two people were the center of the battlefield.

Well, the school surgeon is also one of the centers.

As for the legion behind Dian Wei, they have no sense of existence. After all, they are just regular soldiers who have completed military training. It is normal for them to have no sense of existence.

Huang Zhong glanced around. Under Guan Yu's command, the dozen or so hundred-man troops exploded the command nodes here and took over the front lines without command.

Now that Guan Yu has cleared the place where the array was integrated, Huang Zhong can no longer afford to worry here.

Although it has only been a few minutes since Guan Yu delivered the order.

"Knife in hand, follow me!" Huang Zhong raised his arms and shouted, without integrating his array, he just charged straight towards Guan Yu's battle line.

Dian Wei was a little irritable at this time. He didn't know why Guan Yu didn't attack him yet. He was clearly charging forward violently just now, but after seeing him, he stood there quietly and didn't move.

Dian Wei could see how powerful the swordsmen under Guan Yu were. Even when he faced this army under the clouds, he had to be careful, otherwise he would really be chopped into pieces by hundreds of ring-headed knives.

And after Guan Yu stopped, Dian Wei felt that Guan Yu's divine will was constantly flashing, but he didn't understand the meaning of Guan Yu's move, which was the main reason for his irritability.

Dian Wei's martial arts training was basically focused on physical fitness, so he could not truly perceive the network of will and belief that constantly conveyed information on the battlefield.

He also had no way to judge what Guan Yu was doing at this time by analyzing the battlefield situation.

Cao Cao, who was able to analyze the changes on the battlefield, did not notice Dian Wei's abnormality at all because he did not find Guan Yu's line of command.

Maybe he noticed it, and just thought that Dian Wei was excited. After all, there were not many people in Cao Wei's camp who could compete with Dian Wei, or in other words, few people wanted to compete with Dian Wei.

Xia Houyuan, who has this ability and is willing to compete with Dian Wei, has been busy training the integrated troops and rarely has time to compete with Dian Wei.

"Huh?" Dian Wei suddenly noticed a legion that was rushing towards them. The guy in the lead seemed to be an extraordinary person.

"Come on, attack Guan Yu directly!" Cao Cao's shrill voice reached Dian Wei's ears.

Cao Cao, who had been unable to find the command line of the Taishan Army, finally discovered a slight abnormality in the clouds above.

The Taishan Army's cloud energy concentration seems to be somewhat worse than theirs.

If they hadn't planned to start with the military formation to solve the problem of their own lack of talent blessing, they would never have been able to discover that part of the will attribute in Taishan's military cloud energy had been diverted.

They didn't know what Guan Yu did with the will of the army, but combined with their own side, they could not find any command line of the Taishan Army.

Then the problem is obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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