The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 203 Dian Wei advances and Guo Jia arrives

Chapter 203 Dian Wei advances and Guo Jia arrives

No matter how he thought about it, Chen Xi couldn't figure out how Dian Wei turned the iron pieces on his body into a short halberd.

This is not scientific at all, okay——

So, Chen Xi, who couldn't figure out what was going on, broke through the cloud barrier and grabbed Yang Ji's arm, determined to find out.

"Come on, please explain to me, how did Dian Wei do it?" Chen Xi pointed at the short halberd in Dian Wei's hand and asked Yang Ji.

Yang Ji's arm shook slightly, knocking Chen Xi's claws away, and then asked Chen Xi: "It's been so long, haven't you discovered that this is a world that favors idealism?"

Yang Ji looked at Chen Xi in surprise, wondering how this guy had been on the Internet for so many years. Could he be one of those guys who only knows how to leave traces everywhere?
"Any world where extraordinary power exists must have idealistic attributes, otherwise the existence of extraordinary individuals can only be a killing tool controlled by power.

At most, the idealistic attributes of some extraordinary worlds are not the same as this world, and they emphasize the power of idealism more.

Otherwise, where do you think the power of our will to distort reality comes from? Yang Ji said without looking back.

The corner of Chen Xi's mouth twitched. He really didn't expect that this time, or at some point in his career over the years, he would subconsciously ignore some of the most essential factors.

However, after Yang Ji reminded him, Chen Xi finally figured out how Dian Wei smelted this short halberd.

In this world, although matter is also one of the cornerstones of existence, the mind and will can distort reality.

The most common will-distorted reality is the military soul. Terms such as resistance to death and unlimited physical strength that should not appear in the material world are one of the best manifestations of will-distorted reality.

In this world, the most common way to distort reality with will is to rely on collective will.

Elite talent is one of the manifestations of this collective will to change reality.

If individual will wants to interfere with reality, the degree of concentration and brilliance of will required is too high, and ordinary people simply cannot achieve this level.

Even the reality that the God Breaking World can interfere with is only a small area around itself.

More people only use their collective will to interfere with reality, and then export their own will to act on themselves. This is the essence of talent smelting.

"But, can Dian Wei's will really distort reality?" Chen Xi looked at Dian Wei and asked Yang Ji.

He can understand the concept of will distorting reality, but he doesn't understand how Dian Wei does it. Logically speaking, if you refine the internal energy to leave the body, you can't interfere with reality by will. Even if you can do it, it will only affect yourself. .

Yang Ji sighed, "What do you think is the essence of will distorting reality? It is just using the essence of heaven and earth as a medium to allow our faith and will to be displayed.

Dian Wei's strength of will cannot interfere with reality. He can control the essence of heaven and earth to show the changes he wants, but being unable to control the essence of heaven and earth does not mean that he cannot interfere with reality. "

Divine cultivation can interfere with reality through divine will, and Qi cultivation can interfere with reality through inner energy. So what about intensive cultivation? Yang Ji asked Chen Xi.

It is impossible that both spiritual cultivation and qi cultivation have the ability to interfere with reality, but fine cultivation does not have such ability, right?

Then why can intensive cultivation be one of the three paths along with spiritual cultivation and qi cultivation?
"Don't forget, Jingxiu also has inner energy, but the inner energy of Jingxiu is smelted into the body." Yang Ji reminded Chen Xi.

Chen Xi suddenly said: "Is it blood or life itself..."

Yang Ji took over the conversation: "Yes, it is Qi, blood or life. Although the scope of interfering with reality is very small, it ultimately has the ability to interfere with reality.

This is why Dian Wei can take out a short halberd, because he used his own energy and blood to infect the armor on his body into his own weapon. "

“Although due to insufficient materials, the short halberd can only be constructed using armor pieces as the skeleton and filled with one’s own energy and blood.

But, he did it after all. "Looking at the bloody halberd in Dian Wei's hand, Yang Ji couldn't help but sigh.

Before Dian Wei, Yang Ji had never thought that Jingxiu could interfere with reality in this way.

It’s really unexpected——

"Boom!" Dian Wei was blown away again, and he was about to lose. Even though Guan Yu was not good at foot combat, Guan Yu's blade was so sharp that the short halberd improvised in Dian Wei's hand could not withstand the long-term battle. The slash of time.

