The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 199 You don’t want Xi Zhicai to be unable to wake up like this, right?

Chapter 199 You don’t want Xi Zhicai to be unable to wake up like this, right?
With the speed of the white horse after entering the divine speed state, Yang Ji did not need to activate the radiance of will.

But because Baima himself couldn't control such speed, and Yang Ji didn't want to cause too many killings.

So Yang Ji turned on the Glory of Will, using his will's ability to distort reality to prevent White Horse's blade from causing fatal injuries to Sergeant Cao's soldiers.

With the support of will's ability to distort reality, Baima's saber was modified by Yang Ji into a saber that did not have a physical strike effect but a will strike effect.

When the blade passes over the soldier, White Horse's physical saber will be dematerialized under the influence of his will to distort reality, which means that it will not cause any physical damage to the soldier's body.

But this does not mean that Baima's blade does not cause damage, but that these injuries are distorted into a will blow effect by Yang Ji's ability to use his will to distort reality.

Moreover, Yang Ji also deliberately restrained part of the power of the will strike, otherwise the casualties caused by Baima's charge would not have been just over a thousand.

This was because some unlucky people happened to be under the white horse's hooves, and the will of a small number of soldiers was really fragile. Even if Yang Ji deliberately restrained his power, he was still crushed by the blow of his will.

It was just that the damage caused by Baima's three rounds of arrow rain was not as great as the damage caused by one charge, which made it difficult for Yang Ji to look straight at him.

Wherever the white waves created by the white horses passed, the soldiers fell down like wheat being harvested.

This horrifying scene instantly hit the bottom of Cao Cao's morale, which he had finally built up, and his will to fight was basically reduced to zero.

After Cao Jun's fighting will was reduced to zero, the first impact was that Cao Jun's cloud collapsed on its own.

Even Cheng Yu, Chen Gong and Chen Qun frantically injected spiritual power into the cloud energy, trying to maintain the existence of the cloud energy by relying on the already formed military formation.

But in the face of a collapsed will, no matter how much mental power they inject, they cannot replace the cornerstone of the collective will. What should collapse will still collapse.

When the white horse's sword was about to cross Cao Cao and his group, under the control of Yang Ji, the white horse was divided into two parts. After passing Cao Cao, they merged together again, and then continued to charge forward.

In the process, Yang Ji relied on his own strength to forcefully exit the speed state, and stopped when the blade was about to swipe across Cao Cao's neck.

"Is Mr. Cao okay?" Yang Ji was riding on the horse, looking down at the motionless Cao Cao. From this angle, Cao Cao seemed even more outstanding.

Yang Ji glanced sideways at Cheng Yu, who was surging with mental power. "I advise you to think carefully before taking action. Even if you blow yourself up and destroy the foundation of your mental power, it probably won't hurt me."

Yang Ji shook his mental power slightly and opened Cheng Yu's horizons.

Cheng Yu's pupils suddenly shrank, [Spiritual talent? Didn't his inner energy leave the body? ] Cheng Yu withdrew his mental power with a gloomy expression. He really didn't expect that such a person would appear.

According to the information he knew, it was impossible for inner energy to leave the body and spiritual talent to appear in one person at the same time.

Because the inner qi leaving the body will suppress the awakening of spiritual talents, it is not that warriors with inner qi separated from the body cannot give birth to spiritual talents, but that they cannot awaken.

Similarly, spiritual talent will also suppress a warrior's internal energy, making it impossible to break the constraints of the human body and allow the inner energy to leave the body.

Just like Zhao Yun in the original world line, it stands to reason that with Zhao Yun's ability, if the inner energy had not suppressed the awakening of spiritual talents, Zhao Yun would have manifested his spiritual talents long ago.

After seeing Cheng Yu dissipate his mental power, Yang Ji also withdrew his saber. After all, Boss Cao's face was covered in cold sweat now, and Cheng Yu had given him face like this, so Yang Ji had to give him face too.

He glanced at Chen Gong and Chen Qun next to Cheng Yu. Chen Gong's face was dull at this moment, which showed that his spiritual talent was at work.

And Chen Qun's face was full of distress. He probably didn't even expect that as soon as he debuted, he would encounter a situation that could only happen in stories such as the annihilation of the entire army of the lord.

And Yang Ji suspected that Chen Qun was doubting what was going on with him, otherwise why would he join Cao Wei.

Before even displaying his abilities, Cao Wei's camp overturned, leaving only Xun Yu struggling to support him.

