The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 196: The Divine Lord constructed by the will to distort reality

Chapter 196: The Divine Lord constructed by the will to distort reality
Relying on his divine will, Guan Yu saw the civil servants of Cao Wei frantically injecting their spiritual power into the clouds.

They tried in vain to arrange the Yunqi army formation that Cao Cao had brought out before Guan Yu could penetrate the battle line laid out by Cao Cao.

It's a pity that Cao Cao took out the upgraded version of the Eight-door Golden Lock of the Xuanxiang Formation at this time... If Cao Cao had taken out the Yunqi Army Formation before the war started, then they might have relied on their own wisdom Take it all in.

Then he played through all the sixty-four variations of the Eight-Door Golden Lock Formation in front of Guan Yu, so that Guan Yu and the gang in Taishan could take a good look at them, and Yanzhou was not someone to be trifled with!
As for now, let's try to see if we can lay out the initial Xuanxiang formation in the eight-door golden lock formation.

Although the bonus of the initial Xuanxiang Formation to the soldiers is not much, the power of confusion in the initial Xuanxiang Formation is also what they urgently need.

At least it would be nice to confuse the enemy's eyes so that they can't tell where their command center has moved.

Guan Yu pretended to be held back by the battle line commanded by Cao Cao, but in fact he was paying attention to how Xi Zhicai and the others used their mental power to arrange the cloud nodes to form the initial Xuan Xiang.

In other words, it is giving them a glimmer of hope so that they will not fight to the death or something like that. Cultivating qualified soldiers is not an easy task.

If Guan Yu wanted to, he could directly separate the will of the army in the clouds and disintegrate the clouds on both sides.

Although he is not yet able to do what Yang Ji did, after stripping away the will of the army and disintegrating everyone's cloud energy, he once again built a will and belief area to suppress the condensation of cloud energy on both the enemy and ourselves.

However, he can still quickly build his own cloud suppression, and then lead the army to quickly penetrate and complete the beheading of the enemy's command.

Soon, with the full cooperation of Xi Zhicai Cheng Yu and several others, Cao Jun's initial Xuanxiang formation was finally laid out by them.

Unfortunately, in Guan Yu's opinion, what kind of incomplete version of the initial Xuanxiang Formation was this arrangement? Guan Yu could see several flaws just by his own superficial grasp of the Xuanxiang Formation.

Moreover, the confusing power of the initial Xuanxiang Formation was basically useless to Guan Yu, because Guan Yu used more than his own eyes to observe changes in the enemy's front line.

The fog gradually rose, and the soldiers who were originally fighting on the front line suddenly found that the enemy in front of them had disappeared.

No, it didn't disappear, but there was a layer of fog that obscured their eyes from observing the enemy.

Cao's soldiers suddenly rushed out from the blind spot, causing considerable trouble to Taishan's soldiers.

However, this kind of sneak attack from a blind spot is not a big problem for the Taishan Army, which is based on Danyang soldiers.

After all, the collaboration talent does not only strengthen organizational strength, although the current Taishan Army's development of collaboration talents has not reached the level of legion collaboration.

But after dozens of Danyang soldiers gathered together, it became impossible for Sergeant Cao's soldiers to rely on the mist for a sneak attack.

Guan Yu directed the school swordsmen to deal with the cutting of the battle line commanded by Cao Cao, so as to prevent the school swordsmen from being really separated by Cao Cao and being sent to another location by the mist to separate from the majority of the legion.

While observing the response of the rest of the Taishan Army through the Will and Belief Network, he also guided certain Centuries to hit Cao's army's assembly point from time to time.

In short, Guan Yu relied on the fog formed by the initial Xuanxiang formation arranged by Xi Zhicai and others to practice a wave of troops.

However, it's time to end now. Yang Ji's work in the rear army is about to end.

After all, the two brothers Cao Chun and Cao Hong arranged by Cao Cao in the rear army have been captured alive by Yang Ji. How can the remaining grassroots generals stop Yang Ji's wanton penetration.

Guan Yu once again channeled the will of his commanding swordsmen and the army and blessed it on himself.

Although he is not yet able to transfer the exported will of the army to bless the frontline soldiers, he can still bless himself.

In other words, it is much easier to derive the will of the army and then transfer the blessing to himself than to transfer the blessing to the soldiers on the front line fighting the enemy.

At least there is no need to consider the efficiency of deriving and transmitting the will of the army. After all, he only has one person, but the soldiers fighting on the front line are hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands.

