The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 215 Yang Ji: Haven’t my vest fallen off yet?

Chapter 215 Yang Ji: Haven’t my vest fallen off yet?
"That's right, in Mount Tai, Yang Ziyu is responsible for all work related to the development of secret techniques." Xun Yu nodded.

These pieces of information were all introduced to Xun Yu by Chen Xi when Xun Yu was handing over work to Chen Xi a few days ago.

According to Chen Xi, Yang Ji is in charge of military affairs and the development of secret arts. Among the military ranks on Mount Tai, he is second only to Liu Bei as the lord.

However, Yang Ji usually does not talk about this military sequence, but likes to talk about the position of Secretary Cheng of Secret Arts.

When Chen Xi originally added this position to Yang Ji, he thought that the Eastern Han Dynasty already had this position, so he happily took it and went back.

It was only later that I realized that at this point in time, where did the Han Dynasty have a department in charge of the development of secret arts?

At this point in time, only those immortals who had lived for who knows how long and a group of early martial arts masters such as Tong Yuan would develop secret techniques because they could not find a way forward.

As for the official secret technique development agency, at least we have to wait until we see the power of the Kushan system's secret technique before we open an official secret technique development agency.

The rest of the time, who wouldn't be catching a few immortals or Tong Yuan, warriors with extraordinary experience in developing secret techniques, to develop them.

Before realizing the power of Kushan secret arts, only Zhao Yun was responsible for the development of official secret arts in the Han Dynasty.

As for now, under the impact of the secret technique developed by Yang Ji, Chen Xi and the others finally understood the potential of the secret technique, so they opened an institution specifically for Yang Ji.

Although the official staff of this organization currently only include Yang Ji and Zhao Yun, when the immortals appear later, it is estimated that Chen Xi will also include those immortals.

After all, we can't waste this free labor, not to mention that these immortals can survive to this day, how can they not have one or two unique skills?

"Sure enough, it's him." Xi Zhicai said with a wry smile. Although he had known that Yang Ji was a very different person, he didn't expect that it was even more different than he imagined.

Originally, Xi Zhicai thought that the secret techniques in his body were developed by those immortals. After all, in the understanding of this era, apart from the immortals, no other person or force could develop such level of secret techniques.

PS: Didn’t you lose your vest? ——Yang Ji

Although Xi Zhicai himself has never come into contact with the existence of immortals, the only immortal closest to them is probably Zhang Jiao.

But, who is Zhang Jiao, and is he someone they can contact?
Zhang Jiao himself didn't mind others coming to contact him, but the Han Dynasty had its own national conditions, so others didn't dare.

After recovering his mood, although there was not much fluctuation at first, Xi Zhi asked Xun Yu: "So, these are not the only secret techniques he has developed?"

According to what Xun Yu said, Yang Ji was in charge of work related to military and secret arts research and development in Taishan, so there must be more secret arts developed than the ones they can see now.

Xun Yu nodded, "I heard from Zhongde and the others that if Guan Yunchang hadn't injected a will-suppressing secret technique into your body to restrain your disintegrating spiritual will, you would probably have to... Killed in action."

When Yang Ji reshaped the spiritual will of Xi Zhicai and Dian Wei, Xun Yu was not present, but Cheng Yu and others later went to him to review the entire process.

Therefore, Xun Yu was a relatively comprehensive person who knew everything on the battlefield, although not as much as Cheng Yu and other people who had gone through the entire process.

But at least for a guy who clearly participated in Bixi Zhicai but died halfway through, Xun Yu's knowledge is relatively comprehensive.

Moreover, during the past few days when Xi Zhicai was recovering from his injuries, Xun Yu and Cao Cao were either collecting intelligence or on the way to collect intelligence.

After all, they are also people who are going to join the Taishan system. They have to know more about what Taishan is like.

Although after arriving at Mount Tai, you can also understand that there is even more information than here.

But apart from this matter, Cao Cao and the others didn't know what to do. Should they stay in the house and sleep?
It's not impossible to do this, but since Chen Xi told them some of Taishan's current situation, the attraction of Taishan's things has become particularly powerful for them.