Yang Ji turned his attention to Cao Cao again, "Mr. Cao, you have come to your senses. I have taken off the sword. You can't be really scared, right?"

Cao Cao glanced at Yang Ji with extremely complicated eyes. He did not expect that the young man who followed Liu Bei would have such ability.

Why is Liu Bei's face so big? It's just that the two sworn brothers are top military generals with inner energy separated from the body. The two young men picked up on the road are also so outstanding.

Chen Xi's political strategy was an operation that he couldn't understand, and the military strategy of the person in front of him was also an operation that he couldn't understand.

Even when he followed Huangfu Song to conquer the Yellow Turbans, he had never encountered such a situation.

What is the light that appears after the cloud collapses? Why can the foundation of the existence of cloud gas be shaken?

And, how did this guy bypass the suppression of inner energy/spiritual talent by spiritual talent/inner energy and achieve inner energy separation/awakening spiritual talent.

Yang Ji dismounted and said to Cao Cao: "Mr. Cao? Please tell me, you won't be really scared, right? With your character, you shouldn't be scared by such a small scene, right?"

It's a pity that Cao Cao, who had just stepped onto the stage and was kicked off by Taishan's army before he could show off his skills, was so disheartened that Yang Ji's little provocation could not stimulate him at all.

Seeing that Cao Cao ignored him, Yang Ji was not angry, but turned to look at Cheng Yu and the others:

"Guys, please advise Mr. Cao. It's just that Yanzhou has been annexed by us. It's not a big deal. Is there any need to isolate yourself there?"

It was okay if Yang Ji didn't say anything. As soon as Yang Ji said these words, Cheng Yu stared at Yang Ji fiercely, as if he wanted to take a bite.

That is to say, Yang Ji's momentum has firmly locked Cao Cao, Chen Gong, Chen Qun and others, otherwise Cheng Yu will have to show Yang Ji what it means to humiliate the subject to death!
"Hey, look at that fierce look, it looks like Brother Zhongde wants to open a gourd on my head.

It's a pity that Brother Zhongde's fighting ability...well, that's it, he may not be able to give me a shot. "Yang Ji glanced up and down at Cheng Yu, who was covered in tendons, and then said with a smile.

To be honest, Yang Ji really wanted Cheng Yu to be able to resist and jump up and attack Yang Ji, and then Yang Ji would be able to kill Cheng Yu naturally.

Unfortunately, Cheng Yu was very calm and just glared at Yang Ji without taking action at all, and did not give Yang Ji any clue.

Soon, within a few minutes, the small stones on the ground were shaken by the vibration of the earth. This was because the white horse turned around and came back.

Looking into the distance, a white wave surged toward them. When the soldiers who were still standing saw it, their faces suddenly turned pale and their bodies trembled. Even Cao Cao, who was squatting on the ground and drawing circles, subconsciously looked at the white wave coming toward them.

Chen Qun, a noble man, even swallowed his saliva, then glanced at Yang Ji, and then slowly calmed his beating heart.

"Why are you nervous? You have all been defeated. Baima will not raise his sword against you again, unless you want to try to escape." Yang Ji tried to persuade those who were a little nervous when they saw the surging white waves.

Unfortunately, Yang Ji's persuasion was of no use. Those who should be nervous would still be nervous. After all, they were watching the white waves reaping the soldiers like wheat.

At this time, the light of will that shrouded the entire White Horse army had receded, replaced by the return of cloud energy.

After all, the current White Horse is neither a dual-talented legion of the will system, nor a three-talented legion, nor a military soul legion.

Without Yang Ji to complete the derivation of will, there is still no way to touch the ability of will to distort reality, which can only be mastered by decisive combat troops.

"General, did that just now mean that your will distorts reality?" Zhao Hong couldn't wait to ask Yang Ji.

Even if Zhao Yun's legion talent is always present, he can't stop Zhao Hong's excitement at this time.

No matter what the other White Horse soldiers felt from the will-distorted reality just now, Zhao Hong, as a veteran of Gongsun Zan's Speedy White Horse, saw a lot.

Zero-hour dodge - this is how Zhao Hong used the will to distort reality just now to see the next development direction of the Speedy White Horse.

Unfortunately, when Yang Ji returned the command to him, and when Yang Ji no longer maintained the will export, Zhao Hong could no longer see the zero-time dodge used by Baima in the future timeline.

That's why Zhao Hong couldn't wait to ask Yang Ji. This was his instinctive reaction as a veteran of the White Horse.

