Chapter 214: Can humans really do this?
Xi Zhicai knew something about the current situation of Xun Yu's eldest son, Xun Yun.

After all, Yingchuan Academy was founded by the Chen and Xun families, and Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu were good friends, so it was relatively normal to know some of the internal conditions of the two families.

Even if Xun Yu himself doesn't say much about this kind of thing, who is Xi Zhicai? Even if he doesn't take the initiative to inquire, relying on some true and false information, he can still deduce something.

In fact, Xun Yun was not the only one. Xun You's son Xun Ji also had poor physical fitness.

Moreover, Xun Ji's qualifications are not bad either. If his health hadn't hindered him, he would have been on the level of Xu Shu and Fazheng.

There is a big difference when comparing against Fa Zheng, but when comparing against Xu Shu, there is no problem. After all, although Xu Shu's qualifications are said to be good, it is a waste of the best time to lay the foundation.

Xun Yun and Xun Ji both have very good qualifications. Coupled with the education of the Xun family, it is normal for them to be able to touch the traces of spiritual talent like Xu Shu at this time point.

It's just that the physical fitness of Xu Shu and Fazheng is obviously much better than that of Xun Yun and Xun Ji.

Not to mention Xu Shu, the physical fitness of these two people is not even comparable to that of Fazheng when they first came to Mount Tai.

Renfa happened to have wandered all the way from Fufeng to Mount Tai. If it were these two people, he couldn't tell where he would be.

I don’t know what the Xun family did. Xun Yu, Xun You, Xun Zhan and others of the previous generation were not as physically fit as the two perverts Cheng Yu and Xu Shu, but at least they would not be unable to withstand the awakening of their spiritual talents.

It can't possibly be because the huge mental capacity suppresses the physical development, which in turn leads to low physical fitness, right?

But Zhuge Liang awakened his spiritual talent when he was early twelve years old. I don't see any problems with Zhuge Liang. At most, it is just that the excessive use of his spiritual talent is a bit life-threatening.

Compared to Xun Yun and Xun Ji, who couldn't even bear their spiritual talents - there must be something wrong with the Xun family's education.

Thinking of this, Xi Zhicai's eyes couldn't help but become strange, "Wen Ruo, do you think there is something wrong with your family's education system?"

Logically speaking, it is not the turn of an outsider like Xi Zhicai to give advice on Xun’s educational policies.

But who makes Xun's educational direction really seem to have some problems?

Otherwise, Xun Yu, Xun You, Xun Zhan and other people would have no problem. By the time of Xun Yun and Xun Ji's generation, the majority were weak and sick.

Xun Yu, who was originally thinking about taking his son to Mount Tai for medical treatment, glanced at Xi Zhicai when he heard Xi Zhicai's rather offensive words.

However, in just a moment, Xun Yu withdrew his dissatisfied look. Now he began to wonder if there was something wrong with the education at home.

After all, it is difficult for the younger generation in the family to compare with the physical fitness of Fazheng Guo Jia, who is like a weak chicken in Taishan, even those of the previous generation.

Then Xun Yu's eyes couldn't help but focus on the secret scroll beside Xi Zhicai. Isn't this a ready-made solution?

However, I just don't know when Yang Ji and the others want to wait until they announce the contents of this secret volume.

From the moment Xi Zhicai picked up this secret technique, Xun Yu and the others came to the conclusion that Mount Tai would definitely publish this secret technique and let people all over the world practice this secret technique.

In Xun Yu's judgment, Taishan was most likely to announce it after reunification.

But it is also possible that before reunification, after all, it will be announced sooner or later, so it seems that it is possible to win over the people.

Although the existence of the secret technique cannot be hidden from the family, the family only knows that such a volume of secret technique exists, and does not know the specific content of the secret technique.

Originally, when Yang Ji, Chen Xi and others spread the secret technique downwards, they all thought that the content of the secret technique would soon reach the ears of the aristocratic families.

Unexpectedly, the secret technique was indeed spread to the ears of the aristocratic family, but they only knew about the existence of the secret technique.

Even though Yang Ji taught secret techniques on a large scale in the Fenggao Camp, it was still not spread...

Later, Yang Ji figured out that this was because the soldiers thought Yang Ji had developed some new elite talent.

