The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 204 Yo, you woke up, the operation was successful

Chapter 204 Yo, you woke up, the operation was successful

Looking at Yang Ji who was etching the secret rituals on the ground, Chen Xi and Guo Jia really wanted to go up and ask, what is your upper limit in developing secret arts?
Why can you even use secret techniques to replicate other people's spiritual talents? Is there anything else that you can't replicate?
Chen Xi and Guo Jia looked at each other and saw the speechless look in each other's eyes. Yang Ji is really a guy who will undergo super evolution after not seeing each other for a while.

How serious a matter it is to reshape a crumbling spiritual will.

When it came to Yang Ji, did they think it was too complicated, or did Yang Ji think it was too simple, or did Yang Ji really think this was a very simple thing?
Why did this style of painting suddenly change like this? Is this world still the world they are familiar with?
If the rules of the world really changed, why didn't they notice the change?

Or did the rules change only for one person?
Or did someone manually change the rules?
Chen Xi was simply curious about this. After all, he also had the ability to change the rules manually. He was just curious about how far Yang Ji could do it.

But for people like Guo Jia who have not yet been able to change the rules and have not witnessed Chen Xi changing the rules, Yang Ji's operation is really a fairy trick.

Although Yang Ji has been saying that there is nothing special about immortals, they are just a group of guys who sacrificed their brains.

To Yang Ji or Chen Xi, immortals may be just like that, but to other people in this era, immortals are still shrouded in a mysterious halo.

For those of them who have reached the pinnacle of humanity but have not yet transcended the realm of human beings, there is really no other way to break through the mystery of immortals except to witness it with their own eyes.

Dian Wei and Cao Cao finally finished expressing their feelings and turned around to ask Yang Ji, Chen Xi and the others about the precautions and sequelae.

It turned out that Yang Ji and Chen Xi couldn't stand it for a long time and ran to Xi Zhicai's place.

Cao Cao didn't bother to complain about why Cheng Yu and the others didn't follow Yang Ji and the others to rescue Xi Zhicai.

After all, Yang Ji and the others had only left for a short while. Even if they wanted to treat Xi Zhicai, they would not be able to complete the treatment in such a short period of time.

Sure enough, when they arrived, Yang Ji was still squatting on the ground etching the secret ritual, while Chen Xi and Guo Jia were muttering something quietly.

Cao Cao and the others were dumbfounded when they saw the strange patterns made up of many mysterious runes etched on the ground by Yang Ji using his inner energy.

They found that they had no idea what Yang Ji was doing. Didn't he say that he wanted to treat Xi Zhicai? Why did he suddenly change his style?

Could it be that Yang Ji had learned Zhang Jiao's Taoist and magical powers and chose to use talisman water to save people?
Impossible, absolutely impossible! (Make a push-the-door gesture with both hands——)
Cao Cao shook his head quickly to get rid of the strange images in his mind.

Looking left and right, Cao Cao still couldn't understand what Yang Ji was doing. He couldn't really do the trick, right?
But in this situation, Cao Cao didn't want to disturb Yang Ji loudly, so as not to interfere with Yang Ji's operations.

PS: I didn’t see that Chen Xi and Guo Jia were just muttering next to them, and they didn’t bother Yang Ji at all - what Cao Cao was thinking in his heart.

Cao Cao calmly took a few steps back and retreated into the middle of Cheng Yu and Chen's group. He glanced at Cheng Yu and asked him to find a way to ask what the situation was now.

After receiving Cao Cao's look, Cheng Yu pulled Chen Qun's sleeve with his hand. After Chen Qun turned his head, Cheng Yu signaled Chen Xi and Guo Jia over there with his eyes.

The corner of Chen Qun's mouth moved. Cheng Yu was really an inappropriate person, and he directly ignored the relationship between him and Chen Xi.

Although he knew Guo Jia there, Guo Jia was also from Yingchuan and a scholar from Yingchuan Academy.

However, he is really not familiar with Guo Jia - PS: How can he, from a humble family like mine, be associated with a thousand-year-old family like mine?
Chen Qun felt very embarrassed. His eyes turned around and locked on Chen Gong, who was "in a daze" staring at the mysterious runes etched by Yang Ji.

However, "Guo Fengxiao, why are you here?" Fa Zheng came in and saw Guo Jia beating... and muttering to Chen Xi, not knowing what he was talking about.