Zhanzhan Qinghui bloomed from the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, and the light and shadow were distorted by a large amount of will, forming a huge statue of Guan Sheng Emperor behind Guan Yu.

Guan Yu also flew into the air at the right time, raised his Qinglong Yanyue Sword, and then suddenly slashed towards the Xuanxiang formation constructed by Cao Wei Wenchen.

The statue of Emperor Guan Sheng behind Guan Yu also followed Guan Yu's slashing and slashed forward vigorously.

After passing the military formation, Cao Cao and others watched dumbfoundedly as a hundred-meter-tall giant holding a long sword slashed at them from top to bottom.

"Would a warrior... be able to do this under the clouds?" Cao Cao muttered to himself with a dull look in his eyes.

When he was at Hulao Pass, he had faced the unbridled impact of Lu Bu's momentum; he had also learned about the internal energy separation warrior from Xia Houyuan in detail; he had also practiced internal energy himself, although there was no result.

But no one told him that a warrior could exert such strength under the cloud energy - if I had been able to practice inner energy properly, would I have been able to achieve this level?
Xiahou Dun said absentmindedly: "Is this really something that a warrior with inner energy leaving the body can do?" He didn't know who he was asking.

"Hahaha! Of course it is impossible for a warrior with inner energy to leave his body to do such a thing." Hua Xiong laughed wildly and slashed at Xiahou Dun's body.

The severe pain awakened Xiahou Dun's absent-mindedness, and with the blessing of the legion's talent, his combat effectiveness began to increase significantly.

Unfortunately, Hua Xiong would not give him this opportunity. He laughed wildly and brandished his sword and struck Xiahou Dun again, without giving him any time to react.

While cutting down Xiahou Dun, Hua Xiong shouted: "The enemy general is dead and he still doesn't surrender!"

The soldiers who heard Hua Xiong's roar looked at Xiahou Dun himself who fell from his horse. Then the morale of Xiahou Dun's soldiers plummeted, while the cavalry headquarters showed no reaction, as if this was just a matter of course.

Xia Houyuan, who was pinned to the ground by Huang Zhong and Wei Yan to seal off his inner energy, still had a trace of anger on his face.

That was the anger directed at these two shameless guys, who actually jumped out and attacked him while he was dueling with another person.

His eyes with a trace of anger remaining looked at the huge light and shadow god summoned by Guan Yu in a daze, and murmured to himself: "Is it a thing created with the help of the army or the power of my own legion?"

Xia Houyuan is worthy of being a ruthless man who dared to shoot his own arrow at Lu Bu at Hulao Pass with his Qi-strengthening body. He saw the composition of the divine king behind Guan Yu. After Wei Yan heard Xia Houyuan's words, he looked at Huang Zhong. He was still a newbie with inner energy separated from the body. No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't tell how the divine king behind Guan Yu was constructed.

"General Huang, how is this... behind General Guan... constructed?" Wei Yan didn't know what words to use to describe the divine monarch behind Guan Yu.

Huang Zhong looked at the huge phantom of the Divine Lord with complex eyes, and couldn't help sighing: "It was constructed by General Guan and the will of the unified army to distort reality.

I don’t know what to call this giant shadow,” Huang Zhong shook his head, saying that he only knew how Guan Yu constructed the Divine Lord, but he didn’t know how to describe it.

"Will distorts reality? What is that and can we learn it?" Wei Yan asked. He also wanted to learn a wave of Guan Yu's operations and directly summon his own phantom of the God Lord when fighting in the future.

Wei Yan fantasized about how he would rely on the Divine Lord to sweep the entire scene in the future, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a look of yearning.

"Study? Huh!" Huang Zhong couldn't help but snorted, "Purify your martial arts first and then talk about it."

"If you want to complete the will to distort reality, unless you can temper your will to the level of General Guan, or complete the will integration, will derivation and will transmission of the army, and finally the will to distort reality."

Huang Zhong looked at Wei Yan like this. Even he couldn't master these skills. How could Wei Yan, a little guy who had just broken through the internal energy separation, want to complete Guan Yu's operation?

"Ah?" Wei Yan was confused. If he wanted to construct a divine king, would he need to master so many skills?

And the one who tempered his mind and will to the extent of Guan Yu, are you sure he isn't kidding?
Can anyone really reach the state where Guan Yu is on the road of mind and will?
And what on earth is that will-derived will-transmission thing? Why hasn't he heard of it?
"Boom!!!" The Qinglong Yanyue Sword, constructed by the distortion of reality by will, struck directly at the Xuanxiang Formation that Cheng Yu, Xi Zhicai, Chen Gong, and the others had finally constructed.