After all, this wasn't the first time Yang Ji had experimented with them, and they said they were already very proficient.

Moreover, the soldiers who were enveloped in the large-scale military formation rituals etched by Yang Ji basically didn't think carefully about what the secret skills Yang Ji taught them were used for.

Covered by the military formation, they couldn't tell the difference between the illusory inner energy blessed by the military array and the inner energy solidified by the secret technique.

Even after they stepped out of the confines of the military formation rituals, the soldiers' thinking inertia would conclude that a wisp of inner energy in their bodies was the inner energy that they had refined. They never thought that it was solidified by secret techniques.

As a result, he knew what the secret technique was and only passed the name of the secret technique back.

I don’t know how awesome the secret technique is, but I just regard the secret technique as an elite talent developed by Yang Ji...

In short, amid the expressionless expressions on the faces of Yang Ji, Chen Xi and others, the originally planned incident of spreading the secret technique came to an end.

Chen Xi no longer thought about the aristocratic families coming over to yell at him or Lu Zhi, Wang Lie and other great scholars.

Chen Xi's planned idea of ​​rapid expansion with the input of people from the family was shattered.

If it were not for the troops sent out of Yuzhou this time and snatched many scholars who could be used as grassroots officials, Chen Xi would not have been able to smoothly take over Yanzhou, Yingchuan and Nanyang.

At least it is not enough to arrange only one Guo Jia here. It does not mean that Guo Jia cannot handle the government affairs of these three places.

But if Guo Jia wanted to handle the government affairs of the three places with peace of mind, he would not be able to focus on preventing infiltration from the north and the south.

Yuzhou in the south can take some time to deal with it. After all, Yuan Shu in Yuzhou does not have many top civil servants.

There is only one Zhou Yu who can be called the top civil servant in Yuzhou, and Zhou Yu's focus at this time is not in Yuzhou at all, but in Yangzhou.

Xun Yu was silent and thinking for a long time, recalling the education he received at home from beginning to end.

Fortunately, his memory was pretty good. He recalled the education he received as a child, and it seemed that it was no different from those from other aristocratic families.


[Forget it, let’s leave this matter to the clan uncle to resolve. ] Xun Yu thought for a long time and felt that it would be better to leave this matter to Xun Shuang.

After all, the old man is idle at home, so he might as well look at how to adjust the education system at home.

If there is really something wrong with the education system, then just revise the education plan. But if it was for some other reason... a cold light flashed across Xun Yu's eyes.

Xi Zhicai looked at Xun Yu who was silent, and began to murmur in his heart. There must be something wrong with the Xun family's education system.

Thinking again, the Yingchuan Academy where he was born was actually jointly run by the Xun family and the Chen family. Could it be that this is also the reason for his poor physical fitness?
[That guy Fengxiao’s physical fitness used to be no better than mine. ] Thinking about Guo Jia's situation, Xi Zhicai couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

[But isn’t that guy Zhongde a teacher in the academy? Why is his physical fitness so strong? 】 Xi Zhi then remembered Cheng Yu’s situation.

After counting, Xi Zhi discovered that except for himself and Guo Jia, it seemed that many people from Yingchuan Academy were in good physical condition.

[Does the result still return to the individual? ] The corners of Xi Zhicai's mouth moved, not knowing what to say.

"It's not my turn to interfere with the education at home now. After all, my uncle is still here." Xun Yu shook his head to Xi Zhicai.

Even if there is something really wrong with the Xun family's education system, we can't talk about it here.

Even if the person in front of him is Xi Zhicai, who came from Yingchuan Academy and has a close relationship with their Xun family, that won't work.

"Uh... That's true." Xi Zhicai was stunned for a moment before he remembered which clan uncle Xun Yu was talking about.

If Xun Shuang is in charge of the Xun family's education system, then Xun Yu really can't interfere, even if Xun Yu is the head of the Xun family.

"Wen Ruo, you don't have any ideas about this thing?" Xi Zhicai threw away the secret scroll in his hand.

"Since Chen Zichuan and the others did not choose to announce it at this time, they must have other ideas."

Xun Yu glanced at Xi Zhicai calmly, knowing that he wanted to change the topic, but Xun Yu didn't refuse.