Immediately, everyone present looked at Fazheng, including Yang Ji who was squatting on the ground. He also turned to look at Fazheng, then lowered his head and continued to etch the secret ritual.

Guo Jia sighed, pointed at Xi Zhicai who was lying on the couch and said, "I heard that this guy has become disabled, so I came over to take a look."

"Oh." Fazheng nodded and did not ask in depth about the relationship between Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai. After all, they could tell at a glance.

Not long after the battle report was sent back, Guo Jia came here from Mount Tai. It would be strange to say that the two people have nothing to do with each other.

"By the way, what is Ziyu doing? This secret ritual doesn't seem to have the same style as the other rituals?" Fazheng raised his chin and asked Chen Xi and Guo Jia.

"To answer your first question first," Chen Xi stretched out his index finger, "Ziyu is treating Xi Zhicai's body. After all, with his current physical condition, even if he reshapes his spiritual will, his body cannot bear it. "

Hearing this, Fazheng and others nodded. They had all investigated Xi Zhicai's physical condition, and of course they knew what the condition of Xi Zhicai's body was.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is in tatters. A body like this cannot carry the spiritual will that has been sublimated once.

Therefore, curing the injuries on this body is a necessary prerequisite for awakening Xi Zhicai.

"Then, this secret ritual was etched out to heal Xi Zhicai's body?" Fazheng said, pointing to a corner of the secret ritual.

"That's right," Chen Xi nodded, "What are the talents of Dr. Hua and Dr. Zhang? You must also know the effects, right?"

Fazheng swallowed his saliva and looked back and forth between the secret ritual and Chen Xi several times to make sure that Chen Xi was not joking.

"Yes, you didn't think wrong. It's just what you thought. Ziyu used secret techniques to replicate the effects of the two doctors' talents, although according to him, he only replicated part of the effects."

Chen Xi smiled and said to Fazheng, finally finding someone with whom he could share his shock.

Cao Cao didn't even know the significance of Yang Ji's ability to use secret techniques to copy the effects of his talent, so Chen Xi had been waiting for someone knowledgeable to come over and praise him.

After the shock, Fazheng quickly calmed down, frowned and asked Chen Xi: "But, I remember that Dr. Hua's talent cannot return his physical condition to the state before the backlash, right?

Even with Dr. Zhang's talent, there is no way to achieve this, right?

Could it be said that Ziyu's secret technique can be stacked up to count? "

Fazheng knew the talents of Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing, as well as their limitations.

If doctors Hua and Zhang were here, they could also rely on medicine to help Xi Zhicai recover.

But now Yang Ji's situation does not look like he has prepared medicine, but he wants to complete the treatment of Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing with the help of medicine alone. "Number of stacks? Xiaozhi's mind is really good, but he just thinks too highly of me." Yang Ji stood up and said to Fazheng.

"Um, um... is there a possibility that I think highly of you too much, that's why I have this idea?" Fazheng said, scratching his head.

Yang Ji shook his head and did not comment on Fa Zheng's views.

"Fengxiao, I asked you to help prepare the medicine from Dr. Hua and Dr. Zhang. You shouldn't have forgotten it, right?" Yang Ji extended his hand to Guo Jia.

"Oh, how could I forget such a thing?" Guo Jia touched his waist and took out a transparent test tube containing the medicine.

When Cao Cao and other unsophisticated guys saw the glass test tube that Guo Jia took out, their eyes almost bulged out with surprise.

Through the transparent test tube wall, you can see the crystal clear emerald green liquid contained in the test tube, as well as the milky white floc floating up and down.

After Yang Ji took the test tube, he crushed it directly, and then used his inner energy to introduce the emerald green liquid into the secret ritual that had just been etched.

With the introduction of the emerald green liquid and Yang Ji's inner energy, the secret ritual etched just now was activated.

After activation, the secret ritual begins to emit faint fluorescence, begins to absorb the essence of heaven and earth, and refines it into pure liquid essence that can be directly absorbed by the human body.

Soon, under the control of Yang Ji, the secret ritual refined a large ball of liquid essence from the essence of heaven and earth, and immersed Xi Zhicai in it.

Under the influence of the emerald green potion, the originally almost colorless liquid essence was directly rendered into emerald green, looking like a huge piece of emerald.

Through the crystal clear liquid jade, Xi Zhicai is like a sick beauty sealed in it, making people lovable.