The will contained in the blade directly offset the will in the cloud. The result was that the Xuan Xiang Formation that was finally constructed was cut open like a hot knife cutting through butter.

The extending sword energy left a thousand-meter-long trace on the ground. Miraculously, the soldiers in this trace did not receive any specific damage.

"Hiss! The second master's divine will has become more and more proficient in controlling the army's will. Are these will attacks able to move as he wishes?"

Looking at the soldier who was not hurt by the sword energy but had a confused look on his face, Yang Ji took a deep breath.

"Ziyu, do you think this was done intentionally by General Guan?" Xu Shu pointed at the soldier who was swept by the sword energy and said with a shocked look on his face.

The kilometer-long knife mark affected not just one or two soldiers, but hundreds or thousands of soldiers. Can Guan Yu really control his will attacks so finely?

"Why, don't you believe that the second master can do this?" Yang Ji looked sideways at Xu Shu, and his sidelong eyes revealed something similar to Guan Yu's look when he was killing people.

"This...I'm just doubting whether this is really possible for humans?" Xu Shu said with a bitter smile.

Xu Shu would not have asked the question just now if he didn't know what kind of abilities the inner Qi has when leaving the body.

"Or, Ziyu, can you do such a thing?" Xu Shu looked at Yang Ji.

Xu Shu remembered that Yang Ji, like Guan Yu, was a spiritual cultivator at the ultimate level of internal energy separation. If Guan Yu could achieve this level, Yang Ji might also be able to achieve it.

"No, no, no," Yang Ji stretched out his index finger and said, "Second Master's divine will is different from other people's."

"Even if Lu Bu is here, he has to admit the gap between himself and the second master in terms of mind and will.

Although Lu Bu's overall strength is better than that of Er Ye, he still has to be careful when facing Er Ye's attacks.

Because if you are not careful, you will really die——" Yang Ji also sighed when thinking of Guan Yu's performance in the original world line.

Although Guan Yu has not yet reached the realm of gods at this stage, his power of severing his mind has already begun to show its edge.

After Cao Jun's Xuanxiang formation was cut down by Guan Yu, the fog that obscured the eyes of Taishan soldiers dissipated instantly, and Cao Jun's soldiers who were originally invisible appeared again in front of Taishan soldiers.

Some Taishan soldiers were startled when they saw the soldiers of Cao who were so close. They did not realize that they were being touched at such a close distance by the soldiers of Cao.

Danyang Bing became so angry that he directly greeted his friends. Let's all stand shoulder to shoulder and beat this little brat to death for almost scratching our skin!

After Guan Yu fell from the sky, the divine king behind him also turned into a stream of light and returned to Guan Yu's body. All that was left in the world was the kilometer-long knife mark and the mark in people's hearts.

Guan Yu held the reins, raised his sword, pointed the blade directly in the direction of Cao Cao, and whispered: "Kill!"

Although it was a soft call, Guan Yu's voice was transmitted to all directions. Everyone who could or could not hear Guan Yu's voice heard it.

The order for a general attack has been issued, and the morale of Taishan's soldiers has risen again. The burst of morale has even affected reality.

The ring-shou sword held by the soldier even showed a hint of will to distort reality as he swung it, catalyzing the cold sword light to become even brighter.

Guan Yu also used himself as the blade to cut into Cao Jun's battle line. While leading the swordsmen in charge, he commanded the other soldiers to cut through Cao Jun's battle line frantically.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can find that the Taishan Army, led by Guan Yu, which cut into Cao's front line, vaguely formed a front line.

After all, the gap in basic quality is there, so when the untalented Cao Army faces the Taishan Army, all of whom have elite talents, they can only be the one who is harvested.

Guan Yu chopped Le Jin down with a sword, threw a secret sealing technique into Le Jin's body, and then continued forward. He had already seen Cao Cao and other civil and military personnel who were hurriedly moving.

"Cao Cao, don't leave!" Guan Yu shouted, swung his sword and slashed a beam of light that went straight towards Cao Cao, then he clapped his horse and headed straight towards Cao Cao.

After catching a glimpse of the sword light coming straight towards him, Cao Cao quickly mobilized the cloud energy to kill Guan Yu's cyan sword light.

(End of this chapter)

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