Xi Zhicai stared at Xun Yu, "Wen Ruo should know what I mean."

Xi Zhicai didn't believe that Xun Yu didn't hear what he wanted to ask.

As a member of an aristocratic family, let alone the head of the Xun family, how could Xun Yu not have thought of revealing this secret technique to the family after seeing it?
Even if Xun Yu's virtue is noble enough, he remains unmoved in the face of such interests, but what about the Xun family behind him?

You know, Xun Yu is the head of the Xun family. Even if Xun Yu doesn't think about his own interests, he still has to think about the Xun family behind him.

"Alas -" Xun Yu sighed, "Sooner or later, Mount Tai will announce this secret technique.

In this case, what does it matter if you know earlier or later! "

If Chen Xi, Yang Ji and others did not intend to announce the extraordinary secret technique, then Xun Yu would definitely find an opportunity to deliver a letter to his family.

But now that Chen Xi and others have decided to announce it to the world, Xun Yu is not in a hurry.

After all, if you can get something from formal channels, it is better to get it from formal channels. After all, there is no risk and there is guarantee.

I believe my family can understand my difficulties - Xun Yu thought silently.

"How do you know that Chen Zichuan and the others will definitely announce it?" Xi Zhicai said calmly.

Although they had discussed it once before, they came to the conclusion that Chen Xi and the others were very likely to release the secret technique.

But there is still a very small possibility that the secret technique can be held in hand and used to win people's hearts.

"While you were resting here, I followed my lord to the military camp several times." Xun Yu said softly.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would have been hard for Xun Yu to believe that Liu Bei, Chen Xi and the others were actually willing to teach the secret skills to their soldiers.

Although Xun Yu didn't know the upper limit of this secret technique, the function of solidifying the inner energy alone, combined with the large-scale military formation rituals arranged by Yang Ji, was enough to make the princes of the world jealous.

Xun Yu asked Yang Ji whether the large-scale air-entraining military formation rituals he etched in the military camp could be miniaturized, and could they be activated by reducing the scale of the clouds?
If it could be miniaturized and the cloud could be activated without being so large, the world's famous families would be jealous.

Yang Ji replied that it can be miniaturized.

Under this premise, Yang Ji did not choose to conceal the existence of the secret technique and military formation, which proved that Yang Ji and the others had ideas about publishing it.

Military formation rituals require professionals with certain knowledge of military formations to etch them. If you want to make the rituals permanent, it is estimated that only Yang Ji can do it.

Xi Zhicai was stunned for a moment, and then realized that since Xun Yu saw it in the military camp, then what Xun Yu saw was the soldiers in the military camp.

And according to Chen Xi, basically all the soldiers of the Taishan Army have internal energy, which means that the soldiers of the Taishan Army are qualified to practice secret arts.

Seeing the change in Xi Zhicai's face, Xun Yu added another weight to him, pointed at him and said, "You should still remember how you gave birth to inner energy, right?"

"Ah?" Xi Zhicai didn't know why. Didn't his inner energy come from the constant transformation of the secret ritual etched by Yang Ji in his body? How could it be related to how to make soldiers possess inner energy?
Xun Yu sighed and said: "I mean, if the secret ritual in your body is expressed in a military formation, can you imagine what it would be like?"

"Ah?" Xi Zhicai touched his heart. He couldn't imagine how the secret rituals running in his body were transformed into military formations.

Because the secret ritual was within his own body, Xi Zhicai was able to explore part of the mystery of the secret technique.

Although he was completely unable to reproduce it, Xi Zhicai had a deep understanding of this secret technique.

It was precisely because of his understanding that Xi Zhi realized how amazing the knowledge and wisdom contained in this secret technique was.

[Wait a minute, if the secret rituals in my body are simplified from military formations...]

Xi Zhicai swallowed his saliva, which god came up with this special thing? Is this really something that humans can do?
"This...could it be Yang Ziyu's fault?" Xi Zhicai asked Xun Yu with a broken face.

Xi Zhicai simply couldn't imagine how much wisdom lay beneath Yang Ji's young face.

He was obviously a warrior whose inner energy left his body, but he had awakened his spiritual talent.

He obviously has such profound attainments in military affairs, but he also has such profound attainments in the development of secret techniques.

Can humans really do this?
(End of this chapter)

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