Yang Ji looked at Zhao Hong in surprise. He didn't expect that Zhao Hong could use his will to distort reality to see the next development direction of the Speedy White Horse.

"It was true that my will distorted reality just now, but that was the distortion I accomplished with the help of White Horse's legion's will.

If General Gongsun wants to achieve the ability you saw, Baima will probably have to strengthen his military spirit or use three talents to make up for his own imperfections. "

Zero-hour dodge, the ultimate expression of the speedy white horse, is an ability that can eliminate one's own reaction time.

For most legions, the ability to move at will is of little significance, but for Gongsun Baima, who has developed his dexterity and wind-driving ability from his talent for speed, this is the last piece of the puzzle to be promoted to a decisive battle unit.

However, the current situation is that Baima must have a strong military spirit or three talents to complete zero-time dodge.

However, these are all enhanced by the military soul or the third talent. Hasn't it already made up for its own incompleteness?
It has become like this - if you want to complete zero-hour dodge, then you have to upgrade to military soul or three talents; if you want to upgrade to military soul or three talents, then you have to complete zero-hour evasion.

In short, the current situation of Gongsun Baima is like this. He has basically completed the mastery of talents, but due to some reasons, he is stuck at the last step and cannot be promoted to the decisive battle unit.

"Ah?" Zhao Hong felt like she couldn't understand what Yang Ji was talking about. What does it mean to be promoted to a military soul or have three talents to complete the future he saw?

I have already been promoted to Military Soul or Level 3 Talent, haven’t I completed zero-hour dodge yet?

Seeing the confused Zhao Hong, Yang Ji also had a headache on how to explain this question of which came first, the egg or the chicken.

"Forget it, given your level of knowledge, it's better not to worry about this. Go and see how those fallen soldiers are doing." Yang Ji sent Zhao Hong to deal with the fallen soldiers of Cao Cao.

Zhao Hong's face suddenly fell, but he still couldn't admit that Yang Ji was right.

With his level of knowledge, it was indeed difficult to understand why the Speedy White Horse could not be promoted to Military Soul or Three Talents before completing the zero-hour dodge, or vice versa.

Zhao Hong went to check the situation of Sergeant Cao's soldiers with a grimace, but this was also one of his original purposes. It was also the first time that their white horse had launched a will attack, so they had to see what was going on.

Cheng Yu, Chen Gong and others next to them opened their eyes wide, listening to the conversation between Yang Ji and Zhao Hong, and listening to the information revealed between the two of them.

Even Cao Cao, who was standing by Yi Mou, pricked up his ears and listened to what Yang Ji revealed.

Yang Ji turned to look at these guys who were blatantly eavesdropping: "How about it, do you have any impression of the strength gap between us?"

That's right, Yang Ji deliberately released the news about the will to distort reality and the three talents of the military soul in front of them in order to further undermine their resistance.

Who among the people present is not a human spirit? As soon as Yang Ji said this, he guessed what he wanted to do, wasn't he just trying to persuade them to surrender?

However, with their willpower, it is impossible for them to give up their past persistence and ambitions just because of Yang Ji's words.

Seeing their silence, Yang Ji knew what their choice was.

Yes, after all, they are Cao Cao's subordinates. If you want to persuade them to surrender, Cao Cao still has to take the lead.

"Mr. Cao, how are you considering it? I'm not kidding you what I said before.

After saying goodbye to Hulao Pass, Mr. Xuande misses you very much. Otherwise, I would not personally invite you to Mount Tai like Yanzhou to meet Mr. Xuande. "

Yang Ji told a cold joke calmly, but what Yang Ji said was not an exaggeration. After all, Liu Bei really wanted to invite Cao Cao to Mount Tai to help the Han Dynasty together.

Speaking of Liu Bei, Cao Cao had some reaction, but he just glanced at Yang Ji coldly, "Liu Xuande wants to invite me to Mount Tai, why doesn't he come by himself?"

Yang Ji paused, looked at Cao Cao seriously and said: "Look at what you said, isn't this Yuan Benchu ​​of Jizhou causing some trouble and needing Xuande Gong to deal with it?

Therefore, to show sincerity, Xuande Gong specially sent Chen Zichuan, Guan Yunchang, and me to invite you. "

"Oh, by the way, we have given good treatment to Brother Zhicai, whom Mr. Cao sent to Mount Tai earlier."

The expressions of Cao Cao and others suddenly changed, and they stared at Yang Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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