"Moreover, when I was at the military camp outside the city two days ago, I also experienced a gravity field used by their generals to train their bodies. This is also one of the many secret rituals that Yang Ziyu etched out in one day."

Mentioning the gravity field he encountered in the military camp outside the city two days ago, even Xun Yu, a man from the top Han Dynasty family, couldn't help but raise his tone.

Ever since he felt the gravity suppression brought by the gravity field, Xun Yu knew that this gravity field was definitely one of the supporting facilities developed by Yang Ji.

No wonder Taishan was able to improve the physical fitness of so many soldiers to this level in just a few months.

The 'Qi-inducing' military formation gives the soldiers a ray of illusory inner qi. The extraordinary secret technique solidifies this ray of illusory inner qi into real inner qi, and then promotes the inner qi to warm the body through exercise in the gravity field.

With this set of skills, even those warriors whose inner energy has left their bodies can have a certain effect, let alone those soldiers who have just condensed their inner energy.

Although it is said that warriors whose inner energy leaves the body need to exercise in a gravity field with a higher gravity multiple.

This is why Cheng Yu and Cao Cao have been running to the military camp outside the city every day these days.

If Xun Yu hadn't been interested in training his body, he would have gone to the gravity field to train with the soldiers every day.

After all, the training subjects arranged by Yang Ji can really promote the internal energy to warm the body.

After feeling his body getting stronger bit by bit, even Xun Yu, who was not interested in training his body, developed a pleasant feeling of wanting to hone his body to the extreme.

However, since the inner Qi itself has the effect of warming and nourishing the body, Xun Yu did not want to use exercise to promote the warming and nourishing of the body by the inner Qi.

Although it took a little longer, Xun Yu was not like Cheng Yu who liked to go to the battlefield in person, so Xun Yu just waited for his inner energy to warm up on its own.

After all, Yang Ji also said that for civil servants like them who major in spiritual power, if they don't really like the kind of fist-to-flesh fighting, there is actually no need to come to the gravity field to hone their physique.

However, relying solely on the inner Qi to warm and render the body can only increase the strength of the body to the level of Qi training.

Of course, if you want to achieve the same inner energy separation as Yang Ji, you still have to train your body.

After all, if you want to gather your martial arts will, you don't need to hone your martial arts skills.

If you just want to achieve the same inner energy separation as Chen Xi, then there is no need to hone your martial arts skills.

All you need to do is to improve your inner Qi cultivation to the point where you can become a gang by practicing Qi, and at the same time, increase your spiritual energy to a level that is enough to forcibly break the constraints of the human body, and guide the essence of heaven and earth to shape the core of your inner Qi. Although this kind of inner Qi separation only obtains the life essence of the inner Qi separation, it does not obtain the fighting power that the inner Qi separation should have.

If you want to obtain corresponding combat effectiveness, you still have to hone your martial arts will.

But for civil servants with the standard of Xun Yu and Zhicai, they do not attach much importance to their own combat effectiveness.

Between force and wisdom, they choose wisdom. Inner Qi leaving the body is just an accessory in their pursuit of wisdom and knowledge. It is best to have it, but it will not affect them if it is not there.

Counting Cao Wei after being merged with Taishan, there are so many wise men who have awakened their spiritual talents.

Except for Li Ru and Jia Xu, who would inevitably choose to strengthen their own military force due to their special origins.

Only Xu Shu and Cheng Yu will choose to gather their martial arts will, use their martial arts will to break the constraints of the human body, and guide the essence of heaven and earth to shape the core of their inner energy.

Because of Xu Shu's early career as a ranger, even if he changed his job and became a civil servant, Xu Shu would not have any hesitation if he could pick it up again.

Needless to say, Cheng Yu was already a very capable civil servant, but now he was even more out of control.

Xun Yu told Xi Zhicai what he had seen and heard in the military camp outside the city these days, and he also shared his shock with Xi Zhicai.

When Xun Yu said that Chen Xi was a person with inner energy separated from the body, Xi Zhi stopped Xun Yu's speech.

Xi Zhicai's eyes widened, and he asked Xun Yu in disbelief: "You said that Chen Zichuan sitting in the government affairs hall drinking tea is a person with inner energy separated from the body?"