"Get up!" Yang Ji shouted softly, peeling off the secret ritual from the ground and driving it into Xi Zhicai's body.

As the secret ritual was penetrated into Xi Zhicai's body by Yang Ji, the liquid jade also began to bubble.

Cao Cao and the others looked at the sickly beauty in the liquid jade with a little panic and worry.

After realizing that no matter how hard they looked, they couldn't tell from here, Cao Cao and the others watched back and forth between Xi Zhicai and Chen Xi.

As the liquid jade kept bubbling, Xi Zhicai's body continued to absorb the liquid essence that was dyed emerald green by the potion until it was completely absorbed.

Chen Xi, Cao Cao and the others watched helplessly as Xi Zhicai's body swallowed up such a large ball of liquid essence, but nothing happened.

After absorbing the liquid essence mixed with the unknown medicine, Xi Zhicai's face was still extremely pale.

But the originally weak breathing and heartbeat gradually became stronger.

As Xi Zhicai's vitality gradually stabilized, Cao Cao, Cheng Yu and others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

According to Yang Ji and others, as long as Xi Zhicai's physical condition can be restored to the state before the backlash, then there will be no problem in reshaping his mental will and awakening his consciousness.

Yang Ji stretched out his index finger, tapped Xi Zhicai's forehead, and unlocked the secret mental restraint technique that Guan Yu had placed in Xi Zhicai's body.

The secret rituals that Yang Ji penetrated into Xi Zhicai's body began to absorb Xi Zhicai's broken spiritual will, and promoted the mutual transformation of the essence, energy, and spirit in Xi Zhicai's body.

All changes happened quietly, Xi Zhicai's spirit gradually began to regain its vitality, and the new inner energy began to slowly circulate in Xi Zhicai's body.

In a daze, Xi Zhi opened his eyes, and what he saw was a young and energetic face.

"Hey, you're awake. Congratulations. The operation was successful. You are now... hmm?"

Chen Xi pulled Yang Ji away and successfully prevented Yang Ji from saying the words that might make Xi Zhicai's spirit fluctuate violently.

After saying hello to the confused Xi Zhicai who had just woken up, Chen Xi dragged Yang Ji away from here and gave up the space to Cao Cao or Guo Jia?
I always feel that this picture is very subtle.

Guan Yu, Huang Zhong and other Taishan civil servants and generals also followed Chen Xi out. They were very interested in the secret ritual that Yang Ji had just created.

"Ziyu, is your secret technique really replicating the talents of Dr. Zihua and Dr. Zhang?" Chen Xi was the first to question Yang Ji.

He didn't remember that the talents of Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing had the effect of tempering the essence of heaven and earth and promoting the transformation of the three phases of essence, energy and spirit.

In other words, the secret rituals arranged by Yang Ji were not copied from Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo at all, but were independently developed by Yang Ji himself.

"Who says otherwise? I completed this secret technique together with those two people. It contains their medical wisdom and my research on three-phase transformation." Yang Ji looked sideways at Chen Xi.

After all, the spiritual talents of Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing were also sublimated from their own medical knowledge and wisdom.

And this secret technique is also sublimated from their wisdom and knowledge. Rounding it off, isn't this just a copy of their talents?

"Three-phase transformation? How is it accomplished?" Chen Xi asked Yang Ji with interest.

Chen Xi doesn't care about Yang Ji's so-called use of secret techniques to copy other people's talents. Even if Yang Ji can really do this, he will modify the secret techniques to the point where he doesn't even recognize the prototype based on his own knowledge. degree.

Just like the secret technique that Yang Ji took out just now, it is said that it replicates the talents of Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo, but can anyone see that the effect of the secret technique is related to their talents?
The only connection is probably that this secret technique can cure diseases just like the two miracle doctors, but the secret technique is an auxiliary tool used to treat diseases, while the miracle doctor is the person who controls the auxiliary tools to treat diseases.

At this time, Chen Xi and the others were more concerned about how Yang Ji's secret technique promoted the three-phase transformation of Xi Zhicai's spirit, energy, and spirit.

They watched with their own eyes as Xi Zhicai's body absorbed and devoured the liquid essence from the outside world with the help of secret rituals.

Then the body continues to refine and smelt the essence into inner energy, and the new inner energy continuously feeds back Xi Zhicai's spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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