If the weapon in hand was Dian Wei's own weapon, he wouldn't have been suppressed like this.

However, Guan Yu's blade was too sharp. He couldn't use his own flesh and blood to hit Guan Yu's blade, otherwise it would really kill someone.

"Weng!" Dian Wei's momentum finally changed to the extreme, and Guan Yu's expression became more solemn.

At this time, Dian Wei, under Guan Yu's constant whipping, finally completely melted his spiritual will into his body.

At this time, Dian Wei officially achieved the ultimate achievement of internal Qi separation from the body!

"Is this the ultimate?" Feeling the changes in his body, Dian Wei grinned, a smile that could scare a child to tears.

Dian Wei glanced at the short halberd that was almost chopped off by Guan Yu in his hand, and then stroked it with his hand. The surging energy and blood poured into the short halberd, and a brand new short halberd was born.

The two collided again, but this time it was not Guan Yu suppressing Dian Wei, but Dian Wei suppressing Guan Yu.

After all, compared to Dian Wei's full output, Guan Yu seems to be at a loss. Guan Yu can't let Guan Yu use his full power and directly kill Dian Wei.

Facing Dian Wei, who was on the same level as him, Guan Yu had no confidence in controlling his output.

Fortunately, after Guan Yu took a few punches, Yang Ji finally activated his cloud energy suppression.

Under the suppression of supermodel Yun Qi, even with a body as strong as Dian Wei, the power he can exert is only the lower limit of the internal Qi leaving the body.

After all, even if you practice intensively, you must have enough inner energy to bring out the true strength of your powerful body.

Dian Wei looked at Guan Yu who jumped out of the battle circle, but did not catch up. Instead, he looked solemnly on guard against possible enemies.

[How many troops were deployed to suppress this level of cloud energy? 】Dian Wei sighed, it seemed that he couldn't escape this time.

"What's going on!?" Dian Wei looked at the broken space around him in shock, and his body suddenly tensed up. He couldn't withstand this level of space turbulence——

Soon, when the space was completely shattered, Dian Wei felt as if he had entered another world...

No, it should be said that he has returned to his original world. …

"Okay, now it's time to deal with Xi Zhicai. Finish the work early and go to dinner early." Yang Ji greeted Chen Xi after taking a look at the harmonious scene of the monarch and his ministers over there.

Chen Xi caught up with Yang Ji, "How do you plan to solve Xi Zhicai's problem?"

Chen Xi was very curious about how Yang Ji solved Xi Zhicai's problem.

Just by reuniting Dian Wei's will, Yang Ji can reveal so many new things.

Chen Xi couldn't even imagine how many things Yang Ji would reveal when he played Zhicai in a more complicated way.

"How else can we solve it? Just cure his physical injuries first, and then repair his mental will." Yang Ji simply said two points.

Chen Xi was stunned for a moment, and then continued to ask after catching up with Yang Ji: "The foundation of Xi Zhicai's mental strength is broken, and even his spiritual will is crumbling.

Just heal the physical injuries and then repair the mental will? Are you sure you want to be so sloppy? "

"Otherwise, what else do you want?" Yang Ji asked Chen Xi doubtfully.

"Isn't his mental foundation broken..." Chen Xi waved his hands, trying hard to express what he meant.

"I know that his mental foundation is broken, so he only needs to treat his physical injuries and rebuild his mental will."

"The reason why he became like this is basically because his physical fitness cannot bear the backlash of mental power.'s already good that a person can still be alive, how can one ask for more? Yang Ji said helplessly.

If possible, Yang Ji also wanted to repair Xi Zhicai's mental foundation, but Yang Ji couldn't do it.

Just now Xi Zhicai was injured to his original body, and there was no way he could carry his spiritual talent again.

Yang Ji pointed at Xi Zhicai lying there and said, "Look, with his current physical condition, even if I can repair his mental foundation, he will suffer again because his body cannot withstand the pressure of his mental talent. To the backlash.”

At this time, Xi Zhicai's face was extremely pale and his breathing was extremely weak. If it were not observed through special means, people would probably think that Xi Zhicai lying there was already a dead person.