"I won't say anything about Yang Ziyu being an exception, after all, he doesn't look like a normal person.

But you told me that Chen Zichuan is not normal either? "(Although the branches of Lao Chen's family are not normal to begin with.)
Xi Zhicai really couldn't understand. Didn't it mean that after awakening the spiritual talent, the inner energy could not be separated from the body? Why did one suddenly appear?
Xun Yu sighed. He knew what Xi Zhicai was shocked about. "According to the information given by Yang Ziyu, Chen Zichuan does have the talent for the army."

"It's just that Chen Zichuan's legion talent is derived from his spiritual talent.

According to Yang Ziyu, Chen Zichuan did not condense the martial arts will to resonate with the will of the legion.

Therefore, we can only use spiritual talent as the core to derive a legion talent that can distort reality by infecting the will of soldiers or generals. "

Xun Yu was also a little numb at this time. Even if he wanted to understand the knowledge Yang Ji said, it was not that easy.

The knowledge involved is not only spiritual talent, but also the essence of legion talent, the essence of elite talent, and even martial arts are involved.

If Yang Ji hadn't had profound attainments in this knowledge, he might not have been able to use this knowledge to piece together a explainable answer.

"Hiss!" Xi Zhicai's brain was running wildly, trying to understand the knowledge contained in Xun Yu's words, but he stopped thinking in the middle of a headache.

However, although Xi Zhicai did not clarify the knowledge that Xun Yu just mentioned, he still captured the core key nodes.

"Will distorts reality!" Xi Zhicai's eyes lit up and he suppressed the waves rising in his spiritual sea.

Xi Zhicai said excitedly: "As long as we can connect with the will of the legion and drive the will of the legion to complete the distortion of reality, then we can manifest the talents we want!"

As if he had perfectly solved a big problem, Xi Zhicai felt comfortable all over his body at this moment, and even the pain caused by forcibly mobilizing his mental power to think was reduced a lot.

Seeing the excited Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu directly poured a basin of cold water on it: "It would be great if it was really that simple."

Xi Zhicai's face froze, and he turned his head to look at Xun Yu like a machine.

"Sigh," Xun Yu sighed, "If it is really easy to connect with the will of the legion and drive the will of the legion to complete the distortion of reality, then what else do you need to have the talent of the legion?"

"What's more, distorting reality with will is not just a matter of manifesting talent."

At that time, Xun Yu also thought that he had grasped the core key points and thought that he could develop elite talents.

As a result, I couldn't even connect my will to the will of the legion, or even infect the will of soldiers or generals, let alone high-end operations such as will distortion of reality.

Xi Zhicai, who had been poured cold water on by Xun Yu, calmed down at this time. Thinking about it carefully, what Xun Yu said did make sense.

They don't even have legion talent, and they can't even hook the will of the legion, let alone drive the will of the legion to complete the distortion of reality.

"Oh, I took it too much for granted..." Xi Zhicai slumped down on his chair.

However, Xi Zhicai quickly cheered up. Just because he couldn't do it now doesn't mean he can't do it in the future.

Although they can't do this now, they can still do theoretical work.

"It seems that the internal energy must be removed from the body, otherwise we will not even be qualified to enter the field." Xi Zhicai was not content with just doing theoretical work.

"Are you going to choose to concentrate your martial arts will to break through the separation of inner energy from the body?" Xun Yu asked, after all, Xi Zhicai chose to practice the inner energy version of the extraordinary secret technique.

Just like Xu Shu and Cheng Yu, the reason why they chose the inner qi version of the extraordinary secret technique is because the main thing that is transformed and refined by the essence of qi is inner qi.

Xi Zhicai blinked, "Does this... have anything to do with my choice of Jing Yuan Qi?"

Although Xi Zhicai chose the secret technique of Jing Yuan Qi, he really did not carefully compare the differences between the two versions of the secret technique.

He just watched that the essence of energy could be transformed and refined into more inner energy, and with more inner energy, the inner energy could be absorbed into the body faster, and his physical quality could be improved faster.

Xun Yu's face darkened, "Have you really never understood martial arts in detail?"

(End of this chapter)

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