Chapter 200 Cao Cao can be defeated
Cao Cao and the others were all aware of Xi Zhicai's physical condition. Using all his mental power like this would definitely cause irreparable damage to his body.

If Xi Zhicai unleashed his mental power in order to use his mental talent, there wouldn't be any big problem.

But just now on the main battlefield, Xi Zhicai used all his mental power not to use his mental power, but to use his mental power to kill the light of Guan Yu's sword.

The sword light struck by Guan Yu contained Guan Yu's purified will of the army. This was the reason why Xi Zhicai's spiritual foundation was shattered.

The backlash caused by the shattering of Xi Zhicai's spiritual foundation dealt another heavy blow to Xi Zhicai's mental will.

After all, Xi Zhicai's spiritual will has not yet been purified to the point where it can exist independently from the body.

Therefore, after Xi Zhicai's spiritual will is severely hit, it will also be fed back to the body where the spiritual will resides.

There are no people who think that spiritual will has no connection with the body, right?
It was under this series of causes and effects that after the foundation of Xi Zhicai's mental power was broken, his spiritual will was backfired, and then fed back to Xi Zhicai's body.

However, Xi Zhicai's physical fitness could not withstand this wave of backlash, and his spiritual will, unable to be restrained by his body, could only helplessly dissipate slowly in his broken body.

If Guan Yu's secret technique hadn't temporarily restrained Xi Zhicai's broken spirit and will, Xi Zhicai would have died under the light of the sword slashing at Cao Cao.

After Xi Zhicai used his mental power to kill Guan Yu's sword light, Cao Cao and the others were able to sense Xi Zhicai's broken mental power foundation.

It was precisely because he knew that Xi Zhicai's physical condition could not withstand this wave of backlash that Cao Cao endured his grief and followed Xi Zhicai's instructions to leave the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, they failed to escape after all and failed to live up to Xi Zhicai's sacrifice.

As a result, Yang Ji suddenly heard that Xi Zhicai was saved. How could they not be excited?

Before this, it was impossible to say that Cao Cao and the others had no resentment towards Yang Ji and the others.

But, now... there are no immortals on the battlefield. Besides, Xi Zhicai can still be saved.

As for those soldiers who died on the battlefield? Didn't I just say that there are no immortals on the battlefield? What's more, isn't this the job of licking blood with the blade of a knife?

Yang Ji looked at Cao Cao and the others with glaring eyes. Although he had known for a long time that these people did not care about the lives of the people at the bottom, he still felt sad every time he saw their indifferent eyes.

[So, without the idealists like Xuande Gong, the Three Kingdoms at the end of Han Dynasty would be just an era among the many dark and chaotic times in history. How could there be countless fantasies about this era? 】

Yang Ji sighed in his heart. When will these people realize that the people at the bottom are not leeks, just harvesting one crop after another?

"Forget it, you should go and see it for yourself. No matter how much I say here, it won't be as safe as the peace of mind you can get by investigating for yourself." Yang Ji said with some waning interest.

Although Cao Cao, Cheng Yu and others were excited by the news that Xi Zhicai was still alive, they were not stunned by the news, so they were still keenly aware of the slight depression in Yang Ji's tone.

【How is this going? 】Cheng Yu and Chen Gong glanced at each other without any trace, both of them were a little surprised by Yang Ji's change.

"Hey, don't leave in a hurry yet -" Cheng Yu grabbed Yang Ji who was about to leave. Apparently he wanted to ask Yang Ji some questions.

Yang Ji paused, then turned to look at Cheng Yu with a dull expression, wanting to hear what boring things this man wanted to say.

After Cheng Yu noticed that Yang Ji's eyes fell on his paw holding Yang Ji's arm, Cheng Yu immediately let go of his paw.

Yang Ji's indifferent eyes made Cheng Yu suspect that if he didn't let go, Yang Ji would probably draw his sword and chop off his arm.

"Ahem..." Cheng Yu coughed a few times, "Well, Ziyu, you have to tell us the specific situation of Zhicai, otherwise we won't know what to check later.

Also, are the two Generals Xiahou and General Dian okay? Cheng Yu asked Yang Ji dryly.

