The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 195 The body is immortal and the god is eternal

Chapter 195 The body is immortal and the god is eternal

Cao Cao and the others did not find the command line of the Taishan Army, but the Taishan Army broke through the cutting front line smoothly and sharply, but it did not look like there was no command from the Chinese army.

And at this time, when you discover that part of the will of the army in the enemy's cloud has been diverted, and you don't know what this part of the diverted will will be used for, what will you think of?

The Yun Qi system is the three cornerstone system structured by Huaiyin Marquis in the early Han Dynasty, which is based on the essence of heaven and earth - the inner breath of Qi and blood - and will.

Cao Cao and the others may not necessarily recognize the essence of Yun Qi, but they certainly know that Yun Qi is constructed by the essence of heaven and earth mixed with the inner energy and will emitted from the human collective.

After all, these people are also guys who can activate cloud energy. It is impossible that they have not discovered the conditions required to activate cloud energy.

Although the clouds can be turned on after a large-scale population gathers, but if you want to use these spontaneously condensed clouds, you must sort them out before they can be used everywhere.

Whether it is sorting it out with mental power, rendering it with inner energy, integrating it with military formations, or adjusting it through various secret techniques.

Anyone who has truly used cloud energy can basically discover the essence of heaven and earth, inner energy and will contained in cloud energy.

The cloud energy on the battlefield needs to be condensed, more condensed, and even more condensed. The cloud energy that appears on the battlefield needs to be condensed.

Only in this way can we use cloud energy to suppress the opponent's elite soldiers and generals, and give our own soldiers greater blessings.

In other words, if your own cloud energy is not condensed enough, the enemy will easily find an opportunity to disintegrate your own cloud energy. When the enemy has the blessing of cloud energy, but your own side does not... the consequences are unpredictable.

But now Guan Yu's behavior of channeling the will of his own Yun Qi is simply seeking death, although the Yun Qi can still maintain its normal state.

But what if, what if Yun Qi is really disintegrated by Cao Jun?
Not only the inner energy of the warrior will be suppressed by the cloud energy, but even the elite talents will be partially suppressed by the cloud energy.

They did not believe that Guan Yu would not reach this point, otherwise Taishan would not let Guan Yu become the coach of this war.

This is not an insignificant war, this is a war that determines Yanzhou's ownership.

Cao Cao and the others did not think that the wise men of Taishan would ignore the existence of Yanzhou's civil and military forces, just as they never ignored the many civil and military forces of Taishan.

Although Cao Cao and the others said that they did not neglect Mount Tai, they only started after the first harvest of Mount Tai and the complete stabilization of Mount Tai.

If this is the case, Guan Yu must have mobilized part of the will contained in the clouds to prepare some conspiracy waiting for them.

In their opinion, there are not many people who can mobilize the will of the army without affecting the balance of the clouds.

Guan Yu! He was the one who mobilized the will of the army. Apart from him, the commander-in-chief, who else among General Taishan who appeared in this war could do such a thing.

Dian Wei's eyes narrowed. He didn't know how Cao Cao transmitted his voice here, but he could hear the urgency and the slightest fear in Cao Cao's voice.

The trace of fear revealed in Cao Cao's voice made Dian Wei suddenly think of Guan Yu's constantly flashing divine will.

Dian Wei didn't know why he associated Cao Cao's fear with the constantly flashing will of Guan Yu.

However, his intuition told him that the two were inextricably linked. As long as he could interrupt the constant flicker of Guan Yushen's will, it might be able to soothe Cao Cao's fear a little.

With a twist of his toes, the ground cracked with spider patterns, and Dian Wei's whole body turned into a black light, heading straight for the door facing Guan Yu.

Guan Yu looked at the black light coming towards him with a solemn expression, [The separation of refined inner energy from the body is still so outrageous when covered by clouds. 】

Guan Yu had played with Xu Chu under the cloud a few times before, and that was the first time he knew that there was actually inner Qi separated from the body that was not suppressed by the cloud.

It does not mean that one is not suppressed by the cloud energy, but that even if one's inner energy is suppressed by the cloud energy, one's own body can exert the power of inner energy separation.

However, if an ordinary internal Qi separation general encounters a refined internal Qi separation under the cloud, there may not be much he can do.

But who is Guan Yu, and he is still Guan Yu with the school swordsman.