From the feedback obtained through the secret technique, Chen Xi had to admit that Yang Ji was right. With Xi Zhicai's current physical condition, there was no way he could withstand the impact of the sublimated mental power on his body.

"Ziyu, just heal his body and mental will. If the original foundation of his mental power is broken, just break it. As long as he is still alive, just rebuild it again in the future." Guo Jia, who just arrived here Said to Yang Ji.

Seeing Xi Zhicai's weak breath of life, Guo Jia couldn't help but sigh. He didn't expect Xi Zhicai to have reached this point.

Yang Ji and Chen Xi were not surprised that Guo Jia would appear here. After all, Xi Zhicai and Guo Jiake both came from Yingchuan Academy. It would be strange to say that they didn't know each other.

"It's so difficult to reshape." Chen Xi sighed.

Although it stands to reason that Xi Zhicai has already awakened his spiritual talent, if he wants to awaken it again, he only needs to accumulate spiritual power step by step.

But the foundation of Xi Zhicai's spiritual power has been broken after all. If he wants to awaken again, it will be no less difficult than the second awakening. In other words, this is the second awakening.

However, after all, Xi Zhicai doesn't rely on mental talent to make a living. If you have mental talent, it's better. If you don't have mental talent, you can just work harder.

After all, Xi Zhicai is Xi Zhicai and will not limit his abilities to his mental talent.

His wisdom and knowledge are his greatest reliance, and his spiritual talent is just his answer to himself.

"Fengxiao, Xi Zhicai's physical condition is worse than when you first came to Mount Tai." Chen Xi said while looking at Guo Jia, who was carefully checking Xi Zhicai's physical condition.

"Who says it's not the case? When I was studying, no one taught me this. I just thought that the sooner you awaken your spiritual talent, the stronger your ability will be.

How could you have thought that awakening your spiritual talent too early would cause damage to your body, which in turn would hinder the subsequent development and use of your spiritual talent? "

Thinking of the situation in his early years, Guo Jia couldn't help but facepalm. It was because of Xi Zhicai's stimulation that he awakened his spiritual talent so early, which led to him still making up lessons until now.

Fortunately, my spiritual talent is of the type that cannot be used at will, otherwise I would definitely not be able to help using it, and end up with the same end as Xi Zhicai.

[How active has this guy been in the past few years, and he has made his body look like this? 】The content of the feedback from the secret technique made Guo Jia take a breath of cold air.

Although Xi Zhicai looks fine on the surface, it is already riddled with holes on the inside.

Even if it hadn't happened this time, he would have been exhausted as Xi Zhicai repeatedly used his spiritual talent beyond the limit.

"Huh -" Guo Jia took a deep breath and turned to look at Yang Ji: "Ziyu, I leave it to you. You can operate it however you want. If something goes wrong, I will be responsible." Guo Jia said calmly.

"Tsk, you don't believe in my skills so much?" Yang Ji teased Guo Jia with a smile.

"It's not that I don't believe in your skills, it's just that his physical condition is beyond my control." Guo Jia said with a wry smile.

Yang Ji just shook his head. Indeed, Xi Zhicai's current physical condition cannot be cured by ordinary medical skills at all.

If Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing were here, they could heal Xi Zhicai's body, but there would be no way to make up for his damaged life source in a short time.

But now Xi Zhicai may not be able to survive that time, because Xi Zhicai's spiritual will is still slowly crumbling.

Guan Yu's secret technique was only temporary and could not completely lock Xi Zhicai's mental will.

Even Yang Ji couldn't make up for Xi Zhicai's loss in a short period of time.

It's not that Yang Ji can't do it, but the environment limits Yang Ji's performance.

"I have been with Dr. Hua and Dr. Zhang for a while. Although I can't completely cure him, I can still restore his body to the state before the backlash.

After all, I used secret techniques to replicate part of their talent effects. "Yang Ji said to Guo Jia while etching the secret ritual on the ground.

Chen Xi and Guo Jia stared at Yang Ji dumbfounded. What on earth do they mean they have used secret techniques to replicate the talents of Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing?

Give it to me first...forget it, let's save Xi Zhi first and then talk about it!
(End of this chapter)

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