Cheng Yu is a cruel person, even he thinks so, he can be cruel to himself or others.

But when facing Yang Ji's squinting eyes, Cheng Yu felt a chill rising from his spine for no apparent reason.

At this moment, Cheng Yu realized that the gentle young man in front of him was so dangerous.

Cheng Yu dared to swear that with the coldness in Yang Ji's eyes, if possible, Yang Ji would definitely give him a cruel treatment that would allow him to experience a one-day trip to the underworld.

Cheng Yu didn't know what happened to Yang Ji and why his attitude towards them suddenly changed so much.

But as long as Yang Ji didn't take action on the spot, it wouldn't prevent him from giving in on the spot. After all, he really couldn't beat him.

Of course, if possible, Cheng Yu also wanted Yang Ji to experience what it felt like to give in.

Yang Ji didn't know what Cheng Yu was thinking. After all, he was just thinking about whether to secretly give Cao Cao a sword to prevent him from being soaked in medicinal wine by Zhuge Liang in the future.

As for Cao Cao's character, it was okay when he was in China. At least Liu Bei, Chen Xi and the others were there to suppress him, so he wouldn't cause any trouble that would make people feel murderous.

However, it is not necessarily the same after going abroad, just like Cao Cao in the original world line.

What he did was simply not done by humans. Chen Gong made it into an AI without even seeing it. In the end, Xun Yu and the others just pinched their noses and recognized it.

It's a pity that something can't happen to this typical example of Cao Cao, at least not at this time.

When they get abroad, Cao Cao can do whatever he wants. Yang Ji doesn't want to take care of it anyway. If Chen Xi wants to take care of it, Yang Ji can't add fuel to the fire.

"You don't have to worry about those generals. With their physical fitness, they will recover soon." Yang Ji told them about the conditions of the two Xiahou and Dian Wei.

"As for Xi Zhicai..." When talking about Xi Zhicai, Yang Ji paused, thinking about what words to use to describe Xi Zhicai's current situation.

When Cao Cao and others heard that the two Xia Hous, Dian Wei and Yue Jin were all fine, they were just about to relax when they heard Yang Ji breathing heavily.

"How should I describe it to you...huh? What kind of look do you have?" Yang Ji asked with some confusion. Didn't he just pause for a moment? Why were they looking at him with such sad eyes?


"Xi Zhicai will definitely survive, but his mental foundation has collapsed after all. No one knows whether it can be rebuilt in the future."

Faced with Xi Zhicai's situation, Yang Ji also felt very sorry. After all, Xi Zhicai's mental talent was a very useful talent detector before Zhuge Liang came.

But it's just a bit of a pity for them. After all, they will have a better one in the future. But for the Cao Wei Group and Xi Zhicai himself, it was very unfriendly news.

Although Xi Zhicai's own ability does not rely heavily on mental talent, having it and not having it are not the same thing after all.


"Have Cao Mengde been persuaded by you?" Chen Xi looked at Cao Cao who was checking Xi Zhicai, Dian Wei and Le Jin over there, and asked Yang Ji with some surprise.

To be honest, Chen Xi didn't have much confidence in capturing Cao Cao. It's not like no one in history forced Cao Cao to a desperate situation, but Cao Cao survived every time.

This proves that Cao Cao's ability to withstand pressure is very reliable. He can withstand the situation until the situation changes every time, and then push back against the opponent and annex the opponent's power to his own.

As a result, Cao Cao was brought back by Yang Ji. How could this not surprise Chen Xi?

Yang Ji rolled his eyes, "Do you think I have that ability? Or does Cao Mengde look like the kind of person who can be persuaded by others?"

Chen Xi nodded, "Cao Mengde's will is still very firm, and he is indeed not the kind of person who is easily persuaded.

But, he can be defeated -" Chen Xi changed his words and looked at Yang Ji.

Although Cao Cao is indeed not the kind of person who is easily persuaded by others, Cao Cao is now a defeated general and has been captured by others.

If you want to say that Cao Cao has no feelings, Chen Xi will not believe it.

"..." Yang Ji opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, although Cao Cao was indeed captured by him.