The will of the legion from the school swordsman was exported by Guan Yu and blessed on the Qinglong Yanyue Sword. Dao green brilliance spread from the blade of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

After all, the school swordsman is Guan Yu's headquarters, so it is relatively easy for Guan Yu to derive the legionary will of the school swordsman.

It was too late, but it was too late. The black light transformed by Dian Wei had already reached less than five meters away from Guan Yu, and the surging air waves blew Guan Yu's long beard into chaos.

Guan Yu suddenly opened his eyes, raised the Qinglong Yanyue Sword trailing behind him with one hand, held it in the air with both hands, and then slashed forward with great force.

"Boom!" Guan Yu's blade collided with Dian Wei's halberd, causing a huge sound.

The power of will to distort reality suddenly appeared on Guan Yu's blade, directly slicing the short halberd held by Dian Wei.

"Pfft!" Guan Yu's blade cut directly into Dian Wei's flesh and blood, opening a gash in Dian Wei from top to bottom.

At the same time, a green sword light passed over Dian Wei's body, plowing a hundred-meter-long crack in the ground behind Dian Wei before it was offset by the clouds.

It is not known whether it was because Dian Wei's body was too tough or because Guan Yu's inefficiency in deriving his will was due to the fact that Dian Wei's body was not split in half by Guan Yu's blade.

Guan Yu, who was panting violently, looked at Dian Wei who was slowly falling, and waved his hand, asking the school swordsman to step forward and kill the soldiers who came with Dian Wei.

The school swordsman finally recovered from Guan Yu's god-like sword light, and his momentum suddenly exploded.

The soldiers who saw Guan Yu's sword on the battlefield finally came back. The ones with frightened eyes were Cao Jun's soldiers, and the ones with a sudden surge of momentum were the Taishan soldiers.

With a wolf-like and tiger-like momentum, the Taishan Army broke out into an even wilder charge, cutting the front line much faster than when Guan Yu commanded it just now.

The Inner Qi Leapers on the battlefield all looked at the slowly disappearing cyan sword light with their eyes wide open.

And Guan Yu was panting violently while riding on his horse, but his expression remained calm.

Huang Zhong, who finally arrived, looked at Dian Wei who fell to the ground and the red blood flowing under Dian Wei.

As if he felt something, Huang Zhong, whose scalp was numb, looked at Guan Yu, "General Guan, this..." "This is the cultivation of immortality and immortality of the spirit -" Guan Yu held the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and sat upright in his BMW. Above, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Even if I kill his will, as long as his body is still there, I guess his will can be rebuilt from the body."

[What's more, I only cut off his will, but I didn't cut off the spiritual will that was melted into his life. ] Guan Yu added in his heart.

However, having said that, if Guan Yu had not derived the will of the legion to assist him, he probably would not have been able to complete such a delicate operation in this situation.

After all, the subtlety of spiritual will is something that humans today cannot explore.

Huang Zhong was silent for a moment, then asked with difficulty, "Can the inner Qi separation from the body be refined to this level?"

After joining Taishan, Huang Zhong also heard that there was still a way for the inner energy to leave the body, and learned that the state after the inner energy left the body was called [Breaking Boundary].

After human warriors break the limits of the human body and advance to the realm of breaking, they can no longer be regarded as human beings in the conventional sense.

[The heart will not die, the spirit will not die, and the body will not fall. 】This is Yang Ji's description of God's breaking of the world. As for the other two secrets of breaking the world, Yang Ji did not mention it.

However, from the description of God Breaking the World, we can also get a glimpse of the secrets of the other two paths after arriving at Breaking the World.

Guan Yu glanced at Huang Zhong and said, "Normally those who practice inner energy cannot do this, but he can." Guan Yu pointed at Dian Wei.

In fact, unless Guan Yu's will was sharp enough, he would not have been able to detect the spiritual will that Dian Wei had melted into his body.

[Able to smelt part of one's spiritual will into the body during the stage when the inner energy leaves the body. No wonder Ziyu reminded me to be careful when meeting Dian Wei. 】

Huang Zhong was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses and looked thoughtfully at Dian Wei, who was lying on the ground.

[Sigh——] Huang Zhong sighed in his heart. If Huang Xu had not been sick, I don't know if he could have achieved the same achievements as Guan Yu, Lu Bu and Dian Wei in front of him.

"Then we just let him here. If he reshapes his will before the war is over, won't it have an impact on us?"

Huang Zhong didn't say how much influence Dian Wei would have on them after reshaping his will. He was just one person.

Even if this person is Dian Wei, how much impact can he have on the army?

Guan Yu shook his head, "It's okay, I will leave a chain of will in his body to lock his will.

As long as I don't untie the chain of will, even if his body reshapes his will, he won't be able to wake up. "

With that said, Guan Yu guided the army's will to construct a secret technique of will, and then injected it into Dian Wei's body.

The blockade formed by this secret technique of will is to connect the will of the army to suppress Dian Wei's will. As long as Dian Wei's will cannot break through the blockade of the will of the army, then he will have no way to control his body.

"Well, as long as his will can't break through the blockade of our army's will, he won't be able to wake up." After saying that, Guan Yu summoned a group of soldiers to carry Dian Wei away.

Huang Zhong looked at Guan Yu's behavior of arbitrarily mobilizing the will of the army in surprise. Is this really what a normal person can do? Or are the divine warriors just so awesome?
Guan Yu didn't know that Huang Zhong was surprised by his behavior of mobilizing the will of the army. At this time, he was taking advantage of the juncture when Cao Jun's battle line was almost stagnant. Through the network of will and belief, he directed the Danyang soldiers to launch another wave of charges, quickly cutting up Cao Jun's battle line.

Cao Cao and the others had no time to grieve over Dian Wei's fall. It was not the time to grieve over this. If they did not come to their senses, the battle line would really be broken by the Danyang soldiers commanded by Guan Yu.

Guan Yu glanced at the cavalry battle line that didn't seem to pay attention at all, and then withdrew his gaze.

With Hua Xiong watching over there, there was no need to worry about any problems. Even if there was a problem, Hua Xiong would be able to forcefully press down with his cavalry.

When something went wrong with Wei Yan, it seemed that it was due to the fall of Dian Wei. Xia Houyuan actually used this opportunity to unify the will of his own legion in one fell swoop and awaken his elite talents.

Perhaps it was Xia Houyuan's legion talent that underpinned it, so the soldiers in Xia Houyuan's headquarters were not much affected by Guan Yu's divine power and still maintained morale above the level.

"Han Sheng, go to Wen Chang and capture Xia Houyuan alive." Guan Yu turned to Huang Zhong and said.

After hearing Guan Yu's order, Huang Zhong immediately replied, "I have the order!" and then led his troops to Wei Yan.

After watching Huang Zhong leave, Guan Yu turned his attention to the command center of Cao's army.

Cao Cao and the others there are still trying hard to extend their command line outwards, as if they want to hook up with something.

Guan Yu raised his head and looked at the entangled clouds above. Because the clouds on the Taishan Army's side had been diverted by Guan Yu, the clouds on their side were at a disadvantage.

Guan Yu extended his sight to Cao Jun's rear army. The wind-controlling white horse that circled back had now cut off the connection point between Cao Jun's middle army and the rear army.

Yang Ji also appeared at the rear of Cao's army with 50,000 troops and horses, pouring in through the battle line cut by Yu Feng's white horse, completely separating Cao's middle army from the rear.

Guan Yu shook his head. Yang Ji never said that he would not end. Although he was the commander of this war, he was not the one who planned the entire war.

Turning his attention to where Cao Cao and the others were, Guan Yu said softly, "Military formation? That must be useful!"

After arranging a new attack plan through the network of will and belief, Guan Yu hit the road again on his BMW.

However, this time, due to the divine power that Guan Yu exuded, none of Cao's soldiers dared to stand in front of Guan Yu.

Even if someone could stand in front of Guan Yu, they would be glanced over by Guan Yu and slowly fall to the ground, waiting to be thrown into a prisoner of war camp when the battlefield was cleared later.

The school swordsmen once again gathered behind Guan Yu. The radiant light in their eyes was somewhat similar to that of Guan Yu. The ring-headed sword in their hands was filled with the aura of endless cutting.

The closer he got to Cao Jun's command center, the more intense the resistance Guan Yu encountered. The cooperation between groups of hundreds of men demonstrated Cao Cao's increasingly sophisticated command capabilities.

However, even if Cao Cao's command could make up for part of the quality gap, he would not be able to face the double-talented swordsman.

If Guan Yu hadn't taken the initiative to control the attack power of the swordsman, these soldiers might have been cut in half by the swordsman.

(End of this chapter)

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