But with Cao Cao's will, it's impossible to give in like this... right?

Yang Ji was also a little unsure of what Cao Cao was thinking. After all, Cao Cao's entire army was wiped out this time, leaving Xun Yu alone to guard Chenliu.

Moreover, with their current strength, if they want to seize Chenliu, Xun Yu who is left behind to guard Chenliu will not be able to hold it, no matter how powerful he is.

"Forget it, this matter is not my responsibility. Let's leave it to Mr. Xuande."

"Anyway, he and Cao Mengde had a pretty good conversation when they were in Hulao. Maybe they can really convince him." Yang Ji chose to show off.

Chen Xi thought about it, and it was indeed as Yang Ji said, it was really hard for them to get involved in what happened after they captured Cao Cao.

After all, Cao Cao is the model they have set up, which is related to how other princes will deal with it in the future.

And after having Cao Cao's example, most of the Han princes would not choose to die together when they competed with Mount Tai. After all, who would want to die if they could live.


"Although I have known for a long time that his physical fitness is very poor, I never expected it to be so poor." After checking Xi Zhicai's physical condition, Yang Ji couldn't help complaining.

After Cao Cao and others confirmed that Xi Zhicai and Dian Wei were still alive through their own methods, they shyly ran over and asked Yang Ji if they could wake them up now.

As for the two Xiahou brothers - they both had inner Qi leaving their bodies, so those with strong recovery abilities should be spared. Although their injuries were quite serious, it wasn't a big problem when their inner Qi left their bodies.

Le Jin's injury was quite serious. After all, the inner energy was not out of the body, and his recovery ability was limited compared to ordinary people.

Fortunately, the injury was not fatal. After treatment by military doctors and the Ganlin military formation arranged by Yang Ji, there was no major problem.

The really serious ones are Xi Zhicai and Dian Wei, and both of them have mental and will problems, and ordinary methods are of no use at all.

"Ziyu, can you solve it?" Chen Xi asked Yang Ji after casting a vague glance at Cao Cao and the others.

You don't know if you don't check, but you will be shocked when you check. Chen Xi didn't expect that Xi Zhicai would be backlashed to such an extent that even his spirit and will were shattered.

Is it that Xi Zhicai's mental will and body are too fragile, or is Guan Yu's blade too sharp?

"Of course it can be solved. You have to trust my skills. It's just a broken spirit and will. It's a small problem." Yang Ji showed a smile on his face.

"Hey, your smile makes me feel uneasy. Otherwise, let Dr. Hua and Dr. Zhang come for a consultation." Chen Xi became even more uneasy after seeing Yang Ji's smile.

It's not that Chen Xi doesn't believe in Yang Ji's skills, but that Yang Ji's skills are sometimes too fantasy, which is not the style that should appear in a world of high martial arts like theirs.

What's more, what is involved now is still about spiritual and will issues.

"When did Dr. Hua and the others start a research project on spiritual will?
I remember the last time I talked to them about this aspect, they said they had not covered this aspect? Yang Ji asked Chen Xi doubtfully.

Chen Xi paused, and then said hesitantly: "Maybe they started a new research project after you mentioned this aspect?"

Seeing the "are you kidding me" expression on Yang Ji's face, Chen Xi was also a little embarrassed. Although he could chat with Hua Tuo and the others, he didn't know how many research projects Hua Tuo and the others had started.

For these true geniuses, you never know when they will come up with something that will shock the world. You don’t even know when they started researching it.

"Well... forget it, I'd better wake up Dian Wei first, it's easier for him."

Yang Ji, who rubbed his face with his hands, decided to wake up Dian Wei first and let them see how... mystical his skills were.

After arriving at the place where Dian Wei's body was stored, he saw rune chains formed by the will of the army extending from the void and connecting to Dian Wei's body.

"Hiss!" Chen Xi took a breath. This was the first time he saw the phenomenon of will materializing.

Even Guan Yu, who personally created the secret technique of sealing, opened his eyes and looked at the will rune chain in front of him with surprise.

Although Cao Cao and others have met once before, they still feel a sense of separation after seeing them again.

Is this thing really something that can appear in this world?

(End of this chapter)

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